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Posts posted by Zanne

  1. Zanne entered the two story building and hung back a bit, looking around while Gryas went up and talked with the NPC. She could still hear their conversation So she knew what they had to do but she was just fascinated with the interior of the place. She would love to own a home like this one day. It had beautiful wooden furniture, large floor to ceiling cabinets with open glass fronts that displayed their contents, and a beautiful wooden staircase leading up to the second floor that she wanted to go up and explore as well but thought better to stay down here with her party. Zanne received the 'shared quest' pop up and quickly scanned over the requirements to make sure they didn't miss anything. Hmmm.. its suggested level was a little higher then she had expected. It was not too high, she imagined that between the the three of them they would be able to manage it. 

    Zanne was still over by one of the cabinets examining its content through the glass when Gryas walked up to her and said a few words about staying out of danger. True, she was known for being reckless at times, and it has but the both of them in danger before. This quest though was different, if she got caught out it could prove fatal. Zanne gave him a half embarrassed smile. "Don't worry Gry, I will stay safe, and make sure that you are too!" Gryas could be a bit blunt sometimes, this was one of those times. Zanne however never felt offended by the way he said things, she knew everything he did was backed by well meaning and good intentions. Zanne headed back outside into the early afternoon sun and thought she would try her luck at finding something in the area as Gryas and Stryder were a bit slower to leave the building. Nothing caught her eye, which was to be expected considering if there were things lying about in the center of a village other players would surely have snatched them up themselves by now.

    ID# 84563 results:   Loot: 6

  2. Zanne was actually quite proud of Gryas, she knew how much effort he would have put into being open like that, and to ask this new player along with them. She was happy for him to join of course, She wanted to expand and make new friends in this world. Zanne never had the opportunity growing up to have many friends. Her father moved them around too often to make any lasting friendships. Now that they were trapped in this world there was no moving around. No being left behind or leaving people behind. She could make friends on her own terms and she could be there for them and vice versa when needed. "We would be happy to have you along!" Zanne said. "Why don't we just head over to that two story building that we told the quest was available in?" Zanne began moving towards the house, hoping that the both of them would follow. Out of habit she had a quick look around. It never hurt to keep an eye out for useful materials. None were in view as they walked through the village towards the large story house and their next quest to be had.

    ID# 84526: Loot: 4

  3. Zanne looked up from the daggers she was inspecting and noticed Gryas was speaking to the blacksmith. She decided to join in and hand in her quest at the same time. "Oh this is from Zackeriah? Thanks for dropping by! While I have you here though I don't suppose you would be willing to help me out on another matter?" The old blacksmith asked. Gryas had a look on his face as if he had just heard the exact same thing. Quests seem to be the same regardless who turns them in. Zanne delivered the package and a continuation quest popped up. She also just received the rewards for the quest she just completed. A lovely 400 Col and a bunch of different potions. Those will all com in handy! And with that 400 Col she might be able to get some decent gear as well! Zanne turned to Gryas and asked "I guess you just got another quest promp too? Well, I am ready if you are!"

  4. "Oh nice work Gryas!" Zanne said in joy, happy that they both had succeeded so easily in the task. She accepted the 'deliver the package' quest as well and made her way out of the alchemist. Walking towards the blacksmith which was now a quest marker on her map made it an easy find as she walked through the busy streets. It didn't take them too long to arrive at the blacksmith. There were actually a few other players here. Some were handing in quests that she imagined were the followup that she had just done and others were buying basic equipment upgrades. Looking at her own gear she realized that she herself could probably do with some better armor and a better dagger. Once she finished of these beginner quests it should be no problem getting those sorted.

    Zanne waited patiently while the NPC was preoccupied. She spent some time looking at the different pieces of equipment on the walls and on the tables inside the armory. There were a few daggers on display that looked so nice! She poked one and some stats popped up in her view. Uncommon Dagger: +1 Damage. She couldn't afford it of course, she had to wait for the payment of this quest to come in, but once she did she figured she would go around and do a bit of shopping.

  5. Zanne was so excited at that time, she skipped most of the way back to the Town of Beginnings humming a happy tune all the way. It was not long until they reached the front gate, passed through it as were on their way to Zackeriah's shop front. "We are back! So whats next Zackeriah?" She asked as she handed over the quest items.

