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Posts posted by Kranzer

  1. Kranzer got so distracted with Grave's latest attack that he wasn't paying much attention to his own. His hand crashed down on the stone but it didn't get a solid hit and did more harm than good. The young man rubbed his hand as he grimaced and took a couple steps back. It didn't actually hurt to such a degree that made him do that, it was more like a reaction as he thought it hurt. Kranzer let out a low sigh as he stared at the Boulder. "Is it sad that this is the toughest thing I have fought in all the time i've been here," Kranzer said as he looked over towards Grave. It really wasn't something he was proud of but it was still true. If he was going to break this thing and complete this quest he was going to need to step up his game a bit here.

    ID: 53538; BD: 3(2+1)

    Grave: 14/19 NRG
    Kranzer: 4/5 NRG

    Boulder: 27/
    50 HP

  2. Raun seemed to lose some of his spirit at first but that changed as his eyes grew wide. "Uh," he managed to get out as Raun went on about trying to find his sister and wanted to find out if any of them had a brother named Raun. Kranzer took a step back and an awkward expression crossed his face. "Woah hold up there." The guy seemed pretty desperate which was only reinforced as he tried to offer Kranzer all of the Col he had. Kranzer looked a little aggravated at having gotten stuck in this situation. "Keep your money," he said with a dismissive wave. "Now I can't just go giving names to you without their permission so let me send the messages. Just uh... wait here." Kranzer walked back down the road a bit and kept an eye on Raun. The menu appeared before him with nothing more than a swipe of his hand. He sent out a few quick messages that stated, "This may seem strange but there is a guy here looking for his sister. Do you have a brother named Raun?" He sent them all out and when his menu closed he started to walk back towards where Raun was. "And now we just wait for some replies."

  3. Kranzer could only blink as Grave equipped a mask and his voice changed. His foot swept around and scored a solid hit against the boulder which sent the young man back a step as he blinked. "That was pretty awesome." Kranzer wondered if it was the mask or just Grave's irritation that allowed him to pull that attack off, or was he just pulling Kranzer's leg this entire time by missing on purpose? Either way it didn't matter at that point. Following the lead of his potential teacher Kranzer pulled the edge of his scarf up to conceal his face from his nose down. His hand was reared back as he breathed in deeply. The air was pushed out of his lungs in one mighty push as his hand crashed down hard on the boulder and dislodged a small chunk of it. Kranzer could only blink as he looked at his hand and then at the boulder. "Huh."

    ID: 53535, BD: 10(9+1) (+1, -1 Eng)

    Grave: 15/19 NRG
    Kranzer: 4/5 NRG

    Boulder: 27/
    50 HP (DMG: 1+2)

  4. Samriel demonstrated knowledge of how the beasts acted after the sun set along with the hindrance of not being able to see very well and how it affected your ability to strike at an opponent. When she made mention of PKers who lurked out in the dark places of the world his mind envisioned all of them as wolves driven mad by their hunger as they wait for a scrap of meat to be dangled in front of their faces. It really wasn’t a pleasant thought. One he didn’t want to dwell on so he quickly focused his attention elsewhere. As they walked he opened his menu and started to cycle through it to double check his gear. The dark grey shirt and trousers he wore were really just for appearance sake. They didn’t offer him any true benefit. The pair of plain black boots or fingerless gloves that he wore either and in fact the scarf he had loosely wrapped around his neck was just for show as well. He just liked being able to hide his face when he was able. It gave him the feeling of being removed from a situation and it also allowed him to hide away while he blushed, something that seemed to be happening all too often since he arrived here in this world.

    The revelation that she was set up to be a tank incited a slight look of interest from the young man. His eyebrows rose and he asked, “Oh? You’re both a support and a tank? So you’re something like a paladin?” It was then that he first took notice of the gear she’d equipped and the instant his eyes lowered to look at her jewel encrusted armor he quickly shifted his gaze elsewhere. “Aye I went with a DPS build, and in fact I will eventually branch off into some support skills like First Aid.” When her question was left hanging he turned to look into her eyes and pulled back the left edge of his coat to reveal the dagger that was secured to his left hip. “I’m a dagger user. While I don't really like to fight I don't have any qualms taking these beasts down so just leave finishing them off to me.” Suddenly Kranzer slowed to a stop when the edge of the treeline became visible in the distance. "Looks like we're almost there." Once they got inside the woods he'd just have to keep looking around until he found that peculiar mushroom that the Merchant needed. What it had to do with being a Merchant he had no idea. It was too late to second guess his choice at this point. Those dark eyes of his shifted towards her. "You ready for this," he asked. If she gave her confirmation he'd start off again. It'd probably take another minute of walking before they arrived at the fringes of the woodlands.

