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Posts posted by Raiel

  1. Croft watched as the Lyrica finally fell. She stood no chance to this large group of low levels. Now all that's left were the large pack of wolves that were steadily falling. Wanting to contribute, even just a little, he pointed his basic sword at the nearest wolf. This wolf was already heavily wounded with a lot of red marks all over it's body. Streaks of red poured out from the cuts. This wolf was gonna drop soon, might as well help it to it's grave. Croft charged at the wolf. He swung his blade from the bottom up and cut deep into the wolf. Unfortunately, it wasn't enough to pixelate the beast. Afterwards, croft pulls back, keeping his distance from the wolf.

    ID# 59213 results: Battle: 8 Craft: 1 Loot: 3 MOB: 5

    2 DMG

    White Wolf 9: 1/50
    -2 HP


    White Wolf 9: 1/50 -2 HP
    White Wolf 10: 3/50
    White Wolf 11: 3/50
    White Wolf 12: 3/50
    White Wolf 13: 0/50
    White Wolf 14: 18/50
    White Wolf 15: 22/50
    White Wolf 16: 22/50

    [H:1] Stentorius: 60/60 ?/? (5 Mit)
    [H:6] Xion: 81/92 (52 Mit) (14 Thrn) (7-52=1, 1x8=8 DMG)
    [H:2] Seul: 121/121 | 22/ 29 EN | 52 Mit | [Keen: +1 BD]
    [H:1] Evander: 24/24 | 1/6 EN | 12 MIT

    Lyrica & Wolves

    [H:2] Hydra: 80/80 | 9/20 EN | (45 Mit)
    [H:2] Nikodemus_Blackwood: 48/48 HP | 2/12 EN | MIT 35
    [H:1] Hakai: 40/40 HP | 1/10 EN
    [H:1] Sierra: 28/28 HP | 0/7 EN

    Lyrica & Wolves

    [H:0] Takneil: 80/80|ENG:7/20|DMIT:35
    [H:1] Ebony: 128/128 | EN: 28/32 | Mit: 52
    [H:2] Rain: 28/28 | EN: 6/7 | EVA 2 | MIT 9
    [H:1] Khrysaor: 24/24 HP | EN: 4/6 | MIT 12

    Lyrica & Wolves

    [H:0] Hunie: 24/24 | EN: 4/6 | Mit: 30
    [H:1] Avilon: 20/20 | EN: 7/8 | Mit: 32
    [H:2] Yamato: 16/16 | EN: 0/4 | Mit: 18
    [H:1] Kroshma_Tokran: 16/16 | EN: 3/4 | DMG 2

    Lyrica & Wolves

    [H:1] Husky: 40/40 | EN: 6/10 | Mit: 30
    [H:2] Shirien: 20/20 | EN: 0/5 | Mit: 21
    [H:1] Dracul: 12/12 HP | 3/4 EN | Mit: 18
    [H:0] Croft: 4/4 HP | 0/1 EN -2 Energy

    Lyrica & Wolves

    [H:1] Allania: 80/80 HP | EN: 12/20 | Mit: 27
    [H:0] Asteria:
    [H:0] Ratatosk:
    [H:1] Gaster: 12/12 HP | EN: 2/3 | DMG 5 | MIT 18 | THN 7


  2. And there it was, the event boss that he was conscripted to kill. Fear surged through Croft's body. "What am I doing here? I'm only level 1. I've never even even stepped outside the town of beginnings until now. This is madness!" Thoughts clouded his mind.

    His group was attack the beast right before and Croft couldn't move. He brought his hands to his blade wanting to draw it and help them. Slowly he unsheathed his basic straight. He was still unsure and scared on what to do. He pointed the sword forward at the beast and started taking a few steps forward until he went into a run. Unfortunately, that didn't last long. As he was running, his legs get caught on a piece of rock and he trips forward falling to the ground.

