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Posts posted by Esper

  1. "I think I understand what you're saying. And I can't deny my interest for leveling up, and dungeons sound as interesting as it does terrifying. I'm a starter player, so joining a guild really should be one of my priorities, if you think about it. Like you said before..." She ended her sentence here, as she reached for the next apple within range. It met her palm, fitting just neatly as it touched her hand. She pulled, and the apple came with it. A small notification informed her of the receiving of the apple, and she dismissed it without hardly a glance. "Lower level players are most susceptible to death....Huh, a perfect success. Maybe my luck isn't terrible after all." Her eyes averted back to the girl, but then to the tree again. "I'll join your guild, when it's made, of course. And for what it's worth, we'll be seeing each other more often then. I have a debt to pay too, so don't go running off on me." She voiced this with a short chuckle, soft, and barely audible. But her look changed. She seemed at ease, like she was talking to a close friend in the real world, in her room. She remembered how that was, the comfort of home. Maybe she would find something close. The guild, perhaps.

    ID# 66109 results: LD: 20

    +1 MAT

  2. Esper listening carefully to Kasier's words. About a guild, and the tank that was much higher in level and experience than her. It was definitely awestriking. The thought of learning from someone, hand-to-hand what it took to become something she aspired to be, was as cool as having a teacher instruct her in the real world. She loved to learn in school, soaking in knowledge like a computer. This could be quite similar. "A guild....I mean, I'm nowhere near level ten yet, so I'd most likely hold you guys down, at least for a while. Once I understand how to do things in this game, or rather, survive, I'd love to. But as of now, I don't think joining would be a good idea, on your guys' part. I'll think about it, like you said, though." It was a lot to soak in, for sure. Guilds had rules and conducts, and requirements, from what she understood. They varied greatly between individual guilds, yes, but this alone was a subject that she wasn't pursuing, or didn't plan to pursue yet. 

    The apple tree that they met wasn't too tall, and Esper nodded in affirmation as Kasier pointed her in the right direction, and told her how to do it. "All right, let's see....This one." She said, attempting to pick the first apple she saw. As soon as she put her fingers around it's base, and pulled it from the tree, it materialized, and disappeared, nothing more. "I think that one was a failure, yes? Should we try again, then?"

    ID# 66107 results:

    LD: 8

  3. Upon hearing her orders, Esper prepared for her advance. "Alright..." She whispered to herself, as her mouth parted, her teeth visible, and gritted. She took a step forward, her foot hitting the ground and shifting to the side, sword raised higher. "Sorry!" Was her next word, as she began to sprint towards the beast, each foot nimble, but spaced to the point that they could almost be called leaps. The boar was immobile at the precise moment, being restrained by Itzal, which gave her a little confidence in her heart. "Heeaahh!" She yelled, attempting to swing her sword. Miss. Esper shut her eyes, and swept the air with her sword, completely missing the boar. She only stumbled forward, nearly losing her balance. "Wh-What?!" She exasperated, her eyes opening to see her failure. This meant bad news for her. "Ghh...!" She grunted, turning herself to face the boar again. How could she have missed?

    ID# 66106 results:

    Battle: 2

  4. "I understand! Going into the forest is suicide without the right level and statistics. I trust you'll guide me in the right direction." Esper seemed to recognize the maneuvers when it came to being cautious, but yet, she still felt something strange on the inside. Maybe it was just because of the talk concerning PK'ers. The more she tried to rid herself of the thought, the more obvious it became that it would stay even longer. Thus, she was forced to accept it, and leave it aside. After all, she was being asked another question. 

    "A guild? Oh, well, see, I haven't even gotten that far yet, so I guess that hasn't been a priority of mine.....But it does sound interesting, and I'd like to make a few friends. Always better to have teammates when you need them, than, well, you know." For a second, Es pondered on the single possibility of joining a guild. Alas, she didn't like to assume, so she kept it to herself, and waited for more detail. It could've been an innocent question, after all.

