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Posts posted by Raze

  1. Raze and his compatriot strode down the street, searching for a suitable place to get some grub. They sat on a bench at the plaza and scanned the storefronts. "I agree with that, I'm not picky, so anything is fine by me." Raze sighed, it felt like it was a long day, yet the day night cycle in Sword Art Online was typically shorter than earth's. He looked up at the night sky and stared at the false stars, It isn't fair for these people living here, they had lives and people who cared about them, they deserve something better. I guess this is where I make my pivotal choice, and I choose to serve the people in this world as well, I have nothing to live for on the other side but I'll fight for the freedom of the players trapped here. Raze concluded. You have my word, he promised to the twinkling lights in the sky. Raze refocused on his friend and accepts his offer, "Seems like this is the place to go."


    They enjoy some food and drink together but any conversation is hardly existent, each instead being caught up in their own thoughts. Eventually, it was time to go, and while technically there was nothing stopping them from staying there until morning, Raze felt that he needed some sleep. So after another handshake and a few parting words, "We should do this again sometime.", they went their separate ways. Unfortunately for Raze he didn't have the col required to stay at an Inn so he wandered around town for a while before settling into an alleyway near the edge of the town and laid down on the cold stone before closing his eyes and giving one last thought. I promise, I'll save you all.

  2. Raze nodded at the now confirmed decision, and followed Zulas' gaze skywards. The rays of the sun casting orange hued reflections on their armor as they exited the forest. We should be able to make it back to the starting city before night falls, Raze thought to himself, Monster spawns are probably much worse when it's darker. A quick look at his ally told him that they were at an understanding, and they began their trek back to the town.

    "Hungry? I haven't really thought about it much, but now that you mention it... I could do for some food." Raze answers,  "But is this hunger from Aincrad or Real life?" He mutters to himself quietly. "Either way, food sounds like a good idea." says to no one in particular, momentarily forgetting that he was traveling with some one. But he was feeling the after effects of adrenaline and was too worn out to bother redirecting his comment. And with that they approached the city.

  3. Raze righted himself just in time to see the Nepenthes fall to Zulas' sword. Sheathing his oversized blade, Raze walked over to Zulas and says "They don't really stand a chance do they? They were destined to lose from the first hit." Raze turned to look at the sunset and let out the breath he has been holding, Maybe life in this world isn't so bad after all. Zulas' words startled him and Raze cast a look over his shoulder at the black haired swordsman, Did he call me Comrade? He began to visibly sweat a small bit. Did I call him comrade? It has been a while since I've used that word. My squad mates thought it was funny so it kind of stuck back then.

    "Hey sorry, I was.. It was.." Raze shook his head and made up his mind, with a small smile he said, "Let's turn in for the night, there will still be plenty of monsters still left to hunt tomorrow." 

    [Zulas has successfully imprinted onto Raze]

  4. Raze stood there his mind in a different time, his hair gently swaying with the artificial wind of this artificial world. Zulas's words snapped him out of his trance, Raze's demeanor returned back to normal, and Raze acknowledged the praise of their strength. We make a pretty good team, thought Raze as the two made their way farther into the forest. When suddenly a strange but surprising fast plant like creature leap out from behind a large tree and rushed Zulas. Raze charged into combat as Zulas entered into the fray, dealing a fair amount of damage but sustaining some himself, and prepared his great-sword for a devastating slash attack. "I can't let you hurt my comrades and live, so die quickly.." Raze rambled out loud as he attacked.


    ID# 67765 results:

    Battle: 6(3 base + 0)

    Craft: 1

    Loot: 5

    MOB: 5(miss)


    The Nepenthes was actually much tougher than it looked, Raze was on target and the strike connected but did not do nearly as much damage as he would have hoped, At least we are at the halfway point, Raze thought as he peeked at the creature's HP bar. He didn't have time to reflect, as the creature lashed out, Raze rolled out of the way and avoided a painful hit.


