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Posts posted by Crim

  1. members can Solo play with a character all they want. But the point of a guild is to have people with common interest play together. by having one person/muti accounts make a guild all to themselves defeats the reasoning for having one

  2. But that would pretty much negate the point of having an RP forum if you make a whole guild of yourselves and just RP with yourself. All you would produce is a self made story of what your characters are doing, eventually writing a book XD

    I could make up my own fan fic if i wanted a guild of my selves (even if they were all different in there little ways). So i think that should be a rule.

    A minimum of 2 characters that are not your character to make a guild, after that, you can have all the alts you want but the guild has to maintain the other two also

  3. lol, i don't usually argue a point unless i know I'm 100% right :p but yes, so we shall leave it as this then?

    Safe Areas are:

    Towns/Villages/cities/Player Homes/Guild HQ's/ and special places in fields

    Pk-able areas are in any field

    You can not Pk a player if it is a dual unless you take advantage of them outside of the safe area.

    Sleep PK is acceptable but only if you are in a field

  4. Nope, Duals can be anywhere but you Cannot PK in a Safe Area, was in the Manga/Anime. Was the reason why Kirito and Asuna went hunting for the reason why people were dying in towns. When in actuality they weren't, they were just respawning because they lost there gear. I forget the Episode number but yea, Cant PK in a safe zone and so if you sleep there, you can still be challenge to a dual (Like in the series) but your dual will end after your health hits the yellow zone

  5. Well, there is almost a City on every floor or a base/Player house so the way i can see this going that after every floor we unlock, we can add a new city to the topic of the Level Area and also allow members to say they bought a house on Level X once that are has been unlocked.

    But yea, gives it a chance to make it our own SAO by making names for new cities not noted

  6. It's more going to be like me, Pi and Edan (despite him dropping out) working as one oiled machine. Just because someone was voted "Chief Administrator" doesn't mean they're the top dog. All for one and one for all.

    Woot! We're all working to the same goals right? so lets not trample over everyone and make sure idea's are hear. Make sure we read the Whole Topic before we make a post to comment on it ^^.

    So Three Cheers to everyone here on the site! GO TEAM!

  7. I changed my vote as i have to agree with Sara that some of our idea's all run into the same snag, with 1 account/muti char's it will be harder to use the simple stuff to manage players (Guilds, levels, states ext) without having to jump back and forth between character sheets. So i see that it would be more practical to use this method and members will have to keep track of there login's, though we can suggest to start off with one and work your way up to more if you feel comfortable.

    Also, we could simply change the username to match a new character name if your old one dies. Seen it done before and as far as i can remember, it never changes your initial login stuff.

  8. yea, now im kind of seeing the downside to the muti players one account thing... Would be hard to manage who was where after some time.

    If we do the one character/one account thing, we could make it so that in one of the requirements, the guild can't comprise of more then X amount of characters belonging to a single person?

  9. ~Unlocked topic

    I see it being more confusing because then you have to remember all the accounts you have made with the site, remember if it was closed because you died or what not. Also that would clutter the site with a lot of accounts. Idk, thats just me though

  10. and how do we plan to level the skills if there is no level advancement? Honor system will be way over abused in this case and i can see some people saying they can max out some skills before even finishing the first level bracket

  11. Well you also missed my post/topic for Col Idea Mythee

    Levels 1-10: Create an RP =20 Col, every post inside is worth 4 col

    Level 11-20: Create an RP=40 Col, Every post is worth 8

    But i do see your reason behind the wordcount/post

  12. Level Requirement: At least 5 for sure as im sure players wern't teaming up in SAO tell then XD

    Agree with both Sara and Sieg, advertise for it or they might have to do it by Word of Mouth IC.

    Shall users be 100% in control over groups/guilds?

    Or should GM's manage the groups/guilds via the forum's groups feature like how we have Administrators, GM's, and Beta Tester groups here on the forum.

    I like where Sieg is going with this, Think we could create a specific user group for each Guild made or maybe giving the Guild Master the user group to be able to only manage there Guild Area? Of Course, if they abuse it, we strip them of this privilage but they still will have there guild leadership and only will give them the bare basics.

    Where will players manage guild activity? in the fields, or a separate section, town topics, etc...?

    If we want to stay close to the series, players can have a guild but not a base of opps unless they buy it. Maybe start off with a rather low number for a simple place and work there way up to castle size guild area's? Though they may win special one time guild/player houses through events. I think that would be a neat option

  13. ... oh now I'm seeing a problem with multiple characters per account, going all the way back to the level system, as its currently based on post count. @_@

    Easy Solution, put it in your Character Sig or in your Character Profile.

  14. I don't really think we even need a "NPC" team. Too many teams IMO

    Pff, you can never have to many Team's Sar ;)

    But i do see Nami's point and Agree, However(my famous last words XD), Special Events could call for an NPC, no? like the beginning Event :P

  15. Right now there isn't a swarm of people here Nevina, but later on there might be. Then it just gets crazy filled. Gotta prepare for the long run in these cases IMO.

    Thats my whole bases of it, Gotta look at the "IF's" when it comes to planning like this as once it is set into motion, it will be harder to change the further we are down the line.

    So shall we start up another Poll? Single Topic Character sheet's or One Topic for all your characters and just edit your post as thing change

  16. hmm, think thats to complicated there Mythee, We can do a post for Col and that each time you make a new adventure you get X amount and post inside will gain you more. So we could do the field topics will gain you 20 for each one made and 4 for each post inside of it. When we jump to the next bracket of levels, we can double it.

    Or.. we can do more work and Grade each completed topic and award Col based on a simple system. Like X amount of words/posts and times X amount like

    1500 words divided by 10 posts = 150 col

  17. How is that going to work if they are inactive (assuming they haven't been logging onto the site). I would think it would have the same reaction as..

    "Hey! Can i PK you to advance my story line?" "Um no.. go PK someone else."

    Ok, so do we agree on that there is no PK'ing in Towns/Cities/Villages/Inns/Player Housing/Guild Areas?

    Sleeping PK if they are in a field and there is another player there (Open Party of course) and after X-amount of time an a PM warning, they can be pk'ed?

    If the player is in a safe area, they are safe from any form of termination and they will suffer a penalty such as no level bumps and maybe a slight level decrease.. I'm still not comfortable with the Level decrease on this one XD

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