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Posts posted by Ignavus_veneficus

  1. "Stay focused Kazu, I don't wanna have to fight this thing all day", Ignavus called out to his ally after watching the thin rapier shoot over the mob's collapsed body. Not like he had much room to talk after missing his first two attacks, granted Ignavus was pretty sure he had managed to deal more damage than Kazu at the very least. This boar was still more alive than dead though and Ignavus was wondering how tough this thing was, seemed like the beast was way more powerful than any starting mob should be. As the boar buried it's face into Dominon's gut Ignavus flinched instinctively.

    "Bet you are glad there is no pain in this or you probably wouldn't be able to move much right now", Ignavus half-joked to Dominion before charging forward blade at the ready. The large double-edged blade glinted in the simulated sunlight as Ignavus ran towards his porcine enemy. The blade sank into the beasts flank with a satisfying spray of pixels vanishing into the air.



    ID# 74251 results:

     Battle: 7


    Dominion: 156/160 HP, 16 Energy, 3 MIT, 1 Eva, 1 DMG (+5 HP from Battle Healing per turn), Hate-10

    Ignavus_veneficus: 20 HP, 0/2 Energy, 4 DMG, Hate-4

    Kazu: 20/20 HP, 2 Energy, 1 DMG, Hate-2

    Boar: 54/80 HP, 10 DMG

  2. Ignavus had noticed Dominon pick up the form and had grabbed one for himself, spending a few brief moments reading over it, he had always been a fast reader. Which enhancements he wanted was still up in the air for the most part, he knew damage and accuracy were definitely needed. The issue was he didn't know which he should put more of a premium on, getting more damage in meant making shorter work of his enemies. Using the two-handed sword already gave him a little more of an edge damage wise compared to other players, but a little more never hurt. Really his biggest concern was to guarantee a hit against mobs, even the basic ones seemed to dodge his strikes more often then not. If he couldn't hit the enemy it didn't really matter how much damage he was swinging around anyway, granted a little extra damage probably wouldn't hurt, not him at least. Nodding confidently Ignavus began filling out the form quickly, penmanship had never been one of Ignavus's strong points but it was still mostly legible.


    "If this wouldn't be too much trouble", Ignavus said holding out the form to the large red-haired smith.


    Name: Black Iron Greatsword

    Item Type: Two-Handed Straight Sword

    Tier: 1

    Quality: Perfect

    Enhancements: +2 Accuracy, +1 Damage

    Description: A two-handed double-edged blade made of blackened iron, surprisingly light and deadly sharp.

  3. "How much health does this thing even have?" Ignavus shouted out to his party members. The question was mostly directed at Dominion as he was the most experienced player here. It seemed like they had hardly dealt any damage to the beast, Ignavus remembered watching a video once of someone take out a boar with a knife. It had been one hell of a battle from the cameraman's point of view, Ignavus doubted fighting a real boar would be this hard, at least not with these kinds of weapons. Ignavus realized he had been spacing out a little bit, it was a good thing that Dominion was actively drawing the boars attention, otherwise it was likely that Ignavus would have been gored. Looking up Ignavus saw the boar stiffen and then fall sideways, almost as if in slow motion, Ignavus's eyes widened at the site.


    "That was awesome. How'd you manage that?" Ignavus asked Dominon before charging forward at the fallen boar. Hefting the blade high Ignavus brought the heavy sword downward in a powerful two handed slash. The blade bit deeply into the boar's gut the beast was so paralyzed it couldn't even squeal out in pain. Ignavus jumped back as the strike finished trying to get a little distance so as not to be in the way of another's strike.