  5. If not for the fact that she too had heard the snort, the touch on her shoulder may have startled her, being in a calmer mood and all. But she knew well why they came here in the first place, and thus was prepared for a battle to ensue. "Right." She replied, bringing herself to her feet while drawing her iron sword from it's sheath simultaneously. She gripped the hilt with both hands, but only so that her off hand could help hold it steady. This was her first battle, so she assumed it was natural to be a little nervous. Her heart pounded when she laid her eyes on the boar, which seemed particularly ugly. That could say a lot, considering that a hog wasn't anything cute. "All right buddy, it's nothing personal, just beneficial." On her account, obviously. 

    Esper readied herself into an offensive stance, the sword low to the ground, close to her foot, but she held tight, like a golfer lining their shot. "Just tell me when to strike."

  6. Esper withheld her reply, until they had met the peak of the cliff that oversaw the valley below, and as mentioned, the boar were grazing, seemingly unphased by the two shadows lurking from above. There was beauty in this image, she thought. And the longer she watched the beasts, the more she adored their existence. NPCs were interesting and unique in all forms, and their programmed minds were made to take on millions of different paths, in the matters of a second. It was incredible, how they looked and acted like real animals, whilst consisting of metadata and particles. And with a detached knowledge of this, it made killing them easier. 

    "I prefer to use a violin. I took classes regularly, and a harp, being the secondary choice. I like them, such delicate instruments. It's almost incapable of being harsh, and it's gentle sound is as relaxing as a baby's coo." Just out of mere curiosity, and since they had a moment before contact, Esper knelt down, her knees touching the ground gracefully, her skin, even darker in the moonlight, being embraced by the calming grass. She placed her palms on the ground, her hands picking up the sensory feelings derived from such. "................."

  7. "Xion? A frontline tank..." Frontlines. This guy must be really high up. I'd be intimidated if I knew how to be. But with a title like that, meeting him would be one of a kind, like getting an autograph from a famous celebrity...or a fleet admiral. Yikes. "I'd love to meet him, should the opportunity come. But until then, I'm all for non-combatant material gathering. I need everything I can get my hands on, I'm not worried about the difficulty. You could call me desperate. So where do we start, exactly? Is there a certain spot that you might prefer, or recommend? Or do we merely need to search around?" While she awaited her response, Esper sipped the espresso again, making yet another bitter expression, her brows slanting in distaste. That aside, her mind was much less hellbent on organizing thoughts, and more lax, and steady. If she was going to be mentored for this little while, then she was aware that she had to pay attention, and execute the steps provided with care. To do any less could result in failure. It was luck, and nothing but, anyways, but it hardly left room for fooling around in the process.

  8. "It is, very beautiful. It makes me miss the real sunset." She replied with a soft tone, while she accepted the flower, mid-walk. "And thank you, you're very kind. I'll keep it with me." With the flower in her left, Es pulled up her inventory with the right hand, and placed the flower inside, a light picked opening up, enveloping the object, before a chime sounded, a screen informing her that she'd received the item. She then shut the menu, and exchanged a light giggle, her eyes closing for but a second. "Music is amazing, in all genres. It touches an audience in different, unique ways, and the message, if any, can be interpreted, or compared with someone's feelings, differently. That's the magic of the words put into it, and when a voice isn't present, the muse fulfills what's absent. I'd very much be interested in attaining one of these recording crystals. O-Oh, I enjoy singing too, if there ever becomes an opportunity that we might be able to do something together. But that's open to thought, and far off into the to do list for me.... It's getting dark, now. How much longer until we get there, exactly? We've been at this for a while."

  9. "Yes, material gathering is what I've been thinking on, but I haven't quite tried it yet. See, I haven't left the capital walls but once or twice, and I dared not go near mobs without knowing my own capabilities. That's why I'm better with teammates. And in all of the previous games that I've played, or most, I've taken the role of Tank. It's held my greatest experiences during a battle, and the most action too. It's been a while since I've played a game like this though. And, well, even then, I've never played anything quite like this. This kind of virtual reality, I mean. No, this is complex, and meticulously crafted. It's almost impossible to imagine that Kayaba could manage this even in his lifetime, or lifespan, for that matter. There's so much content....I'm getting off the subject here, but yes, I would like to gather materials with you, if that's alright! I know I'm not strong or anything, but I will be. I'll try not to slow you down, either."

