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Posts posted by Mist

  1. Mist felt a zephyr as Hydra rushed past her. Followed by a spark of blue and the sound of shattering crystals. It was over faster than they had fought off the boards. Towards the brink of the hill the silhouette of Zero could still be made out. Perhaps they had moved too quickly, hopefully he wouldn't be too upset by it. Turning back around it appeared that the Emerald Hatchling had dropped a deep green shimmering gem. "An Emerald..." Mist's eyes widened and there was a quirkiness to her voice. It appeared the item would allow the user to unlock the next stages of the quest. "We should get back." She said smiling at Hydra who by now had depleted a large amount of energy over the course of the day. They had essentially been under his protection, even though he constantly seemed to be hinting that he wasn't that great a person, she could respect him for something at the very least. Mist unequipped her own weapon, the two handed spear vanishing into crystals and started on her journey back to the Town of Beginnings.

  2. (OOC: Zero_Lost dropped from thread for being in a current inactive state on the site. Sorry 3:)

    Mist let out a rather large and overly exaggerated sigh of relief at the site of Hydra killing the boars. "I'm glad that's over..." She followed up with a slight giggle. It seemed Zero was still a little lost with himself, she felt sorry for the player. As she was about to go and speak however she suddenly caught sight of a flash of green not to far from the groups position. "I think I see it she." She yelped with excitement and surged forwards without even realising the level different this MOB might possess. However by the time she reached it the combat had already triggered. The creature was beautiful, an emerald green newborn dragon, it caught sight of the group and began rushing towards them letting out an adorable roar. Still she could not lose focus now, this was an enemy and would likely kill her should she engage. She would leave it up to Hydra to make the first move

    MOB Spawned

    Rhaegal - the Emerald Hatchling
    HP: 125 - MIT: 25 - ACC: 0 - EVA: 0 - DMG: 50

  3. Mist watched casually as the two of them convened with one another. Atzo seemed to be talking about some sort of guild to Hydra, not that she had to much interest in that sort of thing. At least for now she wanted to adventure these lands and whilst help from others was necessary it could also act as chains at times. A few moments later Hydra suddenly seemed to remark about the item Mist was wearing, "Oops caught red-handed." She gave a slight smirk before bowing her head at the fact she would be able to keep it. Finally the player known as Atzo introduced themselves as the man with many faces. "Faces? I wonder if he means emotionally?" She pondered twirling a strand of hair between her thumb and forefinger. It wasn't like there was an awful lot to do anymore, except see the sights of this floor. Twirling slightly the spearwoman peered across the volcanic ranges that made floor 9. "I wonder where to head first." Her eyes sparked with life slightly, most people moaned about this floor, from what she had heard from Hydra he was no exception. Yet none of that bothered her per say.

  4. As the battle raged on the larger of the three boars grew weaker with each hit. Mist was glad she hadn't bumped into such an opponent alone, yet to be honest it only had these stats because Hydra was here in the first place. Turning back to face her own target she took a slight breath in. "Okay let's see if I can land a hit this time." Then rushing forward she raised her spear high and struck out at the boar, once again trying to flank it. This time her weapon went wide, as she activated her sword art it missed the creature, not even grazing it. Both her and Zero were now on 1 energy, they'd only have enough to perform basic attacks. "Hydra can you help clear these boars?" She asked the spear user. In this game she had come to understand that certain sword arts had area of effect abilities, if he was able to use it then they could move on with the quest.