    "Hmmmm it all seems to be here, good work! The next thing I need you to do is craft a healing potion for me! Here take these, and follow the instructions in this manual." He said as he handed over a mortar and pestle and a small hand book. Zanne took the items and sat down at one of the work benches, pulling out the manual and glossing over the first few pages. "Oh ok I think I got this!" She said as she started combining the materials into the mortar and pestle. "Hey this is easy!" She exclaims as the items all mold together perfectly and it produced a perfect potion. "Here you go Zackeriah! All done!" Handing over the potion she walked over to Gryas and slapped him on the back. "Ok now your turn!"

     ID# 84469 results:   Craft: 12  (Perfect Quality)

  6. Zanne was int the Town of Beginnings enjoying the breeze as she relaxed, taking a nap under one of the tree's in the park near the Inn she usually stayed at. She knew the rumors about sleep PK'ers, but she just felt safe in this town, and this was one of her favorite spots. Not too far away she hear some one call out. Well she thought she did, she could have dreamt it but something told her to get up and go investigate. There some something oddly familiar to it after all. passing through the trees and avoiding the paths  she moved along to where she could have sworn she heard the noise from but there was no one to be seen. With a shrug she discarded her curiosity as a figment of her imagination and settled down under the closest tree, closing her eyes and once again enjoying the breeze. She decided to be lazy today, Gryas was off on some errand involving but it was a bit too sciencey for her liking so she made him promise he would stay safe she left him to his own for the day. Mmmmm that breeze truly was nice, she had a smile on her face as she began to doze once more. 

  7. Zanne paused, a trade window popped up on her screen and which she was hesitant to accept. What shocked her the most however was what he had said about player killers. Why would a player want to do something like that? The thought of it horrified her! And the Emerald Harbingers? Zanne didn't know much about the guilds but she did know that those that usually joined them usually fought on much higher levels and were quite strong! Even while all of this information was sinking in she was able to keep in control and held one of her convincing smiles.

    Zanne had a knack of reading people, and the man she just met, Stryder, he just had a similar look on his face that Gryas had when they first met. Zanne had been working hard to help bring Gryas some joy to his live ever since and she decided that in payment for Stryder's kind deed she would do the same. Zanne click accept on the trade window as she brushed past Gryas. "Well that is very kind of you! As payment though maybe you could tell us the names of those people you were looking for! I could keep an eye out for them for you!" Zanne put on as reassuring voice as she could. She knew a level 1 that had never left the first floor probably wouldn't be much but she meant what she said.

  8. Zanne lined up another rock and let loose, hitting the tree square in the center this time. "Bullseye!" Gryas didn't turn around to see what she was doing, he was staring off at the Town of Beginnings and seemed to be deep in thought again. This time at least he had a look of determination on his face, that same look that made her feel confident and safe travelling with a companion was so determined as Gryas was. She was walking over to him when she noticed something on the ground... She was on fire! Something as silly as working up her confidence throwing rocks seemed to have paid off as she found the last quest item that they needed! "Hey Gryas! I found the last one! Lets make our way back and see what our next task is." She said with a energetic hop to her step. She grabbed Gryas by the hand and began leading him back to town and towards Zachariah's store.

     ID# 84448 results:   Battle: 9   Craft: 12   Loot: 18!   MOB: 4

  9. "I would do an awesome job at tanking! Just think how cute I would look in shiny full plate armor!" Zanne laughed as she replied. The idea of being a tank actually truly scared her. Everyone would look to you for protection, everyone would depend on you to keep them safe, it was a lot of responsibility to take on, and while Zanne was comfortable with being on the spotlight that kind of pressure was a completely different thing. Picking up a rock she lined up the tree they were sitting at and threw it with decent precision, hitting it just off center and bouncing off into the grass a few feet from the tree's base. "Woohoo!" Zanne exclaimed, left arm tucked inwards with a clenched fist, right leg tucked up and right arm extended skyward in a victory pose. "If only searching was that easy!" Its the small victories that are important! She told herself as she continued the search for the elusive thistlebloom.

