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Posts posted by Yunalesca

  1. At the news that a guild provided weapons to beginners at reduced prices or even free nearly caused Yuna to stop right in her tracks. She had heard of guilds doing a lot to assisted lower leveled players, but this one fact  hadn't been mumbled under the breath of the town players. Not even once. "As I like to say, rambling is the underrated sign of a true genius," Yuna jested, recalling earlier when the one rambling had been her, "And that was not even close to rude. I've heard much worse in the time I've been here. What that happened to be, Sir Zelrius, was a helpful and much-needed information. Something I will definitely take advantage of." Probably sometime soon, if she had anything to say about it and depending on the worth of this sword. 

    At the fact that Zelrius would be willing to come on more quest with her Yuna couldn't help but internally cheer. She rather enjoyed the company of the blonde boy and would be more than ecstatic to go on another quest alongside him. "You know what" Yuna inquired rhetorically, facing him slightly and tapping her chin pretending to think about the answer to mess with him, "I would be honored to have your accompaniment on more quests after this." Yuna had a lot to learn about this game and if luck was on her side she could learn more from and about Zelrius as well. 

    As it turns out talking about guilds was a topic of interest for the young male. It was obvious from the way his deep blue eyes seemed to light up and his fashion of talking. A mental note was made for later reference if needed. "Eccentric?" Yuna questioned, cocking her head to the left slightly, "Maybe some other time then? I was just curious because I think at some point, when I get strong enough, I'd like to join one, but I have a lot to learn first." Right as she said this they entered the forest where the quest was soon to begin. 


  2. Not even seconds after refocusing—or  attempting to anyways—on the rack of clothes the owl suddenly glanced toward her making a soft cooing sound. It's wings attempted to flutter out in greeting but were stopped by the soft brown fabric that kept it warm. Just like predicted large, black orbs stared back curiously. Yuna eyes automatically lite up in reaction to the display. It took a second to realise that not only did she now have the owl's attention but the two males who had been having a seemingly pleasant conversation. By that point, the owl's companion had already addressed her. The other was watching and waiting. "It would seem so," Yuna sheepishly grinned, cheeks turning slightly red at the fact that she had been caught staring, "I apologise for staring, it was rather rude of me, but your owl--Adere--is just...incrediable." 

    There had been an effort to the wonder out of her voice, but no matter how hard Yuna tried it just wouldn't go away. Only once had someone brought an owl into the vet program at her University. The owl that day was magnificent too, but his' wing had been brutally damaged. Luckily, the clinic was able to recuperate it, but it was no longer able to fly. He was given to the local nature reserve to use as an educational animal. Apparently he was real hit with the kids. Just like that owl, this one had the sense of awareness that seemed almost human. Even it if was a computer program, it was kind of strange.  

  3. Upon hearing that Zandra had wanted a brother Yuna couldn't help but let out a light laugh. That was what people who didn't have siblings aways said. It was one of those things that sounded like it would be amazing, and definitely could be, but also not all it's cut out to be. Some of the worse fights that had happened were between Alan and herself. He had even punched her once. Although, and as much as she hated to admit it, that had been a fair reaction. "Unfortunately," Yuna joked, attempting to bring a lightness back to the conversation, "He also happens to be the oldest twin out of the two of us. Boasting about that little fact is one of his favorite things to do, even to this day. He's act like a teenage boy." Leaning back slightly Yuna glanced up through the branches to see the brightened sky. " But I'm glad he's not here too. I don't know what I would do if he was." Yuna admitted softly to the other female.   

    As soon as the subject of alchemy was brought up Zandra lit up like a kid on Christmas Day. From the glow in her eyes and wide smile, it was plainly obvious that she was in love with what she was doing here in SAO. Yuna could have listened to her talk about it all day just from the enthusiasm it was spoken with. "Congratulations! That is quite the impressive feat you got going on there." Yuna stated sincerely, "I can definitely see why you need days off." Yuna couldn't imagine the amount of work that Zandra had put in raising her Alchemy skill, but it reflected part of her character that she did. To say the brunette was impressed was an understatement. "Thanks for the advice. I'll keep that in mind as I choose. Who knows what will happen. One day at a time, as I like to say." 

