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Posts posted by Simba

  1. Facade was about to engage, but Ivern stepped forward and kept his defensive stance. "Once you have reached my desired health, I will not allow you to fight these boars. They are very dangerous when fighting them alone, so I will help you go through this. You must concentrate on healing, you have not acquired the Battle Healing skill, so this is very difficult. Leave the defending to me." Facade backs away from Ivern and crosses his arms, as the green particles begin to take affect on him. 'You are a very stubborn guy, Ivern. I am not going to stop you from risking your life for me. I will continue to stand by. Just know that I will be the one taking on these monsters.' Facade slowly shut his eyes, as his health slowly began to recover by the second. The «Frenzy Boar» attempted to attack, but Ivern was able to block the damage and shove the «Frenzy Boar» back.


    ID# 91027 results:

    BD: 3 (Recovering!)
    MD: 3 (Miss!)

    [HP] 68/80 (+ 10 HP)
    [DMG] 4
    [EN] 4/8 (+ 1 EN)

    [HP] ?/?
    [DMG] ?

    «Frenzy Boar»
    [HP] 7/40
    [DMG] 12

    Battle Summary:
    «Facade» recovers 10 HP and 1 Energy. «Ivern» defends «Facade». «Frenzy Boar» attempts to attack «Facade», but «Ivern» defends him.


  2. Facade could feel his energy slowly returning to him and the «Frenzy Boars» around the area, began to clump up around them. “It seems like we are going to be in quite the trap.” Ivern held out a teleport crystal and revealed the item to Facade. “This is a teleporting crystal that will take you back to the center of the town. I am going to make you crush this crystal if we are going to be surrounded." Facade shoved the crystal back to Ivern and stood up on his two feet. He pulled his sword from out the ground and gave it a couple swings, before taking an offensive stance. “I am not going to need that, Ivern. I told you, I am going to kill this pig. I am also not letting you die here.” The «Frenzy Boar» attempted to charge towards Facade, but Ivern dematerialize his assault spear and grappled onto the «Frenzy Boar». “Who said anything about me dying? I am going to destroy all these pigs.” He laughed, as he held the «Frenzy Boar» down.


    ID# 91007 results:

    BD: 7 (Recovering!)
    MD: 10 (Hit!)

    [HP] 58/80 (+ 10 HP)
    [DMG] 4
    [EN] 3/8 (+ 1 EN)

    [HP] ?/?
    [DMG] ?

    «Frenzy Boar»
    [HP] 7/40
    [DMG] 12

    Battle Summary:
    «Facade» recovers 10 HP and 1 Energy. «Ivern» defends «Facade». «Frenzy Boar» attempts to attack «Facade», but «Ivern» defends him.


  3. The «Frenzy Boar» attempted to attack Facade, but Ivern blocked the incoming attack for him. Facade smirks, as he jabs his sword into the ground and kneel on one knee. The green particles begin to surround him once again, but this time other «Frenzy Boars» slowly surround the two. “It seems like we are being surrounded. We should start getting this fight over with, don’t you think?” Facade clenched the handle of his sword and continued to concentrate on his regeneration. The «Frenzy Boar» grunted at Ivern, but he still stood his ground, protecting Facade from any oncoming damage. The sound of several players surround Facade and Ivern, as they engage on the other «Frenzy Boars» around them. “It seems like we have some allies that can assist us! We should be safe now!” The sound of swords clashing against the hard armor of the «Frenzy Boars» gave Facade a sudden rush of energy.


    ID# 91004 results:

    BD: 3 (Recovering!)
    MD: 10 (Hit!)

    [HP] 48/80 (+ 10 HP)
    [DMG] 4
    [EN] 2/8 (+ 1 EN)

    [HP] ?/?
    [DMG] ?

    «Frenzy Boar»
    [HP] 7/40
    [DMG] 12

    Battle Summary:
    «Facade» recovers 10 HP and 1 Energy. «Ivern» defends «Facade». «Frenzy Boar» attempts to attack «Facade», but «Ivern» defends him.


  4. Facade rushes towards the front and as soon as he reached the door, he enters quickly. Facade is greeted with a giant man with a beard that is as white as snow. ‘H-He looks like that fairy tale creature.. Santa Claus..’ He clears his throat and presents the NPC with the container. The NPC hovers his hands over the container and suddenly it bursts into a thousand polygon. “You have done a mighty fine job, young man. You have done me a great solid!” The quest completes and Facade sits back on the chair behind him and leans back. “But I have another problem. Do you think you can help me?” He sat back up and stretches his arms out. “One quest down. Another to go.” Suddenly he suddenly heard a feminine voice next to him and he turns around to see a short female player, with pig-tails for her hair and her eyes were oddly pink. ‘Hm.. To take on a quest with a stranger.. This is a risky play, but if she can assist with helping me accomplish the quest, I don’t mind.’ He turned towards the player and swipes down for the menu. “Yeah, I think we can accomplish this quest faster with the two of us.” He sent a party invite, before swiping away the menu.