    (1 hate)Raze: 20/20 HP

    Little Nepenthes: 5/10 (DMG 3)

  5. Raze threw a glance over his shoulder at his black haired companion, and was silently awestruck by his flashy and efficient execution of the beetle. Wow, that was amazing. Lets see if I can do the same. Raze refocused his attention to the beetle circling him, and followed the insect's path hoping to intercept it with his blade. He readied his sword but it became quite clear that Raze didn't have the help of a sword art, he was relying on his strength and accuracy alone. Gritting his teeth and narrowing his eyes, Raze swung his iron great sword in a sweeping slash.


    ID# 67759 results:

    Battle: 10(3 base + 2 for crit)

    Craft: 1

    Loot: 7

    MOB: 10


    Perhaps out of skill or more likely out of sheer luck the sword edge connected with the bug. There was a brief moment of resistance and then the insect exploded into thousands of pixelated particles, the force of the sword swing kept its momentum and with that momentum, Raze decided to show off a little. He used the momentum gained to sheath his sword so that the attack and the sheathing were done in one fluid motion. Raze froze instantly, his muscles locking instinctively, he clenched his teeth so hard that digital blood flowed from his mouth.. His eyes were no longer their vibrant purple, they had become a much darker and more sinister shade, as Raze stared into where the beetle once was, he visibly trembled.


    Raze: 20/20

    Beetle: 0/4

  6. With Aincrad's sun slowly sinking farther down into the evening sky, the duo ventured forth into the fields of floor 1. Almost disappointingly, there was no sign of threat or monsters yet so the small party neared the great forest. Raze didn't like the calm, It's merely the calm before the storm, he thought, and clenched his teeth. They took no more than a foot across the edge of the forest before being stopped in their tracks by the frittering of insects. Raze slowly unsheathed his sword and approached, and noticed two fairly large beetle type creatures that Zulas might recognize, upon being disturbed, these bugs summarily pointed their horns in Raze's direction and began the attack. Raze, startled took a step back as one of the beetles attacked him.


    ID: 67750 results:

    Battle: 2

    Craft: 12

    Loot: 3

    MOB: 5(miss)


    Raze: 20/20 HP

    Beetle 1: 4/4 HP

    Beetle 2: 4/4 HP

    The beetle barreled past Raze barely missing him, he drew a quick breath before settling into a more aggressive stance. It had been a while since he had last seen combat and his heart was already pumping furiously.

  7. Raze averted his eyes after his failure of an introduction, but his internal thrashing was interrupted by Zulas's greeting. I'm surprised this man is still talking to me, most people at this point would have simply decided that the hassle of talking to me wasn't worth whatever they could get out of it. He almost went to go and shake his hand again but stopped the motion part way through once again despising himself for his inability to understand social confrontations, and instead opened his menu to accept the party request. It was a strange feeling, he couldn't yet tell if it was bad or good, but it did remind him of his old squad. To Zulas it would appear as if Raze stiffens, turns slightly pale, and then accepting the invitation. After Zulas offered to go hunting for monsters, Raze shook out of his mild delirious state and said, "It sure is.. Yeah, fighting monsters definitely beats standing around being confused all day, you lead."

  8.  Idiot!, how did I not tell him my name! Raze visibly began to turn a light shade of red, making an interesting contrast with his violet colored eyes, and let out a long sigh.

    "I, uhh.. sorry", Raze reached up to scratch his head "My name is F-..". He shook his head and he became a slightly brighter shade of red, Wow. I have reached an all time new low, I nearly told this guy my real name, I guess it wouldn't really bother me that much, but wasn't it proper etiquette or something to keep your real life separate from the game.  he cleared his throat, calmed himself and tried again. "My name is Raze."

    Unlike most display names, his was not one inspired by past events, nor was it something that symbolized him in anyway. He picked it because he...well.. because he thought it sounded cool. Just the thought of that brightened his face a little more.

