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Posts posted by Vyrtew

  1. Vyrtew started to go to town on the boulder. His fists flying everywhere as he smacked into it. Left hook. Right hook. Uppercuts. The works. Panting he looks up seeing that he has dealt no damage to it. Face dropping the boy sighs. “Fancy blonde. Think’s I’m not worth it.” Turning Vyrtew slicks back his hair wiping the sweat from his forehead before sitting down. “I need to get stronger.” He whispers to himself. “So I can beat her.”

    ID: 62585 BD: 5 (4 + 1 ACC)

    Boulder: 12/20

  2. Vyrtew sighed as he continued hammering away at the rock only to be knocked aside by a shockwave a moment later. His sister had delivered a powerful blow, took the health of the object down a fair bit. However Teayre had shot in after talking to someone and the blow had caused dust to shake from the object. Turning he looks and sees the orange cursor and the blonde hair of the man who’d sided with Emblem. “Tch.” Turning Vyrtew smacks his fist into the rock dealing a single point of damage to it.

    ID: 62576 BD: 8

    Boulder: 32/50

  3.  “Hey! What are you?!” Vyrtew yells out as he feels a hand pushing his back. Then suddenly his face was drying. Reaching up the boy tries to scratch it off, but nothing happened. “Hey get this thing off me?!” He yells at the man, who replies whilst chuckling “Oh my boy, the only way to get that off is by destroying the rock. It’ll fall off then.” Letting out a huff Vyrtew looked over to see his sister punching the rock, walking over the boy grins as he pulls his fist back and smashes it into the hard surface of the boulder.

    ID# 62573 results: Battle: 2

    Boulder: 49/50

  4. His white hair falling down so that the tips landed in his eyes, running a hand through his hair he slicks it back. Sliding his dagger firmly back into its sheathe Vyrtew lets out a small sigh, “So then you two. Let’s keep moving. He’ll catch up soon enough.” Glaring at the red head as she turns and begins to walk to one of the mountains the teenaged boy grips his dagger around the hilt. His knuckles matching his hair colour. “Soon.” He thought before releasing it and feeling his face start to ache. His feet pounded and crunched the grass underfoot as he followed Teayre who had started to move up a spiraling mountain.

  5. His sister had run past him, watching the girl disappear into the safe zone Vyrtew lets out a huff. “Seriously.” He says out loud obviously fed up of the whole situation with his sister. Turning around he walks past Teayre before seeing that yet another player had turned up. Walking over to them he nods. “So what’s the reason for this little get-together?” His teeth gritted together as he looked up at Emblem, his eyes flashing as if he was ready to kill. “This… Thing knocked over my sister!” The boy interrupted before the orange player had a chance to reply.

  6. Vyrtew found himself back out along the paths on floor three. His coat hanging open and his blade tucked securely away. The elves around him seemed to give him a wide birth, some mutters of the white haired boy being human reached his ears. Carrying on his walk Vyrtew the boy whistles as he carries on falling silent as he spots a boy coming back towards town. His hand going to his blade Vyrtew grips it, quickly releasing it as he walks over to Emblem. “Hey.”  The boy mutters his eyes flicking up to the dragon on his head. Brushing his hair back out of his face, he looks back down meeting Emblem’s eyes. “About the other day…”

  7. Several people had come out of nowhere. His hand still gripped the dagger. “Teayre…” He mutters as she shoots past, another face appearing out of nowhere as well. “Who’s…” The white met the red haired girl’s eyes before slowly sheathing his dagger. “A misunderstanding red.” The boy growls at her. “I’ve not forgotten my promise, but now… now is not the time.” Looking over to see his sister being helped up and cowering behind Emblem caused Vyrtew to turn, walking away in a huff. “Typical.” The boy mutters.

  8. Wide eyed Vyrtew couldn’t help but watch in slow motion as the wasp shot down towards his sister is stinger almost burying itself deep inside the defenseless girl. Trying to raise his arm Vyrtew staggers forwards, “My arm… Why can’t I lift it?” His thoughts were rapid almost lost. That was when Teayre arrived her blade finishing the mob and a quest completion popping up on his screen. Pressing the accept button he meets the red heads eyes. “Thanks.” He mutters before looking at his sister.

  9. Syn flew past him, Vyrtew turned as the wasp darted in towards him. Letting out a gasp he spun around his dagger pointing down his arm as he attempted to strike the wasp in reverse. Closing his eyes, the blade finished down next to him still clenched. Opening them once he had done Vyrtew looks at his sister nodding. “Get it Syn.” He says watching the beast’s health. “We’ll kill this and then the next target and the next. We’ll get strong enough to defeat her.”