  5. Ivern took a step away from Facade, as the «Frenzy Boar» grunted at the two of them. “Come on, Facade. Show this pig what a man you are!” The «Frenzy Boar» charged again and again, Facade jabbed his sword into the ground, only taking the damage from the «Frenzy Boar». This time, as he pulled out his sword, Facade dashed behind the «Frenzy Boar» and quickly struck it from three different angles. Ivern stood there in amazement, as Facade leaps away to safety. His HUD now rapidly blinking at him, as his health is now in the red zone. ‘I am going to have to keep this up, or else I am never going to finish this quest.’ He took a deep breath and sighed, slowly regaining his energy back. Ivern stepped in front of Facade and took an offensive stance with his spear. “I am not going to have you die here, son.” Facade chuffed, as he took an offensive position as well. “I am not dying here. Not today.”


    ID# 91003 results:

    BD: 10 (Critical!!)
    MD: 9 (Hit!)

    [HP] 38/80 (- 12 HP)
    [DMG] 4
    [EN] 1/8 (- 3 EN)

    [HP] ?/?
    [DMG] ?

    «Frenzy Boar»
    [HP] 7/40 ( - 18 HP)
    [DMG] 12

    Battle Summary:
    «Facade» recovers 1 Energy. «Facade» uses «Snake Bite» on «Frenzy Boar», dealing 18 damage. «Frenzy Boar» retaliates, dealing 12 damage to «Facade».


  6. The «Frenzy Boar» began to prepare its charge to attack Facade, as Ivern steps aside to allow Facade to engage. Before he could prepare, the «Frenzy Boar» charges straight at him. He jabs his sword into the ground, sustaining the knock back, but taking the damage. His sword began to glow, indicating that his Sword Art is ready. Facade pulled his sword out of the ground and positioned himself in a way that he is putting his sword at the left side of his waist. His eyes focused on the «Frenzy Boar», as Ivern watches from the sidelines. He quickly dashes towards the «Frenzy Boar», quickly striking the «Frenzy Boar» with three brisked angled slashes. The «Frenzy Boar» screeches and runs back to its original position, as Ivern walks over to Facade. “You are quick on your feet. If you use that to your advantage, you will be able to attack the enemy before they can even lay a finger on you.”


    ID# 91002 results:

    BD: 9 (Critical!)
    MD: 8 (Hit!)

    [HP] 50/80 (- 12 HP)
    [DMG] 4
    [EN] 3/8 (- 3 EN)

    [HP] ?/?
    [DMG] ?

    «Frenzy Boar»
    [HP] 25/40 ( - 15 HP)
    [DMG] 12

    Battle Summary:
    «Facade» recovers 1 Energy. «Facade» uses «Snake Bite» on «Frenzy Boar», dealing 15 damage. «Frenzy Boar» retaliates, dealing 12 damage to «Facade».


  7. The «Frenzy Boar» grunts at Ivern, as he stares down the boar. Meanwhile, Facade is slowly recovering his health point. “Looks like you’re about ready to fight. This boar looks really impatient and you seem to have a ambition burning within you. I wish to see you excel further up into the front-lines.” Ivern’s words reached through to Facade, as a small smirk grew on his face. ‘I don’t know who you are, but I am thankful for you. Without you, I would have already been finished by the boar.’ He slowly got up from his knee and flicked his right wrist, causing his weapon to materialize onto his hand. “Thank you for your words of encouragement. I am going to take down this boar and show you how far my ambition will take me.” He readies his sword and walks forward, tapping Ivern to step aside. “I will take it from here, big guy. I am going to show this boar a piece of my mind.”


    ID# 91001 results:

    BD: 6 (Recovering!)
    MD: 4 (Miss!)

    [HP] 62/80 (+ 10 HP)
    [DMG] 4
    [EN] 5/8 (+1 EN)

    [HP] ?/?
    [DMG] ?

    «Frenzy Boar»
    [HP] 40/40
    [DMG] 12

    Battle Summary:
    «Facade» recovers 10 HP and 1 Energy. «Ivern» guards «Facade». «Frenzy Boar» attempts to charge at «Facade», but is stopped by «Ivern».


  8. Facade slowly open his eyes and his vision was blurred, but he could still see the giant man protecting him. The «Frenzy Boar» grunts at him again, but Ivern just stands there with his spear in hand. “Boy, once you are healthy enough, I am going to let you take it from there.” Facade nodded his head, as the green particles begin to fade away and his health has already risen to sixty-two percent. ‘If I can get it above seventy percent, I will be able to battle the boar without a problem.’ He slowly stands up from his recovering state and drew his sword at the «Frenzy Boar». “You are still in the yellow area, I will keep it until you reach the green. I cannot allow you to fall victim to this boar.” He spreads his arms to the side, as if he was defending Facade from a rain of arrows. Facade goes back down on one knee and began to concentrate on recovering his health points. ‘Just need a little more time, I will be able to help as soon I can.’