  4. As it turns out, the reasoning for Helios wandering around this particular floor was exactly the same as her own; boredom. Staying on the same floor—or probably in his case several floors—got very repetitive. There was only so much that could potentially be done right now to assist with ending this cursed game. Out of the corner of her eye, she too observed as he took in the scenery of the nearly empty town. "Actually, I would really enjoy that," Yuna smiled broadly, leaning forward ever so slightly, "Which way should we start?" It had been a while since Yuna was able to just walk around a town and chat. It was refreshing to say the least. Gesturing for him to lead the way Yuna decide to pose a question that had been on the tip of her tongue while waiting, "Does the name Helios mean anything? It sounds very familiar, yet I can't place it for the life of me."

  5. ((Thanks! Hopefully, that'll my only time where I have to survive  The Sickness))

    The flinch did not go unnoticed. Mentally smacking herself due to her own stupidity Yuna was about to speak up and tell him that it was okay, they didn't need to be in a party to do this quest, but before that could be suggested his gloved hand tapped the 'accept' icon. Biting the inside of her cheek to keep from apologizing Yuna continued on. If he didn't make a big deal out of it then neither would she. Although, if they did become close enough for her to send a friend request, a mental note was made to ask first. Then he asked her about her goal for this quest. " Well, Sir Zelrius," Yuna grinned, slowing down slightly so that they were walking side by side instead of front and behind, "Part of it the fact that this quest reward has got to be better than this thing," at that point the brunette gestured to the curved sword strapped to her left hip, "and the other part is I want, and need, to get stronger. From my understanding, adventuring is one of the ways to do that."

    About a month ago Yuna had made it a goal to get to the upper floors of Aincrad as soon as possible, and preferably with a guild if possible. Even if the brunette was not familiar with the world of gaming it was only common sense that the more people by a person's side, the more likely that person is to survive. Therefore, following that mindset, joining a guild was the only reasonable choice. She wanted to do her part to help get out of this death game. Being stuck on floor one didn't help anything or anyone. Then it occurred to her that Zelrius was in, and apparently an important role, within one of the guilds that littered SAO. While she wasn't looking to join a certain guild, it wouldn't hurt to get to know about some of the options and get options on it. "Earlier you had mentioned that you're part of a guild, what's that like? Is is fun?" Yuna questioned, her interest peaked and curiously bubbling up. 

    At some point, the duo had exited the city and were making their way through the plains portion of the floor. Taking a sideways glance, Yuna momentarily watched as a trio of players took on one of the may boar that appear here. It was a good thing that the monsters here only attack when being attacked. Unfortunately, from what she heard through the grapevine, that as not the case on the upper floors of this Iron Castle. That wasn't surprising information, but it did have a slightly disheartening quality to it.   

  6. Only moments after entering the shop another person entered. Subconsciously Yuna moved to the side in order to be out of the way and let the person pass.The person—who was an orange haired male—strided confidently past her and into the shop. What caught the brunette's attention was not the fact that a male had just entered a clothing shop with an overwhelming majority of women's clothes, but the fact that the player had an owl resting comfortably on his shoulder. It had been adorably wrapped in a minuscule, brown scarf too. Being into the veterinary sciences in the real world, Yuna couldn't help but stare unabashedly at the feathered creature. Once more another involuntary step was taken, but this time, it was toward the player. Realization soon settled into her mind as to what was happening and it was quickly put an end with. Gently tapping her cheeks to refocus herself she started into the store. 

    After asking the owner of the shop where warmer clothes could be found Yuna started that way. As she neared the location the sound of deeper voices could be heard. Turning the corner she was surprised to once more find the player with scarfed owl. If her memory served correctly, there was a quest one could take in order to acquire a pet, but the players in the game referred to is a familiar. That world only brought forth images of witches sitting beside cauldrons and black cats. Yuna preferred the word companion to pet or familiar. Moving to look through the clothes she tried very hard not to stare at the owl. Eventually, curiosity won though and once more the chocolate orbs found their way to the bird. It was a small thing with brown and white feathers. Of course, she couldn't see the face of the owl, but she was positive it was going to have wide black eyes too. Most of them did. Now Yuna was no bird expert, but its body appeared to be relaxed and untensed. Indicating a happy bird. At that observation, the corners of her lips curved upward to form a small, but pleasant, smile.

    'I need to stop staring, it's rude,' Yuna thought strictly 'but I really wish I could touch it." Forcing herself to readjust her gaze to the clothes she started to search for something to keep the chill out of her bones. In the back of she really hoped he, or his friend for that matter, had not noticed the staring. At this point, though, that was more than likely just wishful thinking. 

