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Minnie Mouse

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Posts posted by Minnie Mouse

  1. Minnie looked down. She turned fourteen on 6th of June...She was fourteen therefore. Minnie sipped her water again. So...What about your brothers? Their ages, Their names? If it's too personal... She thought about how it might be tough to explain family. She already did multiple times. Minnie sighed while waiting for the boys answer and lay back, to look at the passing clouds and to just relax. Her water bottle was beside her, opened. 

  2. Minnie sipped her water. Who's Kaya....OH WAY YES I KNOW HIM THE LAD WHO GOT US STUCK HERE? She asked whilst shouting. She always shouted when her stupidity hit her right in the stomach. She blushed from how she forgot about him. So... She turned to Emblem. Where do you think he is? or the question is, Why do you think he locked us in here? She thought of all the possible reasons, Lonlieness, Craziness, anything. She was bright for her age but she didn't understand what made Kayaba wanted to hurt people and their families like this. 

  3. Minnie looked at him and blushed. Thanks, I just learnt from the best! She didn't look at emblem but her sister who always loved MMO'S. She though about her but resisted crying and blinked back the tears. She smiled and looked emblem in the eye. Thanks for the help. I couldn't have done it without you! She cringed at the cheesiness and started laughing. 

  4. Minnie stood and stared, her mouth gaped open. Um...Okay... She saw a big boar near her. I'll practice on him I guess..She murmured. Quickly she pounced towards the boar, Splitting it open in half. She swiftly stepped out of the way when being charged at. She quickly hit the boar again leaving it with two health. She was almost finished. 

  5. After they reached the plains, Minnie faced Emblem. So...How exactly do you combat? Minnie asked, Questioning how the swords worked and things like that. While waiting for an answer, Minnie took out her sword and looked at the shining metal. She wished it was a little more colourful. I might go buy a new one after a while...She though to herself. She still yet had to find out the different sword types and more, But she decided to wait until AFTER.

  6. Minnie instantly jumped up at the though of fighting. I'd absolutely love to go fighting! I've never fought before! She jumped up and grabbed the boys hand QUICKLY QUICKLY QUICKLY! She was acting quite childish for an 11 year old, she didn't care. The boy probably understood as he was only a few years older then her and she was to excited to contain it. She was dancing her way to the plains. She danced when happy. 

  7. Minnie though for a moment. I mean, I loved her and all. I never saw her though. Now she's gone..It just feels like my heart is empty. Minnie laughed for a second. She hadn't eaten since Her death. She didn't think her parents were either. She saw her frail, twisted body from the real world. Minnie stared into space, Her bright blue eyes wide open, Staring into a world of nothing. Her mouth was slightly open but she snapped back to reality.

    I miss her a lot...I stopped eating altogether after she died. I think my parents had the same idea. She explained to the still stranger boy. Minnie lightly tightened the bow on her shirt. 

  8. Minnie sat on a bench thinking. She was a 11 year old with no guardian and she couldn't fight monsters...Maybe it was a time to make new friends? She looked around but saw nobody was around. She did realize it was 9 in the morning so people wouldn't be out. She sighed. 'None of the children here are interesting though!' she muttered to herself. after 5 minutes still nobody was around. She decided to go for a wander to get her mind off things and maybe bump into someone new?

  9. Minnie grinned at the boy, Now known as Emblem. 'I'm Minnie, Nice to meet you! So, Are you big in video games?' She asked. Her voice was bright and her mother told her she couldn't help smiling at it. As she was waiting for the answer from the boy, she sat beside him and memories of Lindsey flooded in. Minnie forgot she was dead. Forgetting her original question she quickly came with a new one. 'Any siblings? I have a sister-Lindsey,' She asked, Proud of using the word siblings. 'Hopefully he understands that word, I know some people don't' she quickly thought to herself.

  10. Minnie was dancing on the first floor as she was bored. Her skirt was floating out and her sandals tapped against the rough stones on the ground. She was a light 11 year old and a little taller then average. She sat down on a bench, nibbling her lip. She was bored again. Before she could do anything else she saw a boy about 2 or 3 years older then her. She ran over to him straight away and held her little puppet in her hand tightly. Her puppet was a little mouse. 'Hi!' She exclaimed brightly. 