    ID 80898:

    Battle: 2 (miss)

    [H:2] @Hydra - 753/755 | 13 Damage (16/wskills) | 66 MIT | 3 Accuracy | 51/74 Energy 

    [H:0] Mist - 20/20 | 4 Damage | 1/2 Energy

    [H:0] zero_lost04- 20/20 | 4 Damage | 1/2 Energy [-2/+1En]


    Black-Tusked Boar - 74/370 | 111 Damage (Stunned)

    Brown-Tusked Boar - 8/8 | 5 Damage

    Brown-Tusked Boar - 8/8 | 5 Damage



  5. Mist let out a quiet sigh of relief as Vale clambered off her and proceeded to straighten up her fox ears. "I hope I didn't offend her in anyway." She thought to herself quickly turning around to face the Neko woman. For a moment she still felt rather nervous, bringing a strand of hair to her mouth she began to chew on it slightly, after Vale was done talking however her worries quickly eased. Mist smiled sweetly and placed her hands behind her back in a rather innocent manner. "It's okay, I understand." She laughed sweetly. Mist was unsure whether she should mention that a fox wasn't actually a cat, but after thinking it through chances were Vale would already know that. She was probably speaking in a generic sense. 

    Mist threw a quick glance to the other cat but it appeared to have already scampered off. "Oh... I would have liked to get a closer look." When she turned back Vale was holding out her hand, again the spearwoman listened to the neko woman. It appeared she was being offered a chance to quest. For a moment Mist felt a tinge of anxiety but it was completely replaced by a rush of excitement. Slowly Mist stretched her own hand out and gladly accepted the offer. "Thank you... I really wanted to explore some of this floor." She said smiling sweetly, her tone now calmer and filled with bewilderment. 

  6. 'drip... drip... drip' "Huh?..." Mist's eyes fluttered open as she glanced downwards at the cascade of water. It appeared her brief state of zen had worked. Where the water fell, a cluster of flowers grew between two of the rocks. Mist eyes sparked up once more, "I can't believe I found something." As quickly as possible she slid down the rock and skipped over to the flowers. The spray of water was enough to get her hair damp but after stretching a decent amount she clutched one of the flowers and with a strong pull managed to free it off the root. At first glance it appeared to be a water reed, except its stem was a red in color and the flower golden. Not long after it appeared as an item and as quickly as possible Mist stored it into her alchemist satchel. "That leaves one flower left!" She thought happily to herself. "Perhaps the water itself?" She thought glancing towards the pool, it wouldn't be surprising if there was something in there, although it might mean getting soaked. 

    ID 80567:

    Loot: 18 (success)

    Materials Found: 4/5

  7. Mist wasn't entirely sure how to react as Vale pounced upon her for a second time already. The only reason she had the fox ears on was because she liked them, although she couldn't have expected anything like this to come about from it. Rather than say anything, the brunette just stood there a muffled and rather awkward expression on her face as she looked at passers by snigger at the two of them. "What do I do?" The spearwoman started panicking, her lower lip began to tremble slightly. Mist had no idea how long Vale could keep this up for. Finally a glimmer of hope showed itself, "H-hey look Vale, a kitty." She slowly raised her arm and pointed towards the center of the path. A small tiger striped kitten lay strewn in the middle. Mist would have been excited to rush over to it herself but given the current circumstances she had other priorities. Hopefully once Vale was off her and her fox ears the two could go take a closer look at it. "Is all wildlife like this on this floor?" Mist thought to herself, it was a jungle after all who knew what wonders would be lieing in wait for her and Vale to examine.


  8. Mist watched as Hydra went forth first. He activated a rather powerful looking sword art which seemed to stun the larger looking boar and distract the smaller ones attention. Zero followed up not long after, his own attack missed its target but still seemingly looked powerful as it dug itself into the ground. "Guess its my turn." Mist thought to herself. Tilting her head she looked at the two weaker looking boars, Zero had already engaged with one of them so she supposed it would be a good idea to aim for the other. She lowered her spear as though it were a lance, the metal shaft parallel to her arm and in a horizontal position. Then with a spring in her step she launched off the ground charging head first at the boar. What she lacked in brawn she made up for in her agility, as the spearwoman drew within inches of striking range she attempted to jump over the MOB, quickly pivot and lash out at its back. The spear lightly grazed the fur of the animal, "Looks like I sprung a little to high."