  7. Glad that he returned the hand shake Yuna interlocked her hands behind her back and listened as he asked why she's here. Understandable since the armor decorating her form was that of a lower level. "I don't mind in the slightest," Yuna admitted casually, "I was kinda getting bored on the hanging out on just the first floor, so I decided to explore. Before I knew it was wandering around this place." Once more another glance was taken at her surroundings. It was an amazingly designed city. Seconds later her gaze returned back to Helios though. "What about you? What brings you to the wonderful, totally happening city?"  Yuna inquired, joking lightly about the fact that this place was relatively uninhabited at the moment. It had taken some practice but Yuna was beginning to learn how to tell higher leveled players from those of lower levels. Helios was a higher leveled player, as for how high, that was undetermined. 

  8. Attentively Yuna listened as Zandra explained the origins of her username, occasionally nodding to indicate that the other female was being heard. "One day," Yuna agreed with a chuckle, "It's understandable that Zandra Zvift wouldn't be taken. It is very unique. From my understanding, most people don't normally put a last name type of thing, but I actually really like it." Plus Zandra's just happen to have a nice ring to it. "As for mine, well, my brother came up with it. He wanted something elegant sounding that could shortened into a nickname. I still don't know how he came up with Yunalesca, but he did and before I knew that had become my username." At the mention of her brother Yuna's eyes softened and the bright grin dimmed ever so slightly. Despite the ache that was present, the brunette was grateful that he wasn't stuck within this virtual world as well.  That would have been a disaster.

    The sudden cut off in the middle of Zandra statement was noticeable, but Yuna didn't mention anything. As Zandra had just said moments ago they had just met and some barriers being present were to be expected. "You're an alchemist? That's amazing. What's like like to have a profession?" Yuna inquired, her natural curiosity bubbling up and over, "I've thought about getting one, but I'm not really sure what to pick or even if I really want one. Decisions are not really my thing." 

  9. Laughing a little at the comment, the brunette nodded her head in agreement. "It definitely is, but as you guessed, it's not my real one. It's not even close." In fact, it had been her brother who had come up the username, not her. He wanted something elegant that could be made into a short nickname. Yunalesca was the perfect fit. But now that Zandra had pointed it out, not a lot of people had real names. That was interesting. "I'm not going to lie, I probably would have spelled it with an S if you had not mentioned something." It would have made it hard to find her if they ended up befriending on another. 

    "You flatter me," Yuna stated light-heartedly while placing her hand over her heart, "But I must concur with that statement. The company is rather pleasant." Even though they had just met it felt like they had been friends for a while. It was a warm feeling that Yuna could get use to. "When you put it like that, it kinda does sound comical. We're probably the only two grown women who climb trees, but they don't know what they're missing." It was true. There was something about being above the world and watching it from above. 'At some level, this must be what the creator of SAO feeling like..," Yuna thought, watching another player go by. "So Zandra, what brings you this far out of the city, anything special? I ask because not many people come out this way." 

  10. Doing the same old thing, on the same old floor every day was no way to live, and yet, that is exactly what Yuna was doing. Upon realizing that a promise was made to herself to try and live a little more. Each starting town on every floor was a safe zone. There was no excuse as to why they had not been visited and explored yet. That reasoning brought her to her current location; the teleporter. For just a couple minutes the brunette stood there and thought about which town would be the right choice. During that time people came and left as they please. Finally, after several minutes, Yuna decided to just randomly pick a floor and go with it. That floor ended up being level 4. Not really knowing what to expect she stepped into the teleporter and was off. 

    Seconds later the girl was stumbling out of the shining blue light. 'I really hate that thing..,' Yuna thought while massaging her temple to get rid of a slight headache that was starting to come. Then, something soft and white landed on the tip of her nose. Blinking and coming back to reality a glance was finally taken of the surrounding area. Pristine white snow covered everything. With that realization, the chill in the air also settled in. Smiling, Yuna wrapped her arms around herself in an effort to stop the shivering and started off. Walking would help keep her blood moving and the warmth coming. Eventually after several minutes, she gave in and entered a small shop. The warmth hit like a tidal wave. It stung for a mere moment before actually feeling pleasant. Shaking the snow out of the chocolate locks she started further into the shop. The longer she could stay in here the longer she didn't have to be outside. Too bad too, she wanted to play in the snow for a little bit.  