    Eventually, Esper's espresso would arrive, much to her enjoyment. She sipped on the thick drink, shuddering at the bitter taste it gave off. A short, queasy smile traced her lips as she set it down, and pushed a strand of area hair behind her ear. "Tastes just like espresso. It's super strong. I'm not sure why I torture my tongue with it. It's become an addiction, I suppose."

  10. Esper offered her full attention as he spoke, her eyes following their steps as they came and went, her gaze flicking in his direction occasionally, so to give a little more acknowledgment during their walk. "Silver is a good color, for sure. Shiny, too." He would explain some of his other interests, in which she only nodded to, each listed interest making her nods more and more vigorous. But when he summoned the flower from his inventory, Es cut ahead of him, forcing him to stop for a moment. She stood over his hands, her eyes widened and dilated, almost as round as a dinner plate. "...Wow." She murmured, living in the seconds of silence. Her arms were flat along her chest, her hands near her face, but intertwined in a closed manner. "It's beautiful." Backing up now, Esper began to emit a weak chuckle, one that might say, 'I took that too far, didn't I?' without saying it verbally. "My apologies, that was a bit unnecessary. But I wish good luck with your shop. What exactly is it that you're opening, anyway?"

  11. "I don't have any plans for today. Or rather, I do, I just haven't quite begun anything yet, not within the means of my goal. That's why I came here in the first place. I was trying to find a quiet place to sort out my decisions. I was...I was going to try to gather materials. Only, I don't know quite how." Esper ended her response now, her elbows meeting the table softly, before she slumped a bit, her hands now being used to keep her head up, nestles comfortably against her jawline. Her brows furrowed a little, forming just the slightest frown as she sat in silence, her lip curling just barely. "I'm brand new, so everything comes as unknown experience. Reading only does so much, which separates the differences, thus giving them the term, different. I'll figure it out though, with a little time. You've already helped me quite a bit, and for that I'm incredibly grateful. But, could I ask for just one more favor? If otherwise, please disregard my asking." 

    Esper waited for her response, whilst also keeping in mind that she couldn't leave just yet. She wanted to get out and start gathering in the early morning, but it seemed as of now that it wasn't going to happen. She didn't mind though, as she hardly knew how to yet. If this girl were to help her, however, it would've been time well spent. Oh, and her tummy did note to remind her of its hunger, which the espresso was bound to satiate. 

  12. "I guess we aren't terribly different after all. I prefer to be optimistic too. It helps keep me going, y'know?....okay, my turn then. I got the NerveGear as a gift from my father, along with Sword Art Online, and naturally was eager to dive in. I did, and then things got, well, real. Quite literally, but you know that already. Anyways, I haven't gotten much accomplished yet, save for planning out a few methods of leveling. That along with a few other things. But since I don't have much to share about my time so far, and I'd rather not talk about my personal life, I'll share the basic details that are traded awkwardly among first impressions. Let's see, my favorite color is blue, some of my fondest hobbies are studying Egyptian culture, playing games, music, cooking, and maybe even singing, just a little. What else... Oh, I like flowers, lavender and nightshades especially. They smell nice....I haven't named a single interest about in-game things, have I? I'm not sure yet, though. I just want to level up, and I need things that'll keep me alive. Armor, shield, the shabby stuff on the outside. But the skills and knowledge on the inside most importantly. I trust that you know how to help me, yeah?"

    Albeit a rhetorical question, Esper's eyes drifted upwards, as the view of the sky was in fact very realistic. She was sure not to take a faulty step though, and kept alert of Itzal's position just in case he were to veer another direction, or stop altogether. "It's funny how interesting the sky becomes when you know it's not yours. Not the real sun, I mean to say."

  13. Though trapped in this depressing way of thought, Esper's attention was always available during her concentration. And thus, every word was taken and evaluated, and by the end of the girl's point, she really couldn't be upset. She seemed to spark her optimistic side with the speech, and with this, she lifted her head, a strange smile lined across her face. "Is that so...?" Possibly the most common three word response from Esper. Still, her emotions were brighter now, and a contented feeling seemed to overpower the others. "I guess it's easier to go on when you think like that. If I convince myself that everything I had in the real world is gone, then I'm forced to recognize this as the world I have to rebuild myself in. It makes sense!" 

