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Posts posted by Antofer

  1. "hey man what did you get?" Anything cool i say. I feel the wind pick up wow its getting really really cold bud. woooo we gotta get out of here man. Anything special about it? I found this cool thing tho its a radish. and im kinda hungry ohhh its normal? want me to kill it? Do you remeber where you got the quest from cuz i dont. and where the heck is tsubsas? he should be here by now. well what ever.   

  2. Okay see if you can tame anything. i'm going to look for matts let me know how it goes Antofer leave the party for a moment. Antofer looks in the woods and find a nice little cotton bush. there are a few bugs but i brush them off and store it in my inventory. The sun starts to set and it gets colder Chi-Chi curls up around me for warmth. Well i should get back and check on Abandon As i walk over He...


    ID# 47042 results:

     Loot: 13 + 4 1 mat 

  3. Antofer Jumps in and missed but as I was on the ground. the wolf ran over bite my face and died "lol wut" The wolf is like are you serious......The last wolf things runing away is a good idea but i stare him down and he is all like YOU KILLED MY FIENDS. and the wolf runs at me as i scramble to get up the loot menu gets in the way. ugh yeah whatever accept oh no he is coming right for me!. 


     ID# 47036 results:

     Battle: 3

     Craft: 3

     Loot: 16 +4 uncommon item 

     MOB: 9

    Antofer - 11hp 2 energy

    Abandon - 6hp 3 energy

    wolf (1) 3 hp

    Wolf (2) ded + mat to Abandon 

    Wolf (3)  ded  mat & any good item to Antofer- heal potion +5hp (post action) 

    Wolf (4)  ded mat + uncommon item to Antofer ( +1 Damage  curved sword )

  4. watch out! Antofer yells as he Tried  to defend Abandon, but he lands a hit on wolf 2, the wolf falls to the ground and dies yelping in plain for its friends to help it. Antofer then smashes his face in with his boot sending wolf flying everywhere and then faded. The wolf 4 attacked me but Antofer moved out of the way. the wolf was angry. i killed his wife painful. in front of his friends. damn thats cold. Antofer Chuckled one more for the void. He looks at Abandon he is now a faceless void 



    D# 47030 results:

     Battle: 7

     Loot: 2

    ID# 47032 results:

     MOB 4 : 6 -1 miss



    Antofer - 12hp 2 energy

    Abandon - 6hp 3 energy

    wolf (1) 3 hp

    Wolf (2) ded + mat to Abandon 

    Wolf (3)  ded  mat & any good item to Antofer- heal potion +5hp (post action) 

    Wolf (4)  6 hp

  5. Antofer jumps into the battle And attack wolf 4 Antofer missed and ends up attack the ground and then wolf 3 bites his back and Snaps its own neck and falls to the ground and dissolves. wolfs 1 3 and 4 look at each other and then where like eh whatever forget moon-moon he was stupid. the rest of the wolfs miss and Antofer laughs" haha stupid wolf i bet its name was something stupid like moon-moon. Attack Abandon! there open! 



    ID# 47027 results:

     Battle: 4 fail 

     MOB 2: 1 fail

    ID# 47028 results:

     Battle: 7

     Loot: 10 (+3) mat &any good item to Antofer- heal potion +5hp (post action) 

     MOB 3 : 10

    ID# 47027 results:

     MOB 4: 1





    Antofer - 12 hp 2 energy

    Abandon - 12hp 3 energy

    wolf (1) 5 hp

    Wolf (2) 1 hp

    Wolf (3)  ded

    Wolf (4)  6 hp


  6. Lets end this quickly i yell. I jump forward into the pack and use my Sword art Full crescent. After the first attack the wolfs where ready and jump backwards and move out of the attack range and then as a pack they jump back for the kill. Wolf one lands a Hit and yelps from The damage return. the Second wolf attack crits and hurts me alittle but i shake the wolf off quickly and the 3ed wold missed and turned around ready for the next attack. "Ha thats all you got wolfs? your gonna kill your self before me"



    ID# 47020 results:

     Battle: 1 fail

     MOB 2: 9 -1=8 hit  

    ID# 47021 results:

     MOB 3: 10 -1 =9 crit

    D# 47022 results:

     MOB 4: 5 -1 =fail

    Antofer - 13hp 2 energy

    Abandon - 12hp 3 energy

    wolf (1) 5 hp

    Wolf (2) 1 hp

    Wolf (3)  1hp

    Wolf (4)  6 hp

  7. Yeah i could use some more i guess. I send Chi-Chi to find me some cotton. Chi-Chi runs out into the woods. He come running back with mats in his mouth and its transfer to my inventory. Its was a colder day today the wind was most of it really. "man i wish i had some warmer armor." but as long as we stay away from the water we are find okay? And the wolfs? yeah sure lets get em! let me see how many are there. ah okay yeah lets get the drop on em."  