    "Would you prefer to help me search or keep watch for any wolves that might be sneaking up on us?" If a fight did break out he'd be quick to react of course, but he was out here for an item and not something that he'd get off a monster drop either.

  5. By the way Hydra spoke it became obvious that Luna was more or less inexperienced in combat. Kranzer nodded his head as Hydra shook his hand. Kranzer didn’t know this man but he seemed carefree enough. Then perhaps he could hold his own. Allania’s smile was returned with a brief one that worked its way across Kranzer’s face. Like Allania, Kranzer wore the same gear as well. His long dark grey cloak mostly concealed his clothes which were of a similar color. The legs of his pants were pulled down low over a pair of plain black boots. Black leather had been sewn into the torso of the coat and around its collar for added protection. Well the look was purely cosmetic since all of its defensive properties consisted of data. On the shoulder of the coat’s left sleeve the profile of a lion was emblazoned. A crown rested upon its head and it was the only identifying mark present upon his clothing. A black scarf was loosely wrapped around his neck with each of its ends hanging down on either side of his body. The scarf's edge was pulled down far enough that it didn't conceal any of his face.

    Allania confirmed his suspicion that they intended to show Luna around. She went on to explain how this would work so nobody would be put in too great of danger. The girl shook his hand but it wasn’t the strong firm handshake of someone with an overabundance of confidence. The young man quickly opened his menu and sorted to his gear to ensure he had everything in order while he waited for the others to set the plans. “I could use some time outside of the walls. It was time for my nap to be over anyway. We should probably group up to be safe." Once he closed his menu his eyes roamed from one party member to the next. "Is this your first time leaving the city?” His dark-eyed gaze focused on Luna as he spoke.


    Equipped: Fate's Hand(+2 Dmg, +1 Acc), Merlin's Shround(+2 Eva, +9 Mit)

  6. He focused on her eyes for a moment and her lips. There were traces of that sad smile lingering in her expression but she seemed to perk back up after a while. It was at this time it was revealed that Kranzer had no true grasp on humor. Allania had offered to be his knight in Boarhide armor and referred to him as a child. While she might have meant that teasingly he blinked for a moment but opted just to smile. “I’ll definitely do that.” He wouldn’t turn down an offer for someone to have his back after all. She giggled again and he could only smile in response. It was different. Just seeing someone at least appear to be happy in this place had a way of changing the entire atmosphere around him. He didn’t know if she was genuinely that way or if it was just a mask she wore to conceal how she truly felt. Either way it wasn’t something he was going to question. When she announced that she was ready he offered her a quick nod and stepped towards the gate.

  7. Kranzer’s step faltered for a moment when he heard his name spoken by the one he thought was familiar and now that he was closer he realized that it was Takneil. He held his hand up to apologize but the man leaped at a group of bandits. Suddenly the young man realized he might not have been as careful as she should have in his approach.  When Hunie replied he offered her a brief smile. One that faded when she said it had been a pleasure to meet her friend. His eyes turned to focus on Dynaon as he pondered if she was being genuine with that statement or if she was just being nice. Maybe he wasn’t quite as boorish with other people? Somehow he doubted that. The sound of Dynaon as he shouted the nickname he’d chosen for Kranzer made him grin awkwardly. It wasn’t until he met Takneil that he discovered Kranzy was just a nickname and not Dynaon’s failed attempt at pronouncing his name. Kranzer was about to say something until his friend called Takneil Takkles. “T-Takkles?” He paused for a moment and he couldn’t even guess what he’d chosen to call Hunie.