     ID# 80248 results:

     Battle: 5 (miss) [-2/+1En]

    [H:1] Hydra - 755/755 | 13 Damage (16/wskills) | 66 MIT | 3 Accuracy | 63/74 Energy 

    [H:0] Mist - 20/20 | 4 Damage | 1/2 Energy

    [H:0] Zero - 20/20 | 3 Damage | 1/2 Energy


    Black-Tusked Boar - 242/370 | 111 Damage (Next turn stun)

    Brown-Tusked Boar - 8/8 | 5 Damage

    Brown-Tusked Boar - 8/8 | 5 Damage

  9. Mist happily bumbled into Hydra's store despite the clear fact it was closed. Dominion had previously told her where to find him and for the past few days, she had been scouting the second floor to uncover the hidden building. It was true what the rumors said about this place, Hydra was supposedly one of the most skilled Artisans in Aincrad alongside a few others. The brunette heard each artisan's items varied largely, some were simpler in design but intricately detailed, others more complex. Hydra's own items looked as though they were all enchanted, glowing in various colors and shimmering brightly. "Wow..." Her eyes lit up with them as she wandered over and curiously began examining the various necklaces and such. Eventually, she reached a statue of a serpent. "Huh..." Frowning slightly, it was obviously a 'Hydra' "I'd never take him to have such a big ego." She laughed to herself lightly. Noticing a silver tiara with a cold mist surrounded by it Mist walked over and picked it up. "So beautiful." The spearwoman mumbled begore placing it on her head and glancing at a reflection. "I wonder if he will get annoyed if I borrow this?" Turning around she headed out the door with a tiara, she was sure Hydra wouldn't mind wherever he was. 

    +1 Silver-Dragon's Tiara 

  10. Mist's ears perked up as Stryder asked to add them both of friends. She quickly laughed and accepted the invite, now Stryder was one of the first. "Hey Eatos we should be friends as well." Mist opened up an interface sending the girl a quick friend invite. Now they were back Eatos could finally get onto her work, Mist had done her duty and couldn't wait to see the outcome, however it seemed hard for beginners to master a first craft. "Hey I am going to head out now, I am glad I could help." She told the two players, continuing to smile. Mist knew that Eatos would be able to do it and if she happened to fail on the first one then she would have another few attempts at completing it. At the end of the day the quality only had to be good. As Mist walked back into the centre of the Town of Beginnings she sat on a bench and let out a yawn. "I think I have finally decided what I want to become." She thought to herself. Glancing at a nearby flower she plucked it, a virtual trail of crystals following in its wake. "Im going to become an alchemist!" Then I can trade with Eatos and possibly Stryder if he ever becomes anything.

    -Mist Leaves Thread-

  11. "Woah..." Mist couldn't help but contain her astonishment at the sight of the sixth floor as she stepped away from the teleportation gate, since deciding to leave the town of beginnings and finally begin her adventure she had headed straight to this floor for the simple reason that many other players had told her it was one of the most fascinating. The spearwoman continued to elegantly make her way towards the very first settlement, quietly gasping at the incredible views that the jungle had to offer. It was only a few moments later that those gasps turned into an alarmed yelp.

    A player seemingly from nowhere landed in front of her, her first reaction was to step backwards and nearly trip up on herself, fortunately she recognized the face as another player she had met not long ago by the name of Vale. Although still slightly alarmed, her facial expression quickly turned back into the sweet smile that it once was. "You scared me there Vale." Mist said smiling, her posture also relaxing as she let out a sigh of relief. Mist although forgetful couldn't really forget a player dressed like a feline, although she was a little curious as to how Vale ended up there without harming herself. "Some players really are mysterious." Mist stood in silence for a few moments before glancing around, they received a few odd looks from nearby players most of them continued on there way however.