    ID# 73811 results:

     Battle: 7

    Dominion: 160/160 HP, 16 Energy, 3 MIT, 1 Eva, 1 DMG (+5 HP from Battle Healing per turn), Hate-8

    Ignavus_veneficus: 20 HP, 0/2 Energy, 4 DMG, Hate-3

    Kazu: 20/20 HP, 2 Energy, 1 DMG, Hate-2

    Boar: 60/80 HP, 10 DMG

  4. "Pretty sure you can buy custom instruments from the high level merchants", Ignavus stated to @Dominion as he entered the tent behind his old ally. Ignavus hadn't picked up a profession yet but he had been gathering as much info about them as he could, mostly he had been focused on learning what he could about the merchant profession. The appraisal skill had seemed useful to him but he hadn't committed to it yet. "Not that you couldn't craft one I'm sure. Just for future reference", Ignavus said reddening around the ears a little. It just occurred to him that it might be have been a little rude if one interpreted his first statement as an unconfidence in @Mack's skill. Ignavus's eyes shot out the flap of the tent at the other's still outside and then quickly around the tent taking a quick account of what was around.  A lack of confidence was a lot of what was behind Ignavus's current skittishness.

    "I'm just hoping for an accurate two handed sword, maybe a slight damage boost if that isn't too much trouble", Ignavus explained himself humbly. Ignavus hadn't initially hoped for much from this encounter, the smiths offer seemed almost too generous though, ignavus didn't want to feel like he was asking too much on the smith's generous offer. 

  5. Ignavus couldn't believed he had missed again, it's not like he had any real training with a European style blade but it shouldn't be so hard just to hit a stupid boar. Taking a deep breath trying to calm himself, Ignavus tried to calm down, failing to hit anything but air two consecutive times was starting to get his blood boiling. Frustration would just cause his failures to multiply, Ignavus rolled his shoulders again and cracked his neck audibly. Ignavus fixed his eyes on the boar and tightened his grip on the blade, the beast stomped it's foot and snorted, he couldn't help but feel that the it was taunting him. Taking another deep breath and releasing it as a sigh Ignavus closed his eyes briefly, the boar was just a mob, it's AI probably didn't have enough computational power to posses any kind of emotion. Opening his eyes Ignavus could feel some of the tension release from his back and he squared his sights on the boar. Waiting just a brief moment he saw an opening and charged in blade ready, as he neared he heaved the blade and swung it in a vicious downward arc aimed squarely at the boar's rump. The blade cut deeply into the boar eliciting a pained squeal as it scampered away from him.



    ID# 73490 results:

    Battle: 9 (Critical Success)

    Dominion: 160/160 HP, 16 Energy, 3 MIT, 1 Eva, 1 DMG (+5 HP from Battle Healing per turn), Hate-6

    Ignavus_veneficus: 20 HP, 0/2 Energy, 4 DMG, Hate-2

    Kazu: 20/20 HP, 2 Energy, 1 DMG, Hate-1

    Boar: 67/80 HP, 10 DMG

  6. "Fair enough", Ignavus said nodding in response to @Mack's statement, it hadn't taken Ignavus too long to figure it out after all and he was sorely lacking in connections. Moments later Ignavus saw the little bear assault the stranger's legs, and couldn't help but chuckle at the scene. Looking back up though Ignavus saw a familiar blond player approaching, he could feel his shoulders tensing without thought as his old ally approached. The first day was something that Ignavus did his best not to think about, he had taken dumb risks, risking his own life before he realized it was on the line. Since then Ignavus had been utilizing his knowledge of video games to exploit the system however he could to survive. It was knowledge he had gained over a many years of not taking his life seriously and doing whatever he could just to have fun, no one thought it would ever amount to anything useful. Even Ignavus hadn't ever expected to benefit from the extensive hours he had wasted just trying to squeeze a little fun out of his boring life. 

    "I've done what I can, only so much you can do solo", Ignavus stated in response to @Dominion's question. There hadn't been any bad blood between the two when last they had parted but Ignavus was always suspicious. It seemed like the words had hardly left his mouth before Dominion had turned to the other players for introductions. Which was fine by Ignavus, Dominion did seem like quite the social butterfly compared to Ignavus, his distrusting nature made sure of that. Before everything had come out about this world Ignavus had been more willing to play fast and loose with his affiliations, now though he was prepared for anyone to stab him in the back.

