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Posts posted by ren-sama

  1. Ren sat on a fountain in the middle of the town. Listening to everyone around him, he hears laughing and some arguing. Then out of nowhere he hears someone crying “Can someone, anyone help me my child is missing” the voice said. Ren looked around to see where the voice is coming from. All of a sudden the voice was right in front of him. There stood a woman crying and said”please sir can you please help me. It my daughter she missing in a cave not too far from here. I am worried sick for her and i fear the worst has happened”. Ren looked at the woman trying to get her to calm down some so he can understand what all has happened. The woman looked to have calmed down some. “My baby and her friends was playing in the cave until they were attacked by a monster. The other kids got away but she is still missing. Please you're my only hope to get her back. My husband is no longer around and i can't look for her on my own so please help me”. Ren looked in her eyes and agreed to help her. “Miss i will get her back don't worry i am going to call my brother for assistance and we will have her back before you know it”. So Ren opened his menu and messaged Atzo saying “Hey little brother i need some help locating a lost child and i was wondering if your free will you help”.


  2. Ren followed both Atzo and Solomon to the restaurant just listening to them both talk. Smiling, he patted both of their hairs like he use to do when they were kids with a slight chuckle saying “I'm so relieved that y'all are okay. Atzo you even know how hard it been for me to smile like this since that issue with dad”. Turns to Solomon saying “Solomon like Atzo said you are not abnormal you are who you are and if anyone tries to change you, they will answer to us”. Turning back to Atzo with a devilish grin on his face asking “in here or in real life? I may have thrown another player into a table after he threw my ale on the ground. And in real life i may have beaten the hell out of a couple of deadbeats”. While he smiles and chuckles he remembers a lot of times when Atzo gotten him out of a lot of trouble some was with the law and some was with their parents. 


  3. Ren hear the response he was looking for. Sure enough that was Atzos voice. “Atzo i found you”. With joy he leaped off the building he was on, landing on the ground in a kneeling position he started to bolt. Running through the crowds filled with so much joy. As he went past the player who was walking it felt like time had slowed as he passes catching a quick glimpse of the player still not recognizing. Turn back towards Atzo, he continued to sprint. As he got closer he recognized the second player “Solomon?” he thought to himself. Ren got too close to be able to stop and collided with Atzo and Solomon. As he stood back up ren yanked both Atzo and Solomon off the ground. Hugging both of them saying “i'm so glad you both are okay. I gotten a call before i logged on saying you both were in a big wreck. Solomon are you okay i was told you was hospitalized. I’m so glad you both are okay.”. Atzo and Solomon are the only family he had left and was really concerned of them both.


  4. The streets was very crowded and very noisy. But Ren did hear something but it was faint and being drowned out by the crowd. The only word he was able to make out was “Atzo”. With high hopes he started down the road pushing his way through the crowd till he gotten to a large building. Ren made his way to the roof to get a better view. While on the roof Ren looked all around and seen what looks to be a park near the teleporters. There seemed to be plenty of players and npcs there so he squinted his eyes to see if he can spot his little brother. “Come on Atzo where are you” he thought to himself, until he spotted a player with red hair. Not knowing if it could be his brother not he started making his way to the park. Jumping across the rooftops to avoid the crowd down below. As he gotten closer to the park he notice another player next to the player with red hair and another walking towards the two. Ren stopped on the last building before the park to get a better look. And once again Ren yell “Atzo!!!!”. Hoping to get a response.

    8 hours ago, ren-sama said:



  5. While Ren sat in the tavern with his ale, thinking about what all has happened and watching the other players freak out and fight amongst each other. He heard people crying, yelling, and screaming “we are all doomed”. He turned to look out the window saying “Atzo where the hell are you”. Some players in the tavern looked at him and yelled “HOW THE HELL CAN YOU BE SO CALM!!!!”. Ren looked at the man with eyes that can pierce through someone's soul with a hint of red for he was wanting to throw that man through the window. The man waked up to him and thrown Rens ale off the table screaming “WELL SAY SOMETHING”. Ren said with anger “Piss off” then grabbed him and thrown him into the table. Then he started for the door. Reaching the cross road in the town yelling at the top of his lungs “ATZO!!!! WHERE ARE YOU!!!”.


  6. Ren sits on top of the tavern building looking into the sun set. Sitting there he wonders "how is he i hope he is doing okay.". Sits up looks around keeping an eye on the area. "I think i'm gonna go to the blacksmith or go down to the tavern. What to do what to do". Ren stands up looks around one more time then climbs down. Walks into the tavern looks around while walking to the keeper. “May i get some ale”. Sits at the empty table at the corner in the tavern. Sitting there minding his own business watching as the other people get rowdy and some violent and some were laughing. Drinking his ale watching everyone making sure no one will try and start a fight with him. Ren thought to himself “God damn these guys are getting rough here. I hope your doing alright little brother”. 

  7. Profile
    Username: Ren-Sama
    Real name: Ren Zevlum
    Age: 23
    Gender: male

    About: History/personality
    Ren came from a family where they expected him to excel in every aspect from fighting style to books. Until one day he messed up by joining the yakuzas at an early age. After that he became a disappointment to his family where his parents disowned him and most of his family but his little brother Atzo who loved him and did not abandon him like there family. Ren is a calm and reasonable person unless they piss off his new family or hurt his little brother. That is when he becomes bloodlust and wont stop until the job is done or they beg forgiveness to Atzo or the family.

    protevtive: over Atzo make sure no one hurts him. In the past Ren knows how it feels when there father gets mad when there is one little mistake there father would take them to the dojo and beat the hell out of them. That happened to Atzo, Ren seen the marks on Atzos face and lost is nerves and challenged there father to a fight. did not stop until there fathere was a bloody mess.

    perceptive: pays attention to his surroundings. Making sure his brother is safe he would look for any possible routes to take to get him out of there if he can. search for any possible danger so he knows is next move. looks at bigger pictures and keeps his brother in site where he can tell something is wrong. 

    Resourceful: use any means to win a fight. bigger opponents grab something to bring them down to his height. to escape use any and all exits, ally ways, buildings, lakes, etc. will make traps or ambush  his opponents if there is a larger number, any tactics from gorilla warfare to head on.

    Reference: http://www.darkworldrpg.com/lore/flaws.html
    stubbornness: refusal to give up. even looking in to deaths eyes he will still keep fighting. has a herd time asking for help. as well as refuse help from strangers

    Overambitious: he feels like he need to better. by learning more styles of fighting as well as new stuff to learn. he feels like he is not good enough to do anything so he tries to get better at anything he comes across

    Reckless: when he gets to blood lust he will not pay attention to what all is around him. he could be in middle of guards and not realize until he calms down. he will also get to the point where he is in blood lust he will go do things he normally wont like storm a building with no concern for his life.

    e Earning a Living quest has been completed.)

    Skills 0/5sp




    Weapon skills:
    »►one handed curved Sword:

    1 Ranks 5sp


    The effectiveness with which a player can use two-handed type long swords. (Example: Claymore, Broadsword)


    starter iron breast plate

    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle
    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress
    (no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)

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    Story Thus Far (optional)

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