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Posts posted by FrenchToaster

  1. On the fourth day of the hunt for potion making materials, FrenchToaster is still having no luck finding any useful materials. "I've been searching for days now, and I haven't found any other materials besides the one yesterday. I thought this quest was going to be easy, so I guess I'm just really unlucky." At the end of the day, FrenchToaster decided to rest under one of the many trees again, hoping to not be as unlucky as last time. As time goes on, FrenchToaster decides to sleep under the tree to relieve all of the stress from the previous few days of questing. While sleeping, FrenchToaster has a dream of finally getting one of the five potion materials. "Is this it? Is this the potion material I have been trying to find all of this time? FrenchToaster reaches out, and grabs the potion material, feeling all kinds of joy since they were one step closer to completing their first quest. FrenchToaster awakes from their dream, and realizes it wasn't a dream at all. "Wait, what is this new item in my inventory? Wait, what? There isn't just one, there are two new items? My dream was real? After that, FrenchToaster had more courage to go further into the forest and finish the quest given to them. ID: 78542 LD:16 2/5 Materials

  2. As FrenchToaster searches quickly for potion materials, they kick up some dirt, and it gets into their eyes. "AGH! My eyes are on fi-" Their sentence cutting away as their eyes focus on a single potion material floating down to the ground. "I found one! I actually found one! After all the hours of searching, I have found one material!" All of a sudden, a gust of wind blows the potion material away. As it gets taken from FrenchToaster, a level 3 boar appears. FrenchToaster is forced to retreat to the safer areas of the forest, not wanting to be the first player killed during this quest "I almost had it... It was right there, floating like it was having he best day of it's existence, and then...." FrenchToaster trails on, complaining every step of the way about how Zakariah had set them up, not knowing that they quest item had secretly fallen into their inventory. ID:78541 LD:12 1/5 Materials

  3. As FrenchToaster is searching around for potion materials, a random stick from their left side smacks ride into their head, knocking them out instantly, causing FrenchToaster to fall into the grass below, and lay there for multiple hours. Once FrenchToaster awakened, they started to freak out. "What was that?! What happened? Where did the sun go? Why am I covered in dirt? WHATS GOING ON?" A nearby squirrel hears the shouting and jumps off a weak branch right above FrenchToaster, causing them to get knocked out for a second time that day. FrenchToaster finds them self laying under a tree, and quickly rolls out from under it to avoid being hit in the head again. "I wish I was luckier than this" they say while searching for any blood. After finding nothing, they get up slowly to avoid hurting themselves any more than they have been. They quickly go back to searching for potions materials to escape the dangerous forest surrounding them. ID:78540 LD:1

  4. As FrenchToaster looked over the "beginner" mission given by the strange old man, they realize how difficult it will be to progress in this new world. "If I don't progress now, there will be no way for me to catch up to all of the players who purchased this day one...." Frenchtoaster looked Zakariah in the eyes, trying to tell if this was a trick or not, but after a few minutes They reluctantly accepted the quest, in hope that someone besides an npc was found at sometime during the quest. As FrenchToaster progressed through the quest, they quickly realized how boring non-combat gathering really was."I thought this was gonna be easier and a little more interesting, but this is the first quest in the game. I guess I will just have to put up with quests like this until I reach the second floor" FrenchToaster continued through the quest, gathering potion materials as the day continued on.

  5. Just a few other things i need help with...... When  a quest requires one page, or 20+ posts, how and where do these go..... How do i do non-combat gathering? What does energy do, or what is energy used for? What is RGN as seen above in your picture? Any of this would be nice to know, so I an start properly playing the game. Thanks.

  6. I'm really bad at this...

    So if i create a boar with normal health/damage, it would be 15 health/ 6 damage, based off of floor standard  parameters found here --->

    Since I'm level one, I'm guessing I have 20 health and 3 damage? In the beginners guide though, the level one character has 4 health, and 3 damage. Please explain which is right, if either is. As i said before, I'm really bad at this, and its been a long hour trying to find this out, since its now 1 am. Please help me with this, and give me some tips on how to become better at fighting and this game in general. Thanks in advance.