  9. Raze seems impassive throughout the whole situation, and blinks confusedly when Zulas turns to walk away. Did I say something wrong?, Raze wondered. He mentally berated himself, and lowered his eyes to the ground. When he looks up, Zulas was re approaching and posing a question. Relatively surprised, Raze wasn't sure how to respond to his statement, so instead of speech, he give a sort of grunt. Sometimes I just don't have a reply to things.. Is that bad? He asked himself, ah well, what's done is done.


    After Zulas had stuttered through his invitation, Raze gives a look of thought, A party? Does he mean like a.. a squad..? The word making his chest ache. He casts a glance skyward, and grips Zulas's hand in a firm handshake.

    "I think, that would be great." Raze answers and for the first time in this world, he offers a real, yet small, smile.

    [Zulas has begun to imprint onto Raze]

  10. When Zulas examines Raze, he also looks down at himself mildly puzzled before returning his gaze to the man. Quite an adventurer huh? Yeah well, not yet.

    "Zulas, nice to meet you as well, and unfortunately for both of us, I probably know the lay of the land worse than you do."

    Raze responded slowly. He knew that first impressions were important so he took his time to think about his answer to minimize the chances of Raze tripping over his own words. It was definitely a common problem of his, being one of the reasons social contact was very awkward and uncomfortable sometimes.

    With a slight smile Raze admits, "I actually don't understand the way that fighting works yet," he gives a small sigh before adjusting his hair out of his eyes, "I'd like some help with that, but I wasn't really sure how to go asking someone about that..."


  11. Raze was standing tall, a serious look on his youthful face, with the posture of a soldier at ease, perusing his menu. He noted how his statistics seemed to indicate that he was very weak, only a Level one. Starting from zero then I suppose. He equipped his two-handed sword and gave it a once over, he tested the weight, and gave it a one handed test swing before putting it back into its sheath. Raze glanced up when he noticed a determined looking man approach him, tilted his head slightly and turned to face him. This guy's eyes, Raze thought to himself, he might be just like me. He closed the menu and waited for the black haired man to close the distance. He seems to have similar equipment to me, perhaps he is new to the game as well. Maybe he could help me get started on my way in this world.

  12. Profile

    Username: Raze

    Real Name: Felix Velehem

    Age: 20

    Birthday: July 7th

    Gender: Male


    Height: 6 feet 3 inches

    Weight: 188 pounds

    Build: Athletic(grew older on the streets, became toned in military camp)

    Violet eyes and an almost silvery white hair

    JUST BEFORE SAO: he had many scars from his various experiences, and has a stump at the mid-calf where his right leg should be. 

    DURING SAO: the cardinal system removed his scars and gave him back his leg.


    Felix was born on July 7th, in the United States of America. Leanne, his mother, was a wealthy business woman with a foot in the virtual reality industry, helping design the netcode that would eventually be used for the popular VRMMO: Gun Gale Online. Adrian, his father, was unemployed for as long as Felix knew him, seemingly incapable of finding work. Felix enjoyed a life of luxury being at the center of his parents attention, he fell in love with the MMORPG genre. At the tender age of 11, his family was caught up in a bank robbery. The criminals took all the citizens there hostage as they drained the vaults, but when the police got there things became unpleasant. Demands were made, negotiations were had, but these criminals just kept killing hostages as a way to maintain control over the authorities. Unfortunately, his mother was chosen, as they put the barrel of the gun to her head Adrian rushed one of them and tore his gun away.. but it was too late. Leanne's blood splattered across Felix's face; his young mind struggling to comprehend. Then the police forced their way in, ordering people to the ground, and when they saw Adrian standing there, gun in hand, motionless and speechless, the police killed him. The reports would describe him as a terrorist, as one of the criminals.


