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Hunter Yagami

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Status Updates posted by Hunter Yagami

  1. I have been gone for 4 years. I feel like I have stepped out from beneath a rock

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shark


      Hunter! Glad to see you return! If you need help, the community is as wonderful as ever and the staff are fantastic resources.

    3. Hunter Yagami

      Hunter Yagami

      Awesome to see you as well shark! I am happy to be back. Hopefully I don’t have too much to readjust 

    4. Shark


      Unfortunately you may need to adjust more than you think since you have been gone for ~4 years. Our staff is wonderful and helpful so feel free to ask anyone to help you get adjusted.

  2. Well time to come back after 9 months

    1. Erroneous
    2. Daeron


      You haven't even been registered on this forum for 9 months? (Only 8!!!! xD)

  3. Still sick from the weekend.  I hate having to function on a cocktail of pills and cough medicine to get by the day.  Hopefully, my wife makes some good food tonight and I can actually taste it.

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