    ID# 58743 results: Battle: 1



    Lyrica: 149/250 (10 Mit)
    White Wolf 5: 10/50
    White Wolf 6: 10/50
    White Wolf 7: 10/50
    White Wolf 8: 10/50

    [H:0] Stentorius: 60/60 ?/? (5 Mit)
    [H:3] Xion: 83/92 (52 Mit) (7-52=1, 1x4=4)
    [H:1] Seul: 121/121 | 25/ 29 EN | (52 Mit) | [Keen: +1 BD]
    [H:1] Evander: 24/24 | 2/6 EN | 12 MIT

    Lyrica & Wolves

    [H:0] Hydra: 80/80 | 18/20 EN | (45 Mit)
    [H:2] Nikodemus_Blackwood: 48/48 HP | 8/12 EN | MIT 35
    [H:1] Hakai: 40/40 HP | 2/10 EN
    [H:1] Sierra: 28/28 HP | 6/7 EN

    Lyrica & Wolves

    [H:0] Takneil: 80/80|ENG:18/20|DMIT:35
    [H:1] Ebony: 128/128 | EN: 28/32 | Mit: 52
    [H:1] Rain: 28/28 | EN: 3/7 | EVA 2 | MIT 9 
    [H:0] Khrysaor: 32/32 HP | EN: 7/8 | MIT 12 

    Lyrica & Wolves

    [H:0] Hunie: 24/24 | EN: 4/6 | Mit: 30
    [H:1] Avilon: 20/20 | EN: 7/8 | Mit: 32
    [H:1] Yamato: 16/16 | EN: 0/4 | Mit: 18
    [H:1] Kroshma_Tokran: 16/16 | EN: 3/4 

    Lyrica & Wolves

    [H:1] Husky: 40/40 | EN: 6/10 | Mit: 30
    [H:2] Shirien: 20/20 | EN: 1/5 | Mit: 21
    [H:1] Dracul: 12/12 HP | 3/4 EN | Mit: 18
    [H:0] Croft: 4/4 HP | 0/1 EN -2 Energy

    Lyrica & Wolves

    [H:0] Allania:
    [H:0] Asteria:
    [H:0] Ratatosk:
    [H:0] Gaster:



  3. Wandering the streets of the Town of Beginning, Croft finds himself staring at a quest board. On it was a peculiar piece of paper that was pierced with a silver dagger. After a quick read, Croft realizes that this could help bump up his levels a bit, although it could risk his life. Ignoring the risks, Croft makes his way to the northern gates of town, where the hunter NPC who starts the quest and is supposedly located.

    As he arrived at the spot, he sees a large crowd of what seems to be low level players. Excited from this feeling for going on his first raid, he dashed towards the hunter NPC. He gave a quick talk to the NPC skipping through most of the interactions and important stuff and just accepted it on the spot. That's it, there's no turning back now.

    << Stats >>
     - Subject to change -


    << Stats >>
    [Level 1][HP 4/4][Energy 1/1][DMG 2][ACC 0][EVA 0][MIT 0][Thorns 7]

    Equipment >>

    Silver One Hand Straight Sword [+1 DMG]
    Thornbush (Shield): [+7 Thorns]
    Starter Armor

    Skills >>

    One Handed Straight Sword - Rank 1
    Slant 1x1/1 Energy A simple sword art slashing diagonally.
    Vertical 1x1/1 Energy A simple sword art slashing vertically.
    Horizontal 1x1/AoE/2 Energy A simple sword art slashing horizontally in a wide area.
    Uppercut 1x2/Stun/5 Energy A simple sword art delivering an uppercut.
    Rage Spike 1x2/AoE/4 Energy A basic, weak skill that leaps at the enemy and follows with an upward strike.
    Snake Bite 2x1/2 Energy A pair of brisk angular slashes chained in succession.


  4. OCC: huh... ^ he pretty much took all the perfects.. greedy greedy tsk tsk. :p Taking the Silver One Hand Straight Sword [+1 DMG], and Thornbush (Shield): [+7 Thorns]

    Leon was still wandering the 1st Floor. He really hasn't gone anywhere or really hasn't started doing anything. He just wanted to explore. With that said, he roamed the town of beginnings until he happened to come upon a large red-bearded man. He stood in the middle of the plaza and fiddled around with his HUD menu. Suddenly a large crate appeared suddenly next to him. On the crate, it said Mystery Box for low levels.

    Intrigued by this gigantic man and this bow, Leon quickly made his way towards him. As he got closer, his eyes quickly caught a glimpse of a straight sword. "Oooh a straight sword! Can I have this?" Leon questioned. As he looks around the box some more, he quickly realizes That this box is free stuff. Leon rummaged through the box some more. He then finds a small shield. With a slight grin on his face, "Can I get this one too? Thanks a bunch!" After grabbing the two items he wanted, he equipped the gear and walked off to wander the town some more. Perhaps even go out and quest.