    ID# 90997 results:

    BD: 3 (Recovering!)
    MD: 1 (Miss!)

    [HP] 52/80 (+ 10 HP)
    [DMG] 4
    [EN] 4/8 (+1 EN)

    [HP] ?/?
    [DMG] ?

    «Frenzy Boar»
    [HP] 40/40
    [DMG] 12

    Battle Summary:
    «Facade» recovers 10 HP and 1 Energy. «Ivern» guards «Facade». «Frenzy Boar» attempts to charge at «Facade», but is stopped by «Ivern».


  9. Green particles begin to flutter around Facade and he is outlined with a light green color, indicating that he is starting to recover his health. Ivern spins his assault spear and points it at the «Frenzy Boar». “Now you are going to be facing me. I will not allow you to attack him until he is fully recovered.” The «Frenzy Boar» grunts at Ivern and attempts to charge at Facade, but he tosses his spear in front of the «Frenzy Boar», causing it to slam into the handle of the spear. “I am over here, piggy.” He walks over to his spear, wrapping his giant hands around the handle of the spear and pulling it out of the ground. The «Frenzy Boar» runs back to its original position and grunts once again. ‘This guy is really confident in fighting monsters, he does not seem to show any fear. I guess that is what happens when you have been grinding for a long time.’ He slowly felt his strength coming back to him and the pain no longer lingering behind.


    ID# 90996 results:

    BD: 2 (Recovering!)
    MD: 3 (Miss!)

    [HP] 42/80 (+ 10 HP)
    [DMG] 4
    [EN] 3/8 (+1 EN)

    [HP] ?/?
    [DMG] ?

    «Frenzy Boar»
    [HP] 40/40
    [DMG] 12

    Battle Summary:
    «Facade» recovers 10 HP and 1 Energy. «Ivern» guards «Facade». «Frenzy Boar» attempts to charge at «Facade», but is stopped by «Ivern».


  10. The «Frenzy Boar» began charging at Facade and he sprinted towards the monster, getting ready to strike it. The «Frenzy Boar» sidesteps and headbutts him, causing his HUD to flash red, warning him that he is about to die. ‘D-Damn it.. I am going to lose this battle. I can only take another hit, before I have to retreat.’ He heard rustling from the background and a tall muscular player with a giant spear, points his spear at the «Frenzy Boar». “You look like you need to recover. You rest up, I will hold the boar off.” The player swipes for a menu and suddenly a window appears in front of Facade, showing him a party invite. ‘Who am I to deny help from someone who is willing to fight for me.’ He quickly accepts the party invite and on the top left side of his HUD displayed his information and the player helping him. “If you have not noticed, my name is Ivern. Now go rest up, I will hold it off for you.” Facade nodded his head and sheathe his sword, going down on one knee and focused on recovering his health points.


    ID# 90991 results:

    BD: 1 (Critical Miss!)
    MD: 6 (Hit!)

    [HP] 32/80 (- 12 HP)
    [DMG] 4
    [EN] 2/8 (- 2 EN)

    [HP] ?/?
    [DMG] ?

    «Frenzy Boar»
    [HP] 40/40
    [DMG] 12

    Battle Summary:
    «Facade» recovers 1 Energy. «Facade» attempts to attack «Frenzy Boar», but misses. «Frenzy Boar» retaliate, dealing damage to «Facade» for 12 HP. «Ivern» joins the battle.


  11. Before Facade could engage in an attack, the «Frenzy Boar» charges straight at him. He attempts to sustain the damage with his sword, but is still knocked back several meters away from the boar. His HUD begins to flash red by the brim and he can see that his health is in the yellow zone, which indicates that his health points are now below seventy-five percent. ‘If I keep this going, I am going to be dead. I am around fifty-five percent, so I am going to need to either kill the boar quickly or run away.’ He slowly gets up off the ground and stays in an offensive stance with a smirk on his face. ‘I guess I am going to die trying to kill this damn pig.’ The «Frenzy Boar» grunts at him and he points his blade at the pig. “I am not dying here. I am going to make sure I finish this damn quest. I am not letting you stop me from completing this quest!” He sighs, realizing he is talking to a monster, but still kept his ambition burning.


    ID# 90990 results:

    BD: 4 (Miss!)
    MD: 7 (Hit!)