    (OOC: sorry forgot to tag your name :3)

  12. "Ahhh there really is nothing." Mist whimpered as she twirled her hair a little before pulling on it firmly. She had walked all this way in expecting to find so much plant life but the systems and patterns of the game were begging to repeat themselves now. Continuing her whimpers she moved over to a cluster of boulders and clambered on top of the tallest one. Then taking a seat and placing her head in her hands she looked towards a nearby pool of water. It looked pretty, a small cascade of water went between the rocks creating a slight waterfall. Closing her eyes Mist took in a deep breath and raised her head. "Listen to the flow of the water, the whistling of the wind, the rustles of the earth." She told herself, trying to enter a form of zen. Perhaps if she could calm herself then she would be able to go ahead with more clarity. The wind itself felt refreshing, a cool flow which cycled through her body. The water cleared her thoughts and the sound of earth calmed her nerves. 

    ID 79903:

    Loot: 2 (fail)

  13. "Hmm." Mist hummed slightly as she refocused her attention to Airi and Dominion. The spear user paused for a moment and listened before her eyes sparked up like wildfire. "Friends?" She whispered, looking a little bit surprised, a smile quickly returned to her face and then without thinking Mist gently grabbed Airi's hands and began waving them up and down. "I would love to be friends." She gave a quick twirl. This was the first time since meeting Eatos, Stryder, and Hydra that she had managed to make a friend. Quickly returning her attention back towards the others she paused to think for a moment. "I came to pay my respects, out of curiosity and oh also to see if Hydra was on there, he is a friend!" Mist's tone was friendly and light-hearted. Despite having felt lonely only a few moments ago they had now been cast aside. Hearing the other player offer to take Airi out Mist nearly jumped in asking if she could tag along but she quickly realized the circumstances. "Anyway, why did you come here." She spun back around to Dominion and Enma, it would be rude not to ask a question back.

  14. "Hmm..." It didn't take very long for them to go in and come back out. Mist must have counted to around a minute before the jagged iron gates swung open once more. The spearwoman did feel a little impressed, Hydra often talked about his questing partner Say yet there teamwork appeared to be next level. "I hope I can reach that level some day." Neither of them seemed to have even taken damage, let alone break a sweat. As they approached she stood silent and waited before finally congratulating them on there victory. "Well done." Mist laughed "Now where to next!" Her tone was light but still filled with wonder, despite Hydra having the expression that he just wanted to get off this floor by this point. Still there were at least another 15 floors to uncover she supposed if it was that versus spending days on end walking across desert she would rather go and check out all the different environments. On top of that Hydra had his store to run, so it would be unfair to keep him as some sort of body guard. "I suppose I should take some quests to help increase my level in that case."

  15. As Mist went deep into thought about the possibilities this new world had to offer she quickly forgot about the quest and instead began to wander deeper into the forest. I wonder if anything scary will show up she mumbled to herself. According to the tourist guides, the creatures on this floor were nothing special, mostly boars, some wolves and deer, and bears. Still, that didn't deter Mist, even back in reality to see those kinds of things where she lived was something special. This was all just the start. Slowly wandering through the forest she began inspecting all the different of weird and wonderful things, odd colored stones. Some black mushrooms, the flowers from earlier were also scattered about from time to time, although she was no longer collecting them due to already having too many. A variety is what was needed. "I wonder if the others have done this yet?" She pondered thinking about Stryder and Eatos.

    ID 79655:

    Loot: 8 (fail)

  16. Once Mist was done with collecting the Moss she stood up. "Hmm which way now." Turning around she could faintly make out the entrance to the forest, it could be risky to go deeper into the north yet she couldn't resist the temptation. "Everyone has had to go through this at some point, I can't get scared now." As she continued to wander it was only now the true beauty of the game was unveiling before her. Swarms of butterflies fluttered about beautiful colored flowers of red and purple, as Mist approached they drifted off. She watched with a sparkle in her eye waving them goodbye before crouching down to pick up one of the flowers. There was even a scent to them, slowly raising it to her nose she took a sniffed at the scent before letting out a rather long and happy sigh at the pleasant aroma. Perhaps this world was a new beginning, a new start, a long dream that would never end. 

