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Posts posted by Teselmar

  1. ID# 46483 results: Battle: 3-1=2 (miss) | Mob: 5 (miss)

    Another round of attacks was headed his way, and Teselmar knew he had to react. The pair of bat monsters snapped at him, their attacks barely missing him as he weaved in the dark. He swiped at them again with his thin blade, but the darkness confounded his efforts. The cave walls were his only constant, but it made it difficult to maneuver his weapon.

    Teselmar- HP: 50/52 DMG: 7 MIT: 21 EN: 8

    Giant Bat 1- HP: 34/50 DMG: 12

    Giant Bat 1- HP: 34/50 DMG: 12

  2. ID# 46478 results: Battle: 9-1=8 (still a crit) | MOB: 9 (crit)

    Before Teselmar's eyes, barely visible in the low light, two Giant Bats peeled off of the cavern roof and flung themselves at him. Taken by surprise, Teselmar gasped sharply as they sunk their fangs into him, leaving brightly glowing red spots on his arm and hand. Batting them aside (pun intended), he drew his rapier. Crucible rang from its sheath as he charged his sword art, Sweep. The cave was illuminated with the violet light of his attack, and he swept the blade across them twice. They screeched again, flying out of range of a third strike.

    Teselmar- HP: 50/52 DMG: 7 MIT: 21 EN: 9

    Giant Bat 1- HP: 34/50 DMG: 12

    Giant Bat 1- HP: 34/50 DMG: 12

  3. Moving along through the cave, Teselmar noticed that it was far deeper than he had anticipated. The inky darkness would make fighting a chore, and he had the funny feeling that such a disadvantage would come into play eventually. Kayaba was sneaky like that. He felt like he was entering a decently sized cavern within the cave system, when he heard the first screech. Ah. That would be the sneaky thing I was talking about...

  4. Teselmar frowned at the darkness that loomed before him. The cave was wide mouthed, and he couldn't see past the entrance. The NPC woman who had given him the quest was still pacing nervously outside the cave, and even if the woman and her child weren't real, he didn't feel like walking away from her plight.

    "Play on my emotions, why dontcha..." He muttered at the sky. Turning with a sigh, Teselmar entered the cave to find a little girl. The pitch blackness enveloped him, and he could only see a few feet in front of him, at best. Putting his hand against the wall to maintain his balance, he made his way into the cave proper.

  5. First item for evaluation!

    Name: Looter's Bangle

    Crafter's Profession: ARTISAN

    Crafter's Rank: 1

    ID: 46461

    Roll: 10

    Item Type: Mini Masterpiece
    Tier: 1

     Quality: Uncommon

    Enhancements: +1 Loot Die

    Description: This simple bracelet has an engraving of a small treasure chest on its surface. It has a chance to let the wearer improve their chance at finding treasure.

  6. Crafting Rolls:

    ID# 46460: 4 (Bad) 

    ID# 46461: 10 (Uncommon)

    Teselmar went to work once again in the morning light, his small chisel and hammer working tirelessly. The system guided his hands, though he was still working on the basics of his craft. One of the attempts resulted in another loss of his materials, and he huffed with impatience. His next craft, however, produced an item of sufficient quality. Satisfied with today's attempt, he decided to get ready for any customers who might come in for a cup of coffee.

    Name: Looter's Bangle

    Crafter's Profession: ARTISAN

    Crafter's Rank: 1

    ID: 46461

    Roll: 10

    Item Type: Mini Masterpiece
    Tier: 1

     Quality: Uncommon

    Enhancements: +1 Loot Die

    Description: This simple bracelet has an engraving of a small treasure chest on its surface. It has a chance to let the wearer improve their chance at finding treasure.

  7. Martin watched Vivian dab at her face with her napkin, even though there was nothing really to clean. He remembered all of the fancy dinner parties that his parents had dragged him to in his childhood. He'd been groomed, shoved into a tiny suit, and told not to speak unless spoken to while his parents dined with CEOs and millionaires. It had been unpleasant each time, as many times the children of the other guests had been told the exact same thing, and an uncomfortable silence would reign at the kids' table. Martin had grown to abhor occasions that called for undue formality, and even on nights like this where he was making an effort, he didn't mind a break or two in protocol. Watching her enjoy her wine, he was glad that he'd chosen a decent variety for their evening in. Her eyes occasionally met his, and he gave her a flirtatious smile. 

    When he'd abandoned his decadent lifestyle to pursue a career that would be more fulfilling, he'd had to get used to eating budget food. Although the change in quality had been something he'd had to deal with, he enjoyed the peaceful feeling of having no judgment. At boarding school, he'd been watched for proper etiquette and manners every meal for eight years. The habits died hard; while he wasn't perfect at it any more, he was still an extremely precise and well-mannered man in most areas of his life. Like it or not, that much time spent thinking consciously about his habits had honed him into an observant and disciplined individual. Martin was quick to point out to others that he wasn't some spoiled brat any more, but while his attitude had evolved, his mannerisms betrayed his cultured upbringing.