  11.                                                                 Fate2-620x.jpg

                                                                                                                               <<Minnie Mouse>>

                                                                                                                    Real name: Minnie Adams

                                                                                                                             Age: 11

                                                                                                                      Birthday: 16th July

                                                                                                                        Gender: Female.

                                                                                                                        Height: 4'5


    Minnie was born with an older sister aged around 3 at the time of her birth. Her mother and father were both doctors, Meaning they both had quite a bit of money. She was Originally born in Florida, near Disneyland (Hence the name Minnie) but they were only on holidays so after she was born and was ready to go home, they took a ferry home to Portugal. Her family liked to travel often so by the time she was 10 they were going to Japan. Her older sister, Lindsey was the most excited.

    Safely, The made it to Japan but a tragedy happened. Lindsey was hit by a truck. She died that night. Unfortunately, they had no way to go home for another week when they were due to go home. Minnie became a little depressed, But that didn't get in the way of her making friends. She made friends with a video game lover called Akiko and soon for Minnie's 11th birthday in Japan, Akiko bought her a nerve gear. When sword art online was due to come out soon, But it was out one day before they left for home. Minnie begged her mother and father as a birthday gift and they gave in, Too tired to argue after the tragedy that split their family apart.

    Minnie played games with Akiko but Akiko couldn't make it and had no money left. Minnie finally got her hands on a new copy of sword art online. She plugged her nerve gear in quickly and put on the nerve gear. That was the last thing Minnie said or did before being stuck in a virtual reality....


    When Minnie heard the news she couldn't believe it. There was no game that gave you ONE LIFE to live. 'The die in game die in real life thing is a little extreme' She thought all the way through, not caring a bit about what this weird man had to say. She had learnt enough in school to know this couldn't be possible. In one minute she would wake up to her alarm ringing for school, Where Ana and Sophia were. She never did wake up to that alarm, Now did she?


    Hope And Faith: Minnie never gave up on anything. Once she found a baby bird with a broken wing. Everybody said it was hopeless and that there was no way this tiny fellow could be fixed, But she nursed him back to health and helped him fly again. She believes there's always a better side to everyone and everything. She also never believes in the word 'never' Unless it's for a good use such as 'Never give up hope' Or some phrases like that.

    Patience: Minnie is very very Patient. If someone says 'Just five minutes' and take 2 hours, She'll wait those two hours. She doesn't want anybody to feel left behind, Such as a group of friends going out, One goes in to change her clothes and the group leave after five minutes. Even if her friends walk off without her, She'll wait for the person, and when they come out, look for their friends. If somebody doesn't come out at all, Now that's a different story altogether.

    Courage: Minnie is quite brave. She's only afraid if somebody else is afraid or upset. Sometimes she looks around just in case but other times she's completely secure in her spot. If she hears a noise then she'll maybe look around but she usually doesn't find anything and just rests again. She'll relax anyone afraid while also feeling a bit tense herself. She says she would go to war for her friends lives then watch them be killed.


    Greed: Minnie is quite greedy. She loves pudding, Therefore attempting to steal her sisters pudding as a second dessert. Her sister usually caught her, punishing her in a childlike way, Because Minnie was most likely young, around 8 maybe? She keeps her pocket money to herself and keeps gossip to herself, Her sister may be low on change and for her life she needs pocket money to save her life, Minnie would NOT be the girl to be generous. 

    Envy: Minnie was very envious of her sister. Her sister had long luscious, Red hair with sparkling green eyes. One night, only one example, Minnie attempted to cut off Lindsey's hair and stick it to her head. Her mother used Green contacts so she tried the contacts, poking herself in the eye. She kept howling for the rest of the day. Even when her mother told her she was beautiful, Minnie just didn't seem to care...

    Stubborn: Minnie was always very stubborn. She tried to what she was told but if she was in a bad mood there was a lot o the word 'NO!'And quite a lot of shouting. Sometimes Minnie would be doing something important, Like an essay or homework, But mostly she was playing with the nerve gear. Usually she played around 4 games before going to bed and at that time it was almost 1 O'Clock in the morning. Her parents were always tired the next day because of the trouble she caused. 


                                                                                                             <One-Handed straight sword = Rank 1>



    <Food> 10 Bread/15 water

    <Weapons> Basic One-Handed straight sword.

    <armour> Cloth clothing. 



    Family: Mother,father, lindsey

    People killed: N/a

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