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Posts posted by FunMom1988

  1. Lucoa was bored again. She had yet to do any actual training or levelling up yet, so getting anywhere combat wise in this game would be pretty much pointless. Lucoa was still on the search for her daughter, but that also seemed pretty much pointless. Lucoa headed to the beach again to both show off a little bit off skin and relax. The beach always seemed to do that for her. This time when she arrived, Lucoa noticed the small child and walked up to her, patting her shoulder. "Hey little girl, are you lost?" Lucoa asked as she knelt down in front of the green haired child. It was weird, but the kid seemed a little familiar.


    Lucoa's Stats

    Level: 1 HP: 20 EN: 2

    Vanity 2H Straight Sword


  2. Lucoa was very surprised, and she didn't even care that the Hestia had ignored the ball. All that mattered right now was that Hestia had see Fae, and even talked to her too. "You have?! Oh my gosh, so my little Fae is alive! Thank you so much, now I can finally find her!" Lucoa said running up to Hestia and putting her in a bit of a tight hug.

    Lucoa backed away a few seconds later, but she had a big smile on her face now. Then Hestia explained what had been happening to Fae, and how she had been sleeping, and Lucoa's smile faded. "Oh... so she went through all of that and I couldn't even protect her. But at least I know she is still alive, and in a guild no less! I'm still proud of her staying alive, and I'll be sure to find her now. When did you last see her?" Lucoa asked.

  3. Lucoa nodded when Hestia had said this was more or less training for the game and that she was just trying to get a bit faster. Lucoa didn't see anything wrong with trying to be fast, it was only the way that Hestia was hitting the ball so hard was the thing that Lucoa had somewhat of a problem with. "I guess I should be taking this more seriously myself. Maybe I'll move a little faster myself." Lucoa said as she jumped up and hit the ball again. This time she kept her balance and landed in the water just fine.

    When Hestia asked about Lucoa's daughter, she was trying to remember what her username was. "I don't know what her username is. She never told me. I don't think she even knows I went into the game. I logged in a day after her, only to protect her. Her name is Fae, little girl, pink hair." Lucoa said as she watched the ball fly back over to Hestia.


  4. Lucoa ran back as fast as she could to hit the ball after Hestia had punched the ball. She laughed a little bit at the pun of it actually being a game. Sometimes Lucoa would forget that she was playing a game, it just felt so much like reality inside of the game. "It's all fine if you are into this. I'm not too competitive over this game, but you can do what you want to do. Just don't go too crazy on me okay?" Lucoa said as she jumped up and hit the ball again, almost tripping and falling forward into the water. 

    When Hestia apologized for bringing up her daughter, Lucoa just waved it off and kept a positive attitude. "It's fine. I don't really want to visit the monument though. I'd rather not know if she is dead, then knowing she is dead. I like to cling to that little bit of hope and just imagine that my daughter is out there somewhere." Lucoa said as she prepared to hit the ball again once Hestia would hit it.

  5. Lucoa was a bit caught off guard by how into the game Hestia was. While Lucoa was merely just hitting the ball over, Hestia was moving side to side, and hitting the ball as though she was attacking an enemy. "Whoa, take it easy over there! It's just a game!" Lucoa called out as she ran over to where the ball was, which was a little bit difficult to do in the water than on the sand.

    Lucoa jumped up and hit the ball, here breasts bouncing wildly as she did so. She made a bit of a splash when she landed back in the water, but kept her balance and waited to see if Hestia would be able to hit the ball. When Hestia agreed with her on the weather, but said she shouldn't bring her family here, Lucoa sighed. "Well, I kinda already brought my daughter into this game. I can't find her, and I haven't been able to find her for a long time now. I hate to admit it, but I have a feeling she already died." Lucoa said. 

  6. Lucoa nodded in agreement about Hestia's comment about back pain because of having big breasts. "Yes, they are heavy, I almost feel like I have to lean back just to keep balance. If anything, I should be jealous of yours. You have the perfect balance." Lucoa said as she held up the beach ball.