  8. "Oh lucky me," he said dryly as he stared at the Merchant but quickly offered her an awkward smile. "I guess so and yeah nothing more than wolves out there. I uh," he said as he hesitated for a moment. He was just about to thank her for everything she did. Kranzer didn't really expect her to do more than show him where the merchant was but the realization that she'd just offered to venture out of the city with him hit him like a bag of bricks. "Oh." His voice sounded rather meek. Well now he felt like he was really going to owe her for this. It wasn't something he'd turn down obviously. Even though he often traveled out side of the city alone it wasn't something he felt was really a safe or wise thing to do. When the window popped up to indicate he'd gotten a party request he reached out and pressed accept. "T-thank you," he managed to say before he cleared his throat. He had to at least appear confident otherwise he'd just end up making a bad first impression. "We should probably get going. I try not to stay outside of the city after the sun has set."

    Kranzer would go ahead and leave the store and start making his way south towards the gates that opened up to the vast grassy plains beyond. From there it would be a short trek to the woodland. The trees were thin and sparse at first but they soon grew thick and larger in numbers the farther one traveled from the Town of Beginnings. He didn't say much as they walked. His dark-eyed gaze rested upon the path ahead of them. That is until they finally reached the gate and then he turned to look at her. "If we end up in a fight do you prefer a front-line role?" He'd avoided staring at her too much to avoid any misunderstandings but it was important for him to know what she was capable of. The last thing he needed was to put her life on the line over a silly little mushroom.

  9. Kranzer realized that the three of them were forming a group and were about to head out into the wilderness to either hunt boards or gather materials. This was meant to be his day off so he was about to excuse himself only to stop when the only other guy still here mentioned that Kranzer was welcome to join them so long as he wasn’t a PKer. “Of course I’m not a PKer,” he was quick to say. Allania’s explanation for what happened with Ratatosk made no sense. He’s acted like that before? He was always so abrasive whenever he saw him. “I see,” he muttered as he scratched at the back of his neck. Once more he was about to excuse himself from the group but before he could Allania asked if he was coming along. An awkward smile spread across his face. “I might as well. Does everyone here have suitable gear to survive a fight?

    His dark-eyed gaze fell on Luna. The way her eyes were cast towards the ground and when she said she would like to go along but only so long as she was protected made him think she wouldn’t be able to hold her own. He looked from Hydra to Luna and let out a soft sigh. “I’m Kranzer,” he said as he extended his hand to shake their hands in turn. 

  10. A low yawn formed in the pit of his stomach before it finally worked its way up and out of his throat. While he walked Kranzer had held his arms out as he tried to stretch the muscles in his back. While it was likely pointless to try and stretch his muscles in this world of all places it was actually somewhat pleasing just to go through the motions of normal living. The last bit of sleep was wiped clean from his eyes along the sleeve of his coat. When he leaned back on that bench he promised himself he wasn't going to fall asleep. Yet he had. The sound of voices shook him from his slumber. He was actually about to sneak away before anyone took notice but the sudden sight of Ratatosk running the other way drew his interest. "What... was that all about?" His dark-eyed gaze shifted over towards the group of three who stood nearby. Two of them he didn't recognize. The guy was almost his height with brown hair. There was a girl there with blue hair he'd never seen before either. The other though was a short blonde and as Kranzer drew closer he was surprised that he actually knew her. "Hey," he said as he waved to all three of them. "What's up with him," he asked with a nod towards the direction Ratatosk ran off in and focused his gaze on Allania.

  11. The man identified himself as Hikoru as he held his hand out in greeting. Well the guy seemed friendly enough and the mention that he was a fellow merchant did ease Kranzer's concerns a bit so he reached out and gripped Hikoru's hand firmly. "I'm Kranzer," he said in response even though his name was already known. His tone held more confidence that when he first spoke. Since his eyes were focused on Hikoru's face he didn't notice the small furry familiar make IRS move. So when the ferret suddenly ran down the fellow Merchant's arm Kranzer felt like he nearly jumped out of his boots. If it wasn't for the fact that he was in mid shake he very well might have jumped. Hikoru introduced the ferret and with a whsitle the little guy ran up his arm.

    Now that he'd seen the little guy his interest had apparently been ensnared and his dark-eyed gaze followed the ferret's movements as it ran up the fellow merchant's arm. "Is that a familiar," he asked with a hint of uncertainty tainting the tone of his voice. During his frequent trips to the central plaza in the Town of Beginnings Kranzer had picked up some useful bits of information. One such piece of information beig that it was possible to gain a follower by undertaking a certain quest.

