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Posts posted by Vectis

  1. "Cool sign. Looks like it says 'Private property of the sage, please do not read under penalty of law', well oops. I never thought something like this would be my first crime." An old man around his senior age snuck up on Vectis and walloped him on the head, "Young un', why are you violatin' the law and readin' me sign!" Vectis turned around to see a man with a full head of white hair behind him, "Oops, well it's a sign and I really want to read it." The elder slightly chuckled, "You wanna know what a sign is? This is you bloody [censored]." Suddenly, a bolt of thunder struck down on Vectis and parlayed him again, "Alright then, this punishment is good enough. The only thing you can do now is meditate and think of what you did wrong."



    Level: 4

    Hp: 16

    E: 4

    DMG: 5

    Eva: 0

    Mit: 9

    Thorns: 7


    Umbra (+9 Mit, +7 Thorns)

    Ahiru (+3 DMG)

    Battle Ready Inventory: N/A


    Dagger (R1)



  2. "Woooaah! So cool!" Vectis watched Teayre obliterate the ice elementals, and she did it with relative ease. Quickly, he sprinted to where the monsters were killed and pulled out a spoon, "I wonder what snow tastes like." He scooped up a teaspoon worth of snow and swallowed it immediately, "Holy crap! That is some awesome-" Unfortunately, he did not live to finish that sentence. Loud snoring came out of his mouth, it looks like Vectis had too much of a good thing and payed the price.


  3. Vectis was thinking about all the flavors of ice cream he wanted to taste, but eventually ditched that thought and replaced it with questing. "Ooooh! A nice adventure is just what I need! Then maybe I can go try that Fireball flavor, or the honey barbecued chicken ice cream flavor." What? Honey barbecued chicken ice cream? What the hell were the makers of that thinking of when they invented it? "Nah, not the honey barbecue chicken, but what about the rice flavor? I heard it's really plain, hmmm..."

  4. It's been a couple of days since Vectis was kidnapped, that was one hell of a shocker since he got away pretty easily. "Man, next time I see a guy hand out free ice cream, I am definitely not trying the paralysis flavor." TripleC first fed him a glass of cool water, but it turned out to be too cool for school and literally freeze him in place, and then he offered Vectis a poison flavor. "That poison flavor sounded super tasty, it was purple like my other favorite ice cream. Well, guess I can't taste them all can I." Somehow he ended up at the Waterfall of the Sage on the sixth floor, and now the real free ice cream adventure is about to begin.

  5. Even though his limbs couldn't move, the folds of his lips were in perfect condition to form words. They were just a tad bit stupid, so nothing really changed. "Wow, this cool water is cool, LITERALLY! It's so cool, that my body just FROZE in place! That's awesome man, now help me unfreeze." TripleC sheathed his claymore on his belt, "Look here pal, you're coming with me, and there is no way that you'll see the light of day again. I'm as strong as a frontliner, so you better listen to what I say." Vectis didn't take his warning seriously and giggled, "Heh.. Hahaha! Do you mind that sort of front liner... Heh heh heh..." The stranger couldn't have been angrier, he blushed and said "No! Not 'THAT' sort of front liner dumbass!"


    +4 SP

    +400 Col

    +1 <<Concentration>>

    +1 Kidnapped

  6. "Me? Like paralysis flavor? HELL YES I DO!" Vectis pulled out the bottle of paralysis water TripleC gave to him and gulped it down quickly, "Whoo! Now that was refresh- Woooaaah!" The sandy haired blonde plummeted to the ground, his limbs became immobile. "Well, that wasn't as easy as I thought it was, but FINALLY! I've got you where you should be, hah!" TripleC grinned and pulled out his claymore, "Now what should I do with you, kidnap you, or kill you... Hmmm..." He had a hard time deciding, but eventually he chose option one, kidnap.

