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Posts posted by 9Lives

  1. Once finished he had a nice new dagger that he took back to the trainer to complete the quest. The NPC showed him with praise for the fine work he did. 9Lives rolled his eyes and hit the button. The weapon was removed from his inventory with no love lost. He actually was glad he couldn't create something he wanted if he would have had to give it up anyway.

  2. The tutorial was simple and easy to follow, to the point where he felt it was completely unnecessary. He didn't mind it so much until he got to the part where he could create the item. The tutorial had locked him out of creating other items since he was in a quest to make a dagger. I don’t use the dagger though which made not a bit of difference to the interface.

  3. Immediately a marker appeared directing him towards the crafting table. thanks, didn’t think id find that… he said sarcastically as he took two steps to the table and opened the gui. A window popped up asking him if he wanted to use the crafting table or view the Tutorial. Nine selected the table but since it was his first time using it, the tutorial loaded anyway. why did you even ask me then he said under his breath.

  4. The window popped up with information on the profession detailing how the process of using the proper Mat to create items through blacksmithing could create items such as weapons, armor, and shields. Confident that this choice would reap the benefit of a custom weapon built to his specification, he accepted the profession.

  5. 9Lives found the construct quite quickly. His time studying the city gave incite to the travel patterns of the NPCs. He approached the character as he began a cheerful banter about blacksmithing that 9Lives tried to ignore. Its not that the disposition was upsetting to him, but rather that he couldn't understand the need to socialize with others let alone with lines of code and geometry.

  6. He tried to ignore the trivial tasks and went on to read more on the combat system and how to activate skills yet the more he read, the more relevant the notion of having a well crafted and enhanced became. It was nagging at him like a compulsion that would not be suppressed. The documentation showed the image of the NPC and the region he could be found in. It couldn’t be helped; he was hood on the notion.

  7. Crafting? How quaint. So this was what the week did to try and pass the time. He sifted through the pages on crafting reveling on the insignificance of the tasks. Though he initially dismissed the notion of professions, a few caught his attention on a practical sense. The largest namely was blacksmithing. He didn't see much need for heavy armor but with time and talent, a suitable weapon could be forged to replace the blade he was tied to.

  8. Spacing through his menus for a light read was a familiar and productive way to spend his time as he learned the system and all he could benefit from. As his passed a page a memory spurred up. This image was familiar. It took a moment but he knew he had seen the face of this character around the town. It took only a few moments before he laid eyes on the figure who was once again surrounded by players.

  9. Chaos. it was not uncommon for him to enjoy watching the hapless masses run in circles in dismay at the predicament they had fallen victim to. They were like ants behind glass scurrying without purpose, following the trails of others in hope that they would understand the path in time. It would surely lead to ruin and death, but 9Lives would not intervene. He sat on the rooftops of the buildings clocked in black with a hood that cast a dark shadow over his face obscuring his features from a distance. He liked the segregation of the heights as he looked down on the miserable and helpless.

  10. There is nothing better than the shattering sound of a defeated foe as it explodes into thousands of bits. as he dropped his guard and stood up, 9Lives looked down at the rubble of the kill silently with a smile on his face. His time spent analyzing the game had paid off in an astonishingly easy victory. It was almost disappointing but he could appreciate the efficiency at use. the fragments quickly derezzed and he shook his head wishing to enjoy his handy work for longer. His fixation was only broken by the call of "Gratz" form his partner. 9Lives looked up at Saix and smiled. Same. he responded nodding his head. So where to next? he said wanting to take on the next creature.

  11. 9Lives blade ripped through in a flash of light knocking the creatures hp in half. He slid threw the attack lowing his center of gravity and pulling his shield up to prepare for an onslaught as his threat level raised making him the new agro. <> he called as he rolled backwards and out of the creatures attack range. With any luck the creature wouldn't see the final attack. In any event with the creatures health now halved it would only be a matter of time before he had what he came for.

  12. 9Lives followed into battle after Saix' lead but minding his distance. his clutched his shield in his left hand in front to brace for an attack but knew Saix would be able to hold agro for the inital exchange. He drew his blade in his right moving radially to the creatures right. He pulled his blade back behind him to charge then waited for the signal. "<>" he heard then launched forward at the stunned creature activating <> slashing upward and to the left diagonally.

  13. «9Lives»

    The Obsidian Curse


    » Username: 9Lives

    » Real name: Mochizuki, Keiji

    » Age: 19

    » Gender: Male

    » Height: 5:7

    » About: History/personality

    Keiji is the first of three sons of Shingen Mochizuki controlling shareholder of digital frontier. Keiji grew up in luxury in Tokyo as one of the elite youth. Like many of Japanese upper class, Keiji grew up cultured and taught the traditions of his people and his family line. The Mochizuki clan descended from the Oni no Kami who controlled the land of the Koka region most notably recognized as the land of the Koga Ninja. Keiji loved the art of the ninja in both pop culture and traditional art. He belied that under different circumstanced he could have been the heir of clan. Keiji spend countless hours training in Akido, Kendo trying to make himself worthy of what he believed his ancestors would have demanded. he even went as far as hunting down the last traditional art of Ninjutsu still taught to live up to his clans history. He pushed himself just as hard with his studies particularly displaying mastery of mathematics and sciences well beyond that of his peers.