    Handing over his gift, Martin was worried that she wouldn't like it. Maybe I should have waited until I could make something even better for her... But she seemed to appreciate the present. "My pleasure." He said, his cheeks red from the attention... and perhaps from the wine as well. He hadn't really thought about it, but he'd had a full glass or two by this point, and so had she. Her cheeks glowed with a slight flush like his, and he tilted his head back with a satisfied sigh. If this night was a dream, I wouldn't want to wake up. He subtly pinched his arm, just to be sure. Vivian's gaze towards him turned sensual, and he raised an eyebrow. "Whatcha thinking?" He asked, intrigued.

    She rose, walking around to his side of the table as she spoke. Slender fingers pushed rhythmically into his arms and shoulders as she circled behind him, and though his body was virtual, his mind still projected fatigue and tension into his muscles. "Mmmm... that's really nice..." He spoke in a low tone, feeling her hands moving to his shoulders. In life, he'd carried a lot of stress there, as his constant adrenaline rushes had taken their toll on his muscles. He supposed that in game, that flaw was still true. Groaning slightly at the pleasant pain, he leaned forward a bit, giving her better access to his back. When her lips tugged on his ear, his breathing turned ragged at the sudden contact. She has no idea how much she's turning me on right now... Vivian continued to warm him up, running her hands up and over his chest as she talked about modeling lingerie for him. "I'd be lying if I said that didn't sound like a good time." He grinned, saving the thought of her in lacy underwear for another time.

    The world shifted for Martin as she looped a leg over him, sitting in his lap facing him. "Speaking of good times..." Their eyes locked, his like the sea and hers like honey. Their lips met, the heat and warmth radiating off of them as they intertwined. After a moment, they separated. Martin had a goofy smile on his face as he spoke. "Sure, blame the wine, haha." She continued to speak, telling him how nice it was to have a moment of tenderness like this. Vivian took his hand, placing it over her heart, then to her cheek. He put his other hand around her waist, securing her on top of him. "I'm perfectly comfortable right here, Vivian." He stroked his thumb across her cheekbone; her skin was as smooth as silk, and her soft hair brushed his forearm.

    Martin leaned forward, drawing her into another kiss. Their tongues locked as his one arm drew her closer, their hips meeting as well. The hand on her face moved up to trail through her dark tresses, eventually settling on her slender frame to keep her close to him. Breaking their kiss, Martin looked into her eyes. "Vivian... I know I'm not the kind of guy that has had a lot of experience with things like this. But," He brought her into an embrace, resting his chin atop her head. "I want this to be lasting. You're kind-hearted, strong, and I'm head over heels for you. I know it's a lot to ask, but I want to have something long term and meaningful with you. So please..." He drew back slightly, looking at her with a boyish smile. "Do you want to be boyfriend and girlfriend? Or partners, whichever term you want to call it." He was talking too much, and knew he was taking a risk, but she was a risk that he'd enjoy taking.

  8. Martin's gray-green eyes danced in the candlelight, and he commented on her statement. "Japanese food is great, super healthy stuff. Not sure I'd want to eat it every day, though." He'd forgotten to put his napkin in his own lap; seeing her do so, he hastened to do the same. Seeing Vivian approving of her food made him very happy, his cheeks growing red at her praise. His eyes drank her in, enjoying the sight of her smile. "I'm glad you like this sort of meal." At her next comment, he laughed softly, gesturing around at the atmosphere. "Brownie points... Damn, I should have brought some brownies too..." He shook his head in mock sorrow. "Oh well. Next time I'll do better, promise."

    Martin popped the cork off the bottle of wine, and poured Opal a glass. Full bodied, the label on the bottle warned players of the alcohol effect. "It might lose me some points with you, but I'm actually not terribly good at dating." Sitting down again, he poured himself a glass as well. "I've only had a few girls ever take any real interest. Most don't really... get me." He'd only had one real girlfriend, in high school. Even then, their fling had been mostly about physical exploration, with Martin losing his V-card in the back of a station wagon at the age of 18. His mouth turned upwards in a wry grin at the lackluster memory; two kids fumbling around in a car was hardly a whirlwind romance to remember. 

    He raised his glass, letting the flames reflect off of it. The patterns of light danced through the crimson liquid. "To those who fight," he toasted, "May we all have something worth fighting for." He drained his half-glass, the strong wine a soothing burn on his throat. Pouring himself and her a bit more, he smiled and pointed to the food with a fork. "Enjoy!" He tasted the meal for himself: It was delicious. The best food he'd had in Aincrad thus far, and he made a mental note to go back often to the NPC run eatery.

    Looking across the table, he found himself contemplating Vivian. There was no denying that he was falling for the woman. She was an enigma; lofty and proud, but also feminine and often vulnerable. She captured his imagination,and Martin often found his thoughts drifting to her when he was alone in the field. He knew that soon, he wanted to ask her about how she felt towards him. They continued to eat, the two sharing a comfortable quiet. Breaking the silence, Martin put his fork down on his mostly consumed meal. "Before I forget, I have something for you." He opened his inventory, withdrawing the <<Templar's Crest>> sketch he'd designed the previous morning.


    ((OOC: Not my drawing. All credit to the artist.))

