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Kain Hargraves

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Posts posted by Kain Hargraves

  1. Having been standing nearby in the market place, his bone flute in hand and a tune carrying across the wind, Kain was at home playing for random strangers. He looked about as he played, noticing people wandering about. After finishing his tune, he slid the flute into a small pouch at his side and leaned against a large building. With a yawn, he decided he would head back to a small tavern for lunch, then head off to set up his shop. As he was wandering away, he noticed a young girl speaking to a blonde man, asking about recording crystals. Stopping short, he turned and walked to the duo. Clearing his throat, he introduced himself. "Hello. Kain Hargraves. At your service. I heard you asking about recording crystals. Glad to meet a fellow performer."

  2. Within the span of a single night, Kain had learned everything he could from Rozenkruetz and was deemed ready by the master cellist. Thanking him, Kain shook his hand and then said his goodbye. Turning, Kain made his way towards the large doors and opened them. The new morning air touched his skin and he took in a deep lungful of it. Feeling exhilarated, Kain was ready to leave. Before he could however, Master Rozenkruetz came towards him and called out. "Wait! You must take this please! It is an instrument for you. Something to get you started on your way." Holding out his hand, Rozenkruetz laid a large flute, the length of a mans forearm, and made of bone. 6 small holes were carved into the flute, which itself was hollowed out, and at the top of it, a small mouthpiece was carved into the top, sitting along the same line as the six holes. The mouthpiece was chased in silver and provided comfort when playing the instrument. Bowing again with gratitude, Kain smiled and thanked the man, and then turned and left the Collegium, returning to the orphange to prepare his journey to floor 17, and his new home he would make there.



    Thread Complete

    1 SP for quest completion.

    1 SP for 21+ posts

    400 Col for 21+ posts.

    1 instrument (Bone Flute)

    3 materials + GM LD

    40 extra col from mob kills.

  3. Entering the room, Kain bowed respectfully and then approached the blonde cellist. Taking from his pocket the few materials he had gathered, he held them up to Rozenkruetz and smiled. "I have collected these. They were on your list. Will they do?" The master cellist took the items and appraised each one, then nodded and smiled. "That they will. Here. Take them. They will be of use to you. Now, please come this way. I have much to teach you, and little time to do it in." With that, Wilhelm Rozenkruetz rose from his seat and moved towards the large hall Kain first met him in. Upon entering, the master cellist began teaching Kain the ways of the performer. It took little time for Kain to grasp the teachings and information being given to him, and within a few short hours, he was ready to go out and start his new life.

  4. Finally reaching the safezone, Kain sighed with relief as he passed through the gates to the Town of Beginning and made his way towards the Collegium once more. As night had set fully, the streets were lit by lanterns and lamps along the sides, houses, inns, taverns, and more having candles and lights burning within their clear class windows. Along the main merchant thoroughfare, Kain caught more performers plying their trade. Singing, dancing, playing instruments, reciting poetry, and more. Smiling, he passed them all by and made his way to the large building of the Collegium Perficientur and opened the large doors. Stepping in, he found Master Rozenkruetz polishing a small horn made of brass in one of the adjacent rooms.

  5. As hundred, no thousands, of tiny pinpricks of light began to shine through, Kain stared at the stars, like jewels on a black satin cloth, and smiled. He had always enjoyed stargazing as a young man, reveling in the ancient stories of how the stars got their names and shapes. Here in Aincrad, there were shapes that could be picked out, but nothing like what he saw in the real world. No Orion, No Ursa Major, no Aquarius or Pegasus or Aries. None of the constellations he had grown up with. Just random shapes and patterns of stars, all made by a computer program. Turning his head back to the path, Kain sighed and felt a pang of home sickness roll through him like nausea. Moving on, he turned back to thoughts of his future.