  7. "Get it off, get it off, GET IT OFF!" TripleC kept running around with a centipede attached directly to his face, Vectis observed peacefully while a few giggles escaped the corners of his mouth, "Don't let the facehugger get on your face! That is the first rule as a Colonial Marine, you moron!" He laughed even more now, for a second there he sounded like his old drill sergeant (Yes, he went to military school). "You're not helping kid!" Finally, TripleC tore off the centipede and sliced it in half with his claymore. "Now, you like paralysis flavor don't you?"


  8. "Honestly, in all my years of playing this game, there has been nobody who's as stupid as you. HEY! Are you even listening!" Vectis lost interest again and stared at the gigantic centipede that was about to fall on top of TripleC's head. "Hey TripleC, I think you've got a problem." TripleC barked angrily, "Problem?! You're the one with the problem you god damn idiot! I can't believe you'd- AAHHHH!" The sandy haired blonde just predicted the future, the gigantic centipede fell on top of TripleC's face and he started flailing around wildly, "Get it off!"

  9. "Ooooh, cool glasses of water. Heh, that sounds funny, but sure!" The stranger smiled widely and handed him a bottle of paralysis water, "So, what's your name kid? I'm TripleC." Vectis took the bottle of paralysis water and opened his mouth in awe of his name, "Woooaahh! TripleC, I want that name! How the HECK did you even get that name dude, SOOO COOL!" TripleC face palmed again and pointed to his cursor, "Really kid? How the [censored] did you not notice I'm an orange player."

  10. "What the?" The stranger backed away due to Vectis's sheer stupidity, "So uh... Paralysis flavor and mint right? Okay then, how about this flavor?" He pulled out a bottle of paralysis water, but Vectis wasn't even paying attention to him as his attention was directed to a beautiful butterfly, "Huh? What were you saying?" Vectis turned around and knocked the bottle out of his hands, "What the? Oops, heh... Fatality." The stranger was angry now, "Why you.... OKAY then... How about we just drink some nice COOL glasses of water shall we?!"

  11. A sense of deja vu struck Vectis, but he reflected it using his mental mirror, the one he uses to look at his beautiful beanie every day. "So, what flavor is the free ice cream? I'll eat anything, really, I will eat anything. I mean really, I will eat ANYTHING you give to me. A-b-s-o-l-u-t-e-l-y ANYTHING!" The stranger grinned with malice, "Anything you say? Do you like paralysis flavor?" Vectis's eyes widened, "Ooooh! Paralysis flavor, what's that? It sounds DELICIOUS! Hey, how about we mix mint and paralysis flavor, that'll make an AWESOME COMBO!"

  12. The newly arrived player face palmed, "Seriously kid? You know I am trying to kidnap you, right? And you will get locked up in my basement." Conveniently, there was also a white horse placed right next to the stranger. "Less talk, more ice cream, WHOOOO!" Once more, Vectis slapped the horse on the bottom as both of them accelerated at a high speed, "You idiot! What the hell did you do to my hooooorssee!" Boom! Collision with a tree ended the moment by killing the horse, and stopping their speed. "Now that was one HELL of a ride! You're a pretty cool guy."

  13. "This place seems really familiar, it's like I've been here before..." And now Vectis activated idiot mode again. "Hey, where'd my beanie go? Oh, it's right on top of my head, phew!" The situation was almost the same as the one before, but at least his beanie avoided becoming the ugly color of poop brown. "Hey dude, what's up. Do you want some uhh... Candy?" Again, it seemed as if a new NPC arrived to try to kidnap the unsuspecting child, but this time it was a real player. "Ooooh! The free ice cream man!"

  14. "Woah, I should really back off on the western talk y'know.... Huh, looks like I did it again." All this talking, and it was to himself for the entire time. "Eh, I should get up and get back to the village." Vectis stood up and left the only open area of the jungle, he wasn't weary at all of the dangers of traveling so he just rushed past the trees with his arms in flying positions. "Leeeerooyy Jenkinss!" Once again, the sandy haired blonde came toppling off a hill into the same place he was at before he fought the Gemini.