    ID: 62526 BD: 6 (5 + 1 ACC) CD: 2 LD: 11 MD: 5 (6 – 1 EVA)

    Vyrtew: 20/20 EN: 1/5 Sand Bite Used. (2*2) = 4 DMG
    Syn: 20/20 EN: 3/5

    Wasp: 4/8 2 Mit

  10. Vyrtew Stats:

    HP: 20 / DMG: 2 / ACC: +1 / EVA: +1 / Keen: +2

    Basic Dagger
    Elude Epitaph (+1 ACC, + 1 EVA)
    Diamond Charm (Keen +2)

    His eyes following the red head’s arm. Quickly unsheathing his dagger Vyrtew dashes forwards his blade a blur as he attempts to strike into one of the wasps. The creature striking back at him. Gritting his teeth together the boy begins to breathe heavily. “Come on Satoya, it’s just a mob you can take it down.” Parrying the stinger as it is thrust towards him. The boy jumps back for a moment before twirling his dagger around his wrist. Before gripping tightly his knuckles turning white. “Just wait for the right moment.”

    ID: 62467 BD: 7 (6 + 1 ACC) CD:  1 LD: 12 MD: 4 (5 – 1 EVA)

    Vyrtew: 20/20 EN: 3/5 Sand Bite Used. (2*2) = 4 DMG

    Wasp: 6/8 2 Mit

  11. “Hey Sis,” Vyrtew calls as he sees her walking up the path, “We’re-“ He was cut off by Teayre. “That.” He mutters once the older girl had finished. Looking over the items that his sister had been given by the player, the boy finds him nodding in approval. “Looks good on you, although I’m not too sure about the monocle.” Chuckling he walks over to her, clapping her on the shoulder. “Come on let’s make a move, before we’re left behind.” His yellow eyes flashing he follows Teayre into the field.

  12. Catching the two items that the maroon madam had given him, Vyrtew equips them placing the elude epitaph around his and clipping it together and the diamond charm at his wrist. “T-thanks.” He mumbles as he begins to move around a bit getting used to the clear almost silver like box at his wrist dangles and moves. “What do they do?” he queries for a moment before gently moving the box in between two fingers. “They’re comfortable, and nice. She certainly knows her crafts.” Looking up his eyes going wide in horror. “Sorry, you did say.”

  13. Navigating his way from the teleportation plaza to the main entrance, Vyrtew looks around unable to see anything he begins to head out to the north east. A short way along he spots a sign “Turnbridge Mill…” he muses quietly to himself, “Guess I’ll try there.” Following the path at speed he soon spots a familiar red head not too far ahead of him. The buzzing sound getting louder around him. “Teayre.” He calls out to her, “Good to see you.” Panting as he slows down and walks alongside the girl.

  14. A message popped up on his screen Vyrtew pressed it looking through it. She’d found another quest for the trio to attend. Looking over to Syn he watched her sleeping form shift under the blankets of her bed. Sighing he heads off and out towards the teleportation plaza. Muttering “Teleport, Floor 2, Urbus.” A phase of blue light takes him as he disappears briefly and then reappearing on the second floor he reseats his dagger in its sheathe smiling. “Right let’s do this.”

  15. Vyrtew’s tongue was poking out as he began his first ever set of crafts. Slowly one by one the boy ground his materials down and placed them in the alembic in front of him. The boiling water bubbling over slowly. Watching it simmer, he left it trickling for a bit before turning to the paper scrawling some notes hurriedly. As he faced his concoction again it gave a puff of smoke. Coughing the boy removes the item from the heat before pouring it out into a container. Leaving the bottle on the side Vyrtew heads over to the other side of his lab and starts to shuffle through some papers, “Where did I put it? Where did I put it?” He mutters.

    ID: 62455 CD: 5 – Bad Item

    ID: 62456 CD: 6 – Bad Item

    ID: 62457 CD: 7 – Bad Item - LD: 20 - Mat Recovered

    3 x Materials Used

    3 EXP Gained

  16. Virtuous Alchemicals


    Within the snow filled fourth floor, by a pastry there is an alchemist’s lab. Bottles of all kinds line the walls in this messy lab, paper strewn everywhere and half started projects. At the front right where you enter there is a cabinet that is full of items that have been correctly crafted. A white haired boy raises a hand as you enter, “Just a minute, there’s some paper on the counter fill out the form and I’ll get to it. Prices are on the board.”





    Rank 3 || Professional Alchemist || 62/80EXP

    5 Crafts Per Day

    Crafting Day Resets at 23:00 GMT

    Craft Die:


    [1] = Critical failure (Lose materials)
    [2-3] = Fail (Lose materials)

    [4-5] = Bad item (Possible to salvage items on a 15+ loot die result)
    [6-8] = Good item  
    [9-10] = Uncommon item (1 enhancement slot)
    [11] = Rare item (2 enhancement slots)
    [12] = Perfect item (3 enhancement slots)



    Item: Mortar and Pestle
    Item Type: Miniature Masterpiece
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancement: 1 Extra Crafting Attempt Per Day
    Description: A clay fired mortar and pestle.

    Item: Herb Planter
    Item Type: Trinket
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Ambition (+ 1 EXP to Every Craft)
    Description: A small planter in which to keep herbs and materials fresh.

    Item: Precise Alembic
    Item Type: Lucky Charm
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: +1 Crafting Die
    Description: An alembic that distils potions to a greater level than just a cauldron. 



