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Posts posted by yukisuzuki

  1. Yuki felt hand wrap around her into a hug. Yuki didn't say anything, all she did was cry. She tried her best to not get it on his shirt, but there was no point, Yuki was in a lot of pain. Yuki held in everything until now, now she cried more than ever. "I-its o- okay" Yuki cried, she eventually stopped. Yuki has always thought about killing herself because no one cared about her, at all. Not even the mother that Yuki was looking for, so much. "I-i'm u- u-used to it" Yuki tried her best to not mess up the words. "N-no one C-cares abo-ut how i feel, M-my mother want-ed m-me ... d-dead" Yuki said honestly through her cries. She she was in the hug with Rowan she could feel his heart beating faster, faster than a normal heart would be beating. Yuki kept going, she kept crying, its like she couldn't stop. "E-everyone w-wan-ted me d-dead..." Yuki said crying even more. 

  2. Yuki looked down at the floor, she didn't know what to say. "I killed people to find my mother, i was in a lot of pain then. People were after me and they wanted to kill me so, i killed them" Yuki said as tears form in her eyes. "I never found my mothers body but... a man killed her and took a picture and sent it to me" Yuki says, holding back the tears that are on the verge of pouring a river. It was hard for Yuki to talk about this kind of thing, but she might as well keep going. "I was kidnapped by the man, and i was in the cell of his basement for two weeks. I escaped and the man was after me. He had his people come after me, and it became a body massacre. I killed over 100 people that day. That was when... i didn't care anymore, i didn't care wether i died or not. Since i was useless, horrible, worst, scary, ugly person to be alive" Yuki said as tears fall down her cheeks as she quoted her mothers words to her. Yuki knew that telling Rowan her past was no point, he will still want to kill her. Yuki kept looking down at the floor as tears roll down her cheeks. 

  3. Yuki already had Rowan on her friends list, she sighed but then got extremely mad at him for treating her like she was an enemy. 'well we kind of are enemies...but thats not the point, if he doesn't want me here it just makes me want to get this job even more' Yuki thought. Yuki stayed in her spot, this might help her from being bored. Yuki just wanted to apply cause it seemed so... normal, and not many people will think she is a bad person if she got this job. 'Maybe aka-chan wont be so mad at me if i apply, maybe if i get this job she could see i changed and forget what happened in the past' Yuki thought. 

  4. Yuki noticed a man sitting down on the floor... smoking. Yuki kept her smiles inside, he reminded her of her 'uncle' Rick. Yuki was really happy that someone resembled her 'uncle' Rick. He wasn't her actual uncle but, he did treat her like family. He would do anything to keep Yuki happy, anything. He died, saving Yuki's life. Someone was after Yuki and Rick saved her by killing the man who was after her, but in the process Rick died. Yuki was devastated, depressed, angry, and guilty. She felt so bad, she shouldn't have brought Rick into her problems, but she still did since she was only 14. Yuki shook off the sad feeling she was having from remembering 'Uncle' Rick. "When will the contest start?" Yuki asks tilting her head, looking over to everyone. Yuki sighed when the other people (Not rowan) Shrugged. 

  5. Yuki smiles as he begins to say the poem. She really likes the poem, if she could she might as well marry the poem. "I love it" Yuki says truthfully. Yuki likes these kinds of things, things that express how you are feeling as such. Yuki smiles, "I love the song so much i might get married to it" Yuki winks at Nixon. She giggles and stares int Nixon's strikingly blue eyes, that stagger her heart ever so slightly. Yuki keeps the big smile plastered on her face to show she is enjoying herself. Yuki doesn't smile that much but, Nixon makes her smile. He makes her feel like she is needed, and that she isn't alone anymore. She is happy she met Nixon, and she hopes that he will never forget her, because Yuki knows she wont forget Nixon. 

  6. Yuki's eyes widened when he told her about himself. And how he couldn't remember anything. Yuki knew that he probably doesn't believe her for one bit. "B-but your not dead right?" She pauses for a second, she looks up to him and he says nothing so she continues. "Anyways... i wouldn't kill you, theres no point. You didn't do anything to make me kill you. I changed since i was out of the game." Yuki looks away, she doesn't want him to see her in pain. "I uh... used to kill people, in the real world, but i stopped. after a while since there was no one that wanted to hurt me anymore" Yuki says truthfully. 