    He presented her the sketch, transferring ownership of it to her in his menu. "It's not much, but I was thinking of you when I drew it. Hope you like it." Martin bashfully continued to eat, embarrassed at his gift. He should have made her something better.

  9. Teselmar returned to the tailor's shop, and was greeted by the sight of his newly crafted light armor. "Hey, this is great work! You must have a pretty good eye for fashion, friend!" He looked the piece over, seeing the fine craftsmanship for himself.

    The vest was dressy, but reinforced with a tight weave across his vital areas. The material it was made from looked like it weighed next to nothing, too. Teselmar withdrew the 5 mats he'd agreed to pay and had them ready to pay the tailor. "This will come in handy."

  10. Martin was pleased by the look on her face as Vivian entered the White Stag. Luxury and fashion had been a constant part of his life, up until his 18th birthday. Everything in his childhood and adolescence had been programmed by his family to be the absolute best, and though he'd rebelled against his parents' familial identity when he came of age, he had been in for a rude awakening as to what the real world was like. Still, he was pleased he'd remembered some things about aesthetics and interior decorating as he'd designed the place. Vivian looked at some of his sketches and drawings that he'd done. While he had yet to craft anything truly great, he'd discovered that the System had actually been teaching him how to draw as he plied his art. He nodded, pointing out a sketch of a flower in bloom that was in a frame on the wall. "Mmhmm, I'd be a rather poor artisan if I had no skill at drawing. I'm not that good right now, but the System helps me fill in the details. Each time I draw something though, I get a little bit better at it. Soon I won't even need the System to guide me."

    He beamed as she talked about how impressed she was by the atmosphere. "I'm happy to hear you say so!" He said with a sheepish grin, "I was really hoping you'd like it! And yes, when we get out, there's a lot that I took for granted that I won't any more, trust me." He'd do anything to drive a fast car or go skydiving again... maybe reconcile with his parents. Eh, let's not go crazy. Leading her along, her arm in his, Martin brought her behind a small curtain that lead to a more intimate dining scene.

    There was a small table, set with exquisite hardwood carved dinnerware, and built from what appeared to be a rich mahogany; a small candelabra provided the only illumination, making it the picture of classic romance. A bottle of wine, one of the vintages from the local NPC tavern in Starglade, was present, along with two glasses. Putting the picnic basket on the table, he pulled Vivian's chair out for her, allowing her to be seated before taking his own seat opposite her. "I'm hungry too, so I really hope you like Italian food..."

    The basket seemed empty from how light it looked, but all of its contents were digital. Pressing a button on the side, a few dishes began materializing on the table in front of the pair. What appeared to be a succulent looking chicken parmesan, atop angel hair pasta and covered in hearty tomato sauce, appeared on each of their plates. It smelled amazing, actually better than any similar dish that Martin had tried in the real world. He made a mental note that if he ever tracked down who had programmed the food into the game, to give that man a high five. He watched her expression with an ounce of trepidation. "Err, if you're not into Italian, that's totally fine, I can run and grab us something else." 

  11. He saw her coming up the path from a distance. She stood out starkly, a dark shadow against the white dusted cobblestones. Her olive skin and raven hair made for a lovely contrast with her cherry lips, and the sight of her made his cheeks faintly resemble his vest. He greeted her with a pleasant smile. "Good evening, Vivian." He intoned, his low, strong voice carrying over the street between them. Teselmar had to resist a fit of the giggles when she touched his vest, pushing the material against his chest and stomach. He was insanely ticklish, and the man was certain that she'd go wild if he let on about it.

    The vest had been a new addition, and he commented on it. "Yeah, I figured that I'd attend that meeting you're having in a few days, join the Knights officially. It pays to dress for the occasion... occasionally." He put his hand on hers when she touched him, enjoying the feeling of holding her hand. He sighed, looking into her eyes. "I'm really glad you came. And yes," he said as he displayed the picnic basket, "This is dinner. But instead of having a picnic outside..." He turned to the door, producing a key from his inventory, "I figured we could dine in."

    Entering, Teselmar used a menu command to activate the lights. The cafe was a blend of light and dark woods, rich and well-designed all throughout the place. A countertop bar stood at the opposite side of the room, a large coffee making machine perched precariously atop it. He gestured all around him as he led her inside. "Welcome to my new shop. Just opened the place a few days ago. Do you like it?" He waited for her answer, then motioned for her to follow him. "There's a smaller room in the back with a table for two, I'm planning on using it for VIPs. I'd say that the Vice Commander of the KoB is a pretty big VIP, right?" He laughed, enjoying her company. 

  12. Teselmar had fallen in love with this floor. Particularly, this town. Starglade was a sleepy little place, a perfect location to seek respite from the rigors of battle that occupied the players of Sword Art Online. He was not without his own need for down time, but the thought of just sitting around all day waiting for other people to progress the game made him restless. So, to help himself and others grow stronger, as well as give folks a place to relax and forget their troubles, he'd created The White Stag Cafe and Gallery. A place of warm comfort, Teselmar had only recently opened up the shop. He spent so much time out in the field anyway that it was only open in the evenings, typically. But tonight was different; tonight would be special.