  12. When he first received the message Kranzer was a little confused. Someone wanted to help him train? The message itself was short and to the point and listed where he was supposed to meet. With a slight shrug Kranzer made his way towards the central plaza in the Town of Beginnings. Never in his life did he dream that his name would get around so. Dynaon perhaps. That fool liked to announce his name as if it was his battle cry. Kranzer on the other hand preferred to remain discrete. Unnoticed. With that option gone the least he could do is go and gauge what this person's interest was.

    Once he was on the third floor the young man who was clad mostly in dark grey clothes save for the black leather that was sewn into his coat made his way towards the appointed meeting place. It was a cabin where a NPC lived from what he'd managed to learn. As he came into view of the cabin Kranzer looked about and called out, "Umm..hello." Meeting someone he didn't know was a huge risk but for the person to send him a message meant that he at least learned his name somehow. Perhaps one of the few friends he managed to make had told him? The long grey cloat he wore bore am emblem that was emblazoned on the shoulder of its left sleep. The profile of a majestic lion with a crown resting atop it's head. The mark of the tailor who'd made the coat for him. It was certainly a turn of fortune for the young man.

  13. At first Kranzer didn't know how to react to Grave getting stuck. At first he simply blinked. The one thing he knew for certain was that this wasn't a laughing matter so he didn't even crack a smile. Rather than running to risk of delivering a wound to his potential teacher's pride he simply stepped up to the boulder and held his hand high. He extended his fingers like he would if he intended to deliver the patented karare chop, or more commonly known as a knife-hand strike.

    His hand slammed down on the same place he'd been hitting and the stonecracked further. His progress was minimal but it was still progress. The young man let out a slow breath before he took a step back shocked that his hand hurt a little less with each strike.


    ID: 53304, BD: 8(7+1) (+1, -1 Eng)

    Grave: 15/19 NRG
    Kranzer: 4/5 NRG

    Boulder: 38/
    50 HP

  14. Her bright demanor seemed to dim ever so slightly after she revealed that she was more of a lone wolf due to circumstance than any personal choice. The smile that adorned her face looked sad as her gaze lowered. Kranzer's brow furrowed as he tried to think of something to say but nothing came to mind. He could have tried to console her but he didn't know what she was sad about. Was it due to her circumstances that kept her a solo player? If that was the case he could at least do something there. "Well you don't have to go it alone. I could always use help on some of my hunts. Never hurts to have someone watching my back while I fight. Add me to your friends list and message me if you ever feel the need to have someone watch your back too," he said with a quick shrug. 

    The sad smile lingered on her face and for an instant be thought he was something of himself reflected back at him from her expression. It reminded him that he wasn't the only one who has doubts or problems in this world. While the world was a virtual one the people here were real despite their virtual bodies. Each one had dreams, fears, and doubts. "Ready," he asked as he prepared to leave and start today's grand adventure.

  15. Kranzer could only offer a nervous laugh when Grave commented that he hadn't been able to do much yet. Even though Kranzer knew that most of the damage dealt was thanks to Grave and definitely not of his own doing. The young man stepped back as the man decided to take a new approach and charged the boulder. Only to jump too high and slide over it to land on his head. Kranzer grimaced but eventually walked up to the boulder and readied himself to attack it again. 

    The young man worked at controlling his breathing and with a sudden shout his hand slammed down on the boulder. "Haaa!" The crack where he'd hit the boulder previously contained to widen and despite the pain in his hand Kranzer could only smile as he took a few steps back to check on his progress. "Phew. Well this isn't so bad," he muttered softly. His dark-eyed gaze shifted over towards Grave. In his mind the man was only trying to make Kranzer feel less inadequate by letting him do some of the work. So while the man had blundered Kranzer assumed it was just done on purpose.