    Esper, with her thoughts now reworked, accepted the menu again, nodding her head once in a bow like manner. "Thanks for this. I promise to settle this debt in the future." Panning through the pages of the pamphlet, Es' eyes rested on an item that described an espresso, her favorite drink, more or less. "Would it be alright to get this one?" She would ask, twirling the menu around with her fingers, revealing the spot in which it was located with her other hand.

  14. Esper was dazzled as her eyes met his blade, and her excitement was amplified a little more when he placed it in her hands, though not for too long, as the weight difference between the two made her arms wobble. She hardly understood anything he was referring towards in terms of enhancements and mods, but she knew what they were, in general, thus she got the idea. After Itzal sheathed his blade and made his offer, Esper's expression brightened. "Yeah, that sounds fun, I need this anyway. Thanks for helping me, and maybe later, I can return the favor!" The dark skinned girl boasted a laugh, a rather fierce one that might be considered dark. For some reason, this was the only way she knew how to laugh. It always came off awkwardly. 

    Now, Esper would silently tag along, her own sword resting on her shoulder as she paced herself to keep up, eyes forward and expecting. "So while we walk, maybe we should talk about ourselves, hm? Share a little information, right?"

  15. Esper nodded silently, her eyes tracing the wood grain on the table before them. Somehow, she understood what she was saying about the PK rules. I mean, it was practically the same as it was in the real world, depending on evidence. Here, the only evidence one has is a witness, and sometimes someone's words fail to sway an audiences opinion. Sometimes, the orange crystal is all they care about. "I think I understand now. This is a game of luck, and fortune. Which also means that bad luck will kill you. It's a little different, but somewhat the same in terms of real world living. But we aren't real right now, are we? Just virtual..." She broke off from other questions she was itching to ask, and instead nodded once more, her red eyes glinting in the sunlight. 

    A few minutes of silence ensued, to which Esper kept her eyes lowered on her hands, which she began to move, her fingers shifting to her whim. She couldn't really think of anything else to say, and she felt pressure against her chest, a feeling usually dealt when depression was present. It didn't seem to affect her on the outside though, she only appeared blank and absentminded. Her thoughts, again, seized control. .....This world, it's harsher than I thought. But it's nothing different from the real one, is it? People still die, murderers still lurk, and tragedies still happen. It's a game of survival, survival of the fittest, and strongest. What will I be...?

    Coldly, the dark skinned girl spoke, her voice in a soft, but audible whisper. "People can't die like that, it's not fair...." Her hands had closed into fists, but she kept them there, still and motionless. Her hair dangled as she bent her head slightly, blocking the view of her face. "It's not fair." She whispered a last time, herself being the only one hearing it. Was she going to break down, here?

  16. Upon hearing of the mentoring process he mentioned, Esper nodded, and crossed her arms again. "Midnight, huh? It's a deal, then. I use a one handed straight sword, currently a basic iron longsword." She paused for a moment, shooting an affirmative smirk before she pulled the weapon from its sheath, carefully holding it at both ends, as if to be presenting it to a deserving consumer. "See? It's nothing, of course, but I'll find a better one with time. And a worthy shield, too." A minute or two seemed reasonable, before she sheathed the blade again, and beckoned her own question, albeit the same subject. "What weapon do you use? And should I assume that you're a scout, with that creepy hiding-behind-the-crates thing and all? Or am I incorrect?" Her anticipation for his answer made her ruby tinted gaze seem intense, and her arms were at her sides, close-fisted and still.

  17. Standing in front of someone, capable of murder...that is brave. I wonder if I could be that way too. I've never been in a situation like that before. It must be exhilarating. "Kasier, then. That's a unique name, I think. And while standing before a killer sounds foolish, it does require courage to stand up to them. I don't think I compare, not yet, that is." This was the truth. Esper had never come across a player killer so early in the game, and by the means provided by Kayaba, this was a real world with real deaths, and that effectively made player killers instead, murderers. What's more, they perhaps live behind the thought that these no harm in it, as it was in fact a game. Not taking it seriously in terms of their actions was devastating, past their point of reasoning. It angered her inside. To know that people could be at risk of dying for the cost of someone else's enjoyment. "But I wouldn't let someone die, not under any circumstances, especially murder. But that begs the question... What if a player killer was only defending himself? How would one know? I would assume that a logical sense of safety would put distance between reasoning, so if it were not at the fault of the defending player, would he be penalized regardless?"

