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Posts posted by Maximum

  1. Max would turn on his heel prepping himself for another go at the massive boar. He stood in awe, seeing how effortlessly the veterans destroyed one of the boars. 'I can't just stand here! I have to do something! What are you thinking Max? You're no hero..' Max would take a deep breath before charging at the Boar a full speed. Grunting with each push, his running form would look impeccable with each step. The boar would turn to face Max, steam seemingly coming out of it's nose. It'd get into a defensive position, preparing itself for a strike. Max would lower his body, sidestepping to his right to slash the oversized pig. The boar would react quickly, shuffling it's body to butt Max head on. Max would jump to his left, bringing his blade up to connect with the boar's tusks. The blade and bone would connect, grinding along each other. Neither of them even close to piercing the others flesh. Max would grunt as he pushed the boar away, stumbling back to one foot, leaving the attack open for a certain white haired boy.


    Roll ID: 42607

    Battle Roll: 2

    Mob Roll: 2

    |Max| HP 8/8 Energy: 0/2

    |Steel Hide Boar| HP: 108/200 


  2. Max would laugh a bit, almost forgetting to do this. He'd raise his fist, extending his pinky finger for Sephira to grip with her own. With his free hand, he'd glide his fingers through the menu. Wiggling his finger idly as he looks for the request. He'd give Sephira a straight face, giving his best imitation of a robotic voice. "I solemnly swear- yeah no. I promise. Just don't spam me, you know how I feel about spam.. or advice, you know how that ended up last time." As Seph gripped his pinky, he'd accept the request. And would quickly send a message, 'I luv ya, don't die. I couldn't live it down if you did.' And with that, he'd give Seph a tight squeeze, and a salute before strolling out of the building and making a mad dash to the fields. 'SAO, meet me, Max. Imma tear you to pieces!'

  3. Max had thought correctly, those boars where not to be played with. "Don't worry, I can haul some serious speed! I'll be out of here faster than you can think to tell me!" And with that, he'd dash full speed at the boar that had been attacked by Teayre, "This is a great way to learn how far I have to go!" Max would leap into the air, trying to bring his blade down on top of the massive boar. The boar would hop to the side easily, dodging the attack, Max would almost hit the ground face first, but would roll when he hit the floor. His blade would already be sheathed as he got up and started to bolt off after failing the attack. 'Dang that thing is fast!' It didn't even need to look at him to dodge, showing the clear difference in power. Max would turn as he saw that the boar wasn't even looking at him. 'That thing knows it doesn't even need to worry about me.. It could probably look at me and I'd be dead!' Max's face would become flushed in frustration and slight fear, him being annoyed that the AI wouldn't even care to fight him.


    (Hows this?)

    (Hate: 0) |Max| HP: 8/8 | BR: 2 (Failure) Roll: #41832 Energy: 0/2

    |Steel Hide Boar 1| HP: 58/200

    DMG: 30 MIT: 50


  4. Max would stand, yawning as he raised his arms up, and stretching and twisting his muscles till a small 'pop' can be heard. He'd look down to Sephira, watching her eyes study the virtual ice swirling around in the glass. 'Is it just me? Or does virtual reality bring out the beauty in people? Charlie looks.. be-' Max would shake his head before finishing the thought. A small smile would appear on his face as Sephira would look up to him with a raised brow. "It's nothin'.." A a bit a red would flush on Max's cheeks, hardly noticeable from his dark completion. He'd shrug it off, doing his trademark "Cool guy" pocket stuffing. His thumbs would slide into his pockets, the rest of his hands hanging out. "Anyway, I was plannin' on going to the fields today, so I'll be going in a few.. You need anythin' before I leave?"

  5. Max would laugh when Sephira had made the comment about luck. "I'd think that'd it be more destiny, but luck works too." He'd slump back into his seat as he watched the waitress set down The water for Seph. "What I've been up to? I wasn't really doing anythin' for a bit, I was really spending time in the fields just kinda watchin' people fight boars and low levels like those. Then one day, I woke up and felt like I had to do something. I can't explain the feelin', I guess I was just sick of sittin' around in this game." He'd shrug. The wateress would come back asking if they wanted anything to eat. Max would wave her off, as he sipped on his glass.

  6. Max would sigh, fixing his posture and looking back to her. "Yeah I guess you're right, they're good at what they do. I'm sure they're fine.." There was a slight hint of doubt in Max's voice, which was odd, since he was a pretty confident person. "Alright come with me, I'm sitting over here." He'd gesture to his seat, the water he had just ordered already on the table.