  7. Yuki was a bit confused, she walked up to the tiny group of people, then she heard Rowan 'Its his shop... well this is interesting' Yuki thought. Yuki did not give up, she walked up to Rowan and put on a fake smile. "I would like to apply for this job" She smiles kindly. Yuki looked into his eyes, and hoped that he wouldn't try to harm her in any kind of way. Even if they knew each other, she still wanted to be a part of something. And this is the thing she wanted to try, she really wants to get this job. Yuki doesn't know why but she really wants this job. 

  8. Yuki blushes after je says he would'nt mind. But she shook off that feeling of her heart thumping like it might jump out of her chest. "Well I told you what happened in general. Yes I did pull a sword into your face but, you kissed me and I have no idea why, and then you kissed me again. I think three times" Yuki uses her fingers to count how many times exactly, but she just forgets about it and goes on with the story. "Then your mind switched and you knew that kissing me was a bad idea or somethin, but when I was leaving you said some things, and I guess its best if you don't remember and then I left because I knew if I got involved with you eventually you will kill me. So I just... left and then when I was walking around I came back and I saw you on the ground uncousious in the rain, and then I brought you to that house and gave you my jacket and a note" Yuki says honestly. Yuki hates the situation she is in, she looks inti Rowans eyes with the eyes he loves, the ones filled with rage and anger, but also sadness. 

  9. Yuki wondered around town looking for something to do, something intresting. Yuki came upon a flyer, she read the flyer and it was actually something that she never has seen in the game. She kind of liked how people acted normally in the game, a virtual game that they are stuck in. Yuki decided to take up on this offer and apply for the job. Yuki walked to the place that it would be holding. And that's when she saw Rowan, and two other people she has never seen before. "Hmm... is he the owner... or..." she mumbles to herself. Yyuki acts like she doesn't see him, even though she sticks out from everyone because she has bright pink hair like cotten candy. Yuki just assumed that Rowan was someone who was applying, she didn't know he was the owner. She thought since this game has so many game people that the Rowan on the flyer was someone else. 

  10. Yuki looked up to Rowan, with scared eyes, but also her eyes showed her anger with him. 'thats not what happened! Something else happened... he kissed me and then I left but when I came back he was uncounsious' Yuki thought. Yuki didn' t know if she should tell him the truth again. Yuki knew if she told him the truth he wouldn't believe her, 'but what do I have to loose? nothing... I have nothing to loose' Yuki decided to tell him the truth, since if he killed her it would just mean that she would be gone forever. "T-thats not what happened" She looked away, but her voice showed honesty and integrety. " What happened was... y-you um... err... you k-kissed me and then you let me go and I walked away. But when I came back I saw you uncounsious in the rain" her voice showed honesty, which was rare. Yuki was not lying and she hoped he would believe her. 

  11. Yuki blushed and looked away, she ripped her eyes off his and stared down at the floor, the grassy floor. Yuki didn't know if she should tell him the truth or not. She decided to just tell him the truth. "I- i was um... i was walking and i saw you on the ground so i carried you around until i found a small house that was empty. S-so i put you there and i um... gave you my jacket since it was raining. I wrote a note so you would not be confused when you woke up. And..." Yuki was looking down at her hands and fiddled with her thumbs, she was embarrassed. "Uh... n-never mind" Yuki was about to say something that would have probably gotten her killed or into a really bad situation. She decided to stay quiet and say nothing. 

  12. Yuki sighed as he looked at her with mixed feelings, all she does is stare into his eyes. He asks her to spill it out already, as his sword hits her neck making her loose 1 hp. Yuki looked at Rowan, her eyes go blank (With no feelings inside them at all). "Nothing, just thinking about how this is such a great wake up call" She says with sarcasm, and a fake smile. Yuki was kind of mad, but it didn't show at all except in her voice. Yuki knew she had to keep her pissed off attitude to herself, she didn't want him to be amused with her.  Yuki stared at him with no emotion, she was very mad at him for his actions. "I didn't expect you to surprise me, your so sweet" She says with more sarcasm. 