  7. Profile
    Username: FrenchToaster
    Real name: Logan Courtright
    Age: 16
    Gender: Male
    Height: 5.6 ft

    About: History/personality
    FrenchToaster is always running around from place to place to find people like them. They always think about the idea of friendship, and have decided to pursue it, wherever it might be hiding. They also are on the lookout for loot, due to never finding enough to sway their needs for more. Overall, all FrenchToaster wants is a friend to help them in times of need, so more loot can be obtained, and so FrenchToaster becomes more sane through the act of.....socializing.... FrenchToaster has been on the hunt for this friendship since they killed their first boar, and they have yet to find it.

    Joyful: Frenchtoaster is always easy to please, becoming happy at any random act, be it on accident or on purpose. Since they are so ecstatic, many people will tend to be hover around them to soak in the good atmosphere created by their joy. This also tends to make people not want to kill each other, and enjoy the festivities nearby.

    Loyal: Since FrenchToaster has been on the hunt for friendship, they will also be loyal to others. This will cause then to get into trouble from time to time due to FrenchToaster trusting the wrong people. This will cause people to sometimes dislike FrenchToaster, but more friends can be found.

    Animal Lover: FrenchToaster enjoys animals a lot, since they can't find many people to become friends with. This will cause Frenchtoaster to hang out in the wild a lot, trying to find an animal to socialize with. This can be interpreted as FrenchToaster being crazy, due to the random yelling occurring right after the animal being spooked.

    Believer: Frenchtoaster, after their encounters with the mystical "Ultimate Bench", believed there was a force that was not to be reckoned with. Now, any time they see a bench, they must fall to their knees, and start praying for their lord and savior, the Bench Lord. This may prove tiring after a while, due to the 3000+ benches on the first floor alone.


    Failure/Clumsy: FrenchToaster is very clumsy, even when doing the most simple tasks. Often they can be seen messing things up, even when it seems impossible. If asked to pick up a twig and move it a few feet away, FrenchToaster will mess up at some point, ruining everyone's day by failing their task.

    Introvert: FrenchToaster isn't that great at socializing, always having a hard time to talk to normal people. This will usually cause people to not stick around as long as they should if they were FrenchToaster's friends. This causes FrenchToaster to walk around by them self in dangerous areas, seeking adventure to find any source of amusement.

    Unlucky: FrenchToaster always seems to get into trouble at the worst times, or not get that piece of loot when it's guaranteed to drop. FrenchToaster always wants more, and in return gets way less, which causes FrenchToaster to become violent faster than most. This can cause them to jump into situations without any plans beforehand, and it ultimately ends badly for all parties involved.

    Profession: (Leave blank until the Earning a Living quest has been completed.)



    Equipped Weapon: One-Handed Iron Dagger

    Equipped Armor: Improvised Cloth Armor (MIT 1)


    5 Tier One Health Potions of Uncommon Quality (+40 HP)

    1 Tier One Damage Potion (+1 Damage)

    1 Tier One Over-Health Potion (+50 Temp. HP)

    1 Potion of Safeguard




    +400 The First Few Lessons Are Free

    +400 The Second Lesson, Is Also Free


    Skill Point Amount: 11 SP

    Skill Points Used: 5 SP




    Weapon skills:
    One Handed Dagger - Rank One ( +1 Damage)

    Stats:  Level 5 - 100 Health  2 Damage  5 Energy

    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle
    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress


    Solo: <<The First Few Lessons Are Free>> - Complete



    Solo: <<The Second Lesson, Is Also Free>> - In progress



    solo: <<The Third Lesson, Is Just As Free>> - In progress



    Solo: <<Earning a Living>> - In progress (Need to start topic)



  8. So uh, I'm new, as in this is my first post. I'm also easily confused. How do i acquire skills. I know this is a dumb question, but, you know, certain people need help with easy tasks, yeah. Please help me. please.

    Nest time I will read through everything, like the first page to help people getting started with this.... Please save me god..... Thanks.....


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