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Hunter Yagami

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Posts posted by Hunter Yagami

  1. «Hunter Yagami»


    • Username: Hunter Yagami
    • Real name: Zac Parsons
    • Age: 22
    • Gender: Male
    • Height: 6' 0"
    • About:

    Zac Parsons, a 26-year-old musician/gamer from The U.S.A. He stands comfortably at 6'0" with a rather athletic Body build he was always used to playing sports during High School, and working a day job at his family owned music store, though once he graduated and moved on to being an adult and a college student he found himself moving towards being a slacker and living the life of a musician with no real direction.  He played in a few bands here and there, dropping out of college to try and find fame as a rock star, he finally caught a break with a band where he was supposed to be a fill-in but became a full-time member due to his talent.  Upon getting signed on to a contract with his band "You Look Cutest When You Scream" he and the rest of the band were put on an international tour that eventually took them to Japan near the end of the SAO Beta Tests.  Though unable to participate in the Beta, he began to avidly follow the game, a hobby that soon became more of an obsession. This obsession came to a head when he heard about the news from the game finally getting a full release date.  Zac could not move quick enough to his phone to drain some funds from his bank account so he could buy his own NerveGear and top-tier equipment to boost his connection speed, etc. as well as pre-order a copy of the game paying in full.

    Upon the International Tour's end, Zac returned to his home in Oklahoma where the band resided in with the intention of becoming a hermit rather than a rock star. When he finally received his copy of SAO in the mail he was both shocked and "pee his pants" excited since he had been spending countless hours on inferior games getting used to how the NerveGear's Virtual Reality System worked. Being the little kid at heart he was shaking by the time he inserted the disk and installed it. Waiting patiently pacing around the room he informed all of his friends, family, and fellow band mates that he would be unavailable. He was ready by the time the game was opened for everyone to LINK START and begin the game, and so he put on the NerveGear helmet and plugged up everything to his computer before laying down on his bed beside his computer. He expected to grind for a few hours then log off, but little did he know he would not be able to...


    Zac's personality is one that you would expect from a wannabe rock star; laid back and easy going with a taste of sexism, though when it comes down to him as a person it can be said that when facing adversity and hardship with a smile and comforting those around him. Yet there is a side of him, a line if you must call it that once crossed, like all people in the world that claim to be even remotely human.  Crossing this like turns Zac into a ruthless freight train of destruction and chaos, even sometimes at the cost of his own well being. He is often being told to keep his head clear and remain calm, but in this state of mind, the only way for Zac to calm down is to...inflict some damage. Thus the reason he chose to become a musician for a living and Metal became his outlet.

    Think of Zac as a Magikarp from Pokemon with about 1 experience left to level up and evolve at all times, always nice and cuddly even, but piss him off and he will stop at nothing to destroy you.


    • Physically Strong: Zac was always built for sports, and on stage, he looks like a tank with legs, or a mech...who cares the reference, the dude is big. He is known for this due to his High School Carrer in football and wrestling, but also for the fights he often gets into for being a flirty bastard at shows.  His physique also allowed him a natural intimidating presence even if he is not really wanting it, so he often used it to shield others from being bullied in school.
    • Charismatic/Friendliness: Zac has always been able to talk to people in any capacity whether giving a speech or just engaging in small talk. Being a singer has only given him a better medium to do so since his particular set of skills allowed him to be both personable, as well as easily approachable.  In college, he actually took vocal lessons to help further his prowess when singing and in public speaking as well.
    • Tolerant/Humble: Zac is accepting of all things and understands his disposition in life. He is not arrogant as most singers and is often seen hanging out with his fans, and always learns, making him humble in front of his peers.  Zac also tends to make sure that the minority is able to have a voice and as such he has been noted to be seen at protests for different causes to promote tolerance.


    • Erratic: Deviating from the customary course in conduct or opinion; eccentric: erratic behavior. Eccentric, bizarre, outlandish, strange.  Zac has a tendency to become obsessive over some things that have to do with gaming.  He has an odd habit of over-collecting as well which leaves him over-encumbered at times.
    • Flirt: To make playfully romantic or sexual overtures; behavior intended to arouse sexual interest. Minx. Tease.  Zac has always loved being in the company of women and often finds himself in situations that cause him to act out when around the opposite sex.  To make matters worse he often causes fights due to his flirting with the wrong women.
    • Indifferent: The trait of lacking enthusiasm for or interest in things generally, remaining calm and seeming not to care; a casual lack of concern. Having or showing little or no interest in anything; languid; spiritless.  Sometimes Zac shows little to no regard for a situation and it shows when he gives off an absent stare.
    • Softhearted: Having softness or tenderness of heart that can lead them into trouble; susceptible to pity or other kindly affection. They cannot resist helping someone they see in trouble, suffering or in need, and often don't think of the repercussions or situation before doing so.  Zac's physique is often seen as intimidating but really he is a softy when it comes to people so while he may be aloof sometimes he will always stick up for someone he sees as needing help.
    • Smart Ass: Thinks they know it all, and in some ways they may, but they can be greatly annoying and difficult to deal with at times, especially in arguments.  Do you like people that always make light of a bad situation, or rather...do you like someone that always has a comment to fire back even in a serious moment, well that's Zac in a nutshell.  His smart-ass attitude has been something of note as he has often started small fights among his bands while on tour or even at shows, and in games he often finds himself the butt of the joke when he causes a signifigant event to happen only to ruin it with a wity or sly comment.
    • Fierce: Marked by extreme intensity of emotions or convictions; inclined to react violently; fervid; "fierce loyalty"; "in a tearing rage"; "vehement dislike"; "violent passions".   Sometimes he just cannot control himself in a fight and "let's loose" causing harm to others and himself.  He will always protect his friends even if it becomes a life or death fight.





    Non-combat skills:

    Utility skills: 

    Combat skills:

    Weapon skills: 

    • Two-handed Axe Rank 1

    Armor skills:



    • Set A "Basic Package
    • Uncommon Two-Handed Axe
      •  Accuracy Enhancement
    • Uncommon Heavy Armor
      • Mitigation Enhancement
    • (5) Starter Healing Potions ( Heals 50 HP)
    • 2,500 Col
    • (10) T1 Materials



    1. [OP-F1] Enter...Lazy Warrior - In Progress/Abandoned
    2. [PP-01] Hunting for dummies (Hunter/Macradon) - In Progress/Abandoned
    3. [OP-F1]Rebuilding the Adrasteia - In Progress/Abandoned
    4. [sP-F2] >>Breaking the Unbreakable<< (Quest) (does not count for benchmark)
    5. [OP-F2] The New One - In Progress/Abandoned

    Relationships (optional)

     Zac had many women in his life before becoming stuck inside SAO. All of them mostly the same type; needy women that craved spotlight and attention. Since becoming stuck inside SAO not much has changed, he has long since realized that this IS his life until someone beats the game. So in that respect, he tries hard to not cause problems, but a few drinks at a local pub or an Inn quickly changes things too chaotic and a frenzy of very mature rated things going on.

    Story Thus Far (optional)

    Hunter went on a journey in the forests on Floor 1 and has been lost inside for two years.

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