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Posts posted by KaraMitskune

  1. Oh great. So she was chopped liver, was that it? Sheesh, people could be so annoying. After being completely ignored by the two guys she'd asked about the weirdo who'd been introduced as Ethereal, she decided to give up on talking to other idiotic players. She walked away from the crowd, further, to catch a glimpse of one of the two boy's she asked (the one who'd ignored her and then randomly ran away), sitting in an alley way. Judging by the sounds, she could tell he was crying. Next to him sat the pink haired girl who'd been considered "Ms. Lightning". Strange. Mitsu saw a stray orange pixel float above the white haired boy's head, and Mitsu's eyes widened. At first, she thought that "Ms. Lightning" was trying to kill in the zone, but that was impossible. It was more likely that it was a suicide. A suicide of someone that the white haired boy had known.

    That was one of the things Mitsu never could wrap her head around. Death. Why were people so sad about the common things in life? Death was a part of life. Everyone lived, and everyone died. That's just how it worked. And when a person dies, they're gone. It's the same as if they just disappeared. Mitsu was tempted to roll her eyes, and then walk away, but that would be a waste of her time.

    So she just left the two players to cry and be sad on their own. Mitsu continued walking, not giving them another though. Soon enough, death would come for them too. Whether in SAO or out. What was the point of wasting anything on something that would soon be lost? 

  2. Hi. I'm, well me. Truthfully, I'm only here because it's a way to sit on my as- oh wait I can't say that can I- sit on my butt doing nothing for most of the time. Life is such a bore. So I guess here I am. I've watched SAO. I and II, but I guess I didn't really pay much attention. I'm missing the plot of it, but I get the main idea. I think.

    Anyways, if anyone wants to RP, I should be open most of the time. It's not like I have much else to do. See you people around, maybe. 

  3. Before either of them could answer, Mitsu heard a "Mrs. Lightning!" from behind her, and voice that yelled, "Ethereal!" It was getting confusing. Well, the random maniac knew the rather obnoxious orange dude, and his name was Ethereal. That explained a heck of a lot. Plus, there was a pink haired girl that Mitsu hadn't noticed before. That must be "Mrs. Lightning". What a funny name.

  4. The crowd seemed to part, probably not wanting to be a part of whatever the maniacal player was ranting about. Which left an open path for a strangely flirtatious purple haired player to lean on him. At first Mitsu thought she must be his girlfriend of something, but she doubted it. Mitsu guessed she was just looking to get something out of manipulating him. It wasn't going to work. Just no.

    Mitsu rolled her eyes, and sighed. Perhaps a bit too loud, as a few NPCs and even a few players looked her way. Mitsu calmly ignored them, as she closed her eyes. 'That was boring' Mitsu said to herself, as she reopened her eyes. She stood up, and stretched for a second before turning and starting to walk away. Her hands were in her pockets, and she was hunched over. Standing up straight was a waste of time and effort, in her opinion. Then again, everything was a waste of time and effort to her.

    Mitsu saw, slightly out of the circle that surrounded the maniac, two other distinguishable players. One had short white hair, and Mitsu guessed they was male. The other held a kitten stuffie and had brown hair. They looked rather tired, but she was sure they too were male. She walked over to them, bored. 

    "Hey," She asked them, her voice scratchy, "Do you know who the heck that dude is?" She asked, gesturing to the guy who'd just jumped off the building without taking her hands out of her pockets. "And who's that weird girl?" She added for good measure.

  5. Mitsu yawned, sitting down like a hoodlum in front of some shop. There wasn't anything unusual there that she could pinpoint. That was until some psycho maniac decided to jump off a building. At first Mitsu thought it was a suicide attempt, until he landed without a scrape. Out of nowhere the guy yelled something about stealing and the Nights of the Blood Toast. That just backed up Mitsu's idea that he was some crazy manaic. 'Weirdo..' Mitsu thought, as he picked a fight with some random dude. She yawned again, and put her hands behind her head, leaning against a wall. She closed her eyes, ignoring the random crashes. 'This is boring.' She thought, when she didn't feel like falling asleep. She opened her eyes, and once again saw the maniac. Maybe watching that play out would be entertaining. Not like it mattered, anyways.