  11. Throughout the entire conversation—at least so far—Zelrius had not been able to hold eye contact for more than a couple seconds, and yet, after mentioning that this was her very first quest he had managed to not only do that but also reassure her it did not affect this decision to come along. The moment also came with a disclaimer as well. He would not play the role of “white knight”—as so elegantly phrased by him. 'There was no other way that I would rather have it,' Yuna thought contently to herself. When going to search for a partner, she had not been searching for a "white knight" to protect her for all. What she had been searching for was someone who thought of her as an equal, levels aside, and to watch her back while she watched theirs. A partner, not a protector. There was a very clear difference in her mind. 

    Then, with a dramatic flare of his cloak and a low bow, it was dubbed time to leave. "I humbly accept your presence on this journey and am grateful to have you as my partner, Sir Zelrius." Yuna responded, cursing slightly in response. "I look forward to our adventure together." Righting herself a moment later, she then opened the quest and fully accepted it by hitting the small green 'o'. A small beep sounded letting them know that that the system registered it as taken. It took a matter of seconds to complete. Without further ado, they were heading out of Beginner City and into the wilds that surrounded it. 

    "Before I forget to do so," Yuna started while pausing and opening her menu, "Let me send you a party request." Moments later a small screen popped up in front of the blonde male as a result of tapping some buttons. When Yuna had woken up this morning she thought it was going to be just another day of trying to figure out how all this worked, never in a million years would she have thought she would be going on a quest with another person. The day had taken a rather unexpected, but pleasant, turn. 




    So far the journey had been going well. Yuna thought she was managing to cover up her sense of awe and excitement fairly well. Then, when studying one of the many shops, someone had accidently bumped right into her. Stumbling back a couple steps the brunette found herself having to gaze up to the meet the emerald orbs of a young male. At least, he appeared to be younger. It wasn't long until she not only received and apology for the accident but his name as well. Helios. For some reason or another, that name rang a bell. Shaking her head lightly to bring herself back to the present chocolate orbs gazed up once more. "No worries. I wasn't really paying attention either." Yuna admitted sheepishly while scratching the back of her head. It had been her fault as well, not just his. "Names Yunalesca, or Yuna. Whichever is to your fancy." She then extended a hand toward Helios in greeting, "It's nice to run into you, Helios." 

  13. Glad that the girl had accepted the offer Yuna watched as she agilely climbed the tree. Just from watching, the brunette would guess that there was either a history of tree climbing or some type of activity that required skill. When the girl finally settled on a branch she extended a hand and introduced herself. "Nica to meet ya, Zandra," Yuna grinned while reaching out to meet the handshake, "Names Yunalesca, or Yuna, whichever is to your fancy." Releasing her hold Yuna placed the hand back down beside her to steady herself. Alan and she had use to climb trees when they were younger. Luckily, she had always been the 0ne with more balance. He liked to joke it was due to the fact that she was female, even if they both knew that wasn't the reason. 

    "What do you think of the view, much better right?" Yuna inquired, leaning back and taking a deep breath of the fresh air. The girl seemed friendly and it sparked a flame of hope that they would possibly become friends. 

  14. Stepping, or more like stumbling, out of the teleporter Yuna found herself surrounded by a town that rather reminded her of the country. There was some minor surprise that cowboy's weren't just wandering around tied to their horses or bandit's trying to make away with fortune from the local 'bank.' After a second of feeling like she might be able to walk normal once more, she started off even further into the western-styled town. Yuna, despite wanting to, was doing her absolute best not to marvel at the different sights that were being offered. After all the brunette didn't want to look like a newbie, even if that was her status as a player. So without further ado, the exploring started. 

  15. Due to her presence being hidden Yuna was spared from the disdain filled glances of the rather serious players, but that didn't mean she missed seeing them. 'That was rather rude,' Yuna thought to herself as chocolate orbs watched the player walk away. This time, the brunette actually sat up and gazed down to find that the other female was now standing and looking up into the branches, inquiring about the view. "Hey there yourself," Yuna greeted with a warm smile tugging at her lips, "and I would say so. You can see further and get a much clearer view of the city from up here." It was really was a rather beautiful city. Sometimes Yuna forgot that things weren't real. That was the effect this place was having on her, and more than likely everyone else's, minds. "Care to join me?" Yuna inquired while scooting over to make room. 