    ID 79654:

    Loot: 13 (success)

    Materials found: (3/5)

  17. Mist bowed her head and continued to smile as she watched the players disperse, "It's okay." She said to Vale before the cat-like player fled the scene. Soon it was just her and a few others left inside in the palace. "I really should get going as well." Her heart dropped slightly that she had not been able to make any new friends. "How can I expect to get stronger without anyone's help." Sulking slightly Mist slowly wandered over to the entrance of the palace and headed outside. "Hmm?" Raising her head she caught sight of two players from earlier, Airi and the other one's name that Mist couldn't remember, there were so many players and everything was a little chaotic. They looked to be rather deep in conversation, it made her happy to see others doing well but that didn't change the fact she was still by herself. "I wonder what to do now." The adventurer glanced up and down the street, she had now walked these streets of 'The Town of Beginnings' so many times her curiosity was beginning to fade. Looking up to the sky she brushed some of her hair away from her face and looked up to the sky. "A caged bird." She mumbled to herself.

  18. Mist looked at Sey with a rather confused expression "Okay Say?" The spearwoman didn't really know why Hydra was friends with this person, they seemed a little strange, although very powerful Mist had definitely noticed that just from looking. As the spearwoman listened in once more she heard Hydra mentioned she would have to sit out and spectate, she knew Hydra wasn't trying to be controlling he wasn't that sort of person, however, he did seem to care a little too much at times and she had agreed that if he were to take her here then she'd have to stick close. Sighing she slumped down in the sand and waited for the talk to finish. Off in the distance, the arena could still be made out and it appeared that was the area they'd be visiting. "I wonder what wonders are hidden in there." The adventurer pondered to herself, a feeling of excitement being to emerge. 

  19. Mist hummed slightly as she looked around the desert "What an amazing place, sand everywhere. I can't wait to explore it!" The adventurer got up onto her knees and looked between Hydra and Sey. "So it was Say!" Mist twirled a piece of hair between her fingers before she began to chew on the end of it. "I am Mist, please to meet you Say." It was painfully obvious she was misspelling the pronunciation, her innocent look accompanied by her sweet smile also made it obvious that she had no idea that she was saying Sey's name incorrectly. As Hydra and Sey then began talking to one another Mist did another classic Twirl trying to see is she could sight anything across the desert, in the far distance it appeared some sort of sandstorm was whipping up, around what looked like an arena. "Hmm?" Upon hearing Hydra's voice she flung a glance across her shoulder and her smile quickly turned into a frown. "You never take me on dangerous quests." The brunette mumbled under her voice. In any case, there was no way he was stopping her from tagging along. Slowly moving beside Hydra she tugged on his clothing "What's that?"  Mist proceeded to point at the place in the far distance.

  20. Mist nodded, Eatos appeared to know the direction back to town if they had kept following her path they could have ended up anywhere. "Let's get going! Thanks for the help." She still felt overly excited from that fight. It had been her first one, Mist bowed her head to both Stryder and Eatos. Without them there she might not be stood here right now, "I wonder how he is doing." She pondered briefly looking up to the sky and then with her basic spear strapped over her back they begun to head back towards the settlements. It must have been a few minutes walking before they emerged out the forest of the first floor. In front of them sprawled grassy plains and fields with various NPCs going about there work, some other players fighting boars and then at the heart of it all lay the 'The Town of Beginnings' It truly looked marvellous, a gemstone to the whole of Aincrad. Giving a quick twirl she spun around and then followed behind Eatos. Out of the three of them Eatos seemed to be the most mature but just as friendly and kind-hearted than most people Mist had previously encountered. 

  21. Mist eyes followed the player known as Hydra as he left the scene. The brunette didn't know why but there was something about him that was mysterious. "I wonder where he is heading." She mumbled scratching her cheek slightly. Without really thinking she started to follow him humming a tune to herself along the way. The spearman must have walked through half the town before eventually reaching a water fountain in the centre. Mist stopped near a bench and quickly took a seat pretending to be taking a nap. The group from earlier had been left behind and most the other players had dispersed by now, making there ways through the streets and alleys of the Town of Beginnings, probably to find somewhere to rest and reflect on the days events. The square was now relatively empty as the virtual sun began to set on the horizon, Mist was glad that the day/night cycle had been kept, it reminded her of home. Peering back at the spearman she noticed something saddening. The player was stood staring into the water's reflection and for a moment she caught sight of a tear rolling down his cheek...

