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Posts posted by Gotz

  1. Beta-testers...are a double edge sword, similar to Aincrad. These people know much about the first ten floors, and they could be a useful source of information regarding subjects including monsters and places of interest. Even better, they can act as an offensive or defensive supporter in a party. However, despite these perks they have as beta-testers, they are, in my own terms, selfish assh**es. I heard enough stories of beta-testers abandoning new players and monopolize quests and monsters that may contain the best loots in Aincrad. 

    Do they even have a shred of humanity within themselves? What or how do they really behave in real life? Is anyone's personality are simply masks to their emotions? For example, a raider who is fierce and has a strong built, could be a pussy in real life. While this isn't always the case, there is always a chance that the nice warrior that you met in the bar is secretly a bandit spy, who will betray you at the end of a quest, or even a one-night stand...

    ...ah...I just remembered something...

  2. The stroll across the grasslands goes on smoothly. At the area where herds of boars are frequent, there is a fountain that squirts three jets of water like a blooming flower. I walk towards the site and settle down to rest. I use a sleeping boar as my pillow, it stirs a little but goes back to sleep, probably since I make no attack moves against it. The surroundings are quiet, there is barely any squealing or snorting that is audible. 

    I stare at the sky as I remember how close I was to death, but somehow escaped it. It must have been a miracle to survive, I think to myself. But as I remember my inner rage, I realize what is possibly the closest I get to a correct answer.

    My rage is what keeps me alive, I do not care about the enemy's state and myself. My only target is to go berserk and kill it in the most gruesome way I can imagine. Maybe it is not victory or a will to live that I seek in my violent tendency, but rather I want to see what happens if I do this and that. I want the resulting corpse as soon as possible, I want to see how much I can tear apart my foe's body...

  3. My expression turns from fear of death to rage as i lean forward towards the Frenzy Boar and stab it directly into the brain. I skewer the brain matter like a drill as the boar squeals and convulses helplessly, before finally dropping dead. It drops 30 COL and two materials, much to my relief.

    I get onto my knees and stare at the sky, quietly thanking whatever god or goddess in Aincrad for saving my dear life. If it haven't for my false death plan, I would be gone, and I won't be able to continue with my new life in Aincrad. The sunlight gleams onto my face like a holy angel as I shut my eyes, feeling a slight breeze at my face. I think it is the breeze that urges me to pack up and get out of the forest, because in a few seconds I am already up and keeping the loot in my inventory. Then I start running back to the entrance before anything else will pursue and kill me.

  4. Huff...huff...this is too overbearing to just move and raise my sword, especially after that goddamn train ride with the Frenzy Boar. I lie down onto the ground, now adopting a new plan to pretend to be dead when it wakes up. It sounds like a good strategy, but I will risk of getting mauled by the boar for real since it will definitely confirm that I am really dead. 

    Speaking of the devil, the boar rises onto its hooves, prompting me to shut my eyes and look as lifeless as possible by ceasing my breathing every several seconds. I can hear its sniffing as it approaches me slowly, possibly glaring at my face. This goes on for a few, nerve-wracking minutes until the boar sniffs my face, down to my neck and my body. At one point it places its hoof onto my chest to see my reaction, but of course I do not give any sign of movements. 

    I guess it is finally done with me, because I hear the slow, retreating steps of the boar. Seeing this as my chance to attack, I open my eyes and ignore the pain of my injuries as I quickly rise up from the 'dead'.

    Gotz: HP 8/20

    Frenzy Boar: HP 0/6

    ID: 68260

    BD: 10

    LD: 19

    Obtained 30 COL

    Obtained 2 Materials

    Materials: 4/3

  5. Somewhere in the middle of the forest, the charging stops as the Frenzy Boar becomes exhausted, both of us fall onto the ground panting nearby each other. Sweat trickles in my forehead as the sunlight becomes visible again, brightening the green surroundings. The sheer panic that is contained within me is somehow lost, and I stare at the sky with a blank expression, daydreaming of heaven.

    If heaven exists in Aincrad...then at least I can leave in peace. Maybe they will serve unlimited meals, unlimited entertainment, and of course, immortality. Hah...hah...

    The cannonballs of reality launch back into my head as I regain my senses. I look to my left, seeing the exhausted boar still panting and attempting to rest a little.

    ....this is my chance...or rather...this is probably my demise, for I am afraid that it is trying to trick me by pretending to be in its current state. Regardless, I'll still take a risk of pouncing it as fast as possible.

    The snorting ceases, and so does its movements...I slowly crawl up to the creature as it starts to regain its senses as well.