     ID# 84445 results:   Battle: 6   Craft: 5   Loot: 6   MOB: 5

  10. Glancing over Zanne looked at Gryas and could see a a troubled look on his face. She had seen it before many times, thankfully though she saw it less and less. He never told her whats on his mind but she didn't need to ask. She had always been good at reading people, and she knew that what ever troubled him was something that he was not ready to talk about. She returned to her searching before Gryas could notice she was looking at him and called out a playful jest towards him about how could a thief be so hopeless at finding loot! She told her self that when he was finally ready to talk, she would be there for him. Just like he has always been there for her since they got trapped in this game.

    ID# 84441 results:   Loot: 6

  11. Zanne slipped quietly into the Inn and looked around. It was bustling with noise and motion, both players and NPC's were scattered around the tables enjoying themselves, boasting about hunts they had just done or loot they had found. Moving past the tables some of the players called out to her asking her if she wanted a seat. With a smile she politely turned them down one by one as she moved her way to the bar. Pulling up a stool she leaned over and signaled the Inn keep over. The NPC made his way up the bar to her after he had finished serving some drinks to a small party of players at the other end. "What can I do for you young lady?" He asked. "Two rooms for tonight please and just some bread please!" She asked with a smile ready to accept the keys from the Inn keep. "OK dear that would be just 50 Col total!" A transaction window popped up and with a start Zanne had realized that it must be only in the Town of Beginnings that offers free board and basic food for the low level players. It seems that anyone who has made their way out here must have at least basic gear and some money to pay for things like this, and she had spend all of hers on travel expenses to get here!

    Slightly embarrassed she quickly turned away mumbling something to the Inn keep about deciding to keep on moving instead and looked around for Gryas. He wasn't in the Inn so she decided to go outside and search for him. Looks like they will need to take this quest first after all before they could go and relax. Slipping out the door she could see him just off to the side, back to her. "Gryyyyyaaas they want us to pay at this Inn and..." As he turned slightly to look over his shoulder at her she noticed that they weren't alone, he was talking to another player! Well that's a first! She thought! Feeling slightly embarrassed and hoping this newcomer didn't piece together the reason why she was complaining about having to pay she walked up to him and with a smile and outstretched hand "Hello my name is Zanne, pleased to meet you! I hope I wasn't interrupting!"

     ID# 84439 results: Loot: 3 (could not find anyone to buy her an afternoon snack)

  12. Zanne noticed another sparkle on the ground that she quickly ran over to and snatched up. "Yep, and with that we only need 2 more!" This spot seemed to have better luck with finding them, they were almost done and could head back into the Town of Beginnings in time for some lunch. Still making her figure eights across the hillside she thought too herself once again that she must look a tad silly, but most players would have done this quest by now and they would have been doing exactly the same thing! Well thats what she thought anyway. She did know however that some of the higher up players had skipped leveling in this starter area. Those that played the game during the beta new all the good places to train and ran off at the very start.

    ID# 84437 results:   Battle: 1   Craft: 7   Loot: 14   MOB: 8

  13. Zanne jumped up to her feet. "What? There was one right there and I didn't see it? No fair! Urg I am so bad at this!"  Even though she felt frustrated she couldn't help but smile. If there is one consistent thing that people find about Zanne is that she always seems cheerful. "Well, no use wasting time now! I need to finish this too!" Zanne began her search again, making figure eights with eyes peeled wide open scanning the ground in front of her. She was beginning to regret leveling into daggers at the start of the game.. Should have gone for searching instead! "Hey Gryas... Could you pleeeease help me find the rest?" She pulled out all the works, the best puppy dog eyes she could manage and as sweet a voice as she could manage.