  16. Inwardly, a sigh for relief was exhaled; outwardly the sheepish smile grew into a wide grin. As it turns out asking Zelrius had been the right choice after all. “Well, Sir Zelrius,” Yuna started, copying the old English way of addressing others that the male had been using, “After much debate with me, myself, and I we’ve decided on that the <<Secret Medicine in the Forest>> quest would suit us best,” After all, it took place on the first floor, unlike the other quests that had designed. Since this was her first it was more than likely better to start with something simple. Plus, it was not part of her nature to deny a quest that stated someone needed help, especially when the help was medicine.

     Bring up the topic of the quest made the female wonder if she should mention something about this being the first time doing a quest, or really any adventuring at all, to the blonde. While Yuna was familiar with the fact that there was such thing as video game etiquette, the brunette was unsure as to what the rules of that etiquette were. The only one rule that had been ascertained was the fact that talking or asking about the life before, life in the real world, was terribly inconsiderate to another player. Although, if someone asked her, Yuna wouldn’t be offended. While she realizes that she is missing life on the outside; she had also grown to accept the fact that this was life now, and life had to be lived to the fullest capacity no matter the setting. Plus, there was this irrefutable hope that one day she would see her family again, but the only way that was going to happen was by surviving. Meaning taking this quest with her new partner in crime, Zelrius.

    “By the way,” Yuna started, “I feel that I should mention this is my first quest. Just in case that changes your choice or anything.” Evidently the brunette had decided to tell him. Ultimately it was decided to do so due to the fact that it would be something that she wanted to know if she was partaking on a quest with someone.

  17. Since childhood Yuna had always been a light sleeper, quite the opposite of her brother could probably sleep through freaking a tornado. It was thanks to that habit that the sound of feet against the ground brought her out of the dozing state and back to the virtual world. Blinking, chocolate eyes glanced down at the ground to find another female with stunning midnight hair sitting and relaxing at the bottom of the tree. While she appeared to be watching the players going by she had failed to notice the one reclined in the upper branches tree. Remaining in the laid out position Yuna too turned and watched. 

    "People watching has got to be one of my favorite hobbies," Yuna commented quietly, as to not scare the girl or ruin the peace and quiet of the moment. The brunette clearly remembered those days when she got to take the shelter dogs for a walk at the local park. During that time, she would also observe the different people using the park.  Each person had been different in their own unique ways. The virtual world was not much different. Everyone had their uniqueness that made it all the more fascinating to observe. 

  18. Resting on the outskirts of beginner city, within the wooded area, was none other than Yuna. The brunette had not slept well the night before and decided to try and catch up on some Z's in a quieter place that was still located within the safe zone. That quieter place happened to be on one of the higher tree branches. Players who wandered back this far probably wouldn't have noticed the nearly asleep player, unless there skill level was higher, but not many higher leveled players hung out in beginner city. Sure, a couple came to visit, but a majority of them ended up staying on the higher levels. They normally had no reason to venture down so low. Adjusting once more the brunette place her hands behind her head and settled once more. It was a pleasant day and the perfect time to take a small nap. Before Yuna even knew it her breath evened out as she drifted off into a dreamless sleep. 

  19. The streets of beginner city started to empty as dusk fell. Most of the players retired to an Inn to get a good night's rest while others' visited the local pubs to grab a round of drinks. Despite the situation, people were trying to go on living as best as the could. That was the nature of human beings. They struggle and eventually overcome, or died trying. Down the street from one of the may lively pubs that were in the city sat a cozy little joint that was fairly empty save for the few players who dined there. Yuna, unable to sleep that night, had decided that maybe going out and getting a drink was not such a bad idea. Not enjoying the places that were overly crowded she found this place. A little hole in the wall tavern that catered to those who enjoyed the quieter side of life.  Sliding into the booth, she waved for the tavern keeper to head over. "Let's start with a water for now," Yuna commented casually, "Then I'll see how I feel." Nodding the tavern keeper strolled away only to come back roughly a minute later with the water. 

    And so the night began. 