  18. Esper took a moment to ponder on the question. What did she want to accomplish here? Of countless reasons, there had to be something worthwhile. It wasn't long ago that she was told about this bitter reality, and until now, she hadn't had any time to properly approach the question. But it held value that would set the purpose of her will, and thus it was a very important question indeed.

    "I want to become the focus of the enemy during a battle. A tank, I suppose. I find from experience in other games that it's my favorite approach to a fight. It also draws fire away from my friends, which is a primary factor in which it interests. Ah, but that brings another question. Where could I get a shield at this such level? I've always fought as a Templar, sword and shield." Empathizing the absence of an off-hand, she would lift her left hand and squeeze it into a fist, then relax it again. "If it's not too much trouble, do you think it'd be alright if I followed along for a little while? I can be of assistance, and I promise not to get in the way."

  19. "A deep, train? I can't say I understand what that means, but I'll assume it complies with the regards for my thoughts....I'll share a little insight with you, in hopes that you might do the same, yes? I like to learn, even if such information is of little significant value. Not implying that I don't care to value knowledge about you, of course, just saying in general." As it may have been made clear now, Esper was terrible at deciphering sarcasm, and even worse when applying metaphors to their meanings. They seemed to just fly right over her head, putting awkward distance between her and whoever she might be conversing with. 

    "Ahem. Okay, so for starters, my name is Esper, and I'm a new player, yet still familiar with this world in some factors. I've read about it on all fronts, gathering the knowledge I needed for the launch date. Uh, as for my virtues, I love to, ehm, know things. The more I know, the easier it is to make decisions where they really matter. I also like Egyptian cultures, and American soap operas..."

    Esper tapped her fingers against the table again, her eyes never settling on one thing for too long. She felt antsy for some reason, on edge, with heightened awareness not necessary in such a location, and she couldn't understand why. It was the conversation, she assumed, since she was fine before it. Alas, it was a conversation she wished now to continue, what for reasons of knowledge, opportunity, and maybe even friendship, should fate allow it. But that was a step in the distance for now.

  20. "Oh, uhm, no! I'm quite alright, but thank you for offering, that's very kind....No, I came here to think, or something. It's less crowded here, and leaving the capital without someone seems illogical. Of course, I'm new, but you knew that already." After this, Esper seemed vexed, and wordless. Something might seem to be denying her the will to communicate just yet, but for some reason she knew this wasn't the case. It was, without a doubt, her perceptive nature failing to cooperate. Be it the moment, or this girl specifically, Esper couldn't read her. She hardly got the slightest of impressions, save for her impenetrable kindness. For now, that was where she chose to focus her thoughts. "I don't intend to be rude, but why are you trying to help me? You didn't strike me as a social one, seeing as you were sitting alone just as I was." "Do I know her? That's rather doubtful, and the odds would be rather low. Maybe she's just a nice person? Well, I can't rule that out, can I? She could be an information broker, but I doubt I'm more interesting than a wild boar. Hnn...."

    While her mind was busily computing what little knowledge it had about this girl, the doubts stacked upon each other. Now, Esper wasn't one to act on assumptions, but rather with solid data, or reasonable instincts. She saw yet nothing wrong with this woman, only quite the opposite. 

    "Forgive me, I'm just a bit confused right now. I'm still trying to process some things..."

  21. The more she thought about it, though only a few seconds made available between questions, the more she realized how right he was. He was stronger than her in some ways. Esper's doubt and distrust for strangers made taking their word for things harder, granted she was usually adamant on what she believed could be possible, and what was obviously too good to be true. Still so, a trusting mindset sometimes harvests good things. She had something to learn. "I never considered that. You're right. Guess I should be more lenient, eh? Also, you've got a valid point about the high stealth ratings being less likely to show here, so I would assume the hoax was used for someone's gain. Maybe they claimed this to be true so that they had mobs all to themselves. Maybe other things. It's too early to rule anything out though, so I'd suggest just keeping an eye out. And uh, maybe you could point me in the direction of this 'Ariel' when the time comes. I need to level up a good bit before I invest in anything worthwhile, not to mention that I have to gather col where I can. Don't think Ariel takes kindly to empty pockets, huh?"