     ID# 84417 results:   Battle: 4   Craft: 8   Loot: 7   MOB: 8

  14. Following Gryas they made their way to up and down several small hills to an area that had a small outcrop of trees. Some shade would be nice right about now, and they still had a long day of searching ahead of them it seemed as it appeared almost impossible for Zanne to find any of the quest items. She felt much better now that she had something to eat and now had a little bit of shade. Zanne gracefully sat at the foot of one of the trees and stretched her legs out, relaxing and taking in her surroundings. Casually brushing her hand through the grass she was really only making half an effort to search for the thistlebloom, It was fairly peaceful right now and she wanted to savor the moment. "Hey Gryas, I wanted to say thank you for coming along with me and partying with me this whole time. I don't know if I could have done this on my own"

     ID# 84406 results:  Battle: 10   Craft: 6   Loot: 2   MOB: 5


    Quest Update:

    Zanne: 2/5

    Gryas: 4/5


  15. "Oh woooow! This town is so cute!" Zanne said excitedly as she brushed past Gryas and walked into the town. Zanne really didn't mind the travel, the forest was actually quite beautiful but you cant find any kind of comforts in the Town of Beginnings. The Inns and taverns are simple and cramped, sure some of the stores had some nice things but they all cost Col and Gryas and she had spent all their money on food, rent and a map that they purchased from another player. She went by the name Rat and said she was an informant, but she seemed to have good intent and happy to help other players even if she had to qualms about taking the last of their Col. "You know what Gryas,relaxing in the Inn for a bit is the best idea I have heard all day! Do you think the Inn has a bath? I would love one travelling through after that forest!" With a cheerful bounce in her step she lead the way towards the in and gracefully stepped in through the door.


    The didn't walk too far, they had crested several small hills when Gryas slowed down slightly . "Why don't we stop a moment Zanne and have a bite to eat?" He said as he held out something in his hand. It was one of those black breads that they usually ate while wondering around the Town of Beginnings. All of a sudden Zanne realized just how hungry she was, eyeing the bread roll she gratefully took it from Gryas and ate it in 3 large hungry bites. "Thanks Gryas!" Zanne managed through a mouthful of bread. It was now just past 10:30 and they had been at it for a couple of hours, Zanne was itching for some more combat but she knew there would be plenty of time for that in the future. For now though she thought she should just take advantage of the tranquility of the calm sunny weather, beautiful scenery and good company. Looking around while admiring the land around her she couldn't help but spot something just over the ridge, and to her glee she picked it up adding it to her inventory and increasing her quest her count to 2/5.


    Quest Update:

    Zanne: 2/5

    Gryas: 4/5

     ID# 84400 results:

     Battle: 7

     Craft: 11

     Loot: 12

     MOB: 10

  17. Zanne still had no luck it seemed in finding the thistlebloom. So much for a starter quest! This is taking forever! Hey Gryas lets go move somewhere else, this place doesn't seem to have many of them. Zanne waited for a response as she looked over and saw him crouching down and looking at the grass. Is he done already?! 

    Zanne began walking a bit further away from the Town of Beginnings hoping to find an area that hadn't already been picked clean by other players. Her spirits were high, it was difficult to not be cheerful in sunny weather like today's, especially while walking across such beautiful plains.

    ID# 84337 results:

     Battle: 7

     Craft: 8

     Loot: 2

     MOB: 6

  18. Zanne was feeling too much of a high from the thrill and fear of battle to focus too much on searching right now. "OK lets find these and get back to Zackariah! Ummmm.. I still only have 1...."

    She still had her dagger out while searing, making the occasional thrusts and cuts through the air. She probably looked a little silly but Gryas was the only one around that could see her and she felt comfortable enough around him not to care. What she was beginning to care about however was her inability to find any thistlebloom! 

     ID# 84335 results    Loot: 4

  19. This time Zanne was ready. Dagger in hand she raced forward towards the boar. It had started to move towards Gryas for another attack but she was too kick for it as she lunged forward and leaping on top of the boar and stabbing down into the back of its head. She rode it down to the ground as it crashed beneath her, its health bar dropping at the same time to 0, and then exploded into a spray of shining colored lights. Tucking and rolling back up onto her feet she stood up straight with dagger still in hand, and took a deep breath of exhilaration and relief. Looking over at Gryas and his yellow health she suddenly felt ashamed for putting him in so much danger and ran over to him, wrapping her arms around him and with a smile on her face she let out a sob. "I'm so glad your safe! And I am so sorry for putting you into so much danger! Please forgive me!"

