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Posts posted by Eclipse_Auvrymviir

  1. Eclipse was surprised that he ended up getting ran into. Not something he has gotten used to. Let alone by a scantily clad female. "Are you alright?" He asked her as he got up, looking her over closely. Slightly impressive, if a little on the cold side. 


    "Pleased to meet you. I am Eclipse Auvrym'viir." He says while brushing himself off and sighing slightly. He was still kinda feeling down, and people were still glaring at him.

  2. Eclipse was walking around the first floor safe zone cautiously. He still didn't trust people here. Too many of them knew him by his face, and connected the dots to his very wealthy family. It didnt do much to make him any friends. The leers and glares tended to scare him at time.

    While he was wandering the streets, he sighed in loneliness, hoping someone whould not reconize him and actually talk to him.

  3. "oh. Okay. I have a curved sword. I think, anyways." he draws his sword to show his friend. "This is a curved sword, right?" he asks, not caring on if he sounds like a total noob or not. it was a real question  to him. Since he really didn't know at all... 

    "How is our punchy lil friend doing anyways? " he says offhand while continuing to walk around with Takneil.


  4. "Hik, eh? Sounds like he was drunk when he named himself. Oh well. I suppose he is actually tougher then me for once ..." he says with a hint of trepidation in his voice. He was a bit worried Nate would pay him back for the somewhat rough treatment everyone tended to give him back in the real world. Oh well.

    "Lead the way, 'Tak'. i know my way to the food place and  back to my hideout. Thats it" he states honestly. 

  5. he smiled sheepishly and shrugged. "Not exactly stuck. more like self imposed house arrest. ive just been  too careful of everything is this stupid game. i dont trust it or the people in it." he says and looks behind him with a dark glare. "wouldnt faze me a bit if they all dropped dead. Youre my only friend in here, Aur." he sighs and shrugs. "unless someone else we knew plays SAO too."

  6. Eclipse cracked a smile just as the boy fell again. The newcomer didnt seem to be paying any mind towards himself, so he didnt pay any mind yo the new boy .instead, he looked towards the girl who the ground licker seemed to know already. 


    "may i ask Mi'lady's name?" he said slightly sarcasticly and even bowed playfully .

  7. Eclipse wasn't exactly fazed by how he reacted either. Eclipse was actually quite surprised at how he had acted. "Uh, sorry." he said simply before moving onto a more important topic. "How long have you been in SAO? I haven't seen you around before." he says in a somewhat flat tone as he glaces behind him, back towards the town. "I assume well, since you're leaving the safe zone." he says off-handedly and chuckles.

  8. When the 'girl' got upset at him, with a pretty manly voice, mind you, it caused him to look back out of curiosity. And it seemed he had gotten the attention of an actual girl, as well. Oh well, first things first. "Well, I did that. And I only thought you were licking the ground because it was tasty, and I didn't want to interrupt your very... intimate moment." He says with a flat tone, and a flatter face as well. Then he turned his attention to the female. "And, uh, can I help you, missy?" he said, half interested and half distracted by the noises around him.

  9. A sound from behind him caused Eclipse to turn and look behind him, and see nothing. Then he looked forward again and a girl was kissing the road. Seems she had been klutzy enough to fall on her face. In the middle of the road. And directly in front of him too. As if the game was seeking to annoy him more then he already was. "Excuse me miss." he said as he calmly high stepped over the form below. And continued to walk at a quite slow pace.

  10. once he had made the boy turn, there was no doubt in his mind. It was the friend he had bee so worried about. he couldn't help but feel like it was his fault if Tak had gotten killed in here. He couldn't be more happy to see him. So much so, without thinking, he brought the shorter boy into a hug. Though he quickly pushed him back away and coughed a few times.


    "Aha... its really good to see you're doing well, Aur." He says softly before he regains his previous composure.

  11. The voice had caught his attention as familiar. A voice from his past in the real world. Auron? That thought popped into his mind instantly. The boy who he had known throughout his past. He had to find out. So he quickly started to move towards where he had heard it. Soon, he saw a figure that seemed like it would fit the profile he had in mind for the boy who he had known for many years. He reached out and grabbed the boy by the shoulder to halt his walk towards the gate. "Auron? Is that you?" was all he said, and he pulled on his shoulder in an attempt to turn him around.

