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Posts posted by Yukino

  1. Upon entrance, Yuki was met with the scent of refined metal and burning wood. Fire crackled to her left, giving the shoppe a home-y feeling. Stepping through the waiting area, the purplette approached the counter and lightly tapped the bell that emitted an eloquent 'ding'. No sooner than had she sounded the bell, another player entered the shop. There was no mistaking it. But it was in fact the player she had seen only moments ago before stepping into the shop herself. His question was met with silence at first, but slowly the couple made their way tot he front and greeted them both.

    The surly male, know as Griswold, was the first to speak. "Aye we craft armor for those in need. What's your fancy, light or heavy?" Yuki hesitated before giving her answer.

    "Light," she mumbled.

    "Well if its light armor you seek, talk to my wife Hanna. She'll give you a list of materials to gather."

    Nodding, Yuki scooted down the counter, and spoke to the wife, Hanna. The rather stunning brunette craftswoman, quickly produced a list for the girl to adhere to. "Just get these two items and he'll be able to craft you cloak!" "Thank you," Yuki responded before placing the list in her inventory. Turning to face the other player, she had half a mind to ask for his help since he'd be doing the quest as well, the other half was unsure as he looked rather intimidating. Sighing, she turned to leave instead.

  2. Light dripped between the buildings as she passed from one shoppe to the next. Each one laying claim to the best quality and cheapest prices around. Though all seemed likely to rob you of your funds sooner than you could say 'Aincrad'. With each step, she saw less and less light, as with each step, she delved deeper into the alley. She scanned the signs lining each individual building, skipping each one yet again before gasping aloud as one seemed to fit the bill. Looking both ways along the alley, her gaze was once again fixed upon something unfamiliar, another player. His attire screamed casual, but his aura shouted veteran of sorts. She blinked a few times as the player came into view. She recognized him from somewhere but she couldn't place a name to the person and as such, she flicked the notion away.

    Stepping forward, she entered the shop of the couple Griswold and Hanna.

  3. Yukino hated tension. Even more so, she hated needless tension. The two boys before her obviously had something going on between them that was making them uncomfortable. Yuki, rather than pry, not that she cared anyhow, decided to slowly step away from both as they bickered back and forth. As she stepped back, two more figures approached the group, although not directly. More so like passing through the area they occupied at the moment. Both seemed to have a rather antagonistic look to them as they kept their eyes peeled to the cobbled roads ahead. They only ever glanced up slightly to check the two argumentative players out before returning the ir gaze to the ground. Once they emerged on the other side of the group, Yukino, opted to interrupt the two before her. "You guys mind knocking whatever this is off? Its a little weird given you're both faking this 'happiness'. I think I'll just escort myself from here." Giving them both a slight bow, the purplette headed back towards the tavern. She'd need some time to plan for her first combat outing.

  4. Light flickered as the purplette materialized onto the platform within the center of Delilah Village. The main settlement of the third floor met her with sights she had never seen before. Cobbled and dirt roads alike served as entrances and exits to the floor around her. Azure eyes flicked between this and that, in search of any signs that could lead her to the rumored shop. Stepping from the platform, she skimmed the visible shop signs. None of them seeming to stick out with each sweep of there title and wares. Pushing forward, she headed for the alleyway lined with the most shops and figured she'd ask around there. Maybe someone else would have an idea of what she was looking for.

  5. Yukino's thoughts came to a quickened halt as yet another person introduced themselves to her. The day was becoming more odd by the second and she wasn't quite sure where it was heading. Glancing to the blonde who had introduced himself as Nixon, Yuki, gave him a slight nod in acknowledgement of his statement. "I'm Yukino, but you can call me Yuki." Glancing him over, Yuki seemed apprehensive of his 'lively' persona. For someone trapped in a death game, he sure is...happy... She didn't know what to think of Nixon just yet, not that she had Sinful figured out either, but the blue-eyed boy's offer was rather tempting.

    "I'd like to take you up on that offer Nixon. I'm still level one however, so I may need more 'carrying' than you realize."

  6. Rumor has it, the third floor played host to a shop that gifted players armor if they acquired the right materials. While Yuki wasn't one for myths and misleading information, the rumor had piqued her interest nonetheless. Her frequent tavern lodging seemed to have affected the NPC owner as he was now regularly saying "See you soon," to her whenever she left. Though that alone could've been her imagination as now that she thought on it, he said 'see you soon' to everyone.

    Pushing the hinged wood forward, she vacated the tavern and made her way to the teleportation gate. She would dispel the rumor soon enough. 