  13. Yuki shoots up after she hears a voice. She quickly holds her breath when she sees rowan, than she feels a blade right at her throat. She looks into rowan's eyes and she puts on a blank face. "It was fine" She finally answers, not moving her eyes from his. Yuki's head was going through many thoughts but one stood out from the others. 'Why is he doing this to me? what did i do to him? Should i care if he kills me? or should i just give up and let him kill me?' Yuki thinks as his blade touches her throat very closely. Yuki Must have given up because she sighed, her eyes fill with tears but they never fall out of her eyes. She blinks away the tears hoping Rowan wont see. 'Why would he care? let him see my tears. Let him see that i'm hurt, its not like he's gonna let me live anyways' Yuki thinks, she opens her eyes and there back to the dark color of red, but their filled with pain, hurt, and loneliness. 'I might as well not get close to anyone. Why does he want to hurt me so much? Am i that much of a bad person to be killed? I guess i am, but i didn't think i would die this young' Yuki thinks, she can't speak since she's scared if she says something wrong he will hurt her and let her life with the pain. Yuki looked into Rowan's eyes, she just stares into his eyes. Her face shows no emotion, but her eyes almost explain everything.

  14. Yuki kept sleeping away, she did wake up here and there, to check her surroundings. Yuki can sleep through almost anything, so its hard for her to tell if she's in danger or not when she is sleeping. Yuki always had her guard up, it was kind of a habit for her. She would never really let down her guard unless she trusted the person a lot. Yuki smiles in her sleep, she has a good dream. Its a dream about people never leaving her alone, and she still has all of her friends with her. Yuki stays asleep, she hasn't had such a good dream in years. 

  15. Yuki sat out side of town, out of the safe zone. She sat inside a tree, and from looks of it she was sleeping. Yes Yuki was sleeping out of the safe zone, it was interesting. Yuki killed a few mobs before she could actually take a nap. Yuki knew that everyone didn't know me as the pink haired girl who has a temper, and a talent. Yuki knew they knew her as 'Mrs. lighning' then the people will quickly know who she is. Once someone says 'Mrs. lightning' people begin to panic. 

    Yuki is wearing her usual, black long sleeve shirt (That shows her curves) with black pants (That shows her curves) and black boots. Her coat was gone, since she gave it to someone who might've gotten sick. Yuki keeps sleeping in the tree, peacefully. Lately Yuki hasn't been able to sleep, since her ind has been corrupted with thoughts that she couldn't stop herself from thinking about. Yuki knew the thoughts she was having would never happen, since there's no chance. Yuki gave up, on a dream that came up recently. Yuki knew he never wanted to see her again, since he let her go and lied to her after the kiss. Yuki thought he didn't care about her, nor like her whats so ever. 

  16. Yuki started to get rained on, she just let it happen. Yuki didn't even care about the rain, she acted like she didn't even notice it. She kept walking around the village doing nothing. Yuki just let her feet go where ever they wanted, and she saw herself right back out of the village. She stares at the trees and wet grass. She moved her hair our of her face, she walked up to the tree and saw someone laying on the ground. Yuki walked up to the unconscious body and picked it up and carried him on her back. She walked towards the village, she walked into a small building that had no one in it. She shrugged and walked to a chair, she put the boy own. She put her long black coat over the sleeping body. She looked at the face, she noticed it was Rowan. Her eyes widened she grabbed a piece of paper and wrote. 


    Hey Rowan! yeah its me again... i know, you hate me. :) but i don't care how you feel about me. I saw you unconscious on the ground so i brought you here so you wont get sick. Well hopefully we will see each other soon! bye bye... :P Bye Baka -YUKI SUZUKI ...


    Yuki walked out of the small building and stood outside. She leaned against the wall and kept getting rained on. She began to shiver, her hair and body was soaking wet. Hopefully she wont get sick again. Yuki waited for nothing, she just stood there. She has no where to go, she doesn't know any one here but everyone knows her as a scary person. Yuki is the definition of lonely, everyone throws her out or leaves her. Yuki has never has a friend that stayed with her friends forever. Yuki wishes someone like her would stay with her, and understand her. 