    ID: 53284, BD: 7(6+1) (+1, -1 Eng)

    Grave: 16/19 NRG
    Kranzer: 4/5 NRG

    Boulder: 39/
    50 HP

  16. It took a short while before Kranzer was going to pass by the stranger and from the way things looked they very well may just pass each other by. The young man had no qualms with that since it was better to play it safe at times. That is until the guy waved and smiled at Kranzer and asked one of the strangest questions ever. Had he seen a blonde haired woman with blue eyes? Who was roughly five feet and four inches tall? He'd met plenty of blonde players during his time spent in the Town of Beginnings. Four immediately came to mind. The only problem was he didn't seem to recall how tall they all were nor could he remember what their eye colors were. That might prove to be detrimental. "Hello Raun. I'm Kranzer, now as far as blones... well at least five come to mind when I think about it. Some I've had more interactions with while others I have only met briefly." He remembered his meeting with Lessa only a day before he took his first step out into the wilderness that surrounded the Town of Beginnings. Ariel who had made his coat and that he only knew in passing. Then there was Allania. The young woman he'd struck an accord with only recently. Then there was Samriel, the woman who seemed to be looking after all of the youth within the Town of Beginnings. Then the last blonde that came to mind was Hunie.

    Those were only the ones that were at the forefront of his mind though since blonde happened to be a common color among women. "I can't say that I know any of their real names so I don't know how much help I can be there, and I hate to admit it but I can't say for sure what their heights are or which ones actually have blue eyes." He wanted to say almost all of them had blue eyes save or one that actually had green.


  17. Kranzer couldn't help but wince as he continued to shake his head as he watched Grave's wrists impact solidly with the rock. He didn't comment on it though as he understood that a man's pride could only afford so much. Instead he stepped forward before the large rock and took a deep breath like he'd seen movie stars do in all of those movies before they slammed their hand down and broke through a series of bricks. Then his hand rose and came down to hit the rock. His eyes closed and his expression twisted as he took a quick step back and held his hand close. In the real world he was pretty sure he'd have broken something by now and it clearly wouldn't have been the bolder. His dark-eyed gaze shifted back to Grave. "I can only imagine how long I would have been at this without you here," he said before he laughed nervously.

    ID: 53222; BD: 9 (8+1) (+1, -1 Eng)

    Grave: 17/19 NRG
    Kranzer: 4/5 NRG

    40/50 HP

  18. Kranzer was rather surprised without vigorously the young woman shook his hand. She had a lot of zeal which wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. For a moment there it looked like she zoned out but she quickly returned to her senses though he may have just misread her expression. When she considered his question Allania seemed to adopt a serious expression. Had he made a mistake in asking that question? Kranzer was running over the conversation in his mind when she talked but he was suddenly distracted when he saw the hint of a smile tug at the corners of her lips. Then she smiled and burst out into a fit of laughter. Kranzer felt soem relief as she revealed that was simply a ruse. The fact that she just couldn't maintain a serous expression said a lot about her and it was a little refreshing to be around someone who seemed so animated. Kranzer offered her an awkward smile in return but seemed to focus more on the fact that she also traveled outside of the town to hunt on a daily basis. Like Kranzer she favored no company other than her own most of the time. It was reasonable after all. With the threat of death at the end of every weapon a player wielded it was difficult to know who could be trusted.

    When he realized he'd remained silent for a moment he quickly nodded. “Aye I have always fancied myself something of a lone wolf." Kranzer turned and started to walk. "There are times when even the solitary wolf needs company out in the wilds. Whether it is to take down a strong beast or make the best use of the time we have.” The young man offered her a quick shrug before he continued his trek towards the south where the gates were. Did he relate to her comment on the hunts being fun? A brief expression that hinted at the conflicting emotions that warred within him flashed across his face. Did he have fun hunting the beasts? Certainly not. Kranzer quickly smiled to mask his true thoughts and pushed them aside. There certainly wasn't anything wrong with having fun. Nothing wrong with it at all. In truth he did have fun and would often be smiling as he fought but it wasn't something he was actually conscious of.

  19. Kranzer pondered over if this was just some form of marketing to get customers to visit the shop. Ultimately though his need for items far outweighed any concern he possessed for the situation. So eventually he made his way to the fourth flour and was pretty thankful for the coat he had made. Once he stood outside of the two story shop that reminded him of a cabin he hesitated for a moment. "This the place," he asked under his breath. When his eyes fell upon the sign that clearly identified this as being Zandra's Pharmacy he let out a low sigh. "Guess it is." Once he made his way through the door he quickly closed it behind him to stave off that chill air. "Hello," he called out. "I was curious about getting a few potions and maybe some crystals. I've got some friends I regularly travel with and since I plan to fill sort of a support role I need ways of keeping their health up." His dark-eyed gaze shifted over the shop's interior as he was content to wait. If there was a selection he'd point at a couple specific one. "Those would be perfect actually."