    ID# 47018 results: +1 mat

     Loot: 13 (+3)

  8. Your Name: Antofer

    Familiar's Name: Chi-Chi

    Familiar's Species:  flying squirrel

    Familiar's Size: About 10 inches

    Floor Familiar is from: Floor 3

    Familiar's Ability: Name: Treasure Hunter
    Effect: Your familiar helps you look for treasure. +3 LD



  9. "Eh no problem." I told you i would be a little later sorry about that. but better late then never huh? well im glad that went down quick. what kinda pet are you looking for? yeah mine doesnt really help with combat to much little Chi-Chi is more of a utility support so yeah. Antofer looks at Chi-Chi whos a little good helper you are! thats right. Anyways where are we off to today? and you got the food right?

  10. In the morning i make one last attempt at finding a matt in on the way over to the cabin and while i don't find anything interesting it does pass the time and soon i find my self back with Abandon. Hey you ready to find something as cool as this? I show you to the cabin making sure to stay away from the water. well here we go again i say as we pick up the food.

    ID# 47016 results:

     Loot: 10 fail

  11. I find a animal tamer and he tells me that Chi-Chi helps by adding +1 evasion and +1 loot roll (To be confirmed by GM) hmm neat i think to my self. Well then thanks for your time! i find a inn and by that time a few brokers have found me and try to record my pet into the codex. after they look at it me and chi-chi go to to have dinner and i feed him hand fulls of nuts. Happy with my days work i head of to bed and find a note. "The rose will only bring pain and death. leave it be and do not attempt to look into the rose anymore" Aliitle worried i look around to see if i can find who left the note. After no luck I get into bed and drift of.

  12. I say my good byes and head out. Its been a few days sense i had a good fight lets see... hmmm there are a pack of 3 wolfs and other there we have 2 boars...hmm ill kill the boars. you know what i learned my lesson on soloing lets get out of here. When I get to the 3ed floor town I look around For my friends and when we meet up i show off Chi-Chi. then unsurprisingly they both want one too so i Mark it on there map. And we head out once more (This lead to my next quest with Abandon). Well now i just need to take Chi-Chi to find out what he can do

  13. Well little guy lets head back. I rub Chi-Chi. On the way home Chi-Chi jumps from tree to tree. hmmm let me try something. "hey Chi-Chi can you go look for some materials? Chi-Chi runs off out of view and i regret what i said. oh no he might not come back i worry, but a few moments he comes back with something in his mouth. "hey thanks bud! After some time we make it back to the cabin and the old lady congratulates me on finding the little guy. i turn in the quest for some Xp and stay one more night

    ID# 47013 results  Loot: 19 +1 mat

  14. "I got this buddy!" Antofer jumps in the way of the snake striking it the sword swings right into him the Snake backs up decided what he should do next. Antofer lookds around so i dont this this one likes you. well at least the void well accept it here in a second. good thing that at this level they dont have poison right? Antofer plants his feet making him self bigger to intimidate the Snake. looks like you have to go through me first huh. The snake hisses. the wound on it bleeding.

    ID 47012 battle dice 8 hit 

    16 hp - 4 energy 

    Snake- 1 hp

  15. Antofer Offers the food in his hand and the squirrel happy ate from his hand, its soft tail brushed Antofer, He smiled. the  squirrel mouth ticketed Antofers hand but he didnt move as not to scare it. The  squirrel  runs up Antofer Shoulder and a menu pops up. Accept Albino flying squirrel? Antofer eyes get wide and he very happy accepts it. The menu changes to name Albino flying squirrel. I say how does Chi-Chi sound? squirrel jumps up and down. Then its decided. I name her Chi-Chi. Chi-Chi runs around me and then rests on my shoulder. I cant wait to show you off little buddy! 