  20. ((We're writing a book.XD))

    After the greeting, and Zelrius's response, a silence fell between the two players. Yuna opened her mouth to say something but ended up closing it. This movement occurred for several seconds before she ended up just closing her mouth and letting his thoughts wander. That was until something changed. Yes, his eyes were dark blue, but in that moment, they appeared to grow even darker. His thoughts had taken a turn for the worst. This time, Yuna really was going in intervene, but Zelrius managed to bring himself out of it. Or he was trying to and do that fact Yuna would carry on as if nothing had happened. "That kind of sounds like my brother too," Yuna commented under her breath. As strange as it had been to say it was the truth. Her brother, Alan, had a knack for telling tall tales as if they were facts. Once he had told her that the trick was to believe that it was real and then others would believe you too. He told stories about people too. Not the horrible kind, but the kind that were told as jokes between friends. Tales that would spur laughs. Personally--and she knew he wouldn't see it this way--Yuna was glad that he didn't get stuck here too. That way nothing could happen to him. 

    Realizing that she was now the one who spaced out for a second Yuna smiled sheepishly. Luckily, she tuned back into the conversation in time. "No, no, no, no you're fine. I was rather enjoying the company," Yuna quickly stated, moving her hands in front of her frantically to try and get the point across. "You see, I was supposed to log in with my brother and meet his friends, but he missed the time and I never ended up meeting them. Therefore, I've just been kinda wondering and trying to figure out what to do; seeing as I've never played a video game before...and now I'm rambling." Closing her mouth and shutting up Yuna gently took the scroll from him and stared at the ground, her cheeks a bright red. It was embarrassing to admit, but she was a real newbie. Not just to SAO, but to gaming in general.

    Part of her wanted to ask if he would be willing to help her, but the other part knew that he had something else better do then help a level one. Sure, he was one of the friendlier players that she had met, but he was more than likely down here for a reason. 'I doesn't hurt to ask, right? The worse he can say is no in some form.' Taking a breath the brunette glanced back up at the blonde, "I was actually looking for a partner to go with me," Yuna grinned sheepishly up at him, "You're probably have better things to do, and if you do that's fine, but would you maybe want to go?" 


  21. For a moment chocolate orbs met dark blue ones but as quick as a bolt of lightening that moment was gone. Without even realizing it the brunette copied the movement several seconds later. When her mind caught up the only justification that could be made was the fact that she thought she was making him uncomfortable by looking at him. "Most people are, including myself," Yuna grinned, keeping the tone of the conversation light. "and I appreciate that Sir Zelrius. It's a pleasure to meet you." 

    The fact that the young male--now known as Zelrius--was not only friendly but also witty allowed for Yuna to relax in his presence even more. Whenever her brother had talked about higher leveled players he always portrayed them to be haughty, full of themselves and overall bullies. Some even picked on, or killed, the new players just because they could. He had thought to warn her of this due to her inexperience with MMO gaming in general. As much as her brother ragged on them though the brunette firmly believed that not all of them were like that. Turns out she was right. Boy, would she tell him, if she ever saw him again. "Oh that ghost," Yuna questioned lightly, releasing the handshake and using her thumb to point over her shoulder, "He'll tell you I am, but don't listen to him. He's a quack job. Doesn't know what he talking about." The grin on her face widened even more if possible. It was refreshing to have an actual conversation. Most of the people on the first floor had already had their clicks and were either rude or ignored her. "Also, nice catch on the reference."

    Suddenly, a light winter breeze blew through the city causing the parchment that had been held loosely in her hand to flutter innocently to the ground; where it landed face up for the world to see. Having been so caught in having the conversation Yuna had forgotten about the real reason she was searching the first floor. 'The quest.' 

  22. It was really rather strange. Normally, the first floor of SAO was filled with players wandering seemingly aimlessly about, but today there were only very few players dotted around the city. Much like herself then was adorned in beginner gear as well. Was all hope really lost? Suddenly, a voice rose above the eerie quietness that lingered. Head turning so fast that chocolate locks smacked her in the face Yuna was surprised to find a young, blonde male calling in her general direction. Just to make sure that she really was the target of the call a quick glance was taken in the surrounding area. Absolutely not a soul, which meant it was her by a default. "Depends on who you're asking," Yuna called back, a laugh intertwining with her silvery voice"And you know what they say, no rest for the wicked!"

    Starting in his direction, the brunette found herself standing in front of the blonde in a matter of seconds. Now that the two were closer Yuna realized that she actually had to gaze upward in order to look him in the eye. One her way over she couldn't help but noticed the gear that he was decorated in. Compared to the light brown vest and simple curved sword he was decked out. Definitely not a lower leveled player. "Yunalesca, or Yuna if you're feeling lazy," The female joked lightly sticking the hand not holding the parchment out for a greeting. 