    ID# 84333 results: Battle: 10  Craft: 4  Loot: 2  MOB: 3

    Zanne: HP: 20/20, Energy: 1/2, Dam: 2, Mit: 0

    Gryas: HP: 12/20, Energy 1/2, Dam: 1, Mit: 1

    Boar: HP: -3/5, Dead

  20. The boar charged at Gryas again. "Move out of the way!" Zanne screamed but it was too late, and once again collided with him leaving a gore mark through his thigh. She had to do something! Gryas's health bar was in the yellow! The fear that had previously coursed through her was gone in an instant and with a flash of speed she charged forward, she had to kill this thing. She had to protect Gryas. Just as the boar was landing on the ground from its charge she darted in front, running crouched, and with a graceful leap sailed over the boar digging her dagger down at the same time and driving it into the back. She had missed the head, but as she saw the mobs health bar drop to red she knew that for now she had done enough. The next one would kill it. 

    ID# 84331 results:  Battle: 7  Craft: 11  Loot: 15  MOB: 6

    Zanne: HP: 20/20, Energy: 1/2, Dam: 2, Mit: 0

    Gryas: HP: 12/20, Energy 1/2, Dam: 1, Mit: 1

    Boar: HP: 2/5, Dam: 5

  21. Clutching her dagger she took a step back and skirted around the battlefield, keeping some distance between her and the boar. She worked her way around behind the boar as it crouched down on its haunches and prepare to launch forward towards Gryas. As Zanne jumped forward to hit the boar it moved quicker then she expected, charging forward and rushing head first into Gryas, one of its tusks hitting Gryas in the side as Zanne slashed at the air where the boar once stood. "GRYAS! NO!" This was all her fault! Panic struck her as she saw his health bar go down.


    ID# 84329 results:   Battle: 1  Craft: 3  Loot: 11  MOB: 10

    Zanne: HP: 20/20, Energy: 1/2, Dam: 2, Mit: 0

    Gryas: HP: 16/20, Energy 1/2, Dam: 1, Mit: 1

    Boar: HP: 5/5, Dam: 5


    Quest Update:

    Zanne: 1/5 Thistleblooms

    Gryas: 3/5 Thistleblooms


  22. It seemed that last one was just a fluke. Zanne paced up and down the hillside searching for more thistlebloom but to no avail. A thought crossed her mind, Maybe the boars are eating them all? Hmmmm that wouldn't make sense though would it? The boars just outside of town were peaceful unless you attacked them. She had heard many stories though of monsters deeper in the forest that would attack you on sight! The thought made her shudder, if she were venture out that way she best make sure that she was strong enough! Eyeing a near by boar she began to sneak up on it, like a graceful cat stalking her prey. Excitement, fear, anticipation, dozens of emotions bundled up inside of her and she leaped at the boar with a scream. Her aim was not quite on the mark though as she crashed body first into it. Luckily for her however the boar was thrown off balance as it tried to gore her out of shock as it turned to face her. 

    ID# 84326 results:

     Battle: 1

     Craft: 9

     Loot: 8

     MOB: 1

  23. Zanne extended a hand and a cheeky smile to Gryas, offering to help him up. "Oh is that how its done is it!" Her slight deflation over not finding any of the thistlebloom faded away as she laughed at the thought of a "mighty warrior" being defeated by a little weed! She did however catch a glance at the shinny object before it was defeated by the mighty Gryas and saw something sparkle in the distance, just off to the side. "Hey! I think I see one!" She exclaimed as she rushed over to the object that she saw. She reached down and picked it up, at the same time her quest log updated and she "Wooped" in joy.

    ID# 84324 results:   Loot: 16

  24. Looking around Zanne moved over to where Gryas was, maybe they spawn more frequently over in that area? She searched for a few more minutes but all she could see was the green rolling plains and that lovable goof of a friend of hers that seemed to be using up all the luck! She had to be missing something! She stopped searching for a moment, turning it off completely, closing her eyes and then reactivated it. Turning to Gryas tho she was wondering if there was something else to it that she didn't know.

    "Hey Gryas... how do you keep finding them so easy? Its felt like an hour and all I can see is grass and boars!"

    ID# 84322 results:   Loot: 5

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