    Deep down Ignavus knew he needed to make allies, having people watching his back would be safer but he just couldn't bring himself to do it. One of the reasons Ignavus was here was so that he could get some forward momentum again, he hadn't been sure what the presents would be when he first picked up the flier but he had suspected he would be able to sell it for some col at the very least. Mack was quite obviously a smith though and Ignavus could definitely use himself a proper sword, the one he had now was barely cutting it. It took only a few seconds for Ignavus to open up his inventory and select a proper treat, a few more strategic pokes and a small bag appeared in front of Ignavus. It started to drop but Ignavus snatched it before the bag could drop too far, in a few swift motions and Ignavus up ended the bag into his other hand. Resting in his palm was an assortment of nuts and berries, it was hardly more than a snack but it was all Ignavus really had with him. It was something simple that could be gathered in the forests, and Ignavus had found a few places to gather them without running into anything he couldn't handle. Laying the snack onto the bag Ignavus set it near the little bear and then turned to go into the tent hoping it would be sufficient. 

  7. "This is trickier than I expected", Ignavus stated as he turned back towards the boar. It was a good things he had allies, missing that strike would have left him wide open and he definitely would have regretted it. Ignavus watched as Kazu lurched forward stabbing recklessly, and missing horribly. Ignavus couldn't help but wonder if he had looked so foolish when his swing went high. Shrugging simply, Ignavus decided it didn't matter, making his way back towards the battle sword held tightly in hand.

    "Don't have to tell me twice", Ignavus called out in response to Dominon's instruction. Rolling his shoulders as if to limber up Ignavus adjusted his grip on the blade before charging back towards the battle. A heavy strike aimed at the boars shoulder, intended to cut deeply through it's flank. The boar saw him coming and Ignavus saw it snort as he approached aware of the danger that he might pose.




    ID# 72922 results:

     Battle: 2 (miss)


    Dominion: 156/160 HP, 16 Energy, 3 MIT, 1 Eva, 1 DMG (+5 HP from Battle Healing per turn), Hate-5

    Ignavus_veneficus: 20 HP, 0/2 Energy, 4 DMG, Hate-0

    Kazu: 20/20 HP, 2 Energy, 1 DMG, Hate-0

    Boar: 74/80 HP, 10 DMG

  8. There was a distinct feeling of disappointment as Ignavus noticed the small patch of grass was clear of anything for him to pick up. Doing it like this the patches were so much smaller so the odds of their being materials appearing in such a small sample area was low. It also dawned on Ignavus that stopping and picking up the materials after every time he pulled out a tuft meant that it would take ages to finish clearing the yard. It would be faster to just pull out all the grass and then pick up the materials later, Ignavus would just have to watch his feet and make sure he didn't accidentally destroy any materials. Rapidly Ignavus began tugging out as many handfuls of grass, as he could, it didn't take long for him to get bored with the monotony of the repeated actions. "If I get some crappy gardening profession out of this I'm gonna be pissed", Ignavus couldn't help but grumble under his breath as he continued to work away in the small yard.



    ID# 72711 results:

    Loot: 19


  9. A system message popped up saying clover, Ignavus quirked his eyebrow and clicked the accept button as the item dissipated into his inventory and his material count went up by one. Ignavus's eyes widened as he realized that the quest wasn't just to clear out the garbage but that he could probably get his hands on some very useful materials for crafting. The profession system was something Ignavus had heard a bit about but he couldn't settle on what to do, Alchemy seemed like it could have some serious long time usefulness but being able to craft his own weapons or armor seemed pretty useful too. Materials were materials though and Ignavus figured he could gather the materials now and figure out what to use them later. Trotting over to another patch of wildly growing grass, Ignavus looked at it and realized that his sword was too large to get a swing to cut the grass would require too much room and the blade would just clash harmlessly with the wall and Ignavus didn't want to risk damaging his only defense. Instead grabbing a large tuft of grass Ignavus tugged with all his might, for a moment the grass resisted before shattering and dissipating like all the earlier grass. Ignavus looked down to see if there was another potential material waiting for him.




