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Posts posted by Kyoki

  1. Another player was here as well and greeted Haine it was Rage he didn't seem to notice so I didn't bother almost deciding whether I should leave or not since it been a long time since I hung around other players I had more or less become much more antisocial I stared up at the sky thinking

  2. As I had been sorting through my inventory someone had bumped into my back and I was about to turn around and warn them to watch where they were going until I heard"K-Kyoki..?" that couldn't be I looked back spotting the shocked blue girl that I hadn't seen in a long time I picked the girl up in a hug "Haine! I missed you!" I set her back down she seemed different though that's when I noticed her marker... "So your a pker now what happened?" I whispered to myself I have no issues with pkers since I have plenty of friends who are pkers

  3. Our sudden acquaintance led us to a hay bale which we had all jumped into I watched as the NPC disappeared out of the crowded plaza the two kids were cheering over losing the man and I watched them moving some of the hay out of my face and looked to the male player "thanks for the save back there didn't mean to drag you into it"

  4. Not much too soon after I had gotten to the nearest market area I heard shouting behind me when two kids had jumped onto my back one a small red head girl the other with bright green hair who was a boy also small they both smiled at me as they hung on my shoulder pointing back to a young NPC shop keeper running our way with a frying pan who was missing a pair of shoes at the moment running bare foot in the cold cobblestone and crowded streets the kids also had this long purple silk scarf which obviously neither the shoe or scarf belong to them so I agreed quickly and began running who said running from someone for nothing ain't entertaining aye I ran through the thinning crowd following the direction the kids were giving me until I crashed into someone in green the kids were whining about nearly falling off I backed up a bit to look at who I had crashed into...

  5. We worked slowly in cautions on the roof I had one hand on the beam as we put in the roof at was a bit difficult with one hand so I had to ask Mahko to help me As I worked practically hanging of the roof once in a while losing my footing but Mahko had ahold of me sometimes almost dragging himself down but we worked till we could see the sun it was still raining but not as heavy we had finished up the roof we set up the doors and it was done I poked Mono since he seemed to have fallen asleep after he had run in here during the rain then I remembered Hunter I ran back to where I had last seen him leaving Mahko at the shop I sighed he was still there I ran back to get Mahko to help me move him from outside to the shop but it seemed he too had passed out I sighed again I guess I'll have to do this myself I walked back after thinking of a plan I brung Hunter towards the shop carrying him on my back still sleeping if Hunter freaked out I would guess it would be painful by the looks of it hopefully he didn't what a crazy marathon of events this was but I can't say anything can I I grin to myself

  6. The man I had numbed into just started rushing off after two other players erupted from the wilderness one holding the dagger I was looking for the other asking if anything was alright "if that's a serpents poison dagger it belongs to me" I walked over to retrieve the dagger I turned to the other player who had appeared answering him "thanks and I don't think that other one really cares" I pointed at the one I had bumped into who was leaving rather quickly

  7. I was looking for an item that I had dropped whwn i was attcked by some bird my poison dagger somewhere here in the bushes "where the heck is that thing..." I whispered to myself I had my hand in one of the bushes when I had finally ran my finger across it I sighed in relief an took it back when I had sheathed it I got up walking back to the path when I had run into some one who was in quite the rush and didn't seem to notice... as we both crashed I was thrown back "owww... What are you running from? cause that hurt" I rubbed my right shoulder and sighed

  8. It started to rain I jumped from the cold rain almost fell off "I miss my coat" I muttered quietly to myself rubbing my arms and shivering I sat down on the wood floor that was set up shivering in the farthest corner from the others I didn't want anyone seeing me like this rain is a curse to me since that day... putting that aside I continued working in the rain as it grew heavier to pouring then came the slight thundering

  9. I just arrived back from the inn seeing as how mahko left pretty early without me but no problem I could talk to him when I got to the site I arrived to see mahko and mono working and hunter passed out by a house on his face I laughed and turned to the other two "hey guys!" I waved I walked to hunter and sat him up from the floor leaning him against the wall he could at least try not to land on his face I laughed again then I took off my coat and laid it over him I heard from there would be some cold rain settings today I stared at the sky as it slowly grew to a dark gray I then continued on to the second floor as I heard thanks to hunter I laughed once more no wonder hes exhausted

  10. I made it to peppers presenting the items and a description and I waited on my blade

    Its somewhat modernized since it included fire made from the blade itself because of the handle at the end which looked like it belonged to a motorcycle and the fire crystal when used together it heats up the blade like a kind of engine cause it scrapes against the crystal and the more heat the more fire from the crystal it will have it seemed like a light weight blade but really it wasn't because most of it was hollow besides that small looking slice of metal but its packed well with troll steel since it was pretty heavy but most of the weight would be from the crystal the handle was made with leather and the iron sand that wouldn't heat up again once taken out of its sand form and its made into a dark kind of metal


  11. I had seen mahko my ally coming up the path he was jogging which was unusual for such a lazy player and he asked me if he could help I jumped down from where I was "Hiya Mahko oh course you can help the more the merrier and faster" I showed him what we were doing where everything was and he helped me finish off the first floor of the frame along with Mono and Hunter we called it a day for now since hunter seemed to stare at the sky a lot and called back for the Inn since it was getting dark we'd be back in the morning to finish

  12. They both started working quickly having light conversation I followed them to the wood pile and helped build as well at least the time was cut short by a few days using the catapult next to the shop to reach higher and place the pieces where they need to be making sure to nail them together as it slowly came out to how I wanted it to be

  13. (My shop is in the woods outside of town hunter by a huge ancient catapult)

    I received a pm from a player named Hunter Yagami I heard running from down the trail a male player jumped down from a tree he brushed himself off and walked up to the clearing I was in and and another male player who seemed to take his time but arrived at his own pace came up to me "So I am to assume you posted the flyer beautiful?" I blushed at this comment "y-yes I was the one who sent out the flyers for help" then spoke the next player "I'm Monochromatic. Mono for short, nice to meet you." "nice to meet you mono" at least he wasn't *ahem* flirty I thought to myself "How can I help?" hunter popped his knuckles and looked around before stepping closer I turned stopping my work "since my shop was burned I have to rebuild it but it will be a lot different than the last time especially since it has two floor and I need to fire proof it using sweetgum wood since it's difficult to destroy and to burn I'm lucky I go it as it was so we don't have to worry about cutting it to the pieces we need and I have tons of cobble stone block to use as well... so do you think you can help me?"

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