  7. "Seph!" Max would almost scream into her ear, pulling her up to stand. He'd fix her hair, and then would continue his hug, "What are you doing here? I thought you couldn't get the Gear? Hold on sec.. are the guys with you? Wait- nevermind, you weren't in the call.." A defeated look would come across Max's face, his shoulders would slump over, dwelling on the thought of his only friends (Besides Sehp of course) having died already.

  8. Max woul step into the small tavern, my stomach screaming at me to get some food. 'Why am I hungry in a Videogame? The devs must've put some serious detail to what would normally happen to an actual body..' Max would take a seat, looking around to find that the bar was relatively empty, and all but one of the NPC's were busy sweeping or cleaning in some way. The one NPC walked up to him asking if he needed anything. "What cana' getcha' sir?" The NPC's voice was high and had an obvious country accent to it. "I'll just have some water."  After the wateress left to get him some water, something in his mind told him to look at the door. When he did he practically jumped up and sprinted to the person, hugging them tightly when reaching them.

  9. 55 minutes ago, Shizuka said:

    This is where Calrex's signature shop is run. Remember, you do have to pay Col though and he is quite amazing on them. Also, there are many people with the ability to make those signatures through photoshop such as Ssendom and Emerath but I am not sure if they charge Col for them. Either way, that's the link. Go check it out and get yourself a fancy sig!

    I'll need some $$ before that..

  10. Max would be cheering, as hopping around and hollering, "On to the next one! We'll clear the fields of these things!" Max would take off, even though the battle had just ended, still eager to fight more. "Let's try and get the next one perfect Bell!" He'd practically be sprinting now, looking everywhere for another boar to fight. 'Where are the boars? It's the first floor! They should be everywhere!'

  11. 'You've go to be ready next time Bell!' The Boar would charge towards Max, screeching as it did. "Come at me!" Max would roar, the smile on his face growing with each moment. The Boar would lunge at Max, jaws opening as it did, 'Perfect!' Max would make a small hop as he sliced downwards, sending the Boar to the ground  'Stupid Boar! How are you not dead?!' Max would hop back, to give Bell room for another attack. "Now!"


    |BOAR| HP: 1/4 --> Roll 41551

    |MAX| HP: 8/8 --> Roll 41552

    DMG: 1 (Success) 

  12. Max would pull ahead of the group, eager to slay his first monster, and a big smile on his face to say that he was. 'Virtual, or not.. this is going to be spectacular!' He'd spot a boar, and would look around to see if there would be anymore. Sadly, there were not. He shrugged, motioning Bell to come with him to take it down. "We should be able to take this one down ourselves. Bell, come on." Max would grip his blade, his stomach full of butterflies. He looks to Bell, a grin with a mix of eagerness, and uneasy pressure would flow across his face. "Remember, I'll go in for a large swipe first, then I'll create an opening for you to deal more damage, you ready? Let's go!" Max would charge at the Boar, his two handed blade resting on his shoulder as he charged. The boar, would turn to see the charging, spreading it's feet a bit wider to brace itself for impact. A few steps before he comes in contact with the boar, Max would take an extra long stride, lowering himself and dropping his arms low to the ground. He'd grunt as he swung up, his blade coming into contact with the boar head on, launching it upwards and sending it into the air. "Now!" He'd shout, looking back to Bell as he hops to the side to leave the boar open for an attack.

    OOC: Tell me if I did this right!

    |MAX| HP: 8/8| Rolled a 10! +2 Total Critical! 

    |BOAR| HP: 4/4| 

    DMG:  1 (Two handed Straight Sword) + 2 (Total Critical) - 1 (Boar Mitigation) = 2 Damage total

    |MAX| HP: 8/8

    |BOAR| HP: 2/4

  13. Max would open his menu, and would accept the request from Evac, giving him a warm smile as he did. He'd close his menu, and would start to walk off, motioning for Bell and Evac to follow. "Come on! We have to perfect our technique before we can even think about advancing to the next floor!" Max raises his sword to the sky, smiling in the sun as he starts jogging. "Onward! Lets show em' what we got!"  Max would stop and turn, looking to those that are more experienced. "Oh, and we'll be seeing you real soon! How about.. Floor 25? If you haven't made it that far!" And with that, Max would continue running, a face full of determination.

