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Status Updates posted by Samriel

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Mack


      Well, KotB could use another tank and with my gear I'm spec'd out about Half-Tank/Half-DPS.

    3. Samriel


      Hope you feel better Zelrius :(

      That sounds like a pretty OP build Mack, does it actually work though? Also what's "KotB"?

    4. Mack


      Knights of the Blood Oath. I think I can make it work once I get everything running the way I want.

  1. Welp apparently I can't post anywhere. Thought it was just one thread but nope. Not even sure if this'll go through or not...guess I'll just have to save them to a doc and hope for better luck later :/  Hope the site gets straightened out soon...

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