    He stood a ways off from the door, waiting for Opal to arrive. Dressed in a red vest as opposed to his typical black, he thought she'd appreciate the switch to her guild colors. He had a picnic basket in his arms, and he puffed on the menthol cigarette as he killed time. Punctuality was something that his parents had instilled into Teselmar at a very young age. Say what you want about the rest of their parenting skills (or lack thereof), but he was almost never late for anything. It was often a curse though, as he would consistently get wherever he was supposed to be 10 minutes early, then wait in silence. The lanterns from the streetlights cast a flickering glow over him, and he appreciated the fact that there was little wind tonight.


  13. Teselmar laughed as they walked out of the arena, holding hands. He enjoyed the feeling of her hand on his, and he smiled as they exited into the sunlit streets of Taft. "I believe I could do dinner. Tonight, if you'd like. That'll give us some time to change and freshen up." There were a great many options for them to choose from when it came to dinner; players who were working on their cooking skills, NPCs who could make specialty dishes, there were plenty of choices that Teselmar could suggest. However, he thought of something that she might like better.

    "Ah, I've thought of a place for dinner, if you're up for it." He opened his map, sending her the coordinates. They were on Floor 4, in Starglade again. "It might be the same town, but I promise to keep things interesting." He said with a grin. She had no way of knowing, but the coordinates were for a little place called The White Stag Cafe and Gallery... a place he happened to have just recently opened.

    Teselmar looked puzzled as Opal went on about the term Senpai. "Err, I think you may have confused the word 'senpai' for 'sensei'. 'Senpai' just means senior, haha. But I'm sure you knew that." He looked over her flowing sable locks with an appreciative eye. "I happen to like your hair, however you choose to wear it. If you like it short, by all means, go for it." It might be interesting to see what she did with her hairstyle in the future. They continued out into the street, leaving the dust and heat of combat behind them... for today.

  14. Crafts!

    ID# 46265 results: 8 (Good)

    ID# 46264 results: 8 (Good)


    Teselmar opened his shop early in the morning. The space had been an NPC shop, but one quest and a coffee machine later and the place was starting to look like an actual gallery. He toiled hard, his hammer and chisel working on the mini masterpieces. Satisfied with the results, he rolled up the Templar's Sigil, and put up the First Flower in a frame on the shelf. 

    Name: <<First Flower>>

    Crafter's Profession: ARTISAN

    Crafter's Rank: 1

    ID: 46265

    Roll: 8

    Item Type: Mini Masterpiece
    Tier: 1

     Quality: Good

    Enhancements: None

    Description: A sketch of a flower, lush and beautiful.



    Name: <<Templar's Sigil>>

    Crafter's Profession: ARTISAN

    Crafter's Rank: 1

    ID: 46264

    Roll: 8

    Item Type: Mini Masterpiece
    Tier: 1

     Quality: Good

    Enhancements: None

    Description: A sketch of the Knights of the Blood Oath's emblem.






    ID# 46265 results: 8 (Good) <<First Flower>>

    ID# 46264 results: 8 (Good) <<Templar's Sigil>>

    ID# 46352 results: 2 (Bad)

    ID# 46353 results: 4 (Bad)

    ID# 46460: 4 (Bad) 

    ID# 46461: 10 (Uncommon) <<Looter's Bangle>>

    ID# 46541 results: Craft: 3 (Bad)

    ID# 46542 results: Craft: 7 (Bad, no mats recovered)

    ID# 46684 results: 12 (Perfect!) RANK UP <<+1 CD Tools>>

     ID# 46685 results: 4 (Bad)

    ID# 46686 results: 7 (Good) <<Summer's Day Sketch>>

    ID# 46803 results: 11+1=12 (Perfect!) <<Michael's Pendant>>

    ID# 46804 results: 3+1=4 (Bad, no mats recovered)

    ID# 46805 results: 10+1= 11 (Rare) <<Four-Leaves Clover>>

    ID# 46850 results: 7+1= 8 (Good) <<Passionfruit Piece>>

    ID# 46851 results: 8+1= 9 (Good) <<Leather Bracelet>>

    ID# 46852 results: 11+1= 12 (Perfect!) RANK UP <<Pendant of Icarus>> 

    ID# 46853 results: 1+1=2 (Bad)

    ID# 46932 results: 7+1= 8 (Good) <<Portrait of a Lonely Lord>>

    ID# 46933 results: 2+1= 3 (Bad)

    ID# 46934 results: 2+1= 3 (Bad)

    ID# 46935 results: 9+1= 10 (Uncommon) <<Sparrow Token>>

    D# 47037 results: 8+1=9 (Uncommon) <<Ring of the Minor Pendulum>>

     ID# 47038 results: 2+1=3 (Bad)

    ID# 47039 results: 2+1=3 (Bad)

    ID# 47040 results: 4+1=5 (Bad- LD=20, Mat Salvaged)

    ID# 47391 results: 11+1=12 (Perfect!)

    ID# 47393 results: 10+1=11 (Rare)

    ID# 47394 results: 4+1=5 (Bad)

     ID# 47395 results: 10+1= 11 (Rare) LEVEL UP!