    Gotz: HP 8/20

    Frenzy Boar: HP 2/6

    ID: 68259

    BD: 1

    MD: 3

  6. Somehow I manage to dodge one of its tusks as I am still struggling to get myself off from the boar, the blade is still stuck on the neck. At this point the boar has enough and starts charging wildly, pushing me in the process.

    If I don't stop now, I will likely slam against a tree or any other barrier that will allow the creature to stab me with his natural weapon. I try to pull my blade from its flesh, but unfortunately it is stuck inside the wound. Using my both hands while my feet scrambles to stop the boar from charging against my body, The splatters of blood is audible as the blade shifts left and right within the flesh to loosen itself up. I grasp the Frenzy Boar's snout as I shove it as best as I could, but there is no sign of my foe stopping its run on its train tracks.

    Gotz: HP 8/20

    Frenzy Boar: HP 2/6

    ID: 68258

    BD: 1

    MD: 1

  7. Unlike its friend, the Frenzy Boar knows what is coming to itself, so it turns around and quickly hits me with its tusks. Despite the multiple stab wounds I receive from the boar, I manage to plunge my sword against its neck. Now we are struggling to push ourselves away, I grit my teeth as I attempt to withstand the pain from its tusks, I want to end its life right now...and right here! 

    It will such a sick joke if I am killed by this boar, I regret on not exercising my caution this time. It it too late to run away from this, my blade is already deep within the boar's nape.

    Grrgh...just..one...more...slice....stay still you f**king animal! Stay still! 

    The violent thoughts is overwhelming my mind, now I feel the urge to kill it with my bare hands, that would be a more satisfying and brutal kill. Looking at the wound I delivered to the creature, I think I know what to do...

    The boar is almost succeeding in pushing me, letting out a large grunt as it prepares to use its tusks as a final blow to my body.

    Gotz: HP 8/20

    Frenzy Boar: HP 2/6

    ID: 68255

    BD: 3

    MD: 1

  8. The Frenzy Boar doesn't have the time to react as its rear is attacked by my Snake Bite, squealing loudly at the pain it receives. It drops a metal ore upon its death, and I was satisfied with the perfect execution of my surprise attack. However, it is too soon to celebrate, for I hear rustling at my left.

    As quick as I can, I run away from the battle site and dive into a random bush, concealing myself here. The sounds of squealing comes back, but this time it sounds eerily deeper. I remain hidden in the bush until the last Frenzy Boar makes its appearance nearby. Judging by its rapid snorting, it is obviously angry that its last friend are probably butchered up by me. Suddenly, it lifts its head upwards as it sniffs, perhaps to attempt to detect my scent.

    I have to admit that I am a little afraid that it will found me, and now I am in a dilemma between two choices. Engage or keep hiding....engage...or hide...

    F**k it...I will engage...REAAARGH!!!

    Gotz: HP 8/20

    Frenzy Boar: HP 2/6

    ID: 68253

    BD: 10

    MD: 10

  9. The result is the same as the previous attempt, no ores are found within the debris of the small rock. I stand up and look around as I slightly hear something that sounds similar to squealing. My instincts tell me that the sounds must be coming from a Frenzy Boar, so I draw out my sword just in case. I think it is time to fight them, at least it is better than mining rocks that always turn out to have nothing in them whenever the job is done.

    I slowly sneak around in my best attempt to blend myself with the environment. The forest is a little dark due to the slight absence of the sunlight thanks to the clouds, so that is a plus. Gradually, the occasional squealing gets louder as I keep sneaking ahead.

    Around a few minutes have passed and I am already back at the entrance, but now I am hiding among the bushes. I peek around to see if the creatures are around, and sure enough, there is at least one of them standing among the trees at the northwest of the entrance, its back facing me.

    Deciding that I can try to strike it down without warning, I burst out of my cover as I let out a loud battle cry, pointing my sword towards the boar during my sprint. 

    Gotz: HP 20/20

    Frenzy Boar: HP 0/6

    ID: 68251

    BD: 10

    LD: 6

    Used Snake Bite!

    Obtained 1 Material!

    Materials: 2/3

  10. The pickaxe surprisingly does a very good job at breaking the rock despite its old age. It takes a few strikes to finish the task, and as soon as it is broken to pieces, I will look at each debris to find any signs of metal in these pieces. Despite the big size of the rock, I am disappointed to find that it doesn't have one of my objectives.