    ID# 72710 results:

    Loot: 7


  10. The second bout between Dominion and the boar was a little less one sided this time. Ignavus kept his allies hp bar in his peripherals as he watched the boar gore Dominion, the health dipped a bit but seemed to recover quickly. Dominon was a higher level than Ignavus so he suspected that Dominion healed quicker than he would. As Dominion struck back Ignavus was already dropping into position ready to strike the beast. Knees bending in preparation, Ignavus could feel the muscles in his back tense as his fingers tightened around the blades haft. As Dominion called out telling them to attack Ignavus ran up behind the boar as quickly as he could, Ignavus stopped just outside of his swords reach from the boar. Ignavus bent his knees again, hefting up the sword to prepare for the strike, blue light began to shine from the large two handed blade and a strange feeling washed over him. As if his body were on autopilot, then he sprung forward swinging the sword in arc to try and cut the boar. The strange sensation of the Sword Art activating had thrown off Ignavus's momentum and the cut went high swinging cleanly over the boar. 


    Sword Art:  Straight - 1x2 - (2 Energy)

    ID# 72709 results:

    • Battle: 4

    Dominion: 158/160 HP, 16 Energy, 3 MIT, 1 Eva, 1 DMG (+5 HP from Battle Healing per turn), Hate-3

    Ignavus_veneficus: 20 HP, 0/2 Energy, 4 DMG, Hate-0

    Kazu: 20 HP, 2 Energy, 1 DMG, Hate-0

    Boar: 77/80 HP, 10 DMG

  11. "You look awful", Ignavus blurted out before he could think it was better not to insult a complete stranger. Ignavus stepped back slightly to give the stranger a wide berth. Would be too easy for a dagger user to slip a blade into his ribs if Ignavus got careless. So far most of Ignavus's encounters with other players had been mostly pleasant but it just seemed like a bad idea to rely too much on others being good people. As such Ignavus stood semi ready to defend himself, he wasn't drawing his blade but he was prepared to if this stranger gave him a reason too. Ignavus wasn't the kind of person who went looking for fights but he was more than prepared to defend his life with everything he had should the need arise. The only way he was gonna continue to survive in this world was if he was cautious and made sure to only pick fights worth fighting.

  12. As Ignavus poked the flower an cursour popped up with the name "Damaged Dandelions", the menu only had one option on it, to throw away the item. Ignavus clicked the trash button and the flowers disappeared from the patch of grass he was standing on. The flowers were all gone from the patches of cut grass. Ignavus looked around to see if there anymore around him but they were all gone. Ignavus wondered if maybe those were the items he could pick up here, but it hadn't given him an option to accept it so he was confused shook his head. Taking another large swing Ignavus cleared another patch of grass, this time the patch was entirely clear of anything. Ignavus waited a moment and slashed again, clearing yet another patch, there wasn't much left on this side of the yard, he would have to stop taking large swipes soon or risk damaging the property. Looking down Ignavus noticed a patch of clovers in the grassy patch he had just cut, this time he crouched down and poked the patch of clover first.




    ID# 72608 results:

     Battle: 2

     Craft: 1

     Loot: 20

     MOB: 2


  13. Ignavus stepped forward as he swung his blade again in a large sweeping arc, the grass sliced, fell,  flashed and dissipated again. Leaving another arc of grass cleared, except for more of the little flowers. Ignavus tried to quickly take two more swipes but the blade felt heavy on the second swing and than he noticed his energy was empty. Ignavus stood there for a moment letting the energy regenerate, it was strange feeling the need to breathe heavy when he wasn't feeling exerted, When his energy was replenished Ignavus stepped forward swinging again. As his foot knocked into the little flowers growing above the grass, they dissapated as their durability dropped. It startled Ignavus and his blade only nicked a few blades of grass as he was thrown off by the flashing at his feet.


    "What the hell are these", Ignavus grumbled as he poked the flower with his finger like an item he was trying to pick up.