    ID# 47396 results: 7+1=8 (Good)

    ID# 47461 results: 2+1= 3 (Bad)

    ID# 47462 results: 2+1=3 (Bad)

    ID# 47463 results: 10+1= 11 (Rare)

    ID# 47464 results: 8+1=9 (Uncommon)

    ID# 47556 results: 5+1= 6 (Good)

     ID# 47557 results: 4+1= 5 (Good)

    ID# 47558 results: 3+1=4 (Bad)

    ID# 47560 results: 2+1= 3 (Bad)

    ID# 47562 results: 3+1= 4 (Bad- Mats recovered)

    ID# 47677 results: 3+1= 4 (Bad)

    ID# 47678 results: 5+1=6 (Good)

    ID# 47679 results: 11+1=12 (Perfect)

    ID# 47680 results: 11+1= 12 (Perfect)

    ID# 47681 results: 3+1=4 (Bad)




    01/27/16- Sold: Michael's Pendant for 1,000 Col

    02/02/16- Sold: Four Leaves' Clover and Pendant of Icarus for 1,500 Col

    02/04/16- Sold: Erin's Favor for a traded item and 7 mats

  16. Teselmar exhaled smoothly as his muscles relaxed. Accepting Opal's hand, he let her pull him up. Despite their disparate heights and weights, she was able to get him on his feet with no problem.  Didn't even need the System; she's strong alright. He sheathed his rapier, looking her in the eye as she spoke to him. "Don't worry about my pride, Vice Commander. I'm a big guy, I can handle it." The fencer softened his professional tone a bit, letting a soft smile stray into his voice. "I'm getting stronger by the day, I can feel it. Pretty sure I'll be leveling up again real soon, too. You're my... what's the Japanese word for it? Senpai? You're my senpai, and I'm counting on you to help me get even better with my blade."

    He let his smile grow sad for a moment. "If we don't pick up the pace," he said soberly, glancing around at the dusty arena, "We're all gonna be here for a long, long time. So I'll hit it with everything I've got!" Teselmar regained his cheery tone, popping his shoulder back into place with a -Clllkkk-; he'd hurt it while falling. "You keep pushing me to be better, and I'll keep rising to meet you. 'Til we get everybody home, okay?" His sea green eyes met her honey ones. "And we'll watch each other's backs."

    Teselmar stretched as she made a comment about giving him a rub down, and smiled knowingly. "Truly? I didn't know you were a massage therapist, Opal. I guess you're just full of surprises. Not what I meant about watching my back, but I certainly will take you up on that." One eye closed in a subtle wink as he offered her his hand to hold. "If you're keen on the idea, then at least let me buy you that dinner I owe you."

  17. Yojisu-restaurant-grocery-and-coffee-sho

    Good to see you, my friend! Fancy seeing you in a place like this! Say, you look a bit frazzled... Monsters and mayhem getting you down? You could use some new gear, comrade, and a bit of relaxation! Listen closely: In the town of Starglade, a village located on the fourth floor, there is a shop at the corner of the main street and a cobblestone path near the south side of town. It's an elegant storefront with a sign above the door that reads, "The White Stag Cafe and Gallery", and underneath: "Art pieces, Accessories, Charms and More."

    If one were to step inside, they would be greeted with a space that blended the modern with the fantastic. The owner gave up the visibility of a store in a high traffic area like the first floor, in exchange for a generous amount of space for his patrons to enjoy. The interior decorating reminds me of a chic, post-urban coffeehouse, with light and dark woods making the space feel more organic. Art pieces and paintings line the walls, as well as cases with accessories and bangles for sale. The coffee is merely flavorful, possessing no innately beneficial qualities besides the pleasing aroma and sophisticated taste of a well-brewed roast; it wouldn't help you win a fight, but the cozy atmosphere and the excellent taste give adventurers a place to relax and shed their worries for a little while.

    The true benefit to a wise player is in the art pieces, each of which is hand crafted and can enhance a player's abilities. The owner has a space beside the counter, in the corner, where he'll paint or craft for customers while they enjoy a cup of warmth, perhaps pouring you something stronger if you're up for it, ha ha! You can recognize the owner from a mile away, heheheh. Do you know him? Tall man, blonde, always wears a suit wherever he goes? He carries a fencer's blade, and hangs around with a lad in midnight black armor, and a deadly femme fatale samurai. Smokes like a chimney too, he does, aheh! Strangest name, however, I can never remember it. Tassel-something? Ha, any way, you tell 'im I sent you, and take a load off!

    Oh, and if your player marker happened to be Orange, (not saying it would be friend, but you know how times are,) there's a back door that leads to a room with a few tables, the private section. Ring the bell, and he might let you in. It's good for business to keep them tucked away from prying eyes. No discrimination, simply discretion, yes? But here I am, talking your ear off. Safe travels there, and enjoy yourself, my friend! 



    <<Designer Coffee>>: Always in stock! A free cup of coffee with every order!



    <<First Flower>>: A sketch of a beautiful flower in bloom.