  17. Yuki knew he was lying, and dang did he make her believe he was gonna stay with her. She couldn't stay with him since she knew he didn't care about her. "Well i'm off now. Goodbye" Yuki said with a small smile. Yuki knew that was his goodbye to her, she knew that everyone eventually will be alone. Her mother died three years ago leaving her all alone for those three years. Since she only trusted her mother at that time. Yuki walked away, She remembered her mother. Yuki keep's walking back into the small village. Yuki knows she will never get that back, she chuckles to herself. "God Yuki... your so stupid" Yuki says laughs. 

  18. Yuki was so confused on what happened. As Yuki was pulled away, left wanting more. He looked at her with the cold glare, she got up and stood there. She wanted more, but she knew she wouldn't be able to get that feeling again. Her eyes were dark, but had some shine in it. Yuki's eyes looked like blood, as always they do. Yuki loved the color red, the color red is her color. Yuki stared at Rowan, she understood why he gave her the look, and what the look means. Yuki closed her eyes and sighed, Once she opened them they were the dark shade of red, the eyes of a sadistic person. She looked into Rowan's eyes like she was looking right through him. She was hurt, the pain in her chest was overwhelming. She knew that he didn't care about her, but she still had the erge to kiss him one more time. Her eyes become darker as the pain gets worse, her eyes are filled with sadness, and loneliness. She knew no one loved her, Ever! "I see... i guess i was right. It was nice meeting you Rowan" She pauses and bowes. She thought he was like her, but he through her out like a piece of trash, like how her father kicked her out of the house. "I'm alone once more" She stood up and smiled weakly at her self. "I hope you find someone nice" She says and turns around to walk away, but she doesn't walk away. She wants to know if he will stop her from walking away or if he would just let her walk away. 

  19. Yuki still blushing, was pulled into another kiss and was felt by the hands of Rowan. Her hair was back down, her hair flowed back down. Her hair reached her hips and made her even prettier. Yuki didn't know what to do at this point. She gave up trying to get out of Rowan's grip, she closed her eyes and hesitantly kissed back.Yuki was kind of into someone else, but Yuki's heart couldn't stop pounding like it was gonna jump out of her chest when Rowan kissed her. Yuki doesn't know whats going, she's still shocked by the fact he didn't kill her but kissed her. She's surprised, but still confused. 

  20. Yuki dropped the sword as his lips touched hers. Her eyes widened and she was blushing redder than a tomato. 'He's holding me and... Kissing me!' Yuki thought. Yuki didn't know what to do, The kiss lasted longer than 2 minutes or so, then he stopped kissing her and stared in Yuki's blood like eyes. It looked like he felt bad for her, she didn't know what to do. She stood there staring into his eyes. Yuki's eyes were filled with guilt, sadness, but also curiosity. She couldn't speak, not could she move. She was still staring into Rowan's eyes, blushing redder than a tomato at this point. 

  21. Yuki watched as Sinful ran to Rowan, and yelled something. Yuki could't hear since they were far away. Yuki knew if Rowan did something to Sinful she would kill him. Yuki walked towards Akari, but she walked passed her. As Yuki walked pass he she looked into her eyes.  Yuki walked away smirking, her old self is back. Yuki's killing self is back and she knows that Rowan will be her first. Yuki walks down and into a village, she sits down on a bench and watches as all the players walk past her. 

  22. Yuki's eyes widened but only with a darker shade of red. She was enraged, she was done with Rowan's bull. She took a deep inhale and walked up to Rowan and was only a few centimeters away from kissing him. "You will not touch Sinful! You hear me!" She says Whispering but yelling at the same time. Yuki was pissed. Her eyes were filled with rage, but also sadness. Yuki had her right hand on the hilt of the sword. Quickly she took out the sword again and put it over Rowans neck. "Do not touch him!" She pauses and leans a bit closer to Rowan, making there noses touch "Or i will kill you" She was being sincere. Yuki was not lying, she will kill Rowan if he says he will. Yuki wants to keep her friends safe, and if she cant do that then she will kill again to keep them safe. 

  23. Yuki let go of him, and glared. Her eye color did not change. "maybe its because i dont follow the rules" she smiles, but it fades away after a while. "you know if i kill you, there is no wauy to get you back? do you know how many times i had to tell people that before killing them?" Yuki said


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