    ID# 72607 results:

     Battle: 1

     Craft: 5

     Loot: 4

     MOB: 5


  14. When the notice had popped up Ignavus thought it had been a joke, the quest seemed a little too easy. However when he picked up the flyer a quest marker had appeared, so he followed up on it. The little house had filthy windows, knee high grass filled with various weeds, apparently all he had to do was mow the lawn and clean up the windows. Walking into the yard he noticed there was nothing to cut the grass with. Ignavus rolled his eyes of course he had to use his sword, used weapons for everything in this game. Unsheathing  the sword Ignavus rolled his shoulder before taking a swing through the grass, The sharpened two-handed blade sliced through the grass with surprising ease, not that Ignavus really expected much resistance from a bunch of grass. The grass shimmered a moment the upper parts of the stalks moving as if they were about to fall, suddenlly it shattered into many little bits of light leaving a bare patch of neatly trimmed grass in the path the blade cut through. As he looked down Ignavus noticed a few small flowers still sticking up above the grass Ignavus poked it with his sword and it cleaved the flower neatly before it too shattered and dissipated.

  15. "Nice", Ignavus complimented his ally as he let out whistle. It was an impressive display to see the boar hurled backwards with such force, Ignavus had been planning to allow Dominion to get at least two swings in before jumping in himself, couldn't get a good gauge of how the system worked with only seeing one clash anyway. A light breeze blew through the grasslands cause the field of long grass to rustle in the wind with a strange rippling effect. Ignavus noticed a few of what appeared to be flowers interspersed through the grass and couldn't help but wonder about gather able materials. Most games like this would have some scattered around combat zones ripe for the picking so it would make sense if there were a few around here. Ignavus planned to bring it up after they killed the boar, it was likely that they would need to heal after the fight anyway.



  16. When the notices had been posted Ignavus had picked one up right away, the promise of potentially free stuff was more than enough to convince him to risk meeting up with a complete stranger. It was easy to distinguish the print as bear, anyone who had spent as long as he had seeing ridiculous fantasy banners would be able to spot the difference. Since it was obvious this wasn't a system generated quest Ignavus figured it meant that whoever had set these up was either using a bear paw as a personal symbol or was a bear tamer. Unless it was all a joke Ignavus couldn't see another reason why someone would have included the bear print. It didn't take long to track down the bear tamer smith to his shop on the fourth floor. Not too many people had met the requirements of having an affiliation with bears or their prints and a shop so it really didn't take too long to track it all down.


    "Guess I wasn't the first one to figure it out", Ignavus stated, a bright plume of white vapor billowing from his mouth as he spoke.

  17. Ignavus was doing his best to keep the city gates within eyesight, doing his best to keep a clear path to it all points at time. It was dangerous to go far from the city alone, most went out in groups to be on the safe side. Ignavus was more worried about other players though, mobs had set patterns and it wasn't hard to avoid them so long as you kept aware of your surroundings. Players were unpredictable though, if they were smart or powerful enough to survive outside the city he doubted it would take much for a player to betray him. Ignavus figured he would be able to avoid having someone go straight up red over him but he wouldn't put it past someone to go orange and shake him down for what little he had. One had to make their living in this world though and if Ignavus was to get stronger he would need to take risks every now and again, he wasn't out here to pick fights though, valuable crafting materials could be found outside the city, virtually free if you had the courage to get them. The basic plan was just to get out here, [censored] as much stuff as possible and qiocl;u make it back to the starting city before any trouble could get started.

  18. As the two accepted the invite Ignavus saw names and health bars pop up in the corner of his vision, he nodded seeing this would make it a lot easier to keep track of the full battle. As the other two began walking Ignavus followed a few paces behind still in his menu, he was more thoroughly checking his stats and committing to memory what exactly each of them meant. Already he was plotting out potential build differences, trying to figure out what stat buffs he would need to make how he wanted to play more effective. All the while he kept just a passing eye on the other two, when they stopped he came up just behind them and finally closed down his game menu. Reaching across with his right hand Ignavus pulled down the two handed weapon from his left shoulder. lifting the sheath slightly on his back and cause the sword to slide from it's protective hanging aided by gravity, his left hand caught it as he came into a fighting stance. He had spent most of the last hour wandering the starting city sheathing and unsheathing his weapon, testing the mechanics of the motions, by now it was fairly practiced from the recent repeated use.


