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Posts posted by Ayame

  1. I decided that I can't live like how I was anymore, I replied as we walked to a destination yet unknown to me. I haven't been out and about long, maybe for a few hours. I finally figured out that to escape we need to get out on our own. The front lines are only on level 21, we need more people to join the cause of getting out. We need people that are willing to dedicate themselves to others. That are willing to take risks so that we can leave. I say passionately. This is what I had discovered from sitting in a small inn room since opening night. 

    I'm thankful that the Kuro accepted me. The cute lion seems to mean a lot to Hestia. If he accepts me then we are one step closer to becoming friends rather than friendly acquaintances. Friends are exactly what everyone needs in these hard times. Suddenly a thought strikes me, Hestia, your name doesn't happen to be based off of the Greek goddess of the hearth and family, is it?


  2. Nodding in acknowledgment, I accept both Party and Friend invites and sent my own Friend invite to Hestia. I move over to the quest giving NPCHello. Do you need any help? I question him. He seems to come alive as soon as I start to talk to him. He blinked down at me. Oh yes please and thank you. I need some materials for my potions. Can I bother you to get them for me? Then I'll need you to craft a potion. Finally, I have a package that I need delivered to a local blacksmith. I smiled in relief. This was a relatively easy quest. I wouldn't have to fight for my life just yet. Walking back to Hestia, I realized that a person that I had just met had been kind to me. She ways the first person to seem to care about me since I got here. I still cursed my obsession with SAO that I had. I desperately wished to be safe at home, but I knew that to do that, I would need to fight my way out. This quest would just be the start of a new me. 


  3. http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/15361-ayames-journal/

    I walked along in the Town of Beginnings looking at everything in wonder. No matter how often I walk these streets, I will always find something new and exciting to see here. Suddenly, I spot an amazing site. A white furred lion with black angel wings. The creature is walking beside a tall girl with back hair. Her hair has silver streaks running through it. They are sitting at the fountain in the middle of the square. Seemingly at ramdom, they get up and walk into a shop. Seeking to see more of the large dog sized lion with wings, I started to follow them. Stepping into the shop, I realized why they walked into the shop. There was a quest NPC standing behind the counter. The NPC has long white hair with a short beard. Approaching the girl, I said, "Hello, my name is Ayame. I think that your familiar is adorable. Do you mind if I join you for this quest, I haven't done this one yet."

  4. Description- Ayame stands just under five feet with a plain face. She has long wavy back hair and dark brown eyes. She is lithe with little fat adorning her body.


    -Username- Ayame

    -Realmame- Ayame Hitsugaya

    -Age- 16

    -Gender- female

    -Height- 4'11.5"

    History- Ayame is an intelligent almost straight A high school student. She does something called cirque as an extra curricular activity. Cirque is aerial and ground acrobatics. She grew up with a love of reading that her mother carefully nurtured. She adores all fiction books, especially fantasy. She also enjoys story telling. When she was little, her family spent three years abroad for her father's work, leading her to enjoy various types of food.

    After hearing about Sword Art Online, Ayame decided it might be fun to play. She believed that it would be exciting to learn to fight and to move while not actually moving. For a while before it came out, it was all that she read and talked about. Because of this, her grandparents arranged for her parents to buy her a copy as an early birthday present, including the NerveGear. With her grandparents providing the money and her parents the effort, both only had to procure only one large present in total. 


    Ayame is intelligent and observant. She is a capable problem solver and can work things out for herself. She enjoys the satisfaction of figuring something out, or solving a problem herself rather than having people spell things out for her. This helps her notice things most people wouldn't. Noticing things allows her to draw conclusions about that thing. She has trained this skill through reading mystery novels and figuring out how a book ends before she finishes it.

    Ayame is kind and slow to anger. She enjoys helping others. She will go to great lengths to help someone if she feels they need her help, or if she is asked for help. It takes quite a bit to make her angry. She will mostly be angry for someone else rather than for herself.

    Ayame is persistent. Once she sets her mind to something, she won't give up on it. If someone needs her help, then she'll help them until they don't need her anymore. If she wants to do something, she will keep trying until she gets it done, no matter how long it takes her.


    Ayame is emotional. Often times, Ayame will allow her emotions to rule her actions and words. This can get especially bad when she gets angry, even if she is relatively slow to anger. When angry, she screams and might even get violent towards the person or thing making her angry.

    Ayame can be picky. She sees somethings that she might decide that she doesn't like. She will avoid those things at all costs. These thing can range from people to items to food. If she needs to interact with a person that she doesn't like, she is likely to refuse if she dislikes the person enough.

    Ayame is persistent. Once she sets her mind to do something, she won't give it up. This could lead to dangerous situations because she won't give it up or back down. Ayame could bite off more than she can chew, but she won't stop until she has completed her goal, possibly leading to near death situations.


    Level 4

    HP- 80

    Energy- 8

    Skills- 5 used SP, 4 unused SP, 9 total SP




    -Weapon Skills- Dagger R1

    Inventory- Basic Package (Basic Dagger, Basic Leather Chess-plate, 5 Starter Healing Potions(+50HP), 10 T1 Materials), 5 T1 Health Potions of Uncommon Quality(+40HP), T1 Damage Potion(+1 Damage), T1 Over Health Potion(+50 Temp. HP)

    Cor- 2,700

    Roleplays- Complete 


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