  7. Just as the exit seemed within reach, another player had stopped Yuki in her tracks, This one donning dirtied platinum hair and holding a what seemed like a a sack of Col. While his musing didn't make much sense to her, she got the gist of the situation and held out her hand in a "stop" fashion. "The col isn't mine, but I do appreciate the thought. You should keep it." Taking his hand, she slightly shook it and bowed to greet him. "Nice to meet you as well...Sinful.." The name was quite odd, but she didn't dwell on it. Her thoughts did turn over at the fact that no matter what, it seemed training wouldn't be in her cards today with all these wily interruptions. Pitching a sigh, lidded azure eyes met his gaze as she awkwardly stood, unsure of what to do about his supposed hair issue. 

  8. Yuki paused as something lightly tapped against her shoulder. Swiveling around, her gaze fell upon a blonde of sorts that seemed to be looking for someone. Her apology confused Yuki as she wondered who else in this world had purple hair like hers to be mistaken with. "No worries" escaped her lips as she shifted her line of sight back to the gate. "If there's nothing else, I have some work to do. Pardon me." With a slight bow, she turned to face the city's exit and began to head off once again. Calling over her shoulder, Yuki yelled, "I hope you find who you're looking for!"

  9. The Starting City. A massive metropolis of players and buildings alike. Housing those that didn't ask for the burden they are carrying as well as housing burdens that needed carrying. Yuki was still unsure what category she had managed to fall into but neither of them were a pleasant thought when she is more than capable of handling herself. Why had she taken so long to get offer ass and do something? Fear? Anger? Hatred? The excuses never made a difference, but today she planned to begin anew. What that entailed was up in the air, but important nonetheless.

    The booth that had been housing her, now lay vacant as the purplette exited the tavern. Determination laced her gaze as she stormed off towards the fields. There would be no more waiting around, she needed to catch up. 

  10. 766FTkJ.png


    Real Name: Yukino Taiga

    Age: 17, September 5

    Gender: Female

    Height: 5.7 Feet

    ~HistoryYukino was raised as an only child with a rather typical upbringing in a wealthy family. She's never met an obstacle she couldn't or her family couldn't overcome. While her parent's are still married they are now currently separated. Her father moved out when she was fifteen, a notion of change she had been expecting. While she wasn't pleased with it, she realized it was probably for the best. Her mother seems more relieved and is happily searching for a new guy. Her life wasn't perfect in the least, but it was better than most. 

    Two years after her parents had been 'separated', things took a turn for the worst - her father became a verbally abusive drunk with no intention of leaving Yukino and her mother alone in peace - apparently not over the 'separation'. He constantly showed up at their home, spouting off threats, and forcing Yukino's mother to file a restraining order against him. But given his wealth, and underhanded dealings, these restraining orders virtually meant nothing as he continued to harass them. Because of this, Yukino's mother had Yukino move in with her aunt in, who was staying in Japan.

    While attending a convention with her aunt,  a new booth caught her eye. Finding herself attracted to the gaming hub, Yukino awaited her turn to try out one of the very few publicly loaned systems doing a trial run of the new game, Sword Art Online. Deciding she had the time, she entered the system to kill that time until her anime booth opened up. Unfortunately, she would never get to see that booth.



    • Empathetic - Yukino, while against her better judgement sometimes, is capable and willing to show kindness and empathy to just about any and everyone. Even if she has more pressing matters to attend to, she can't help but to go out of her way to help those who falter in this death game as well as providing company to those who need it.
    • Resourceful - Yukino is quite self sufficient. Despite being a well off child, she is capable of taking care of herself and can adapt to just about any situation she may find herself in.
    • Charismatic - Yukino is rather well spoken and able to talk her way into and out things, though which situation it becomes is usually a toss up. Depending on the other person, her way with words could easily persuade them into doing just about anythings she asks.


    • Unpredictable - Yukino can sometimes be described as having an erratic nature. As such, she can sometimes be sporadic since her actions have the potential of being uncalled for. She doesn't often tell others what she is thinking most of the time and has a tendency of doing things on her own timing.
    • Obstinate - Yukino has an unshakable will and confidence in her ability to accomplishing tasks. When she makes her mind up on something, it'll be quite the hassle to convince her to back off. 
    • Impulsive - Yukino, who can be seemingly patient when it comes to most, has a low tolerance for things that annoy her. She gets angered or irritated quite easily with minor things, and when you get down to it, her current mood depicts how she'll act. Most times she can push it aside, however she isn't above tossing out retorts.


    ~Skills (0/5)~

    Utility & Mobility Skills:


    Combat Skills:

    Weapon Skills:

    » One-Handed Dagger (Rank 1) (+1 Damage)

    Armor Skills:


    Locked Skills:





    » 10 Bread

    » 15 Water







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