    ID# 47004 results:

     Loot: 19 (+1)

     MOB: 3

  16. After a very long time the squirrel decided to come closer and was only a few feet away. Antofer Didn't dear move. he had sweat drip from his forehead it was a hot day and this wasint helping at all. The squirrel was beautiful its white pelt made it stand out alot. Antofer very slowly put his hand out and the squirrel snifted it. He came up right next to me and i got the rest of the food and put it in my hand before giving it to it Antofer though this better work i only have one shot The squirrel looked at me waiting for the food here we go.....

  17. Antofer saw a albino flying squirrel the only one left watching him and Antofer  stepped closer but the squirrel jumped away to a new tree but watched him closely. this was my chance. Antofer got the food out and layed it on the ground a backed up. For a while nothing happen they just looked at each other the squirrel slow very slowly came closer and nibbled on the food. It looked at me very carefully and then back down at the food. it stuffed in into its mouth and ran up a tree and started eating. Antofer waited. He crossed his fingers and just waited please please work.

  18. As soon as Antofer was about to forget he finds what he was looking for flying squirrels. He carefully crept closer he didn't want to scare them. He was so excited about this how would he pick one though they all look different they where all shapes and sizes. Then Antofer Steps on a twig and all the squirrel saw him and ran away. Really upset Antofer cursed at the wind it had taken so long to find them and he had blown it. Antofer was ready to leave go get something lame like a boar. Then something caught is eyes. He look over....it was perfect 

  19. Antofer Walks around looking for a forest Once he spots one he runs in looking around he spots a group of Mantis, "damn praying mantis, I have them so much" Antofer remembers what happens last time. in his mind he sees him self missing every attack and coming a little to close to dying. Eh its in the past lets keep going and move on. Hours pass he cant find what he is looking for he finds foxes wolfs ravens really every kind of monster you can think...And mantis too. So dissapointed his figured he woud look a little longer and then look for something else.

  20. Antofer wakes up not feeling great. he slept oh hard wood floor that is. So gets his gear on thanks the NPC and then eats breakfast. The NPC did cook and made him eggs and bacon for him, it tasted like the first real think he had eaten in a very long time. He almost forgot what good food tasted like but he enjoyed it and maybe ate to fast he wanted more but didn't want to bother anyone and ask for more so he opened the door and saw The wet ground and walked in search of his hew buddy.

  21. As much as he wanted to think other wise Antofer Felt alone. He had a few new friends but he really missed the old world he keeps saying this new one is good. but he was happy before this and he wanted to see his family friends his girl-friend again. He missed things he didn't think he would like school and even work. This was supposed to be fun but he was trapped and thinking he could die anytime like that other player was really stressful on Antofer and takes a tole on him. Then a voice in his head game him new motive. if he messed everything so bad then he cant give up. he Just needs to work harder. And im sure this hurts others like my family. With a new passion to fight Antofer drifts into a deep sleep.....

  22. Antofer takes of his equipment and dried it by the fire. Antofer tried to talk to the NPC but sadly it had limited talking dialog And while talking to here i realized what Kind of pet i wanted To search for in the morning it was silly but he wanted a flying squirrel. He wasn't sure how helpful it would be in combat but he would be a great friend He even had a name for the little guy chi-chi (Name is inside joke) He asked what the NPC though. She asked him if he wanted tea.....Well no point in wasting time (only for RP purpose) Antofer got out some leather and practiced making armor and try to level up his skill. The warm fire help light up the cabin but it was still pretty dark and the NPC went to bed, Antofer figured he should sleep as well. He got out his blanket and curled up. 

  23. After a nice long nap Antofer wakes up but its getting cold and it starts to rain. (Antofer Hates rain) "oh no" Antofer said as he quickly packs up everything and starts to run in the woods back to the closest place he could find. He Remembered  that cabin so he runs there and busts into the door. The NPC was very surprised and dropped her tea. "oh im sorry" antofer said as the cup hits the floor and Smashes into a many little shards of glass before the dissolve into pixels. "oh thas alright dear she said as she poors one more cup. would you  care for one?" Anofer sits by the fire no thats okay i smile, Sorry for bursting in i just hate rain. 

  24. Antofer lays down a blanket, and opens up his pack. Sigh i really should buy some food when i get back to town this stuff tastes awful. Well not awful but its weird having a food with no taste. Either way its better then being hungry right? he eats his bread and drinks so water. well at least that water was cold and it was great. Antofer takes a moment to lay under the sun and Smiles This world is going to be better some day. Antofers mind slowly drifts into a sleep and the warm sun provides its self as blanket of heat it was a comfortable rest  

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