    (Health Crystal +10 HP x2, Health Potion +10HP x3 if possible)

  20. As per his usual routine Kranzer had left the Town of Beginnings just as the sun had started to peek over the eastern horizon. The first rays of light danced across the grassy plains and the distant woodland beyond. For the most part he avoided any direct confrontation with any beasts this day as he planned to scout out farther than he usually went. That was the one major deviation to his daily routine and one that he didn't take lightly. He'd recently heard a rumor of a hunting village that was surrounding by woodland. It seemed like as good a place as any to gather material and he may even get lucky to find something he had yet to discover. Either way it was a small adventure and it felt a little refreshing to step outside of his comfort zone to take a risk. Granted he wouldn't actually take any risks. He'd been out around the small village for a number of hours with no real success. He was just about ready to take a break in order to eat something. Doing so out here in the woods though was less than ideal so he trekked his way back towards Horunka village.

    The little village consisted of ten buildings in total and it was actually a nice little retreat. It would definitely serve as a hub for his future ventures out into the wilderness. That much Kranzer was certain on. Just as the village came into view though the young man took notice of another player. The guy looked like he was leaving Horunka and their paths would have to eventually cross. "Great," he muttered under his breath. Not all of the players Kranzer had met had been all that nice so he took extra care when he met anyone new. The young man was clad in dark grey clothes with plain black boots. The dark grey coat he had on extended down passed his knees with black leather sewn into the torso and around the collar for added protection. His hands were mostly concealed by a pair of black gloves with only his fingers left exposed. A strip of black cloth was wrapped loosely around his neck. Each end of the scar fell down on opposite sides of his body. Kranzer's head dipped forward as his nose vanished beneath the edge of the scarf once he drew closer to the other player.

  21. Frantically the young man looked around but all he could see what darkness. Nothing but an all encompassing void that seemed to press in on him from every direction. "Hello," he called out to see if anyone was around. The more he tried to remember how he got here the fuzzier his memory became. Suddenly he heard someone call out from the darkness. Was that Dynaon? "Hey! Where are you?" Suddenly the voices of everyone he'd become acquainted with in Aincrad started to call out to him from within the darkness. The noise started to grow unbearable. Kranzer placed his hands against his ears and crouched down but suddenly the voices died out. His eyes shot open but he still couldn't see anything but the strangest thing was he could see his own body as clearly as he might during the middle of the day. Slowly he looked around when a voice he didn't recognize called out. "One by one they fall. In the end they all leave you. Soon they'll all be dead and only you will remain in this place. When that time comes what will you do?" Kranzer frantically looked around and shouted, "Who's there?!" The mysterious voice remained silent but soon laughter tore through the silence that pervaded the area and caused the young man to cover his ears once more.

    Kranzer woke with a start and his heart beat rapidly in his chest. Well it didn't really but he certainly felt like it did. He quickly looked around and for a moment fear gripped his heart when he noticed he was still surrounded by darkness. Slowly his eyes picked up the subtle outlines of the furniture that was positioned around the room. He was still in his room at the inn. "It was just a dream," he said with a soft sigh. That was one heck of a dream to have though. The young man quickly shrugged it off as he threw back the covers and stood up. After he stretched for several moments he let out a boisterous yawn and quickly opened his menu to equip the gear that he'd be needing today. He was just about to close the menu when he noticed that he had a new message. He pondered over who it could be so he opened it up and his eyes widened when he noted that it was from Lyra. The girl he'd only just met yesterday. Granted he saved her from the wolves but he honestly didn't expect to hear from her again. That thought caused his mind to recall the ominous warning that voice had called out in his dream and he had to quickly shake it off before it killed his drive to do anything.

    Kranzer quickly read through the message and was rather surprised when he realized she'd only sent it a few moments ago. He checked the time and took note that he'd woken up a few minutes before he normally did and realized that it was the notification of the PM that likely woke him from that dream. From the looks of it she wanted to group up again today to learn more about combat and how things generally worked. Kranzer grumbled but he eventually sent her a message that instructed her to meet him by the gates. "Crap," he muttered as he equipped his coat and headed for the door.