    <<Summer's Day Scene>>: A sketch of a warm summer's day, almost tangibly comfy.

    <<Passionfruit Piece>>: A sketch of a vibrantly colored piece of fruit, pleasing to the eye and delicious looking.

    <<Leather Bracelet>>: A simple leather wrist wrap, with tribal patterns etched into it. Use it to complete an outfit.

    <<Portrait of a Lonely Lord>>: A sketch of an older gentleman, whose face is making an expression that makes the soul weep.


    <<Sparrow Token>>: A wood carved relief of a sharp-eyed sparrow. It's threaded through a hole in the top to form a necklace that increases the wearer's odds of hitting their target. (+1 ACC)

    <<Ring of the Minor Pendulum>>: A bronze ring that gives the wearer a better chance of striking their target twice in a row, setting a tempo in battle. (+1 Keen)


    <<Hawk Eye Shades>>: +2 ACC: A pair of tinted spectacles that block out harsh light, and allow the wearer to more easily track their opponent's moves. (CURRENTLY I'M USING THIS, ASK IF YOU WANNA BUY IT)

    <<Bard's Sigil>>: +1 Skill Rank: Description: A rune that can be applied with paint to any piece of clothing. It evoke's a wandering Bard's jack-of-all-trades nature, and allows the wearer to possess a surprising amount of skill.


      <<Lucky-Lucky! Charm>>: +1 Eva, +2 Recovery 
    Two small gold rings worn on the cartilage of a single ear. A trade from Jomei.


    I may be willing to buy or trade for your items, but I'm not a merchant, so it's a case by case basis!

    All items are assumed to be crafted with my +1 CD Artisan's Tool Set.



    Good- 1 mat (Decorative only, I'll add whatever flavor you'd like!)

    Uncommon- 3 mats (1 slot)

    Rare- 1000 Col OR 5 mats (2 slots)

    PERFECT- 3000 Col OR 7 mats (3 slots)



    Name: Necklace of the Blood Oath
    Your Profession: Artisan
    Your Rank: 4
    ID: [Leave blank]
    Roll: [Leave blank]
    Item Type: Lucky Charm
    Tier: 2
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Recovery x 2, Evasion x 1.
    Description: A necklace made of strong braided brown leather. The necklace peace itself is the icon of the Knights of the Blood Oath. As he swore his oath to protect those in help and slay those who were to do evil. The necklace is filed with his determination and will help him stay in the battle for a longer duration of time. Picture.





    <<Michael's Pendant>>: +2 LD, +1 Skill Rank
    Description: A small gold pendant in the shape of an angel's wing, attached to a golden chain. The item is meant to be worn around the holder's neck.

    <<Pendant of Icarus>>: +2 ACC, +1 EVA

    Description: A small pendant on the end of the necklace with the shape of a cross. In the middle of the cross is a small ruby gem represent an eye.

    <<Four-Leaves Clover>>: +2 LD

    Description: A pendant in a shape of a four-leaves clover, representing luck and prosperity.

    <<Sparrow Token>>: +1 ACC

    Description: A wood-carving relief of a sharp-eyed sparrow. It's threaded through a hole in the top to form a necklace that increases the wearer's odds of hitting their target.

    <<Ring of the Minor Pendulum>>: +1 Keen

    Description: A bronze ring that gives the wearer a better chance of striking their target twice in a row, setting a tempo in battle.

    <<Erin's Favor>>: +2 ACC, +1 EVA

    Description: A stick pin that is meant to be worn on a cloak, it is a vivid emerald charm, and it is shaped like a four leaf clover. Looking closely at it gives you the feeling that a beautiful woman is smiling at you from inside the emerald.

    <<Hawk Eye Shades>>: +2 ACC

    Description: A pair of spectacles with a slight tint, they shield the wearer's gaze from harsh light. When worn, the wearer finds they can track moving targets easier.

    <<Bard's Sigil>>: +1 Skill Rank

    Description: A rune that can be applied with paint to any piece of clothing. It evoke's a wandering Bard's jack-of-all-trades nature, and allows the wearer to possess a surprising amount of skill.



    RANK 4 Artisan

    Can create: Miniature Masterpieces (small paintings, hand jewelry, charms and sketches), Lucky Charms (necklace, bracelet, ear rings, etc.), and Trinkets (Cosmetic toys, lucky toys, motivational toys, etc.) 

    EXP: 100/160

    Mat Stock: 17

    Crafts per day: 5


    Crafting Cheat Sheet



    Rank 1: 0 EXP (2 Crafts per day)
    Rank 2: 20 EXP (3 Crafts per day)
    Rank 3: 40 EXP (4 Crafts per day)

    Rank 4: 80 EXP (5 Crafts per day)

    Rank 5: 160 EXP (6 Crafts per day)
    Rank 6: 320 EXP (7 Crafts per day)
    Rank 7: 640 EXP (8 Crafts per day)
    Rank 8: 1280 EXP (9 Crafts per day)
    Rank 9: 2560 EXP (10 Crafts per day)
    Rank 10: 5120 EXP (10 Crafts per day)


    The CD Result Chart (Rank 4)
    [1] = Critical failure (Lose materials)
    [2-3] = Fail (Lose materials)

    [4] = Bad item (Possible to salvage items on a 15+ loot die result)
    [5-8] = Good item  
    [9-10] = Uncommon item (1 enhancement slot)
    [11] = Rare item (2 enhancement slots)
    [12] = Perfect item (3 enhancement slots)


    Epic Fail, Fail, and Bad Item: 1 EXP
    Good Item: 2 EXP
    Uncommon Item: 3 EXP
    Rare Item: 5 EXP
    Perfect Item: 8 EXP



    POSSIBLE ENHANCEMENTS- On Mini Masterpieces, Lucky Charms, and Trinkets for now.