    (Mist leaves thread)

  22. "Hehehe" Mist laughed under her breath as she crept up behind Hydra. It was pretty obvious she was there yet the spearman seemed preoccupied with something else and completely oblivious to his surroundings. Of course, she wouldn't let this opportunity pass by and with the weirdest sounding noise tried to scare him. However what Mist originally planned as a warcry instead turned into a slight "Nya!" As she tripped up and began rolling down the sand dune they happened to be stood upon. At that point, everything was a blur she kept rolling and rolling until finally with a mighty *thud* hit some sort of object. Mist lay on the floor dazed for a moment before whimpering and sitting up. Much to her surprise, there was a player before her that was not Hydra but did appear to be carrying a one-handed spear. They also had pure white hair. "Huh?" She tilted her head to one side and glanced at them. A name came to her head, "Set maybe or Sat?" She pondered, the characteristics matched exactly someone that Hydra usually talked about. "Hydra?!" Mist suddenly remembered she looked back at the sand dune and then back at the stranger. "Sorry, sorry, sorry!" The spearwoman suddenly blurted out recalling what had just happened. 

  23. Mist's ears dropped slightly, at least that's how she envisioned it in her head as she heard Airi had no food. "Ah so your in the same boat as me then." She mumbled cupping her hands together and bringing them to her mouth. At that point the player who had introduced himself as Dominion offered a fist bump, the brunette looked at it puzzled for a moment before lightly tapping it with her own knuckle, her friendly nature quickly returning as she let out a light laugh "Thanks, although I have another friend who said he would come to help me one day." Noticing Emna she suddenly tilted her head to one side "Wow that looks amazing!" She thought to herself, trying her best to resist from grabbing the familiar.

     It was only now that Mist noticed a newcomer had joined, one which looked rather like a feline. "Huh," She let out a hum rather curiously as she looked at the player. If things weren't already chaotic enough by now another man showed up who started talking to Airi and then the cat woman suddenly started circling the pair. Mist scratched her cheek laughing rather nervously and slightly confused at the whole ordeal. Once she had finished she introduced herself as Vale, "Im Mist." The brunette spoke sweetly bowing once again, although this time more relaxed. 

  24. "Hmm, Zero works well." Mist smiled tilting her head to one side, in response to Zero. At that point, Hydra pointed out a boar on the brow of the hill, Mist turned to look at it, the beast didn't look particularly intimidating but with how the combat system worked there was a chance it was based off Hydra's stats than the floors stats. "I'm going to wait for you to attack it first, there could be more as well." She said turning back to the brunette. By the looks of it Hydra had enough survivability to stand against packs of boars and whilst Mist was excited to get started she understood the hate system at the very least in this game, once Hydra had achieved a safe amount of hate, she and Zero could then engage and hopefully practice using their sword arts. Once they had all set off she tailed after the other two players a sparkle of wonder in her eye. It didn't take to long they had neared the brow of the hill, Hydra made no attempt to enter stealth. Mist laughed to herself at the thought, his shield looked heavy enough, although the boar did notice them. Slowly staggering to its feet it glared at them and squealed, a few moments later two more boars appeared. "Umm..." Mist looked nervously at Hydra, although he seemed calm and unnerved by that fact. "I guess we are still okay then." She mumbled to herself nervously.

    Hydra - 755/755 | 13 Damage (16/wskills) | 66 MIT | 3 Accuracy | 74/74 Energy

    Mist - 20/20 | 4 Damage | 2/2 Energy

    Zero - 20/20 | x Damage | 2/2 Energy


    Black-Tusked Boar - 370/370 | 111 Damage

    Brown-Tusked Boar - 8/8 Health | 5 Damage

    Brown-Tusked Boar - 8/8 Health | 5 Damage

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