    Luckily, there is another rock nearby that bears the same shape with its sibling, even though it is smaller in size. Grabbing the pickaxe, I walk towards it and start pondering about how much time I want to spend in this forest. The sun is still quite high, so I can just explore further into the forest. Alternatively, I can try to take out two Frenzy Boars that are last seen in the entrance. It could be safer to take them out in separate situations, as their damage is pretty high for a low-level player like me. I heard this fact from an NPC bartender in an inn that I slept in last week.

    ...tch...let's just think about it later...onwards to the small rock.

    ID: 68248

    LD: 2

  11. Finding an ore among these bushes is unlikely, but I attempt to do so anyway. As soon as I confirm that no ore is present here, I begin to move on quietly, for the boars are now standing at the entrance together, looking around for intruders. 

    What confuses me is that these Frenzy Boars are exclusively violent for some reason, and they are guarding something I can't even guess in my mind. Are they guarding the ores that I am looking for? Or are they simply territorial? The second answer seems more logical, I can't stop thinking of the possibility of them guarding the objective from me. 

    Most of the forest's ground is covered in moss, though this only applies to the area I am in, and not every spot of the entire forest in Floor 1. I take careful steps to ensure that I do not trip over some branches that are camouflaged by the plant matter. One positive aspect of them is that they appear very lush and beautiful, and they are soft to rest on in a break during one's travels.

    As I enjoy viewing the scenery, I take out my pickaxe and look around for any rocks or surface that may have ores in them.

    ID: 68239

    LD: 3

  12. iron.png?4913495234621017735


    The boar almost makes its impact towards my armor with its tusks, if it hadn't had his forehead cut off abruptly by my Sword Art. As quickly as it starts its charge, it drops to the ground and disappears from my sight. I was presented with a small reward: 30 COL and a steel ore. What a great luck I have today. 

    I look at the ore closely, there are hints of steel among the textures of the rock. It looks like it can be easily smelted, as typical to any other ores. Out of nowhere, I think of rare metals that might exist in Aincrad, such as ebony or titanium. They must have exist in the higher floors, possibly guard by ferocious monsters. 

    As I caress the ore casually, I stare at the entrance and notices some other Frenzy Boars wandering around the forest. Either they are scouting the area or they are just looking for their friend, because they seem to be getting closer to the entrance. I keep the ore in my inventory and quickly dive into the bushes just nearby the entrance, hoping that they would never find me.

    ID: 68238

    LD: 12

  13. 20140308105616


    The entrance to the forest is unfortunately guarded by a Frenzy Boar. I include the word Frenzy because he seems to be aggressive unlike any of his passive friends. As soon as the boar sets his eye towards me, he automatically sees me as a trespasser. Those tusks are not to be taken lightly, for they can pierce a body if enough force is implemented into them during a charge. 

    I draw out my iron sword and taunt the boar by stomping my foot onto the grass twice like a Big Daddy. The boar acknowledges this and rubs his hoof against the grasses, before squealing loudly and initiates his charge.

    My plan is to quickly sidestep and plunge the blade into its head. If this do not kill the boar instantly, it would at least stop his charge due to the pain inflicted directly at his brain. Or I can just slash my blade horizontally as he gets close, cutting his forehead...

    Gotz: HP 20/20

    Frenzy Boar: HP 0/6

    ID: 68235

    BD: 9

    LD: 15

    Used Snake Bite!

    Obtained 30 COL

    Obtained 1 Material

    Materials: 1/3

  14. Leaving the Starting City, I make the decision of heading north as the cool breeze brushes against my skin, the green grass and the sky is pleasant to look at. Despite the calmness of the scenery, I am concerned of the whereabouts of these three ores. Surely they don't exist on grasses, unless they are in rocks. I know there is a forest surrounding this area, and there could be a big chance that the ores spawn there.

    The first floor is possibly one of the most beautiful floors in Aincrad. There are several fountains that can be used for bathing and drinking, and I recall myself dipping into one of the fountains during my stroll last week. They are worth visiting if you wish to rest and eat your rations. 

    Somehow, I found en entrance to the forest after twenty minutes of passing through herds of boars. A lot of them are grazing in the field, but some them give me deadly glances, as if they are watching for my incoming attacks. However, I do not wish to meddle with these creatures, for they do not harm at their sights. 

  15. The person that is banging the metal roughly is a surprisingly young male with well-built features. He sports a long, slightly red hair and wears nothing but a blacksmith's apron and pants. The NPC is aware of my presence and stops hammering, paying his full attention to my face.

    "Do you need something, stranger?" he asks with a smile. "Or are you looking for a trainer? I bet you want to pursue in the art of blacksmithing."

    I nod at his statement as a confirmation that I need training in forging equipment. He set his hammer down and wipes his sweat as he glares at my eyes.