  14. Max would give a stern look to Manta as he spoke, "First thing for me.. never ever, call me Maxi, in my eyes it sounds childish. Which is not what I want you to think, when you think of me. It's really justa' pet peeve is as, but it bothers my more than you'd think." He'd stand upright, holding his blade in his hand as he'd rest it on his shoulder. "Now, let's talk stratagems.. Originally, since it was just Bell and I, I would attack first, and would hit our opponent delaying its attack for a breif moment, leaving it open for a quick damaging attack. Since there's four of us now, I'd pair Manta up with Bell, and I'd be with Evac, speaking of which.." He'd tilt his head to the side as he looked at Evac, raising a brow. "Evac, what weapon do you use?"

  15. Maximum wouldn't have heard most of what Evac had said, his mind too focused on the small little animal that was studying Bell. "Sorry I zoned out for a second there..  You want to join us?" He'd raise a brow at Evac, wondering how long he had been listening to their conversations. '2 in 1 day, a new record..' Max would stand, putting most of his weight on his sword. "What sort of weapon do you use?"

  16. Maximum would nod a few times when Bell was speaking, understanding his logic and the perspective he was coming from. Max would sit down next to Bell, going into his menu to grab one of his waters along with a bread. "So strategy-wise, what do you have in mind? I was thinking along the lines of me, taking more of a counter offensive attacks, while you, would go for more of an agressive move. Focusing on attacks over your defense. You see, since I have a longsword, you might see me at someone who attacks with defense. Which is about what I go for when it comes to fighting style. I usually fight with others, and focus on being more of the fly that can be squished multiple times, while my teammates do most of the damage. But since there is only two of us, I was thinking of more of a One, two! Punch.." He'd put more enthusiasm into saying One, would say two quickly. While saying this, he'd make one big hook at the air, then a quick, but wind making jab to the air. "How about that? I put a ton of effort into one attack to stall the enemy for enough time for you to make a quick, but damaging blow! We'd repeat the process over and over till our enemy is defeated."  

  17. Max would stop running, virtual sweat dripping from his forehead. He'd look back at Bell, frowning a bit. "Yeah.. sorry, I guess I'm a bit exited, also eager." His head would lower a bit as he'd start to dwell on his thoughts. 'Hmm.. go looking for boars? Or go get some rest?' He'd turn back to Bell, shrugging. "Are you tired? Or are you looking to get some rest? Cause' we haven't even fought a monster y-" Max would stop speaking for a moment, thinking for a moment. "This might sound odd, especially since we just met... But I feel like we shouldn't go our separate ways after we're done with this party. Eventually, we'll have to join a guild and help with top tier dungeons, fight powerful bosses with our guild and someday get out of this game. So why not start here. Right now. We won't start a guild now, but we should plan to. You with me? Or am I going too fast?" He'd look Bell right in the eyes with the most straight face he could pull.

  18. I have another question!

    I keep seeing those fancy signatures, and I can't seem to figure out how to get one myself. Does someone on this site make them? Or is there a certain software I need to use? I don't care how you're supposed to get one, I want one. Like now. Please? Heck, I don't even know how to make a signature. Let alone get the fancy one QQ.

  19. "Alright!, off to get a j- wait.. I just remembered, I've never had a job before.. Most 15 year olds don't anyway." He'd shrug off the thought of a job, and would start to jog away, motioning Bell to follow. "Come on! We've got to get started! We can't waste any time!" His pace would decrease a small bit, as he'd wave frantically to Bell to follow. 'Huh.. this place might not be so bad after all..' A wave of a mix of optimism, excitement, and hope rushed over Max. A new friend? Potentially.. A new life? Pretty much. 'What could go wrong?' He laughed at his own thought. 'Everything, just about everything can go wrong..'

  20. He'd slide down his menu, seeing the  notification for a party request. He'd accept it, going through his inventory to equip his starter armor and Two handed Blade. "Do you want to go grind on some boars? Should we look for a quest? How about any good shops around here? I'm ready for anything!" As he speaks to bell, he'd practically be waving his hand in the air, seeming more excited than he actually is. 

  21. He'd take in Bell's appearance, raising a brow at his white hair. 'A party? I don't even know this guy, and wants to be in an party with me? For all I know he could be a complete lunatic.. He'd pause at the thought. 'Which means we'll get along just fine!' He'd clear his throat, hardly dwelling on Bell's request. "Sure, I'll join you. I'm Maximum, you can call me Max, but don't ever call me Maxi. That's a pet peeve of mine." He'd stick his hand out for Bell to shake, looking a bit downwards to him to give him a warm and welcoming smile.

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