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Posts posted by Ragnarok

  1. 9icW6tJ.jpg

    << Skill List 기술 목록 >>
    Skill List: [1/2 Skill Slot Used] - SP Total: 9 / SP Used: 5
    >> Rank 1 - One Handed Curved Sword [5 SP]
    >> Rank 0 - xxx [0 SP]
    >> Rank 0 - xxx [0 SP]
    Extra Skill List: 
    >> Rank 0 - xxx [0 SP]
    >> Rank 0 - xxx [0 SP]

    << Equipment 장비 >>
    >> Tier 1 Rare - Dancing Cutlass [Enhancements: Damage/Damage]
    >> Tier 1 - xxx [Enhancements: x/x/x]
    >> Tier 1 - xxx [Enhancements:

    In Inventory:
    >> 3x Starter Healing Potions (Heals 50 HP)
    >> 10 T1 Materials
    >> 0 T2 Materials

    >> 0 T3 Materials
    >> 2500 Col

  2. 0FN7Oj4.jpg

    "Out of all the people you can be, you'll never be me."
    "당신이 될 수있는 모든 사람들 중에서, 당신은 절대로 절대로 없을 것입니다."

    << Ragnarok 라그나로크 >>

    • Real Name: Minho Gyeong (민호 慶)
    • Date of Birth: 2/14/1998
    • Age When SAO Began: 25
    • Height: 5'10

    << History 역사 >>


    Minho born and raised in South Korea lived as the stereotypical popular kid growing up. In school he always known as the talented attractive boy with a "golden voice." While he always denied that anyone could sing if they had tried and practiced, he would never deny showing it off if a pretty girl had asked if he could sing for them. His father and mother was nearly always never home but they had worked very busy lives as businessmen gaining a huge amount of income, meaning: Minho while in school threw countless parties while they were out of country for Business trips. He did struggle when it came to the classes themselves, he never showed up to his parents with failing grades, he made sure that he had passed every class before Report Card time... even if it meant cheating or offering just a bit of money to do it. Essentially his young stages of his life, was... for a lack of a better term: fantastic in his mind.

    After he had graduated he had followed his calling which was: Music and Partying. He spent countless days learning dancing from a professional dancer, and rehearsing and performing for many agents... he eventually had one hire him into a K-Pop group, eventually his stage name had gotten to him after meeting up with the group and giving it thought after being asked for a stage name... "Ragnarok." Eventually after 6 years after being hired, he had stabilized himself as a K-Pop celebrity and had countless amounts of funds in his bank account, and while the fame and fortune had gotten to him... he was doing the things he loved the most: creating music, partying whenever he felt like, and hitting up bars and other parties and flirting countless girls while he was at it. He was happy for a time. He wasn't really into Video Games as much as his other band members were, but the topic of "Sword Art Online" had sparked into his head... a RPG where you can live and breathe in a virtual world and it all feels so real... it seemed like a dream come true. And of course, he had reservations to purchase one to try out... hours later he found out it was the worst mistake he's made in his life.

    << Virtues  >>


    Golden Voice: Minho naturally just has a great voice meant for singing, and in the real world he uses his voice to the best advantages he can. Sometimes he uses it to attract females, however for majority of the time he sings simply because he feels like doing so. It wouldn't be much of a surprise while in SAO he would find himself singing a lot for performances or simply to attract some.
    Suave: Minho even though being Egotistical and somewhat a jerk at times, he knows how to present himself to have a good name. He makes sure he looks great majority of the time, he makes sure that he says the right things in certain situations... and most importantly introduce himself well. However sometimes, he can come off the wrong way.
    Heroic: Minho will step forward when a hero needs to be there, he'll step into a battle he can't win just to save one. Sometimes he'll save those who don't deserve to be saved, as long as they end up as a ally he wont care. As long that his name is good, he doesn't care he'll save everyone and thing that is stuck in this world.
    Adventurous: While trapped in this world, he loves to take moments to enjoy the scenery and explore every now and then. He truly believes that there is an endless amount of things to see in this world... and he wants to see everything. He'll even go cave exploring if given the chance to.

    << Flaws 하자 >>

    Egotistical: His name means everything to him, no one really matters other than him. Even though he has a soft spot and would save literally everyone... if it doesn't result in his name looking a bit better, he'll feel like its a waste of his time. While he doesn't see this to be an issue nor does he think he's Egotistical it can be heard from how he talks when you get to know him. At the end of the day he loves his name and himself.
    Flirtatious: When given the chance, if you are a female and alone with this man... more than likely you'll find that he'll be flirtatious towards you. He loves his romance, however sometimes he could be a little... pushy about it. Again, he doesn't recognize that he has a flirting problem, but he does know that he does flirt with females when given the chance.
    Easily Angered: If you talk bad about his name or try to make his name less of important than he thinks it is, he'll more than likely be extremely angry towards one. Sometimes he might take it to a extreme, and might even attack even though he knows its bad to do. However in other situations, he can get mad on the most aggravating and repetitive things.
    Twisted: Minho eventually if pushed to a limit, would go off and in the terms of this game would go as far to actually kill someone. Majority of the time he'll just want to release his anger for a few moments, and would snap back into reality seeing the damage he's done. However, he has never been in this situation before.


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