    When Hestia said to play, Lucoa threw the ball up into the air, and then hit it over to Hestia. The sun was shining bright, and the light reflected off the water, and it could be seen through what seemed like a white line that went through the water. 

    Even though Lucoa had just hit the ball, she could already tell this was going to be a bit of fun. "The weather seems just lovely. I wish I could find my daughter and just bring her here one of these days." Lucoa said as she tied her bikini top on a bit more tightly just so it wouldn't pop off while they played. Hestia had asked what Lucoa had meant by using your body for good, and Lucoa had her answer ready. "Well, the whole boyfriend thing is a good example. Plus, we can use our breasts to hold stuff, like hiding small things in between them. I can't think of much off the top of my head right now." Lucoa answered.

  7. Lucoa shrugged when Hestia told her that she didn't really want breasts as big as Lucoa's. "Okay, suit yourself. Sometimes I wish I had smaller ones too, as these can get in the way sometimes." Lucoa said in response as she stood up and started to walk towards the water, brushing some off most of the sand that was on her.

    On the way to the water, Lucoa noticed a few beach balls off to the side, so she ran over and grabbed one, before running back over to Hestia. "I thought maybe we hit the ball back and forth in the water. Does that sound fine?" Lucoa asked, holding the ball with one arm as she walked to the water. When Hestia questioned why Lucoa did the teasing when she was married, she laughed a little bit and gave Hestia a quick wink. "Well, I already told you that I love teasing boys, and my husband knows this too. Usually he just plays along with it and just keeps my daughter away from whoever I'm messing with. I've actually helped a few of my friends test their boyfriend's faithfulness on numerous occasions. You can use your body for good things too you know." Lucoa explained as she stepped into the water.

  8. Lucoa giggled a little bit when Hestia gave her a glare. This response was something that Lucoa had gotten a bit used to, whenever she made a comment like that. "Relax, I was only joking. You do have a bit under the hood, so don't get too fired up at me. You can call me Lucoa, it's nice to meet you. Sorry for my comment, it's just something I tease with. Don't worry, you'll get these too when you get older." Lucoa said with a small smile on her face now.

    "I know how to use my looks, and I think I have a good all around personality. You do too." Lucoa said, looking at the water, sitting up a little bit. When Hestia told her that the person she lived with tolerated teasing, and that he only had one girlfriend, it seemed a little bit hostile. Lucoa laughed it off and tried to ease up the mood. "Don't worry, I'm not gonna go after your friend. I am married already, so don't worry." Lucoa answered, now fully sitting up.

  9. Lucoa chuckled a little bit when she saw how Kuro lightened up a bit when she had lied down beside Hestia. Lucoa just figured that she had a friendly appearance and that's what helped the familiar relax. When Hestia answered, Lucoa nodded understandingly. "That's what I had figured. I've been to the fourth floor before, I know how cold it is.No offense, but you don't have much to show off, or maybe that's just my view of it." Lucoa said as she crossed her arms, pushing up her bust a little bit.

    When asked why Lucoa was here, she already had an answer for that. "I came here the same reason as you, I was just planning on relaxing if there weren't any young men around. I think you know what I mean when I say it's a little fun to mess with them." Lucoa answered, looking back up and closing her eyes.

  10. Lucoa noticed another girl lay down on the sand after putting on a bikini. That's what Lucoa had forgotten to do. Wearing bikinis were one of her favorite parts of going to the beach, and Lucoa had just the right thing for this, and to get even more of the sun.

    She opened her menu and equipped a rather skimpy bikini in place of her normal clothes. Lucoa stood up and walked over to the girl who had just laid down on the sand and laid down besides her, with her breasts bouncing at almost every step she took. She turned her head to face the girl and gave a quick wave. "Hello there. What brings you to the beach today? Are you here to show off what you've got, or are you here to just relax?" Lucoa asked as she gave the girl a friendly smile. The two were only a foot apart, but that was enough room to fully enjoy the sun.