    "So you wanna get this started Dominion?" Ignavus offhandedly questioned as he stood at the ready. Ignavus didn't plan to jump in till he knew the boar was invested in fighting with, Ignavus had to check his party's health bars to remember the name, Dominion. Only than would he jump in, Ignavus wanted to understand what the boar was really capable of before he put his neck out, in most games fallen party members didn't get any loot after all and that was the  whole point of them grouping up.

  19. "My build is definitely more towards dps", Ignavus responded to Dominion as he looked up his stats in the menu. "I deal about four damage a hit", Ignavus further elaborated, as he looked at the other two up and down. Kazu's rapier was unlikely to deal more damage than his sword, Dominions axe looked like it could deal similar damage in the right hands but if the player had built away from damage it was likely that Ignavus may have the strongest damage in the group. However Dominion was the only one that had experience fighting any of the mobs.


    "Dominion you said you didn't deal much damage so I probably have the highest dps. You said these things can hardly hurt you so getting you to tank is probably the best idea. Draw aggro, then me and Kazu come in and hit it as hard as we can. Don't know how much damage these things deal so me and Kazu should probably stay back and just jump in when we can hit it hard", Ignavus laid out his plan as confidently and succinctly as he could. Sword Art Online may be new but MMO's were where Ignavus thrived, the strategy was basic but should work while they figured everything out.


    "Unless one of you has a better plan?" Ignavus looked between his two companions at the question, waiting for some kind of response.

  20. "Really your first virutal game? Been playing games since I was just a kid, even got to try some other vrmmos but nothing has come close to this so far", Ignavus responded as he opened up his menu. Grouping couldn't hurt, if either of these two meant harm they would be unlikely to bother with the ruse, this early on it would be easier to just throw yourself at the starting players and hope for the best. In most mmo's that was the case at least, it wasn't till the game had been out for a while that you had to get creative, Ignavus had played the bandit often enough to know that. It only took a few seconds of prodding after he had finished speaking before two notifications popped to the strangers inviting them to group.


    "I'm Ignavus Veneficus by the way", He finally explained although they could likely already see that from the invite notification. At the very least these two would make good damage soaks, from what he'd heard even some of the early mobs could be dangerous out here.

  21. Ignavus wasn't sure how he stacked up in a fight yet, he hadn't even been in a duel yet. From what he understood Ignavus should be dealing more damage than most starting players, part of the point with the two handed sword after all. Putting everything out like that put Ignavus at ease though, assuming the guy was telling the truth that is. No way to confirm if the person was telling the truth or not. When the stranger asked if he knew the other person approaching Ignavus simply shook his head, as far as he could remember no one he knew had managed to get their hands on a copy. The newcomer was obviously nervous about approaching them, a reasonable reaction. Ignavus briefly toyed with the idea of going bandit this early on but figured better of it, right now it was more than likely to just get him taken out.


    "Well at this point aren't we all kind of new? I just managed to get out of the starting city a few moments ago though, place is a maze right", Ignavus quipped a large grin breaking across his face, hand falling from his weapon.

  22. Hearing a voice behind him Ignavus turned to see a blond man, with a ridiculously large axe. Ignavus wasn't able to help but smirk, mmo's always had some ridiculously large weapons. Ignavus had studied European style weapons when he had been in college he'd always been a little bit of an otaku and loved melee weapons. One of the reasons he had been so excited for Sword art Online, was because the vast amount of weaponry, normally he played a magic user but cool melee weapons also appealed to him strongly. Ignavus's blade was a simple starter weapon, a fairly realistic claymore, the blade being nearly six feet, with a simple hilt and pommel. A twinge of jealousy shot through Ignavus about the weapon, it did look far more intimidating than his simple claymore, absentmindedly Ignavus's left hand went to the hilt of the blade.