  6. 56e4db939a01a_ScreenShot2016-03-12at6.53

    Username: KaraMitskune
    Real name: Mitsu Kane
    Age: 15
    Gender: Female
    Height: 5'1"

    About: History/personality

    At the age of 8, in the 3rd grade, Mitsu, who then went by Mi-Mi, met a girl named Tally. Her real name was Tallulah, but everyone called her Tally. Before that encounter, she used to live a happy and optimistic life with her family, two younger brothers and her mother and father. After, however, her life took a dark turn. First, the two of them were friends. They both pretended that they were either mermaids of vampires or even characters from their favorite storybooks.

    Until Tally took it too far. One of the characters from a story stole artifacts in the story, and Tally wanted to be them. No, she didn't want to pretend to be them. She wanted to be them. And that's what led Mitsu down a trail of darkness. She realized that sometimes, when someone begins to live in a story for too long they become a part of it. No matter how hard they try, they can't escape. They will then go on to do things that the characters do, even if they aren't humane or even acceptable. Tally became a delinquent, and dropped out of school. She stole money, jewelry, and other expensive items. She asked Mitsu to join her, but Mitsu said no. And Tally couldn't understand why. So Tally left without her, only to be caught a few weeks later, and thrown into Juvenile for thievery.

    Mitsu's life went downhill after that. She started to notice that everyone tried to live a story. Everyone wanted to have a story, commonly by changing themselves to act like characters they knew had a story. Because then they would have a story. Or so they thought. Mitsu's life became her own personal experiment. She used her life as a way to understand other people's realities. By changing herself to learn more about reality. She had given up on her life, so it didn't matter who she was.

    But, in 4th grade, Mitsu met Cham. Cham, or Chamille, was a very smart, rather nerdy, girl. She shared the same interests as Mitsu did, and for a while she was so overjoyed she almost forgot about the pain Tally had given her. Together, the two of them made a robotics team, and competed in tournaments. Jack, a classmate of theirs, joined the team as well. Mitsu and Cham were best friends. They did just about everything together. And they would still be best friends, if it hadn't been for Mitsu's parents.

    Mitsu's parents had noticed that she'd been acting a bit depressed lately, since the incident with Tally. They weren't very observant, and didn't notice that she'd gotten better since she'd met Cham. So they took her out of all her activities, and out of school, to be homeschooled. Mitsu never saw Cham again after that. Mitsu fell once again into a state of depression, but never brought it up with her family.

    Then, in 6th grade, the year she was homeschooled, she met a boy named Allen. At this point, Mitsu was 11. Allen had similar ideals as Mitsu did, understanding the ideas that people saw the world as a story and nothing more. "It's what made the terrible things they do acceptable, even when they're not", was what he said to her one day. But Allen was different. He believed the source of these stories and false realities and personalities came from something he called, The Change Age. The Change Age was where people started believing that they had to fit in with "society". Where they began to change themselves to fit into stereotypes, in order to be cooler or normal. He believed that people didn't notice when they changed. The more time Mitsu spent around him, the more she started to think the same way. She she and Allen made a promise not to "fall" (as they called it).

    Mitsu made a promise with him, not only to not fall, but not to change. She made a promise she couldn't keep, but she didn't notice that at the time. And then, he too left her life. Everything turned and left her behind.

    Her parents realized that homeschooling wasn't helping her mental state, so they sent her back to school, forcing her to leave the few meager friends she once had further behind. But she did. For 7th grade, she attended a huge school housing nearly 2000 students. This forced her in a scenario where she had no room to be herself. Where the main running factor of the world was judgement and stereotyping. Making it even harder for Mitsu to keep her promise. 

