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Nikki Styx

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Posts posted by Nikki Styx

  1. Nikki smiled again as she turned slowly to face her opponent. "How does it feel to know that inevitably no matter how hard you try, you will fail?" She snapped back sharply. A few more players had joined into the circle now, many of them had been asking what had happened so far, and how the Duel was going. All this attention was making Nikki all frisky and filling her with excitement. she raised her spear now pointing it at the Gemini, while taking a few steps towards it. Moments later she burst ahead in a flash again. As before the Gemini responded in kind mimicking the attack.



    The Monster landed another hit. No one could doubt its skill, or speed, it was only a shame that its power did not match up the same. Rather than pass through each other like before the pair remained standing close to each other face to face while the crowd looked on in wonder. "C'mon Nikki, stop screwin around" someone called out from the group of players. Nikki could only chuckle at the comment, this was far too much fun to end quickly, instead she wanted to savor it a little longer.

    -Nikki- 36/36

    -Gemini- 43/49-

  2. Nikki smiled at the Gemini again, it was truly hopeless for the monster. There was no way for it to hurt her, even after 2 successful strikes. All she had to do was keep hitting it and it would die. The only inconvenience now was how much health it actually had left. She shook her head now before attacking again, swinging her spear at the monsters feet.



    The crowd let out a gasp as the Gemini responded faster than Nikki could strike, landing a shield bash into the Tanks face. It smiled and tried to push her back only to be forced back itself. "I Got you again.. come on tank... what are you doin?" it taunted cooly. This had been a programmed taunt for it, as it quickly frowned again seeing that it had caused no damage. "It must suck to fail that hard... I wouldn't know so I can just assume." she retorted with a grin.

    -Nikki- 36/36

    -Gemini- 43/49-

  3. Nikki was unmoved by the strike. In fact she barely even noticed it, if not for the clang of weapon on armor. Several people clapped in the ever growing crowd, someone even cheered. This brought a wider smile to her lips. People would talk after this, they would whisper of her, of the tank that cant be hurt. People would speak of Nikki Styx and she would be a symbol of hope and accomplishment, or absolute Bossness. She had no time to dwell on this however as she wanted to fight back. She was still in close with the Gemini and she used her position to strike out again, attempting to drive her spear into the Gemini's ribs.



    Perhaps it had been inspired by its previous strike, or maybe it was just lucky. Either way the Gemini landed another quick shot coming up under Nikki's guard and planting its own spear into her midsection. Again the strike caused no damage, and Nikki remained unharmed. "I almost thought that one was gonna do it." Nikki taunted playfully.

    -Nikki- 36/36

    -Gemini- 43/49-

  4. The Gemini hissed in pain again, or at least that's what Nikki thought it was doing. As of this point she was unsure if the NPC MoBs felt anything at all. Regardless of whether it could or not, it certainly made a good show of acting like it had been discomforted. More players had shown up now, some having received messages from their friends, others were in the area, but now a small crowd had started to form to watch the Gemini duel. Nikki could hear some of the loud chatter. People were arguing over who would win, some were even taking bets. Somewhere in the crowd Nikki heard someone say rather loudly that no one could cross the river. That left a smile on her face as that was the name she had been given by Miaki, Nikki "The River" Styx. It seemed to fit and hinted to the old mythologies.

    The Gemini let out a cold shriek and attacked again, first slamming into Nikki with its shield and them attempting to drive its spear into her torso. Nikki responded the same, mirroring the monsters movements.



    Nikki had not been fast enough, something she would blame on the length of her new spear. The Gemini had scored a hit again, driving the tip of its spear into Nikki's torso. Unfortunately for it, the loud clang that echoed out only told the world that it had managed to cause no damage again.

    -Nikki- 36/36

    -Gemini- 43/49

  5. Nikki frowned as the Gemini promised it would break her. It seemed that in this place, like this, nothing could break her just yet. And to leaved her as just a memory, well that in itself would prove to be quite a feat. The blue haired tank chose not to respond at this point, instead she threw herself at the copy, slamming her shield into its own. The pair stood locked shield to shield for several moments, pushing back and forth. One thing it did have going for it was that it mimicked her strength perfectly, so there was almost no way she could push it around. On the other hand, with her own strength and immunity to knock backs, it had no chance of gaining ground either. "I think by now you've learned that I'm not like every other player you've faced." She said coldly as she pressed off of the Gemini's shield taking a fast step to the side.

    The Gemini opened its mouth, to respond but before any words could escape Nikki attacked again.



    Nikki drove her spear into the Gemini's torso taking advantage of its momentary distraction. The spear pierced through its armor easily, leaving a red pierce wound where it had struck. she continued to smile as she leapt back preparing herself for a retaliation.