    His father's position had many benefits for the young boy who was beginning to explore the world of multimedia and gaming. He received advanced copies of every game the development company came out with. Keiji began to withdraw from the world he felt he didn't belong to made worse as he grew older and reality began to blur with the slow onset of schizophrenia. Too prideful to tell his family of the trouble he was having, he threw his young life into an early career as a game tester for the company his father owned. Keiji masked his pain through isolation and suppressed it by keeping his mind busy. His father had nothing but pride as Keiji's name began to grow a reputation of an elite gamer and a stunning hands on tester for his company. More recognizable than his name became the young mans call sign of 9Lives, or other referred to just as "nine", given both because of in innate ability to survive as if he couldn't be killed, and his agility and maneuverability tactics used in gaming. He was feared as a jinx, like a black cat that if crossed your path in a game would bring ruin.

    Sword Art Online was the perfect merger of his desire with his professional persona. Despite his fathers influence, Keiji was excluded form the beta testing because the marketing department felt his reputation would cause other players to be uneasy thus not give them accurate data. While his father took it as an insult and instead that his son be permitted to play, Keiji only saw it as respect for who he was and what he had accomplished. When the game released, Keiji signed on to his moniker as 9Lives the day the game locked. silent he watched those around him fall apart as the reality of their containment sunk in. perhaps it was his disassociation that kept him strong or the faith he had in his talents but while everyone seemed to crumble he only sat in town and watched the human condition eat away the young minds of those sharing his incarceration.

    as 9lives, he was content to learn the game studding his menus and the systems of advancement. he watched as foolish children rushed off to their deaths in hopes of leveling up on the front line and said not a word every time someone would recognize his moniker and plead for him to help. The truth was that he didn't care about saving anyone, he was here for the game and he would only play on his terms.

    9Lives lived as he would in the real world when vetting a game, learning the quirks and advantages of the class, understanding the system and plotting a coarse to the maximum build he would need to survive. when his research was done and the tragedy of the world had sunk into the hearts of the players around him he pulled his blade form his waist and shook his head. Even with all his training, he looked down at his hand and saw a blade that was so foreign to him that it may as well been a battle axe. his coarse started with this though so he needed to get out in the world and use it.

    » Virtues:

    . Survivalist - Keiji believes in the mastery of the game in all mechanics, pairing skills and abilities to the most effective uses. he sudies terrain types, monster styles and spawn rates, and regularly watched and even enjoys in the failures of others as a means to perfect his talents without suffering the hazards himself.

    . Martial Artist - Keiji has spent 8 years in martial arts mastering Aikido and Kendo with advanced training in Ninjustu and Kenjutsu.

    . Detached - the horror of the games reality made no make on Keiji. He players the game the same as he would have had none of the disaster happened. He is calculative, strong in will, and determined to beat the game not because his life depends on it, but because that's what he joined the game to do.

    » Flaws:

    . Isolationist - Keiji had refused every invitation to party, join guilds, or even trade because of the expectation of aid associated with it. Keiji would rather spend his time working towards his own perfections then barter and socialize with the masses.

    . Intolerant - Keiji hates weakness of mind and spirit. While he acknowledges that strength of body is just a game of numbers, those who do not have the willpower to success and persevere deserve the fate they will get. He refuses to aid those who are week by those standards even if his inaction would result in their death.

    . Delusional - Part of his illness as his develops while he is locked in this world has created a delusion that takes hold at times where he doesn't believe their is a world outside the game. He has memories of his previous life but at times remembers them akin to the memory of another game the longer he goes without seeing the real world, the stronger and more frequent the delusions will become.



    Blacksmithing: lvl2

    XP: 38

    »Fails: 5

    »Bad: 3

    »Good: 3

    »Uncommon: 2

    »Rare: 2

    »Perfect: 1


    » Hiding

    » Acrobatics

    » Sprint: 1

    » Night Vision

    » Listening


    » Leather Equipment

    Weapon skills :

    » Katana (Extra Skill): 4

    Unused Skill points: 2



    »Aitsuu (Katana) -

    Damage +3

    fire tempered blue steel blade 2.4 shaku (2'5" in length). blackened steel tsuba with the embossed design of a ouroboros on one side and a pentagram on the other. the tsuka has black dyed thresher shark skin with black leather wrapping and a flat blackened metal cap. the Saya is mat black with lacquer drops to give it the appearance of the morning dew.

    »Night's Grasp (Accessory) -

    This stealthy hood allows the wearer to strike with great speed and accuracy in battle.

    Accuracy +2

    »Abyss (Leather Armor)

    Scaled Gargoyle Leather armor with overlapping segments for maneuverability. this armor employs the natural maneuverability and dark spined appearance of the gargoyles.

    -2 On Opponents Combat Dice

    +1 Damage Reduction

    » 5 Crafting Mats

    UpKeep Total: 24 Points

    » Created Character 2 Points

    » [sP-F01] Earning A Living 2 Points

    » [PP-F1] Secret Medicine of The Forest 2 Points

    » [PP-F1] Outfitting the guild 1 Point

    » [PP-F2] Winds of Plague 1 Point

    » [PP-F3] Midnight In The Forrest of Death 1 Point

    » [PP-F2] Sting of the Wasp 1 Point

    » [PP-F01] The Ebon Vanguard 1 Point

    » [PP-F3] -Ebon Vanguard- Mats and Tactics. 1 Point

    » [PP-BOSS RAID-F8] Paving the Way to 9 10 Points

    » [url=http://sao-rpg.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=3853&p=66973#p66973][PP-F4] The Essence of Steel 2 Points

    Relationships (optional)


    Story Thus Far (optional)


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