    "Do you want me to preach about the concepts of blacksmithing?"

    "No," I speak in a stern voice. "I already know much about the subject..what must I do now?"

    "Straight to the point eh? I like that," says the blacksmith as he stands up and grabs something from his knapsack that is hanging by the wall behind the counter. He takes out an aging pickaxe and hands it to me.

    "Three ores is enough to forge a sword, or even an axe, "he explains as I receive the tool from his hands. "Don't worry about the boars, they won't harm you unless you disturb their naptime. Good luck, adventurer." 

  16. The-Blacksmith-and-the-King.jpg


    There are plenty of reasons why a blacksmith is my profession of choice. One, it may help save my money from buying equipment from other vendors. Two, it occupies my time from being bored in this realm whenever I am out of combat. Three, blacksmithing is my favorite kind of art, so why the hell not.

    I heard from several players that the only way to obtain the title and the ability to open a shop is to undergo a quest called 'Earning A Living', in which players will be trained by NPCs that work as their designated professions. I decide to find a armory owned by an NPC blacksmith, so as soon as I had lunch in a tavern at the Starting City, I make my way there. 

    The journey to the armory is only a few kilometers away, and soon I notice a sign depicting a hammer and a sword. The design is very similar to the logo of the Soviet Union. Without any hesitation, I step into the armory and I am greeted by the sounds of banging metal right in front of me.

  17. 5cf8843fe18aa8318d42f29556cb17a6.jpg



    Name: Gotz

    Age: 20

    Gender: Male

    Level: 7

    Sword Art Rank: 2

    HP: 140/140

    Total Damage: 6

    Total Damage Mitigation: 65

    Energy: 14/14

    SP: 16

    COL: 1,520

    Materials: 18

    Previous Character: 

    About: History/personality

    Gotz is a name I chose to call myself, and it is based on a German medieval mercenary with the same name. Ever since I enter Aincrad for the first time, I live to fight, wander and survive in this fantasy realm. It is more appealing than Earth, but the realities here are harsher. Despite that, I do not mind as I trained myself to be a swordsman ever since I was young. It was a hobby back then, but as time passes, I took my training seriously for I love medieval weaponry and armory so much.

    I only talk when necessary, and you shall not be such a scumbag towards me. Or I will cut you, and I do not care about whatever moral boundaries that are set in Aincrad. If you need my help, feel free, player. 


    Good Swordsmanship: I consider this my virtue for I am quite skilled with my blade. I trained myself like a squire and even though I may not be quite agile, I can deliver deadly blows against my enemies with my weapons, and I will always stick to them unless there is a situation which I could just use my own fists.

    Helpful: If anyone is ever in trouble, I will always assist the person. After all, no one at my sight shall remain helpless, and they do not deserve to die unless they are known to commit a terrible crime. I do not expect anyone to thank me in return, but whatever rewards they are willing to give me, I shall accept them as long as they suit me.

    Tank: I can take a lot of abuse from anything, even better if I have a shield, heavy armor, or both of them altogether. I believe that nothing can make me flinch and even if I get hit by a giant club, I will never back down and just keep cutting and cutting until my target is dead.


    Silent: If you never get any verbal responses from me, please do not think of me as an anti-social. I prefer to keep quiet if I do not have have an answer to your question or I have nothing else to say. If you say something offensive to me, then I will be silent until you leave, or you threaten me, which in that case I will have to cut you.

    Violence: Even though I am not a psycho or a bloodthirsty person, violence is always the best solution for any problems that are really threatening my life or my property such as my equipment. Whatever nuisance or danger you face, you must always exterminate it from its existence so you will never be fearful of them again. As for people, I would commit violence to shut them up, although I may have seconds thoughts about whether I shall impale your head on a stake or not...

    Perversion: Although this is a rare occurance, my own fetishes for midriffs might cause a Why Boner, especially if I look at a female dressing in a crop top clothing or armor for too long. I have a rather awkward history of that fetish, and no it isnt the digusting type. The Why Boner might be a total distraction to my fighting spirit though.




    >> Block (Rank 2) (+8 DMG Mitigation)

    >> Heavy Armor (Rank 1) (+3 DMG Mitigation)

    Weapon skills:

    >> One Handed Sword (Rank 2) (+2 DMG)





    Blade Of The Relentless (+3 DMG)





    Zertsalo Armor (x3 Damage Mitigation)




    Dragon's Wing (x3 Damage Mitigation)




    Healing Potion (+20 HP)




    Elixir Of Vigor (+20 HP)


    >> [SP-F1] << Earning A Living >> The First Ores (Complete)


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