    -Nikki- 36/36

    -Gemini- 43/49

  6. In both fear and rage the Gemini attacked again, striking out at Nikki with as much fury as it could muster. This time it chose to swing the spear similar to a sword, aiming to knock the blue haired tank back. Nikki responded the same, leaping in with her own spear. The air had grown still, and for a moment it looked as though both players would collide with each other rather than land any substantial hit.



    At the last Second Nikki pulled herself back, throwing all of her weight and a stretch from her hip into the swing of her spear. As she did she felt the impact of her opponents attack, still no damage, and what had meant to be a knock back blow did even less considering Nikki's immunity to the effect. Instead Nikki had landed her own hit, bringing the icy spear slamming like a hammer into the Gemini's midsection sending it staggering backwards. "How did you do that?" it hissed in disbelieve.

    Nikki stopped for a moment frowning. "Is that really what I sound like when I'm angry?" She sounded almost disappointed. The Gemini spit in anger before speaking again. "You are no different from the rest.. I will break you... And you will be nothing but a memory."

    -Nikki- 36/36

    -Gemini- 46/49

  7. The Gemini frowned as it equipped its own gear. A basic set of armor, coupled with a simple spear and shield. It even held up the items inspecting them as to question everything that had happened. Nikki could only grin as she prepped herself taking an offensive posture. "Duel to the death eh? Ok Yer funeral." Nikki taunted. Suddenly in a blue flash she hurled herself foreword aiming the new spear at her opponent.

    The Gemini hesitated a moment and then responded in turn, by lunging as well. Regardless of advantage or disadvantage it was forced to keep going, unable to stop, unable to flee. In fact as of right now its only purpose was to die. Moments later the two combatants clashed into each other.



    The Gemini scored the first hit, It was a massive strike, a super critical shot that smashed into Nikki's torso with a loud *Clang*. The Gemini smiled as it turned sharply to inspect its target. With her back turned Nikki fell foreword leaning into her spear for support, a small barely audible noise escaping her. The Gemini laughed menacingly, feeling as though it had taught its blue haired opponent just what it meant to fight with its all encompassing power. However this feeling of reassurance was short lived as the noise from Nikki grew louder. It was not despair, it was laughter, cold, unforgiving laughter.

    After a moment Nikki stood up, no longer using her spear as a crutch. She had done it, she had found a way to cheat death here in Aincrad. She had been planning her build for a long time, meticulously planning, and working to make it perfect, and now all her work had paid off. The Gemini who resembled the Tank, now suddenly went pale as Nikki pointed to her health bar. No damage had occurred at all. Nikki's smile was almost too much to handle and she continued to laugh.

    Several other players had stopped now, coming over to see who had been fool enough to challenge the Gemini. One or two had even gasped at the first strike, only to stare in awe as Nikki shrugged off the damage. Nikki could almost here all the furious typing as players sent dozens of messages to their friends to come watch the slaughter.

  8. Nikki began jogging towards the figure, that had just left a small group of players. It took notice of her right away and began walking towards her. It appeared almost feeble. She smiled knowing its tricks. With her new spear she had an even greater level of confidence that she could do this. It took her only a moment to catch up to the figure, and she stopped in front of it still smiling. It took several moments looking up and down the bluenette, sizing her up it seemed. She couldn't help but grin as it started to shake, adding to the illusion of its feebleness.

    Finally after a few moments of silence it spoke. "Excuse me my dear" Its voice was male, sounding like someone in there 80's. How did people fall for this in the beginning, no one that old played this game, or any for that matter. "Would you care to have a friendly duel?" Its shaking remained constant and for a moment Nikki even doubted what she was looking at. But with all the information she had gathered she knew this was a rouse, a very well done trick. "You see, I would like to get stronger by training with the best warriors in the land. It would be a friendly duel, as I am afraid I am no real match for you" Nikki almost giggled now, no one spoke like this, ever, there was no way anybody could have really fallen for it, right?

    "Alright... Id be more than happy to duel with a feeble old man." She teased as she took a few steps back. Moments later a duel invitation appeared before. She took a moment looking it over. It hadn't hinted that there was anything janky here, in fact it looked completely normal. She sighed shaking her head as she clicked the icon to accept. moments later the old man began laughing, first softly, but it quickly grew into a wicked cackle. "You fool... This duel will be yer very last, as I will take your life." In a dramatic fashion it cast the cloak aside to reveal a copy of Nikki herself standing before it. Its long blue hair, and curvy figure stood out, casting an odd contrast to the shriveled hooded figure that had been standing there moments before.