  6. With his mind occupied, he kept making his way towards the safezone. as he made it to the top of the hill, he saw the safezone just a ways off. happy for this, he continued on again and made a good pace. His mind once more raced with thoughts and ideas. He had begun to look up to Nikodemus a lot now. The man had made a good place for himself in Aincrad, despite his insanity, and was doing well. Hope flared within Kain's heart that he too would make a place for himself in this world, somewhere he could be to help people. With a sigh, he smiled and looked around. The sun was approaching it's final hours before it would plunge below the horizon and night would take over. To the east, the sable sky began to spread, choking out the orange and red of dusk, and turning it into night.

  7. Having turned back to the trail, Kain moved along back towards the safezone. His mind had wandered back to what he would do once he had returned and was trained as a performer. His first idea was to set up shop. He had heard from Nikodemus that floor 17 was a wonderful greek themed floor, and would be a place to look. Many of the other places described to him didn't sound so well, so he had set his sights on Floor 17. With that having been well decided for some time, he then debated on what kind of instrument he would learn to use. He already knew how to play the violin and thermin, both having been his main musical study due to their ability to create somber and melancholy sounds. Thinking it over, he wondered if maybe a type of flute or pipe would be his best bet, since he would be carrying it into battle a lot. After that thought crossed him, he wondered how he would put his skills to use.

  8. As he came past the small riverbed and began a slow ascent up a tiny rolling hill, Kain looked back and sighed with amazement. Aincrad was a beautiful world. Dangerous yes, but beautiful none the less. He took in the slowly setting sun, the sky slowly becoming streaked with the burnt orange and firey red as the light hit the sky just right, or mimicked to perfection atleast, and to the east, the slow crawl of a sable firmament peaking through slowly. Taking a deep breath, Kain filled his lungs with the scent of summer, the scent of warm air and dry grass, once green flora turning slowly to a pale shade of green, almost mint colored, before their eventual change to the brown, red, and oranges of autumn. Kain was always more fond of autumn and winter, having been raised in a small town surrounded to the east by a large forest land, and to the north a desert that turned into a snowy tundra in winter. To the south, naught but farmland for miles and miles, before once more merging with desert. The farmland in summer smelled of sweet grass, wheat, hay, and corn coming to maturity just before fall. The grasses were dry and warm, giving off the scent of an earthy aroma, and at night, the air was cool and damp, the right temperature for stargazing at night. All of these memories rushed to him as he stood there gazing out at the world of Aincrad below him.

  9. Moving along the path, Kain thought about what he would due with his new profession. He and Nikodemus had spent some time talking about it in a small dingy tavern on the outskirts of Nimbus. He knew what he would be able to do, but knew it was a profession that few made use of. With a sigh, he shrugged his shoulders and continued on. He would make use of it well, and he knew where he was going in this game, how he would synergize with the others well. Coming past the small riverbed, Kain stopped for a moment to catch his breath, and then began again.


    Traveling down the small path, Kain came across a small bit of fenced of area. The place was a small patch of flowers and plants, fitted oddly in the middle of the lowlands. Shrugging his shoulders, Kain hopped the fence and looked about the small patch. He admired the flowers here and there, enjoying the scent of them. Between two of them, a small item sat glowing in the sun. Leaning down, Kain snatched it into his fingers and held it up. Smiling, he saw it was a material. Happy to have found one, he pocketed it with the others and then returned to the small path and began heading back to town again.



    ID# 62102 results:

     Loot: 20 +1 material

  11. Having reached the path, he made his way along it, winding through the low lands and coming towards a small lake. He smiled as he wandered along it's edge, the ground going from a hard soil to soft loamy sand. With his armor on, he was heavier than normal, and with each footstep, he felt his boots sink into the sand almost to his ankle. Looking along the shore of the small lake for anything, Kain relaxed and took the sights in. He had rarely left the safezone before now, and when he did, it was for a short period to make sure none of the orphaned children or anyone in his care had strayed out there foolishly. As he finally came full circle and saw the path he had followed to get here, Kain smiled and did one last look around the area he stood. finding nothing, he checked the suns position. Seeing it past it's zenith, he calculated the time to be close to 4. Checking his HUD's clock, he found he was right. turning back to the trail, he began the returned journey home.