    During her first day there, she met someone who thought like she did. Her name was Opal. Opal enjoyed reading, writing, and creating fanfictions from her favorite stories. At first, Mitsu was afraid that she was going to end up just like Tally did. But she didn't. Opal was sad, and afraid of the depression she had. Unlike Mitsu, who had come to actually love her depression. It showed her a side of reality that she'd never seen before, and no matter the pain that she'd felt from it, she still loved it. The biggest difference between them, though, was that Opal thought the world was gray, and Mitsu thought it was colorless. This caused a large amount of confusion between the two of them, but Mitsu knew she saw more than Opal did.

    But then Opal brought up a point. The world contradicted itself. She was just explaining how her life felt, when she said, "I hate this pain, and yet I can't imagine a world without it. Life is dull, and yet I feel so... okay almost?" Mitsu will remember those words forever.

    The rest of the 7th grade was dull and boring, except for Opal. Opal was like her escape from boredom. 

    Nothing much happened in 8th grade, other than Opal left the school leaving Mitsu in complete darkness. She ended up failing two classes because she "didn't have the willpower to complete them". She began hiding online, away from reality, staying up all night on roleplays where she could actually have a life. Where she could be someone nobody knew. Where she could be anyone she wanted. When she learned about the new MMORPG game, she thought that there might be a way out of her hell that was reality. She could escape into some other world, that was real, but it wasn't. Where no one could judge her for who was in real life.

    So she asked her parents if she could have it instead of any other birthday gifts. She did get it, only to realize it was a fraud. She got stuck in the death game that was SAO, and now she's lost even the willpower to want to escape. Even the things she thought might be able to save her, only ended up bringing her closer to death.


    Perceptive : She can see though many lies, and can't be fooled by something as pathetic as trust. She won't fall for any stupid traps that are set by anyone. She trusts no one. She can quickly understand all the possible things one might've meant by anything they say. No one can lie to her, because she believes that even the truth is a lie. Therefore, no one can tell the truth anyways. 

    Smart : Let alone failing History and Spanish in her 8th grade, she is actually very smart. Perhaps not smart in Spanish, but she would've aced her classes if she had actually cared about them. Which she didn't. She's good at overcoming challenges, in education. She understands her reality, and a many of other realities as well, giving her a very developed sense of what people think of the world.

    Pain-tolerant : Physically, she is very pain tolerant. She finds it hard to feel major amounts of pain. Normally, she laughs pain off, or just ignores it. She realizes that pain can't hold her back. Or, at least that's what she tells herself and therefore it works. Still, she manages to avoid pain most of the time. She isn't bullied by students, so she doesn't usually get into painful situations. Unless she's hurting herself, which does happen.


    No Willpower : She doesn't care about anything anymore. She couldn't care less about life or death. She colored her life the darkest shade she could find, just so that it would be hard to erase. Now, that's exactly what she can't do. She barely cares to move, let alone fight. If death took her, she wouldn't stop it. But taking her own life is too much of a pain. She just goes along with the world, because she sees no point in doing anything else.

    Depressed : She is very depressed. She can the dull eyes that make up society and it makes her depressed. She doesn't take many cautions, and therefore doesn't hide her pain. Because of this, many people think she's just acting depressed for attention, but she doesn't care what they think. She'd depressed because her mind has nothing to fight, and therefore it ends up fighting itself. Metaphorically, of course.

    Her Past : She constantly regrets choices she made in her past, such as painting her world the darkest she could so that she could keep her promise not to change. She believed that if she made her perception of the world unchangeable, than she wouldn't change. She was wrong, and instead she ended up leaving her broken. Her life is now made up of if-statements, wishing she could change her past and fix her future and present. 





    Weapon skills:
    » One Handed Dagger - Rank One

    » One Handed Dagger 

    » 10 Bread, 15 Water 

    » Black and white cloth clothing 

    To come

    Relationships (optional)

    Story Thus Far (optional)

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