    Nikki smiled and laughed as well. "Congratulations..." She hissed darkly as she opened her own menu and equipped her armor, new spear, and blade shield. "...You've just instigated yer own mugging."

  9. Nikki stood at the edge of the main settlement on floor 6. Off in the distance she could see a cloaked figure moving around. It appeared to be a player and it looked harmless enough. It simply seemed to wander up to other players, engage them in conversation and leave. Nothing abnormal here right? Of course anyone who would ask those players or any other who had interacted with this hooded figure would tell you that it simply wanted a friendly duel. Many by now were aware of the Gemini wandering around up here. It would challenge a player, and upon accepting that player was locked into a death battle with a copy of themselves. The rewards were wonderful for such a battle, but many had perished to there own skills. It was now a known fact that it was hazardous to accept any duel from anyone you don't know. This is why Nikki was here.

    The blue haired tank of Aincrad had been searching for this particular monster, this Gemini. She believed her own power to be strong enough to take it, and with her current abilities she even boasted that she would win flawlessly. Next to her stood Miaki. He had accompanied her this far, but by the rules of the duel, and the quest that accompanied it she would need to fight on her own. Still in his concern he had opted to see her off, and at least make sure she got here in one piece. With that done She had looked at him and smiled. "Alright... Im ready to rock this thing." She boasted confidently as she gave him a quick kiss. "If you want you can watch, but stay far enough away that it doesn't break requirements." She said cooly. She knew other players often would watch these battles if they were ever accepted, and all of them knew to stay back.

    She turned on her heal, and began to proceed towards the hooded figure. Before she got more than a few steps however Mikai reached out grabbing her arm. "Its dangerous to go alone... Take this." He said with a smile as he opened his inventory and produced a spear for Nikki to take. She stood a moment marveling at the weapon, before reaching out to take it. Instantly she felt the cold steel against her bare hand. It sent a shiver down her spine, and caused goose bumps to rise up over her skin. It was considerably longer than her previous spear, by almost a foot and a half. But it felt good, natural and sturdy. Cold air formed a gentle mist around the weapon, and around her, she could feel her body temperature dropping as she held it. It was wonderful. "Where did you? Just... Thank you" She gave him another kiss and then turned again. Now she was ready to go.


    ((OOC: I have permission from Miaki to do this))

  10. ((OOC: I haven't seen him either. So that sounds good to me))

    Nikki hadn't been waiting long when the others joined her, first Yunah, following right on her heels, then the others. She smiled at the shy girl. It was nice having new blood around, not to say she hadn't enjoyed the company of her seasoned companions, but to have some one new, with new stories and experiences was always exciting. plus the fact that she was a girl made it even better considering how few girls there actually were in this game. "Once we get out of the town, you and I aren't walking" Nikki said cheerfully to the girl. As of this point not many people, if any other than Miaki knew about her familiars true ability, so she hoped it would be a pleasant surprise to the others.

    Now that they had a group the next and crucial part of the quest was to get to the mountain pass that would take them to their destination. She knew where it was, she also knew that few players dared to take the pass, and the few that did often whispered rumors of a creature they had found skulking around in the snow. Nikki had always discounted these ramblings as an attempt to frighten weaker players, but to her they were nothing more than Urban legends.

    She cast her gaze to the sky, as if waiting for something dramatic to fall to earth. Of course nothing did and she soon returned her sight back to her group. "Well I think I know where our trail starts." she said confidently.

    ((OOC: Skipping ahead a bit to get us started))

    Once out of the town Nikki placed Titan gently on the ground and took a few steps back. With a smile she pulled open her menu and activated her familiar options. She clicked on an item reading mount. Suddenly Titan began to glow a pristine blue, and in an instant he grew to his original wild size. In this form he was already equipped with saddle and reigns and Nikki wasted no time climbing up onto the boars back. Once seated she scooted foreword on the saddle and reached out a hand for Yunah to take. "Come ride with me hun. Pretty girls like us shouldn't have to walk" She said with a smile.

  11. Nikki couldn't help but giggle a little as the player with the oversized weapon fell over. Clearly this was not something he was familiar with. Of course most players had problems learning to use there gear the first few times around. "That was a good try." She half laughed as she held out a hand to help him up. "I can see you have some degree of skill, but yer gonna need more practice."

    She waited until he was back on his feet before backing up a about 10 feet. She was going to show him again, but this time she wanted him to see it from the front so he might get a better view of the mechanics of the swing. She took a second removing her outer winter wear, revealing her blue dress, and black armor that had become the staple of her appearance. "Alright So ill do the swing again, this time watch the way my upper body works. Especially my core, all the energy fer the swing comes from here." She gestured to her tummy with her free hand as she loaded the spear onto her shoulders again.