     ID# 62088 results:

     Loot: 8


    Moving along the lowlands, Kain smiled as the sun had reached it's apex and had begun it's eventual descent towards the western horizon. The afternoon was a warm one, and the slight breeze coming from the west felt great on Kain's skin. With a sigh of content, Kain stepped down onto something that was hard, but not a rock or root, and pliable, but not mud or sand. Looking down, he realized with great horror that he had somehow come into a small nesting area of boars, the mud pit not far off, and was standing on a sleeping boars tail. With a slight yelp, Kain tried to backpeddle, but ended up kicking a second boar that was roosted within a small patch of thick weeds. With snorted grunt, the boar's eyes shot open and immediately turned from the soft brown color to a bright yellow, then red as the aggression program kicked in.


    Cursing his clumsiness, Kain drew his hammer in one swift motion and struck the beast in the head as it lifted itself from the ground and turned it's head, the razor sharp tusk slamming into Kain's leg and grating along the metal. Grunting, Kain watched his health tick down by 1 HP. Worry creased his features, and with a howl he brought his hammer down again and smashed the boar flat on it's belly. Trying to lift itself up again, it gave up and fell back down, bursting to pixels. With little warning, the second sleeping boar had rose, turned aggro, and charged into Kain's back, knocking him flat on his face. Seeing another point of HP drop from his bar, Kain began to panic, but the sound of the boar shrieking and squealing in pain took his mind off himself. Lifting his eyes, he watched as the boar was buffeted by a wave of damage and burst into pixels. The hit to him activated his <Thorns> effect on his shield and finished the boar.


    Panting, Kain stood and surveyed the area. seeing no further boars, he smiled and sighed with relief. Checking the ground where the boars were, he found some loot laying there. Touching it, a pop up screen appeared and showed he had gained 2 materials and a small sum of Col. Accepting the items, he closed the screen and began to sprint off towards the path he had strayed from.



     ID# 62052 results:

     Battle: 10 Crit. +2 DMG

     Craft: 4

     Loot: 12

     MOB: 6 hit. <Thorns> activated.


    My DMG: 5 + 2 = 7 - 1 = 6


    Thorns: 14


    Boar: 3 - 27 = 0 + 1 = 1 x 2 = 2


    Kain Hargraves: LVL 1 | 2/4 HP | 1/1 EN | MIT: 27 | DMG: 5 (1 + 1 + 3) | Thorns: 14


    Boar: 4/4 HP | DMG: 3 | Mit: 1 1 mat on death. + 20 col

    Boar: 4/4 HP | DMG: 3 | Mit: 1 1 mat on death. +20 col


    2 mats, 40 col.


    Moving to the river bed, Kain began sifting through the dry silt and dirt that was now caked to the stones and chunks of root protruding from the ground along it. turning rocks over and lifting roots and pieces of old drift wood away, Kain let out a groan of despair. He had heard from Nikodemus that the quest would be a pain, but he had hoped to have some better luck at this. He was sent to literally only grab one or two items, but he was coming up empty handed. Kicking a rock aside, Kain grumbled and climbed from the river bed and began walking leisurely along the lowlands.


    ID# 62050 results:

     Loot: 11


    Having come to a low set of bramble patches, Kain began sifting through the branches. his armored hands were safe from the bramble thorns, so he didn't care much as he grabbed hold of large branches and pulled them aside. Finding nothing but dirt and rocks, Kain moved on towards a small copse of trees off along a small path to the left. Reaching it, he began looking around and checking under roots and tree knots. Finding nothing, Kain sat down and decided he would try his luck with a dry riverbed nearby.


     ID# 62049 results:

     Loot: 11

  15. Moving through the lowlands of the first floor, Kain smiled as he made his way along the small trail. With his new hammer in hand, he kept an eye out for anything. The sun was high, so anything would be visible unless it was under the thick brush common along the mud pits where boars nested. He would keep a good distance from the beasts unless he found one or two alone. His eyes scanned the ground left and right, but he saw naught but refuse and garbage. With a slight sigh, he moved onwards down the path and away from the safezone.