  22. Kranzer scratched at the back of his neck as he took everything she said in. So after he talked with said merchant he'd be given another task? The young man nodded slightly. It did make sense after all. Back in the real world when a person wanted to learn a trade they apprenticed under a skilled tradesman. From the sound of it things were the same even here in Aincrad. When she expressed that she didn't know a merchant possessed an ability to unlock hidden secrets in both a weapon and armor Kranzer immediately nodded. "That's what I heard anyway," he said with a nervous smile. Not everything piece of information he'd managed to acquire from other players proved to be true after all. That sudden doubt that flashed over his eyes would be evidence enough of that. "I guess we will find out soon." If it was false then there wasn't anything he could do about it. He'd already taken his first step on this path. To turn back now would be paramount to embracing his indecisive nature. That wasn't something he could do right now. He kept walking but when she said it wasn't necessary for him to give her a discount his brow furrowed slightly Evidently he wouldn't be able to pay her back that way and so he scratched at the back of his neck. "Well in that case if you ever choose to take up this quest invite me along. It would be the least I could do."

    When she suddenly backtracked in her steps Kranzer came to an abrupt halt. Had he said something to offend her? His thoughts quickly dissolved as she revealed that they'd arrived at the shop. She opened the door for him and he blinked for a moment before saying, "T-thank you." That was a new one but he wasn't one to argue so he quickly stepped through the door and into the small shop. Various tables and shelves lined the room with a variety of goods stocked on them. A rather young looking man with black hair and rather nice looking clothes rested against the counter. Upon seeing that he had customers the NPC immediately perked up. "Greetings! How can I help you today?" Kranzer cleared his throat as he walked up to the counter. "I'm actually here to... ask you about becoming a merchant." Kranzer always felt odd talking to NPCs and he always found it to be rather creepy on how they seemed to be able to interact with players. "Oh? An up and coming rival are you," the man asked as he leaned forward and stared at the young man with a discerning eye. It was almost like he intended to appraise Kranzer's worth. 

    Suddenly the Merchant leaned back and crossed his arms. Whether he liked what he saw or not wasn't immediately evident. "So tell me young man. What makes you think you'd be a good merchant?" Well that was the last thing Kranzer expected to hear. He honestly thought he'd just get a quest prompt to accept. His gaze shifted to Samriel as if to ask for help before the Merchant spoke again. "Well?" Kranzer laughed nervously as the Merchant grew visibly frustrated as he slammed his hand against the counter. "This is no laughing matter young man!" Kranzer blinked in surprise that the NPC kept calling him young man when the guy didn't look any older than he was. "Tell you what," the Merchant said as he leaned back with a knowing smile plastered on his face. "Prove your dedication to me. Leave the town and gather a mushroom that grows deep in the woods for me. It's yellow with white spots along its talk." He waved his hand and seemed to be done with the conversation. Kranzer's gaze shifted over to Samriel. "Are all NPCs like that?" Kranzer nearly jumped when the small grey window popped up in front of him. He read over it real quick and realized it was the prompt for the next stage of the quest. He let out a low sigh as it looked like he had no choice but to take a trek through the woods.

  23. "Rank four," he echoed as he was clearly impressed with that accomplishment. Kranzer would certainly frequent Allania's shop knowing that for any gear he might need. When she expressed that she wanted to make one more piece of gear before she accepted any custom orders he simply smiled and reached out to grasp her hand firmly when she extended it. He shook her hand as he said, "Take all the time you need. It will be a little while before I need any more gear, but if you're willing I'd like to make you my exclusive tailor." It would be easier than trying to find anyone else and it couldn't have just been a coincidence that he sat on the same bench as someone who could make the type of armor he was skilled in using. Allania made the suggestion that they should go outside of the city and hunt some creatures in order to get some adrenaline pumping. That's what he usually did during a typical day here on the first floor. Well that and seeking out the various types of material he could find in the wilderness. Kranzer nodded slightly as he considered it. "You know what? Why not. Let's go hunt some beasts," he said with as light shrug. Once he let go of her hand he opened his menu so he could send her a party request. "It'll be easier if we group up and it'll be much safer. Awesome gear or not."

    With that done he would walk with her towards the city gate. "How often do you go out hunting? I actually go out daily to hunt boar and gather materials. Usually by myself but occasionally I have company."

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