  15. "Nah, I'm not going crazy." He sheathed the tiny metal blade and laid down on the prickly bed of grass, extending his legs and putting his arms back in a relaxed manner. "Time goes by really quickly y'know, and so does my mood, hah! One moment I'm referencing a bunch of stuff, and the next I'm cool as a cucumber. I really need a psychologist y'know?" It was somewhat funny that he was talking to himself stating that he needed a psychologist, because you know only crazy people talk to themselves.

  16. He figured he needed to catch up to the rest of the players since he was only level one. "Man, that dream was really crazy. Hell, I didn't even know you could HAVE dreams in this place!" Vectis discovered the many amazing things available to players in Aincrad over the course of a few days, but it wasn't everything. "I seriously gotta meet some people, because this is super lonely..." The sandy haired blonde sighed and reached for his dagger, "At least I've got you pal. Wait, why am I talking to a dagger like it's an actual person?"

  17. Everything was seriously boring for Vectis, all he could do now was sit on the prickly blades of grass, or go on a hunting trip with some NPCs. "Damn it! I really wish there were some players here with me, maybe next time I should bring Teayre with me on some quests." Everyday he'd meet a new person, well, most of the times he would. "If only I could just find someone who I can cling to like an octopus to a rock!" His fantasies of not being alone were common, it's not usually like him to be in solitude.

  18. Vectis couldn't find anything remotely weak in the jungle, most things were big snakes or even bigger snakes. Other than that, a few amazoness were walking walking around with daggers in their hands, they hunted the monsters on this floor with ease and that was something Vectis was slightly jealous about. "Aw shucks, well we can't all be super skilled can we?" That didn't disappoint him that much though since the sandy blonde haired boy was very emotionally unstable stable. Eventually he came across a boar and it died instantly, "Well that wasn't very fun."

    <<Battle Engaged>>

    ID# 58886

    BD 7

    MD 8


    DMG: 1 =1

    Thorns: 7

    <<Battle Results>>

    Vectis: 3/4 HP, 1 NRG

    Boar: -8/4 HP, 3 DMG, 1 Mit, Dead



  19. "That went well!" Vectis made a small little celebration, but it quickly ended. "What now?" But the fun ended all too soon, there was nothing left for him to do besides sit around, or look for some materials. "Nah, rather not spend hours searching for rocks, now that's just stupid." A couple more hours were left till it was sundown, what would he do until then? Obviously not kill monsters because that would get him killed. "I'm gonna go fight some boars! This is going to be SOOO FUN!"

  20. "Wow, that looks fun!" Vectis marveled at the players fighting the ice elementals, they looked like they were doing well until one of them tripped and got a face full of snow. "Hah! Sucker." He kept watching but had a feeling that Teayre would be looking over his shoulder with a very scary look in her eye, "Oh right, yup. I'm ready, let's do this!" The sandy haired blonde felt as if Teayre would immediately kill the boss, after all she looked strong, another strength was probably fifteen-fold of his own.

  21. "Sweet, thanks dude!" Vectis was about to ingest the two daggers, but heeded Nikodemus_Blackwood's warning. "Alright man, and what's this about being insane?" Suddenly, a paper airplane (I didn't know those existed in the game) flew into the shop with a note attached to the left wing. "Woah! Paper airplane war!" The sandy haired blonde immediately grabbed it and bolted outside of the shop to wage war with paper airplanes... Joyful shouting echoed across the street, and then it paused momentarily for the boy to say something, "Yeah! Litter!"

    +1 Ahiru

    +1 Hakucho

  22. Vectis once again, accidentally struck at the Gemini, this time in the head. "Nooooooo!" The lonesome and creepy NPC known as the Gemini was no more, the fight was over now. The sandy haired boy didn't even know what happened, he put his hand to the back of his head and laughed with his eyes closed, "Fatality I guess, hah!" After that, a reward menu popped up in front of him, it said that he gained a new skilled called <<Concentration>>, but Vectis was confused, "But I don't have concentration, I have A.D.D."

    ID# 58802

    BD 8

    MD 3

    DMG: 1 = 1

    Vectis: 4/4 HP, 1/1 NRG

    Gemini: 0/4 HP Dead

    LD 3

    <<Concentration>> earned!

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