    Nikki took a deep breath, inhaling and then releasing before taking her first step. Her foot slammed down hard onto the ice as she began twisting herself hard to the left. She was using the momentum of the spin to guide her strike, popping the spear off her shoulder, and allowing the centrifugal force to keep the weapon up and in movement. Her other foot came down onto the ice now as she stepped foreword, following the arch of her spin, allowing the spear to do one solid rotation before coming to a stop back on her shoulder. The entire swing had taken only a second, but the force generated, even with her considerably lighter weapon was quite noticeable.

    "You cant try to slow down until you've made at least one rotation, otherwise you will lose your momentum, and yer balance. Why don't you give it another try." She spoke in an encouraging tone as she took a couple of steps back to give him room. She shifted her spears grip now so that she was holding it properly about mid shaft, and equipped her shield using to hold herself up on the ice.

  12. Nikki smiled a little wider as she neared him. He had intended to use that heavy brute of a weapon to stop larger enemies dead. She was certain such a weapon was almost entirely useless, but then again who was she to judge. Instead she simply continued to move around him effortlessly, watching his form, and continued attempts. The ice itself had several chunks missing from it, from where the weapon had been lifted and dropped. She giggled a little coming to a stop in front of him. "Mind if I give you some pointers?" She said playfully, as she pulled her spear from her inventory and braced it along her shoulders.

    Nikki had the second longest weapon to date in SAO. The longest belonged to a spear wielder by the name of Nero. Hers however was no where near as heavy as what this sword seemed to be, but length and weight worked in a similar fashion when striking with ungainly weapons. Without waiting she began to show him how to properly hold an ungainly weapon. "You need to pull it in using yer entire body to support it" As she spoke she gripped the spear by its lowest point and draped it over her shoulders.

    She took a second to adjust her footing now adopting a wider stance. "You also need to keep yer feet at about shoulder length to distribute yer weight evenly. it grants more balance and control." She pointed to her own feet now with her free hand, showing that hers were the same as her shoulders. She held this for a few moments keeping her knees bent and and raising up her free arm in front of her.

    "To swing, yer gonna wanna put yer whole body into it. I know my spear is not as heavy, but it works the same way." She said as she took a step foreword twisting her body and launching the spear off her shoulders. she used her free hand to gain momentum in her swing as she brought the spear around in a large arch. It moved fast and as it came to an end she brought it back up onto her shoulder again. "This is obviously not the way I normally use a spear, butI am known to swing it to blindside evasive enemies. By the way, I'm Nikki Styx, Lieutenant of the Ebon Vanguard."

  13. Nikki had been sitting on the snowy shore watching a young man sliding around on the icy lake. He had a large and ungainly weapon that he seemed to have a great difficulty controlling. Despite his best efforts, he seemed almost incapable of lifting the heavy weapon. It seemed he was trying to wield it with one hand, which given its size would likely prove impossible given that it appeared to be a two handed great sword. He had been going at it now for a fair amount of time, resulting in many slips, trips, and falls, many of which Nikki found to be entertaining. Up until this point she was surprised he hadn't fallen through the ice yet.

    After watching for a few more moments the blue haired tank figured that it might be time to intervene lest the young man slip through the ice and perish. She got up slowly from her spot on shore and took a graceful step onto the ice. She slid easily along its surface, the tips and heels of her iron boots acting as make shift skates to help her glide. "Hey... What are ya doin?" She asked pleasantly as she crossed the lake to meet him. She felt no need to identify him as the man with the sword as there was no one else here.

  14. Nikki watched as the door to the info house opened. Inside was like nothing she had ever seen in Aincrad before. It reminded her of a stock exchange crossed with a cantina. It was a filthy place, people crowded into all corners, shady people, many of which were orange. For a moment Nikki thought that they had been lured to a trap, except no one seemed to bat an eye that they had entered. In fact everyone seemed far too interested in their own business, or else far too afraid to get caught up in other's business to actually look up. a smirk crossed her face as she reaslised that this was where they needed to be if they wanted to find out what was really going on in Aincrad.

    Nikki took a few steps into the info house looking from player to player. There were NPC's here too, but it was hard to tell them from the players considering how many different icons were currently visible. She stopped now pulling up her controls and disabling her player status viewer. Instantly all the green and orange icons disappeared from her view granting her a clearer look at everything around her. Miaki had asked if she thought she had seen Bo or not. So far no one had caught her eye, not yet anyways, and she simply shook her head in response. Suddenly she realized that she had forgotten something. "Alright Nero... What do we owe you fer yer help?" She had not meant it to be disrespectful, in fact she was very appreciative of what he had done for them, and was more than willing to compensate him for his time. In her mind one good turn deserved another.

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