    Name: Loot Die

    Cost: 1 Slot

    Cap: 2

    Effect: Adds +1 to the loot die for every slot used

    Applicable to: Trinkets, Lucky Charms, Miniature Masterpieces

    Name: Crafting Attempt

    Cost: 3 Slot

    Cap: 1

    Effect: Adds 1 extra crafting attempt

    Applicable to: Miniature Masterpieces, Trinkets

    Name: Ambition

    Cost: 3 Slots

    Cap: 1

    Effect: Adds +1 EXP for every craft

    Applicable to: Trinkets, Projects

    Name: Crafting Die

    Cost: 3 Slots

    Cap: 1

    Effect: Adds +1 to the CD when crafting in a shop.

    Applicable to: Lucky Charms, Projects

    Name: Combat Craft

    Cost: 1 Slot

    Cap: 3

    Effect: Adds +1 to the CD with each slot in combat when using First Aid.

    Applicable to: Lucky Charms, Projects

    Name: Over-health

    Cost: 3 Slots

    Cap: 1

    Effect: Adds +(20 * Tier Level) to your maximum health for the thread.

    Applicable to: Project (becomes cosmetic after used)

    Name: Skill Rank

    Cost: 2 Slot

    Cap: 1

    Effect: Adds an extra skill rank to a specific chosen skill. Cannot boost skills with no ranks, this is only applicable to non-combat skills.

    Applicable to: Trinkets, Lucky Charms, Miniature Masterpieces

    Name: Accuracy

    Cost: 1 Slot

    Cap: 3

    Effect: Adds +1 to the BD, but cannot cause a critical hit.

    Applicable to: Trinkets, Lucky Charms

    Name: Evasion

    Cost: 1 Slot

    Cap: 3

    Effect: Adds a -1 to the MobD or the enemy's die for every slot taken. This ignores the damage mitigation rule of taking at least 1 point of damage.

    Applicable to: Trinkets, Lucky Charms

    Name: Prosperity

    Cost: 1 Slot

    Cap: 3

    Effect: For every slot used, increase the Col multiplier earned from killing a monster by +1 for each slot used from base 5.

    Applicable to: Trinkets, Lucky Charms

    Name: Recovery

    Cost: 1 Slot

    Cap: 2

    Effect: In your own turn, if you roll a CD of 10 or higher you will recover 1 energy per slot used along with the 1 passive energy recovery every player has.

    Applicable to: Trinkets, Lucky Charms

    Name: Keen

    Cost: 1 Slot

    Cap: 3

    Effect: On a successful attack, gain an additional +1 to your BD for each enchantment slot. This bonus does not stack with itself. This bonus goes away after landing a successful attack. Every second tier step (tier 3, 5, 7 etc.) this will add a further +1 per slot.

    Applicable to: Trinkets, Lucky Charms


  18. Teselmar flinched as the long sword blazed outwards, a stream of energy knocking him down. Skidding to a halt, he attempted to vault to his feet, but found that he couldn't move. "Nngh... Grr..." He struggled, attempting to make his arms and legs work. The icon to the right of his health bar helpfully informed him that he'd been stunned. If this had been a real battle with an orange player out to kill him, Teselmar would have been dead. True, he didn't run around picking fights with people like that, but he had to prepare for the eventuality that some day, he would have to fight for his life against another human who wanted to kill him. Opal's words of wisdom met his ears as he continued to fight the paralysis effect, and his cheeks burned. Every moment that I spend thinking about why I'm not where I want to be, is a moment that I'm not out training to achieve it. 

    He could do nothing against the power that held his virtual body tight, and he took the opportunity to look at Opal. His feelings in this moment were conflicted; on the one hand, training sessions like this made him see just how far he had to go to be as strong as the front liners. On the other hand, he had gotten a few good licks in, and was encouraged to know that when he finally did achieve the level that the front line players were, he would be different. Most front line fighters relied on their superior numbers to keep themselves safe. But if Teselmar could combine a high level with real world combative applications, he would be a force to be reckoned with.

    He looked Opal in the eye, nodding as he started to regain some feeling in his hands and feet. "Get stronger... that's the plan, Opal." He didn't say her true name. Not here, not while he was on the ground like this. Teselmar could handle losing to Opal, and find strength in humility. Opal was Teselmar's commanding officer, expected to be stronger than him. So he would save her true name for times when they were on equal ground, like that night in Starglade. Then, she could be Vivian, and he could be Martin. But, today it was Teselmar on his back in the sand. Maybe not tomorrow, though. Who knows what the future holds? He struggled to one knee as the stun effect wore off. "Yikes, cramps much? Gonna need to find a masseuse after this." He joked, as his muscles began to loosen. 

