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Posts posted by Mahko

  1. "I have a faster way of getting there plus we could follow the hawk at the same speed its going" I walked to the nearest shadow and started whistling till Shikama formed in the shadow he looked at me flashing green eyes "What is it Mahko you woke me from my sleep" Shikama stretched yawning well "I need you to follow this hawk" I pointed to the hawk that was flying away he laughed "that's simple" "no duh captain obvious what do you think guys will this work with you?" he barked at me

  2. I was knocked over by Kyoki but behind her there was something else it was the Shadow Wolf but it wasn't anything like the description it wasn't pure black wolf it seemed as it itself was made out of shadow and every time it took a breath it flashed green as I could see it was sitting on Kyokis back which was the very reason Kyoki had her arms around my waist and finally haine noticed what was happening but... Not the thing that was important her jaw dropped and in shock and then she burst out into a fit of giggles. "Ahaahahaaa! Aww Kyoko and Mahko love each other~~" she teased as she danced giddily in circles.

    "BUT CAN YOU GUYS KISS IT WOULD BE SOOO KAWAII!!!" Haine squealed a bit too enthusiastically I blushed and Kyoki's grip seemed tighter I came to my senses after I hear a slight growl I looked back up at the wolf then it started to whine it got up off Kyoki and walked around to my back as I watched it closely the wolf nudged at my inventory pack till it popped open and on its own pulled out the loads of boars meat I had in my pack "hey!!! Thats-" but Kyoki still had ahold of me and I realized the meat was actually for the very wolf itself and it had served itself food from my inventory does that count as feeding it? Only one way to find out I tapped on Kyoki's head

  3. I huffed in frustration even if he didn't feel it because there were no sensors he still needed to take care of himself I stood walked a bit of way and started looking in my inventory a thick black hooded coat and gloves materialized in my hands I walked over and handed it to Darius "you need to take care of yourself more sensors or not" and I sat back down arms crossed staring at the torch in thought

  4. I fought of the boars and warthogs as Dande searched for clues of the very hawk familiar she was looking for not bothering to collect anything seeing as how I didn't have a cooking skill worth anything but macardon had picked up any left over I had left mostly the meat they dropped

  5. Prove you are worth something to the master assassin, who has been claimed to be spotted on the second floor. But a guild of PKers has also been spotted tearing up a city and is in trouble. Do you have what it takes to impress him and finish the Guild like an assassin would?

    GOAL: Guild leader eliminated SILENTLY, escape is quiet, all other guild members (that you have tried to eliminate) have been killed silently, Grand Master has approached you afterword to teach you the skill.

    (This will be used for later)

  6. "midnights shadow wolf"As she dragged me away for a moment I answered her questions quickly strugglingbto get away and get back to the others till I finally got free and ran back "let's just go and find the wolf last I checked it lived in some ancient underground ruins below one of the city safe zones" we headed our way to the safe zone marked on my map destroying things that picked a fight with us quickly

  7. I followed them both up keeping an eye on Darius health bar as it was slowly draining and the skin was becoming a visible blue not a good sign especially for possible frost bite but maybe its just me hallucinating slipping once in a while but Haine must of seen something cause she began to walk in a different direction

  8. I was sitting by a lake enjoying the view from a tree branch in a hammock I had just made from some random rope and cloth when I had gotten an invitation from dande I accepted it and climbed down and walked into the nearest town to teleport to where ever Dande was I found her by the gate with a new person I hadn't met yet but as I came up "Hi what's the quest you invited me for?"

  9. Even if she was kinda suspicious if haine knew her I would trust her but there is no such thing as being to careful cause I noticed Mono jump a bit i laughed at this and he seemed to be a bit in thought yah I know Haine is hyper but its a good thing to keep the mood of the party well intact but if I can think what Mono's thinking I need to be careful of myself and the other two and make sure that he doesn't break down

  10. "So this quest is on floor two huh?" I spoke to myself as I trudged along the cold mountain trail wearing his grey fur cloak I was lucky to bring this and not to run into any high leveled monsters when I heard a shout from a familiar voice farther up the mountain he decided to run towards wherever the voice had come from who knows they might be in danger so *I ran my way up till I crashed into something* it was Haine!!! oops sorry Haine I don't know you were up here *I helped her up from the ground*

  11. I had this feeling someone was watching and following us but I didn't turn back to look anywhere when we came across the meat of a dead boar that was slain by another probably the one that was following us *I turn around and wait for our hidden ninja in the dark to alpear* when she appeared out from the bushes "H-Hi" he muttered under her breath as Haine recognized him in an instant I watched the scene and laughed a little to myself "you must be one of the people that heard me during my conversation with the gypse there's no need to hide" *I collected the pork* "by the way Hikari did you kill this one?"

  12. It was too quiet for my taste and I must admit quite lonely since we had been locked in this death game but one day he heard a rumor of a wandering gypse that knows of a power that allows you to get your very own familiar and from many it was a success last he had heard was the gypse was in town and should be in the shopping district so I decided to go there quickly as I was looking around the district little did I know as soon as I enter the gypse was behind me all the time till I was tapped on the shoulder I turned to see the very Gypse I was looking for clad in green he told me what I needed quickly and ran off "so I need to find the familiar and feed it right?! Well I'm gonna need some help first I'm pretty sure I can't do this alone...

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