  12. Eclipse wasn't exactly okay with all that has transpired. First, he got trapped in this stupid video game, then everyone looked different. He himself seemed to look no different, since he designed his avatar to be as close to his real self as possible. But others even changed genders. It was way too strange. He didn't even bother trying to figure it all out. So he just continued to interact with those around him. Seeking to get to know others in the starting town and the like. He had heard that people were dying, and not coming back from those in town, but he really didn't care. The lives of the random person within the game didn't even make him lose the smallest bit of sleep. Those around him did seem to pique his interest though. Enough so that he decided it was worth his time to seek out those who have actually set foot out of the safe zone, if only to see what it was like, and to see if they have any tips for him.

  13. Profile
    Username: Eclipse Auvrym'viir
    Real name: Gabriel Xerxes
    Age: 19
    Gender: Male
    Height: 5'11"


    Faceclaim: takeru.jpg

    About: History/personality


    Tenacious. Eclipse will hardly ever turn away from a challenge, or a fight. Once in a challenge or fight, He will never give up, even within a near death situation. This has caused him to be a bit of a fighter in the real world, leaving many broken noses and scraped knees in his wake.

    Straightforward. Eclipse is blunt with those around him. Even with those who could potentially cause him harm. He will not dance around the point he is trying to make, for the sake of another's feelings. This has led to him being disliked by many in the real world, due to him disregarding their feelings.

    Trustworthy. Along with his bluntness, Eclipse is very honest. He will not hide the truth unless it is required of him or it is life threatening towards someone he cares about, including himself. He values lives over the truth, but that is about it. Beyond that, he will be telling the truth. This also makes others seem to be put off by his snarky commentary in regards to the truth.

    Reference: http://www.darkworldrpg.com/lore/flaws.html

    Sarcastic. Eclipse is snarky and sarcastic with his opinions, and feelings towards others. He is hard to get to know due to this trait. Its off-putting and abrasive in general. Only those who put in serious effort can get past this quality of him. 

    Cynical. No matter what, Eclipse views the world, and more so the world of SAO, with a large amount of Cynicism. He doesn't trust the world, or the game as a whole. He cannot accept that this is his new life, so he constantly will be viewing the world in a jaded tint. He hates how it has robbed him of his near perfect life in the real world. 

    Apathetic. Eclipse does not care about the lives of random other players within the game. Get in his way, and he will make it be known that he causes that obstruction pain. The only ones he actually cares about are those who are close to him. Like friends or comrades. Eclipse also will not tolerate PK'ers targeting him. He will never be intimidated by them, and will always fight for his life, due to total lack of caring towards the lives of those he is trying to kill.






    Weapon skills:
    » Straight Swords ranks 1 [5 sp invested]

    (1 sp free)

    »  One Handed Straight Sword

    Beginner's toolkit:
    10 bread, 15 water, Cloth clothing.

    Col - 200



    http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/10150-pp-f1-a-familiar-stranger-and-a-welcome-friendeclipse/?page=2#comment-464526 (completed)


    Relationships (optional)

    >> Takneil (Aurom Fetchler) - Childhood Friend.

    Story Thus Far (optional)

    Gabriel is the firstborn, and only son of a very influential and wealthy politician. Due to this, Gabriel hardly knows his own father beyond the fact that he buys him just about anything he wishes. His mother also dotes on him hand-and-foot. This combines to make Gabriel very entitled. He was the one who bought Auron SAO as a birthday gift, as well as the nerve-gear. Gabriel had also been one of the first to ever get a copy of SAO, due to his father throwing his money  and power around. He is currently under constant care, as well as Auron. SAO has not stopped Gabriel from being doted on by his family, either. They will not miss any important dates, even if he isnt there to celebrate with them.

    He also isn't very good at games, so this is the reason he hasn't gotten any progress done in furthering himself in SAO. He usually spent his time with real world combat. He has real world skills in whips, fencing, kendo, and kickboxing. However, this doesn't assist him within the game itself, since his real world prowess doesn't grant him anything but techniques to use the weapons. He, however, had heard talk of a name that struck him as familiar. He didn't remember the name itself, but it got him thinking of his friend. Perhaps he was around, somewhere. This is what got Eclipse to start trying to train and level up.

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