     ID# 62047 results:

     Loot: 1


    stepping through the gates and outside of the safeone, Kain decided to get looking along the nearby area. Keeping his eyes peeled, he moved along and checked in and around bushes, under rocks, and around trees. Seeing nothing. He decided to head a bit further down the trail. Meandering down, he began searching again. His eyes scanned left and right, and he made sure to leave nothing unsearched. After a bit, he came up once more empty handed and decided to move along.




    ID# 62154 results:

     Loot: 13

  17. "Well, that is simple Master Rozenkruetz. I wish to join the ranks of Performers here in Aincrad. I have always had a skill for Oratory and Speech, and want to put it to use. I figured where better than an actual place that teaches the art." Giving a slight bow, Kain answered honestly. The Master of the school tapped a finger to his chin, his eyes burning with a passionate fire. With a flick of his wrist and the snap of his fingers, Rozenkruetz exclaimed out loud. "Of course! I understand. I will be pleased to teach you. But, first you must do something for me. An entrance exam of sorts. It's nothing to bad. You just need to go gather some items. I'll make a list. Once you have them, bring them back and I'll teach you how to be a Performer. Simple no?"


    Nodding, Kain agreed and waited while the man wrote out a list of a few simple items. Kain looked it over and figured he'd be able to find them all just outside the Safezone. With his new armor, he felt safe enough to venture outside. Accepting the list, Kain left and made his way through town. The sun was approaching it's zenith, and the day was warm. Moving through town, he reached the gates and was ready to head out.

  18. As the man finished the piece, he leaned took the bow of the cello in one hand and leaned down slightly. With his free hand, he plucked a second, sapphire colored crystal block from the floor and stood, examining it. The topaz colored one's durability finally hit zero and it burst into pixels and faded away. With a sigh of satisfaction, the man turned and noticed Kain standing there. A smile spread across his lips softly and he cleared his throat. "Thank you for not making much noise while I recorded. I was already stressed that I would make a shambles of the piece and lose two crystals in one go. Took a bit, but finally got it. Anyways, enough about that business. I am Wilhelm Rozenkruetz, Master Performer and Cellist. How can I help you today?"

  19. Arriving at the large building, the Collegium Perficientur, Kain walked up the small steps and opened the door. Entering, he moved through the main hall and towards the back of the building. Hearing music coming from a side room, Kain walked and looked around, seeing an elder gentleman with long blonde hair tied up in a ponytail with a leather cord. His clothing looked much like that of the poets, composers, and musicians he had studied while in school, the trousers made of a supple cotton that stretched and covered the man from mid abdomen down to his ankles. His shirt was white cotton, made in the style of 13th century European fashion, the sleeves long with a hemmed ruffled edge that hung down below the hand, the bottom hem of the shirt trimmed in thread of gold, and the collar made much like the sleeves, with a ruffled edge to it. Over this, he wore a dark crimson jacket that came down to his waist and flared out into a long train down to his knees. The collar was large and ornately tailored with more thread of gold, large brass buttons with stamped family crests running down the right side of the coat. The sleeves came down to the wrist, ending where the ruffled portion of the shirt sleeve began, giving it an accented look. Along his neck, a thin ribbon was tied into a loose bow about his neck, the loops and ties laying just on the ruffles of the shirt collar.


    In one hand he held a music bow, the thin wooden rod made of a lacquered mahogany, with a fine material making the string. Propped on the ground via a small pointed rod, a large cello leaned against the man, his other hand holding the neck of the large instrument and pressing on strings as he ran the bow along it. He played in concert with a small square block of crystal the color of topaz when held before a bright light. The crystal was producing the sound of another instrument that played a piece of work familiar to Kain. Listening, he said nothing and waited.



  20. As the performance came to an end, Kain clapped and wished he had some Col to give. While the performers put their instruments down for a break, Kain approached the leader of the group. Clearing his throat, he spoke clearly. "Hello. My name is Kain Hargraves. I was wondering if I could ask where you learned to sing and play those instruments so well." Smiling, he listened intently as the NPC spoke to him, telling him where they learned.. "We were taught at the Collegium Perficientur, The Master there teaches most performers." Hearing this and noting the large building just down the street, Kain nodded and said his thanks, then began to make his way there.