  19. Lending Ishida a hand, he picked the heavily armored youth up out of the sand. He couldn't help but laugh out loud at the sight of the crabs dissipating around him. "Boy, you killed more monsters by falling over than I did while trying? What's your secret?" He said with a smile and a chuckle. It looked like Opal was finishing up as well, a mob spawning and dying in almost the same breath. She brought her blade to bear quickly, felling the creatures and pocketing their loot. Turning to the others and accepting the materials from them, Teselmar sheathed his rapier. "Thanks you two. The first things I craft that are a good fit for you, they're yours."

    The afternoon sun glistened over the water, and Teselmar felt a surge of hope as he made his way back to town. It had been a great day for adventuring, and he felt sure that he'd be able to open up a fairly decent artisan shop. Now, the question was where to put it? Starglade, the small settlement on the 4th floor was a common destination for players who were trying to do some shopping. Perhaps there'd be an open storefront there. The future was getting a little bit brighter every time his steel saw the sun. 




    Teselmar: 17 Mats, 133 Col, 2 SP, <<Artisan>> Title, Bonus Mats from GM, Ability to open a shop.

    Ishida: 1,093 Col, 1 SP.

    Opal: 3,133 Col, 1 SP.


    Oikawa Loot Roll- +1 Material ID: 46266

  20. ID# 46249 results: Battle: 2+2=4-3=1 (miss)

    Teselmar had to remind himself that this wasn't a battle that he could count on winning. In fact, there was no win condition set for this fight. The only goal here was to learn how to stay determined, even when the odds were against him. Clever tactics and real-world situational awareness could only get him so far against levels and equipment like Opal's. Compared to her, he might as well have been an old man hobbling around, with how many times she hit him. No matter his best efforts to evade, her oriental blade got through his defenses. The woman was a grandmaster with the katana, and it showed in just how swift her strikes were.

    Feeling the last blow pierce his chest, he flew backwards with the momentum. Instead of landing flat on his back, Teselmar rolled with the blow. Tucking and coming back up to his feet, he dashed at Opal again, attempting to get within her guard. Stay focused, strike whenever you can. An actual attack at this range was pointless, so instead he feinted, then scooped up a handful of sand, flinging it at her. It wouldn't have a lot of impact, but perhaps it would make her pause enough for him to strike again. 

    Teselmar: HP: 48 | Energy: 11

    Opal: HP: 128/128
    EN: 14/32

  21. Teselmar cracked his neck, letting the sensation loosen him up a bit. He was actually enjoying the fight now, the sliver of fear he'd felt staring at himself fueling his adrenaline addiction. Opal had put some distance between the two of them, and was utilizing some new type of skill that he'd never seen before. Shadow shrouded her as dust and grit filled the air; her form disappeared as she made a statement about how she was an assassin as well as a samurai. Teselmar smirked, trying a bit of light banter in order to get her to reveal herself. "So, you're a samurai/assassin/alchemist/vice commander. Well, I'll be a pirate/ninja/robot/cowboy, if we're playing that kinda game!" He paced casually into the portion of the arena where a thin ray of sunlight still glimmered out of the shade. He continued to joke, buying himself time as he stepped into the light. "So, you like it in the dark, eh? I'm more of a daylight kinda guy myself."

    ID# 46228 results: Loot: 16 (Success!)

    Teselmar let the sunlight play off his blade, reflecting it into the swirling cloud before him. Angling it like a spotlight, his natural powers of observation made him look again when the reflection passed over an area of distortion... It was like a patch of air that moved incorrectly, looking just a touch out of place. That's her... He tilted his blade again, letting the sun shine into where her eyes would be. "Peek a boo." He grinned, ready to face another onslaught now that he had discerned her location.

  22. Dipping and dancing his way between the hulking lake monsters, Teselmar charged up another sword art. Hopefully, he'd be able to penetrate the thick shells, and get at the meaty center... I should really stop farming materials on an empty stomach. He lashed out with Sweep once again, trying to pop their legs open and dip them in butter... I mean, slay them. Yeah, no eating crab today.

    ID# 46223 results:Battle: 6 (Hit!)

    His fencing blade blurred twice, tracing the lines of crimson across each of their legs, making them gurgle angrily. He dodged another reactive flail, and butterfly kicked himself away from the crabby mob. Hopefully that had done some damage. Teselmar was just at the right angle to also see Opal run straight into a fruit tree, and swear at it angrily. Uh... okay...

    HP: 48/48
    EN: 4

    Crabby Crab  HP: 17/24 [DMG: 18][MIT: 6](Hate: 2)
    Crabby Crab  HP: 17/24 [DMG: 18][MIT: 6](Hate: 2)
    Crabby Crab  HP: 17/24 [DMG: 18][MIT: 6](Hate: 2)
    Crabby Crab  HP: 17/24 [DMG: 18][MIT: 6](Hate: 2)

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