  23. If there was one aspect that Yunalesca--or just Yuna for short--knew about gaming it was that level mattered, and right now she was at the lowest level possible. That needed to be fixed if she was not only going to survive the game but help beat it as well. After talking to some NPC's that were located randomly around the city, it became clear that one way to do that was taking an array of different quests. Upon searching for a quest to do though it became apparent that not many of them were geared toward those of a lower level. There was absolutely no way that Yuna was going to take on one of these alone. Meaning a partner would be necessary if this was what she wanted to do and, this was what she wanted to do. Glancing over the quest board, there was a parchment that drew the attention of the milk chocolate orbs. The <<Secret Medicine in the Forest>> quest. It took place on floor 1 and helped a village with procuring medicine from some type of creature. Perfect. Grabbing the parchment the brunette pivoted and started off to find a partner. Hopefully, there would be someone of a high enough level around where she would feel comfortable going. 

  24. 0aebdef5d6a233e47b71642749471403.jpg


    Username: Yunalesca
    Real name: Annalise Slynder
    Age: 21
    Gender: Female
    Height: 5'5

    About: History/personality

     History Overview: Life was considered normal growing up in a suburban neighborhood with both parents and a brother. The only thing that could be considered different was the fact that her brother was also her twin. Alan, her twin brother, was two minutes older than her. When they were younger Alan loved to brag that he was the oldest even if it was such a short period of time. As they grew up together they took on different--but both vibrant--personalities. Alan lived for big crowds and being the center of attention. Annalise was a social butterfly able to converse and be liked by typically everyone. In middle school, they were well known by their peers.

    In high school life had taken and unexpected turn. Both of their parents became emotionally involved with the marriage and it was decided that they would split up. The agreement was for them to stay with their father through the school months and go with their mother for the summer. At this time, her brother's personality began to change. It became duller and less vibrant. The divorce was affecting him more than Annalise. Alan turned to MMORPG's to fill that void. He made friends and started to act somewhat normal again. Annalise, on the other hand, turned to volunteer work at the animal shelter. She especially loved working the adoption fairs at the local pet stores. It was amazing to see the animals that she worked so hard with go home to good families. When an opening for lodging assistant became available she was offered the job, which she accepted. Strangely enough, it turns out animal science was her forte. 

    Three and a half years later she's almost through her first four years at a University with a degree in animal science. Alan is at a local university learning computer science. In order to see his sister again, he convinces her to try and play Sword Art Online. He even convinces their parents to buy a set of gear and the games. Setting it up she waits for the day the game opens in order to play with her brother. It turns out that on the day the game opens her brother had an exam. Unable to miss it he can't make the log on, but Annalise does. Little does she know what she's just gotten herself into.


    Personable: Annalise likes people. Being around them, talking to them, or just being in their presence in general. She has an uncanny ability to normally be able to conversation with anyone. A big part of this is empathy. She genuinely tries to understand other people and put herself in their shoes. There is no judgment on her part either. 

    Intelligent: Despite the warm natured, somewhat scatter-brained personality Annalise is actually quite intelligent. Both in book smarts and street smarts. While some of this quality is just natural prowess, it is also something that was worked very hard on to achieve as well. May times this trait surprises people. They don't expect the girl that everyone knows to be the least bit intelligent, but Annalise knows her stuff. 

    Flexible: Annalise is able to adjust to situations much like that of a chameleon changing colors. Her strategy for this taking things one day at a time, as to not get overloaded with future events that may or may not happen. This can also apply to people's personalities as well and the ability to read, comprehend and adjust accordingly.  


    Indecisive: Very, very bad at making decisions. She usually just let's other people pick. If they are just as indecisive as her she ends up just randomly picking or using some type of method--like flipping a coin--to decide. 

    Selfless:  For a majority of her life Annalise has always focused on others before her own being. This not only applies to their wants and needs but also their safety. There is a very maternal instinct present that wants to keep others out of harms way, even if it means putting herself in danger emotionally or physically.

    Over-trusting: As the trait implies Annalise is very trusting of others. She believes in the inherent good in people and that they will try to make decisions that will assist with helping others. This thought process mainly stems from the fact that this is what Annalise tries to do. Plus, she wants to have people trust her and how can they do that if she doesn't trust them.  







    Weapon skills:

    »10 Bread

    »15 Water

    » One handed curve sword

    » Beginner's clothes

    » Secret Medicine in the Forest, with Zelrius

    »Food Brings People together, with Remi

    Story Thus Far



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