    "Planning to kill some mobs, maybe find some materials", Ignavus stated simply the hints of the smirk still playing on his face, his hand still lingering on the hilt of his blade. Obviously this other player had already gotten some gear and Ignavus highly doubted that he would be able to take him if this player decided to come after him. Rumor had it that the game already had some players that had preyed on stragglers in the grasslands and Ignavus was just hoping this stranger wasn't one of them. Ignavus had no idea what respawn would be like in this mmo but he would have hated to find out after stepping out of the starting city the first time. Behind the stranger Ignavus saw another player approaching from the city, they were still relatively close after all, Ignavus doubted any creatures even spawned this close to the city. 


    "What about you?" Ignavus questioned his hand still just short of closing around the hilt of the blade.

  23. Sword Art Online Release Day 2:00pm JST (1 hour after servers open)

    Ignavus had managed to get his avatar looking pretty similar to himself, the virtual representation had a few notable differences though. The most obvious was that that the avatar was much more muscular than Ignavus was in real life, broader shoulders, thicker arms, and a chest corded with muscle. Ignavus wasn't a slouch in those departments but he was always more lean and athletic than truly muscular. The avatar also had a full beard and all of it's hair was black as opposed to his naturally brown coloring, he had always wanted a beard but had trouble getting one to grow in properly. The hair on the avatar was also a more sensible close cropped style as opposed to the untamed mess of brown spikes that usually shot off in random places. In all Ignavus's avatar cut a rather imposing figure with the two-handed long sword slung over his left shoulder, Ignavus had chosen to go with cloth armor as well hoping it would afford him greater mobility. Ignavus was surprised with how much variety there had been with the starting gear, Ignavus's avatar was adorned in a bright white cloth vest with matching pants, without any kind of shirt beneath revealing all the muscle beneath. 


    Looking out over the rolling hills filled with green grass, tinged gold from the afternoon sun blazing brilliantly in the sky. Brilliant waterfalls glittered in the distance feeding into beautiful crystal pools. Ignavus had to admit it was truly a breathtaking scene to behold, when he had first logged in he had planned to rush into the fields and began trying to get as much training in as possible. The city had been a maze and everything had been so detailed and intriguing that he had spent the last hour wandering around in awe trying to figure out what to do and where to go. Initially he had been hoping to find a group to fall in with and have some fun, so far all he had ran into were the worst kinds of mmo players, the ones that would likely kill him for laughs the first time he stepped out of the safe zone, or the weirdos who thought every mmo was a dating game. So for now Ignavus just planned to do a little farming, get some experience with the game under his belt and hope he stumbled onto someone a little more normal.

  24. Hi all just got my journal approval in not to long ago was thinking about doing a thread on the first day of the game. So figured I would see if there were any other new players that were wanting to team up and roleplay out the first day in the game. So mostly I just want to establish an acquaintanceship with at least one other low level player that would have been established on the first day. I do have two ideas as of right now.


    So first I was thinking of doing a thread that starts up at the opening of the servers day one. That way we could meet, go on a mission, kill some boars, search for materials, or even duel if someone is up for it. This would of course be a No Kill thread just intended for us to get to know each other and get some sp/loot figured we could end with being called to the starting city for the announcement of it being a death game. Depending on length I would probably end the thread at that point, maybe go a little further if everyone is feeling up to it, that way we could claim on xp/loot.


    The other idea would take place either during or right after the big announcement of this being a death game. Plenty of space to go from there as people try to come to terms with what is happening. What happens from there is really dependent on who is involved, I mean after all how your character reacts in the situation really defines how the thread gets going. Of course I figure we could come to some general agreement of where we wanna go before we get started.


    I want to get 1 or 2 people for this, maybe 3 if there is enough interest. If everyone wants to do the first one we could of course always proceed into the second thread if everyone is game, or if most are. I'm open to establishing basically any kind of relationship, you want a friend going forward lets figure it out, want a rival I can do that, even if you just want to have a person to call on in case you need someone to save you in a dire situation I can do that too. Seriously feel free to shoot me a message. I made my character so that I could drop him in at any point in the first few days too so if you are above level one feel free to shoot me a message with an idea and I'd be happy to work something out. Any other ideas, or constructive criticism? Feel free to post in here or shoot me a message.

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