    Item Quality

    Tier 1

    Tier 2


    50 Col | 1 Material


    2 Materials

    200 Col

    3 Materials

    300 Col


    4 Materials

    400 Col

    5 Materials

    500 Col


    6 Materials

    600 Col

    7 Materials

    700 Col

    Crystals Cost an extra 200 col or 2 Materials

    Prices Negotiable

    On orders of 5 items or more of any quality, the total cost is reduced by 25%, rounded down.

    Other Offers may vary.

    Materials x 4


    Pending Orders:



    Bad Items x 2

    Good Items 

    Enrage Potion x 3


    Item: Enrage Potion
    Item Type: Potion
    Quality: Good
    Description:  When drunk, whatever the consumer hates most comes constantly to the front of their mind, causing the player to become angrier than normal. (Lasts 10 Posts)

    Tier One:

    Health Potions



    Rare Health Pot x1


    Item:  Health Potion
    Item Type: Potion
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancement: Restores 20 health. Requires a post action to use.
    Description: A glass vial, inside a small drop of red liquid that tastes of salt.






    Safeguard Potions x 1



    Item: Elixir of Imminent Protection
    Item Type: Potion
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancement: Safeguard – The next successful hit to your player will do no damage.
    Description: A yellow golden concoction that smells faintly of honey.



    Tier Two:


  17. Vyrtew nodded at Teayre heading into the back room. Stepping through the door in the back of the tavern her spots the NPC extremely quickly. Moving over to her the boy places the items down on the table in front of her  grinning. “Good.” She says, “Now let’s begin.” Picking up the items she begins to show Vyrtew how to make a variety of potions and crystals throughout the night. Some simple others a lot more complex. The boy furrowed his brow throughout the whole time watching. Learning.


    Thread Complete

    1 Page RP – 400 Col

    1 SP & 100 Col – Syn
    1 SP & 100 Col – Teayre

    2 SP, 200 Col and Alchemy Profession – Vyrtew.

  18.  “W-what?” Vyrtew’s mouth dropped to the floor as he watched Teayre decimate the pack of wolves that had begun to sneak up onto his Sister. “T-thanks.” He says, his eyes narrowing at the red head before adding the parcel that landed in front of him and the mortar and pestle into his inventory. Rising to his knee he looks his sister in the eyes, “Are you okay?” He says his voice low, his eyes on the back of the red head. As she began to disappear he stood up running after her.

  19. Vyrtew looked up and say Teayre drawing her blade with his sister just in front of him. “TEAYRE, WAIT!” He shouts trying to run over his feet tangling up and causing him to fall to the ground. His vision going a dozen shades of red. “She’s going to kill her. My sister. She’s going to kill Syn… I can’t let this happen… No… No…” “NO!” He yells out watching from where he lies prone on the floor clawing at the grass gripping it as he tries to pull himself forwards. Teayre’s voice began to echo in his head. “I need you two alive to provide me with the buffs.”

  20. Grinding his teeth together at his sisters snappishness. Vyrtew’s hand slips to the dagger opening and closing around the hilt. “Really Syn. You’re that-“ He begins before Teayre places a hand on the girl’s head. “Liss.” He stopped. “Did she really just say that name?” Shaking his head the boy looks at Teayre as she starts to speak to him nodding. He begins to follow her. Stopping for a moment by a tree he begins to look up and down it. As if he was searching for something. Finding a scale like piece of bark he gently prizes it open, reaching inside he pulls out a small bit of soft wood that was rotten all the way through.

    ID: 62439 LD: 14 Nothing Found

  21.  Vyrtew drew his dagger and started to run over towards the pair of girls as he saw Teayre’s hand raise and hit his sister on his head. Letting out a cry of anger he comes to a halt as she turns and starts speaking before he gets close at all “G-Gear? Why would you do that? It doesn’t make sense…” Turning his head he smiles at the sight of the black trench coat and the white hair of his twin. “Glad to see you didn’t get lost. I managed to pick up the starting quest on the way here. I’ve got to gather a tree’s gill and a wolf’s fin then head to The Old Oak Inn.”

  22.  “I’m going to be late aren’t I.” Letting out another heavy sigh as he leaves the Hogsback Inn, his white locks whipping in front of his eyes as a breeze takes hold of them. Walking through the winding streets of Starting City Vyrtew gently grips his dagger kept in its back sheathe. He slips into a nearby alchemy shop and looks at the npc his mouth opening. “I want to learn to be an alchemist.” The npc smiles and nods. “Gather me a Tree’s Gill and a wolf’s fin. Then meet me by in The Old Oak inn.” Nodding Vyrtew turns and head out of the shop, moving to the entrance to starting city.

  23. Left hand going to his braid gently tugging on it. Vyrtew swings his legs over the side of his bed standing up. Lifting his arms up high he stretches small audible pops coming from along his spine and neck. The boy rolls his eyes as he hears the door slam. “Honestly, what am I going to do with her?” Scuffing his feet wearily as he heads to the door he flicks a hand down opening up his menu. His fingers flying as he equips the rest of his equipment. “I really need to work on getting some more gear.”

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