  22. Enemies, huh? Why would enemies be so close to the capital though? Especially NPCs. "Is that so...." She said meekly, in reference to the compliment. She really didn't quite think she was anything special, she just got the notion that she was being watched. A sixth sense, perhaps. "Mm, Esper." She beckoned, taking his hand into her own, though a few seconds delayed her response to shake once or twice, and then rescind her hand. Truth be it, she was shaking, though just barely noticeable to the naked eye, or a less observant mind. She folded her arms along her chest, before averting her gaze to the left, her frown fading with ease. 

    "Are you sure it's not a possibility that they're just not present yet? Or even more so, their stealth skill could exceed your own. Of course, depending on who you got the information from, it may have just been a hoax. It's not always smart to believe everything you hear, y'know." Her blunt way of speaking was only mild at this state, and her posture displayed unease even still, as bewildered just moments before his approach. But it seemed he wasn't ill minded, and had no ill intentions towards her. "That clothing, where'd you get it?" She began to inquire, her finger twirling in his direction to support the gesture.

  23. "This world. What is my purpose here? If it's real, then what's in store for me? Am...Am I going to die here? Maybe. But with a past so depressing, can I really call this a bad thing? Maybe this is good for me, a chance for new things. New friends doesn't sound horrible. I can't do this alone, and I don't want to. Perh-" Esper was disconnected from her thoughts, the process interrupted by a figure that beckoned her acknowledgement. So she turned her head towards the girl sitting opposite her, and exchanged a confused quirk of her eyebrows. "O-Oh, is that so..." She murmured almost silently, before meekly withdrawing the menu from the black haired girl. For some reason, Esper refused to make eye contact for long, only trading glances as she hid her face in the menu. Ah, but that's when she remembered something important to the cause. She didn't have any col! Timidly, she closed the menu and averted her gaze to the left, her fingers clacking one by one on the table, and repeating the pattern. "I'm not that hungry, but thanks anyway."

    Moments made it harder to keep her eyes to herself, and her curiosity denied her any leniency, as she began to look at the general features of the other. Jet black hair, amber tinted eyes, somewhat comparable build, but taller. And, just from first impressions, she didn't sense any hostility. She only offered.a menu though, she had to credit. "What brings you over here? Is there something I can do to be of assistance?"

  24. Esper continued to glare in his direction, her mind slowing it's pace to properly analyze the situation. Maybe it was too obvious though. He was spying on her. That must be!- No, her mind insisted. Don't go jumping to conclusions! Analyze, not assume! A sharp, but short breath escaped the short girl's chest as she watched him, at first quite frightened when he began to move. "?!" She took a step back, only to be jolted in the arm by another player taking his leave. Ouch! It stung a little, but her mind only allowed a short window of time before it traced the man's movements again, which seemed strange. He just casually hopped out from behind crates like there wasn't a single thing amiss. "Huh?" She said aloud, but still he was unphased. Maybe it was normal for some people. Eheh. 

    She stood her ground throughout his approach, but only because she couldn't back up without getting trampled. ".....Am I going to be the one to ask why you were hiding? Or was that what you came over here for?" Esper sported an inquisitive tone, laced with hostility as her hands met her hips, an attitude at such early acquaintance being displayed.

  25. The daylight shed upon its people a blazing corona, and with it, warmth and comfort. It felt like a real sun, Esper thought. In fact, as hard as it was to imagine, everything seemed real, or close to it. And that was the impressive part. Only, it was troubling to value these qualities when you've plunged yourself unknowingly into a death game, and you can't leave without, well, leaving life itself behind. 

    But currently, the dark skinned girl would follow the cobblestone path that winded through the city, absentmindedly looking at the townsfolk. Shops, smiths, all sorts of things decorated the roads and paths, and it seemed that people were always quick at work. It was busy and noisy, which often was something Esper liked to avoid. But, she chose this time to walk towards a café, which was empty for the most part, save for just a few players and NPCs. Quietly, she would sit herself into a black, metal chair, her arms folded nearly across her chest as she stared outwards, toward the busy streets.  "........" She remained silent, but something in her ruby tinted eyes displayed unease. As if, maybe she were here for a reason.

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