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Everything posted by Brock

  1. Looking for someone to start an ALO RP with. I'm a tank with 41 HP (mobs would be 8 HP / 4 DMG) so if you're ranged, you're set.

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    2. Opal


      I'll be up for a while, I just had a cat nap earlier. :)

    3. Brock


      Oh, just a suggestion, but you might want to follow the thread so that you get notifications of when I post (not sure if you know that or not).

    4. Opal


      :D Indoobidibly. 

  2. Somebody want a chance for 1 mat? It's a normal drop rate, but it's a chance. Preferably someone that can deal a decent amount of damage.

    1. ___


      Sure thing! Long as you let me get the mat if you drop it, had that happen once before. Dx

      I'll be using Xcel, he can deal 4 DMG atm. Just let me know! I'll post in the morning if so. c:

    2. Brock


      Okay, you want the YRD too or you cool with me keeping it?

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