  11. Lucoa had taken a break from sitting in the town of beginnings and finally decided to head out and explore some other floors and maybe try something new. She had looked at each floor already over the past few days, and when she stepped out of the teleporter on Floor 16, she liked what she saw. It felt like the beach on this floor, as it had a very tropical feel to it. Lucoa always liked things that were tropical, as it let her feel a bit more loose.

    Lucoa walked around the island that the floor was on and eventually reached a small village called Oceanus. It had the same tropical style to it as the other settlements, but the shore was right there just a few yards away from where Lucoa had entered. She headed over to the beach and walked onto the sand as she unequipped her shoes. Lucoa laid down on the sand and closed her eyes, but stayed awake, just enjoying the warmth of the sun on her body.


  12. Profile
    Username: FunMom1988
    Real name: Lucoa Lilicove
    Age: 29
    Gender: Female
    Height: 5'8

    About: History/personality

    Lucoa is a mother who is secretly very into video games. She often snuck portable games to work, which almost got her fired a few times. She worked at a Gamestop in Kyoto, which was almost her dream job. Despite being good at video games, she still comes off as the "Cringey mom that plays video games". As she aged, Lucoa noticed that she just wasn't cool anymore, no matter how kept up she was on trends. Video games remained her passion, even with her daughter to take care of.

    Lucoa is very protective, especially towards her closest friends, and her daughter. As a mom, Lucoa feels as though it is her responsibility to make sure everyone around her is safe. Even though she is married, Lucoa tends to be a little bit flirtatious with men, although she never goes too far with it. Because Lucoa worked at a Gamestop, she was able to secure two copies of SAO for her and her daughter. She let her daughter log on first, to give her a head start, but when the news came that SAO was killing people, Lucoa took it upon herself to log in to the game to keep her daughter safe.


    Uplifting: Lucoa has spent the last 9 years of her life raising a child, so she knows how to cheer someone up when she feels the need to. She does it through a number of ways, mainly through talking and adressing problems, and actually trying to fix them. Lucoa knows how men work too, and she can cheer them up in other ways, which almost always works. 

    Patient: Lucoa can put up with a lot, and that means everything from crying to teasing. At her work, Lucoa had one of the worst bosses out there, and they would always yell at her for the most pointless things. Lucoa put up with it, as well as her daughter's crying when she was little. Lucoa has been through quite a lot, so she knows how to put up with most of it. 

    Charming: Lucoa is naturally gifted at charming others. Her body has an effect on men that attracts them, and Lucoa just rolls with it. It doesn't take much for a male to fall under her trance. Lucoa is good at hiding it too when she is confronted over it. She can be very persuasive is known for that. In a world of gamers in SAO, her charming skills can be put to good use.

    Reference: http://www.darkworldrpg.com/lore/flaws.html

    Talkative: Lucoa has a tendency to go off the rails when she is talking, often going into great depth when only a few sentences were needed. It's most noticable when someone asks her if something happened or what had done recently. Lucoa hardly notices it too, which just adds to the problem, and sometimes makes it a little bit difficult to have a quick conversation with her.

    Flirt: Despite being married, Lucoa still loves to mess with boys and flirt with them. Her husband has even called her out on it a few times, but Lucoa always seems to continue. She usually does it subtly, and it makes it hard to tell if she is flirting or not. Lucoa mainly does it because she enjoys the reaction she gets from the men she flirts with. 

    Impious: Lucoa never really understood religion, and thus she never really followed it. But at the same time, she holds little respect for other religions, often questioning or being a smart ass with religious people. This gets her a bit of hate from some people, but Lucoa never seems to mind, as she always sticks to her own opinion.

    Profession: (Leave blank until the Earning a Livingquest has been completed.)





    Weapon skills:
    » Rank 1 2H Battle Axe

    » Basic Package

    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle
    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress
    (no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time.

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