  5. Leon was still wandering around town. He's still extremely new to this game, but he's excited to explore. As he went around, he see a large group of people conversing with each other. With a grin on his face, he start power walking towards the group. As he got closer, he can hear them talk about stuff, but he doesn't know what exactly. Once he felt close enough, he brightly says "Hi guys!" I'm new here. What are you guys talking about?" with a slight awkward smile on his face. He doesn't know what he's doing, but he wants to survive this death game. He needs to meet more new people.

  6. Leon was been wandering town for awhile now. He's still new to the game so every little thing intrigues him. Walking around town through twists and turns, he finds himself at an ally where multiple players have gather. He was curious on what he they were doing. He quickly walks towards them and peaks in little by little. "Hey guys, what's happening? What is this? Oooh can I play? Ah crap, you need to spend money? I'm flat broke." Leon's mouth flew open none stop asking everyone questions until he realized that he needs money, and he doesn't have any. With that thought in mind, his face quickly breaks into a sad face.

  7. Versus-13-Dev-Picked-Up.jpg

    << Raiel >>
    << Raiel Etris >>
    << 20 >>
    << Male >>
    << 5'10" >>


    << History >>
    Born and raised in the southern part of the UK, Leon lived the good life. He was born into a very wealthy family called Etris. There he had everything he wanted. He got whatever he wanted and did whatever he wanted. Life was good for him. Except for the fact that he wasn't allowed to go off on his own outside the estate. His family is very over protective. He got anything his heart desired, so long as you can get it on the estate. Because of this, he often craved to venture outside and explore. He found some escape through exploring the internet, but see can only do so much. He wants to experience the world first hand. One day, he heard news of a new technology called Nerve Gear which allows people to put their minds in virtual reality. Without a second thought, he ordered himself a set of his own along with a new game called Sword Art Online.


    << Virtues >>

    << Curious >>
    Leon has an immense cu
    riosity about life. Since his family never let him leave the safety of their estate, he extremely curious about life and all it's splendor. If he's never seen it first hand or experienced it before, he often would be agog about the subject.

    << Adventurous >>
    Leon craves adventure. Ever since he was young, he has never been allowed to leave his estate unless he's with guards or going to school. Other than that he's not allowed to leave. Because of this, Leon craves adventure and wants to leave his estate.

    << Confident >>
    Leon is confident in himself, sometimes too confident. Coming from a very well off family, he prides himself in his status. This pride usually comes with confidence in ones self. Leon brings this confidence in whatever he does.


    << Flaws >>

    << Self-Centered >>
    Leon is self-centered. Ever since he was young, he could get whatever he wants or do whatever he wanted. This brought a terrible side of him out. He became self-centered and often thought everything is his.

    << Intrusive >>
    Along with being self-centered, Leon as an annoying quirk of being intrusive. He often at time like to involve himself in lover quarrels, or join events or conversations he should. This often gets Leon in awkward and/or annoying situations.

    << Lazy >>
    Leon has a tendency to get lazy. I don't mean like a lazy slob. He still normally showers and the like. He just puts off things to another time, and would often forget it all together. He probably got this from his way of life and living a rich.

    << Stats >>
    [Level 4] [HP 16/16] [Energy 4/4] [DMG 2] [ACC 0] [EVA 0] [MIT 0] [Thorns 7]

    << Profession >>


    << Skills >>
    [SP Used 5] [Total SP 10]


    << Non-combat >>

    << Passive >>

    << Combat >>

    << Weapons >>


    One Handed Straight Sword - Rank 1
    Slant - 1x1 - (1 Energy) - A simple sword art slashing diagonally.
    Vertical - 1x1 - (1 Energy) - A simple sword art slashing vertically.
    Horizontal - 1x1 - AoE - (2 Energy) - A simple sword art slashing horizontally in a wide area.
    Uppercut – 1x2 - Stun - (5 Energy) - A simple sword art delivering an uppercut.
    Rage Spike - 1x2 - AoE - (4 Energy) - A basic, weak skill that leaps at the enemy and follows with an upward strike.
    Snake Bite - 2x1 - (2 Energy) - A pair of brisk angular slashes chained in succession.


    << Inventory >>


    << Weapons >>


    Bastard sword (Basic)
    Silver One Hand Straight Sword [+1 DMG]
    Thornbush (Shield): [+7 Thorns]

    << Armor >>


    Starter Armor (Basic)

    << Miscellaneous >>


    10 Bread
    15 Water


    << Roleplays >>


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