    Felix, now covered in the collective blood of his parents, is collected by the police at the scene and put into an orphanage. After only a few years there, being bullied for being the quiet kid, Felix had enough and ran away. He lived on the streets of the city of his birth, until he aged to 16. He then applied for the military, lying on his application, claiming he was of age, and trusted his withered face to help him through. Miraculously, this works and he is collected by the military. Even though there aren't any wars or active conflicts that involve outside forces, the US was struggling on the inside. After boot camp, Felix was deployed in multiple counter-terrorist situations nation-wide. He served for 3 years, but suffered in those few years, more than some do in their lives. He became quite literally, battle-scarred, with hardly any way to distinguish between scar tissue and normal skin. Felix was dismissed from duty, shortly after his 19th birthday, due to a recent injury that paralyzed his right leg. With the money that the State provided him, he bought a small home in the country-side determined to live peacefully. When Sword Art Online was announced, Felix remembered how he used to love RPG's when he was younger and decided to give this one a go. He bought a Nerve-Gear headset and was lucky enough to get one of the preorders of SAO.



    Protective: Raze feels the need to protect anyone who imprints positively on him, through action or speech. Whether this is a result of his childhood or his military service, is impossible to tell. When given the choice, Raze would gladly give his all to protect those he cares about, he has the ambitious desire to save everyone he can.

    Desensitized: Raze refuses to let anything scare him, through sheer force of will alone. He may quake and tremble on the inside, but he cannot allow his allies to see him falter. This desensitization is really only an external mask; deeper within he feels it all.

    Pure soul: Raze feels that he has experienced enough death in his life, and will do what he can to prevent a loss of life. Raze will never voluntarily/purposefully kill another human being, preferring to use nonviolent means to resolving interpersonal conflicts. Raze will lend aid to those that need it most, even if they aren't imprinted onto him yet.



    Unapproachable: Raze's demeanor suggests that he is heartless, detached, and not particularly talkative. He is unaware that he seems this way, he seems to exert this aura of nonchalance; giving no reaction to most things. This is only an external flaw, closely tied in with the Desensitized virtue, he actually does care and feels all this pain. 

    Awkward: Raze is usually clueless to social cues, doesn't understand some societal standards, and has no experience in any kind of relationship beyond friendship. He may say what's on his mind when it is a bad time or he may simply not speak at all, and merely observe. Raze didn't socialize much at his private school, at the orphanage, at boot camp, or during his service.

    Traumatized: Raze is haunted by the memories of his past, and while most wouldn't be able to tell, he is often reminded of terrible events and tragedies. Most of the time, his Desensitized nature protects him and those around him from any sort of breakdown. However there have been occurrences where Raze loses himself and his mask of indifference cracks, lashing out at people near him, not realizing they are his friends, he becomes lost in his horrors and struggles to return to reality.

    Profession: _________



    Level: 9

    HP: 180

    Energy: 18

    Base damage: 4 (1 + 1 (rank 1 in skill) + 2 (for a two handed weapon))

    Accuracy: 0

    Mitigation: 17(Heavy Armor skill rank 1 + armor mitigation bonus)

    Evasion: 0

    Col: 900

    20 skill points(15 spent)(5 left)

    3 skill slots




    Heavy Armor: rank 1(MIT +8)

    Battle Healing: rank 1(1%max HP per post in combat = 1HP)


    Weapons skills:

    Two-Handed straight sword: rank 1(+1 base damage, level 1 sword arts):

    ( Avalanche -1x1 - (1 Energy) - A simple one-hit sword art that cuts downward at a single target.
    Blast - 2x1 - AoE - (4 Energy) - A pair of horizontal sweeping strokes that hits multiple targets.
    Straight - 1x2 - (2 Energy) - Begins with the player bending their knees before thrusting forward with a singular powerful strike covering the gap between you and your opponent. )



    Weapons/Tools: EQUIPPED

    -Iron two handed straight sword

    -Dragon Bone Cuirass HEAVY(+9 mitigation



    -Starter Iron Breastplate


    +200 col +1 SP

    +400 col +2 SP


    +100 col +6 SP

    +200 col +2 SP


    +4 SP +0 (?) col




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