  21. Moving down the street, he came out into the main square of the market place and saw it crowded with Players and NPCs alike. Merchants of all sorts were hawking wares back and forth, Blacksmiths selling their best items, Artisans and Tailors displaying beautifully made jewelry and clothing in their stalls, large mirrors propped against the walls or awning poles for customers to see how they looked. Alchemists, Cooks, and Fishermen all cried out their wares and the benefits of them all, the deals they'd make to individual people, and more. Lastly, Kain's eyes came to rest on the scattered NPC and Players who sat dancing, singing, reciting poetry, playing instruments, and so on. This was where he needed to go. Moving through the crowd, Kain smiled and waved to the few NPCs and players he knew, and then made his way to where a group of NPC performers stood. They each had an instrument and were playing them together in a unified song, the leader of the group singing in dulcet tones to the rhythm.

  22. Having finally decided upon a profession, Kain decided that he would use his talents for oratory to become a performer. With that in mind, he exited the small orphanage where he spent most of his time helping the sick and young, both physically and spiritually. With his new equipment given to him by his friend, he set out to seek a master performer to learn from. He had conversed with Nikodemus much on this and learned how the system worked and what he needed to do. Setting out towards the main market place where many players gathered, he figured here would be the best place to find performers doing what they did best, entertaining people. He had seen many performers there before and hoped that there would be many there now. As his newly armored boots clacked along the cobbled street, Kain smiled and rolled his shoulders in his new armor. It fit almost like a glove and was comfortable and light, yet durable. His shield sat across his back in a small bit of leather webbing that held it there, and his hammer hung from a leather strap at his side, the handle brushing his upper shin as he walked.

  23. Upkeep:


    +Armor of The Cleric, Volendrung, Shield of the Cleric.

      Hide contents

    Name: Volendrung

    Profession: Blacksmith

    Rank: 7

    ID# 59750 

    CD: 11 + 1 = 12

    Quality: Perfect

    Tier: 1 

    Item Type: One Handed War Hammer

    Enhancements: (3/3) Damage: Adds +(1 * Tier Level 1) base damage for every slot used. (3 slots)

    Description: A large hammer made of a strange, greenish-grey material with a glassy sheen to it. The hammer is double sided and as large as 16 inches from face to face, and 9 inches from top to bottom. A semi-scaled pattern shows along the surface, and in the center on both sides is a glowing red jewel. This hammer was the weapon of a fabled dwarven king who, when fleeing his homeland, threw it across the continent followed it. The land upon which the hammer struck was then claimed as the new home of the dwarves, and they named it Hammerfell.



    Name: Shield of the Cleric

    Profession: Blacksmith

    Rank: 7

    ID#  61031

    CD: 10 + 1 = 11

    Quality:  Rare

    Tier: 1

    Item Type: Shield

    Enhancements: (2/2) Deals  X * (7 * Tier Level 1) damage when Mob/Enemy hits a non-critical hit on you, where X is amount of slots used.

    Description:  A large rounded diamond shaped shield. The front edges of it is painted black, and down the center a large red cross is painted and trimmed with silver.



    Name: Armor of The Cleric

    Profession: Blacksmith

    Rank: 7

    ID#  61062

    CD: 12 + 1 = 13

    Quality:  Perfect

    Tier: 1

    Item Type: Armor

    Enhancements: (3/3) Removes (9 * Tier Level 1) points of damage from every hit to you for every slot used. No matter how much damage mitigation you have, however, you will always take at least 1 point of damage. (3 slots)

    Description: A set of chain and plate armor, trimmed in black and red cloth with silver threaded hems. The mail is a glittering silver, while the plates are painted black and trimmed in red. A large red cross trimmed in silver is painted on the chest of the armor.



    Thread where items were given: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/11715-floor-7-the-cracked-crucible-blacksmith-pka/?page=4


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