    [HP] 44/80 (- 12 HP)
    [DMG] 4
    [EN] 3/8 (- 2 EN)

    «Frenzy Boar»
    [HP] 40/40
    [DMG] 12

    Battle Summary:
    «Facade» recovers 1 Energy. «Facade» attempts to attack «Frenzy Boar», but misses. «Frenzy Boar» retaliate, dealing damage to «Facade» for 12 HP.


  12. Facade immediately sprints towards the «Frenzy Boar», but before he could swing his blade to strike the «Frenzy Boar», he is struck. He falls back, but braces his fall. ‘I-It attacked me that quick. There is no way I can fight it if I keep losing health. I need to find a way to recover my health and energy without sparing a single potion. I am not going to be wasting anything but my time on this damn boar.’ He wipes his mouth and dusts himself off. He shifts his weight from one leg to the other and slowly moved away from the «Frenzy Boar». He was able to get himself a good distance away from the «Frenzy Boar» and clenched the handle of his blade. ‘I can’t run away now.. I need to fight this. If I run away from something like this, how am I supposed to take on the floor bosses when I catch up with the others.. No.. I am going to keep going.’ He bites the bottom of his lip and took a step forward. ‘Even if it kills me. I have to keep going.’


    ID# 90989 results:

    BD: 4 (Miss!)
    MD: 6 (Hit!)

    [HP] 56/80 (- 12 HP)
    [DMG] 4
    [EN] 4/8 (- 2 EN)

    «Frenzy Boar»
    [HP] 40/40
    [DMG] 12

    Battle Summary:
    «Facade» recovers 1 Energy. «Facade» attempts to attack «Frenzy Boar», but misses. «Frenzy Boar» retaliate, dealing damage to «Facade» for 12 HP.


  13. Without any moment to spare, Facade engages the «Frenzy Boar» in hope of landing an attack. The «Frenzy Boar» sidesteps and attempted to charge at him again, but he stuck his sword into the ground and kicked himself away from the «Frenzy Boar». He walks over to his sword, wrapping his hand around the handle of his blade. ‘That is my second miss.. I won’t be able to land a single attack if I keep losing focus. That damn boar got a cheap shot at me.’ He pulled the sword out of the ground and re positioned his sword. ‘I thought fighting one of these damn boars was good enough, but it seems like with every petal I retrieve, another boar will show up.’ He takes a deep breath and sighs, as he takes a few steps back from the «Frenzy Boar». His quest log states that he had already collected two out of five of the «Dragon Petals» and he could see another brush up ahead. He just had to get rid of the «Frenzy Boar» and he would be able to run over to the brush.


    ID# 90988 results:

    BD: 2 (Miss!)
    MD: 3 (Miss!)

    [HP] 68/80
    [DMG] 4
    [EN] 5/8 (- 2 EN)

    «Frenzy Boar»
    [HP] 40/40
    [DMG] 12

    Battle Summary:
    «Facade» recovers 1 Energy. «Facade» attempts to attack «Frenzy Boar», but misses. «Frenzy Boar» retaliate, but misses.


  14. As Facade toss a «Dragon Petal» into the air, he is suddenly flung across the area. He is smashed against a tree and fell over onto his stomach. He looks up to see a «Frenzy Boar» grunting at him. He is able to get on one knee and stabs his sword into the ground below him. There is no sign of another player near him, but there were more «Frenzy Boar» that were about to engage in combat with him. He feels his strength return to him and quickly hopped onto his feet. He dashes towards the right side, causing the «Frenzy Boar» to chase after him. ‘If I can get the boar to chase me and secure a location where nothing can intervene, I should be able to take them on.’ He continued to run alongside the pathway and the «Frenzy Boar» is still on his tail. He quickly examines the area he is in and there were no signs of any monsters around him. He stops dead in his track and turns around to watch the «Frenzy Boar» catch up to him.


    ID# 90987 results:

    BD: 3 (Miss!)
    MD: 8 (Hit!)

    [HP] 68/80 (- 12 HP)
    [DMG] 4
    [EN] 6/8 (- 2 EN)

    «Frenzy Boar»
    [HP] 40/40
    [DMG] 12

    Battle Summary:
    «Facade» attempts to attack «Frenzy Boar», but misses. «Frenzy Boar» retaliates, damages «Facade» for 12 HP.


  15. Facade shook the feeling for fear out of his body and connected the guide back onto his HUD. He was able to locate another location where the «Dragon Roses» spawn. He took a step forward and took a deep breath. His attention fixed onto the location and he sprinted past a couple of players and into the field next to a few brushes that grew «Red Herbs». ‘Those were the brushes I had to pick from for the first quest. It seems like it was forever ago.. Even though it just happened yesterday.’ He slid behind a trunk that had fallen over and examined the area in front of him. There were no signs of «Frenzy Boars» anywhere, so he leaped over the trunk and began to extract the «Dragon Petal». He gently held onto the «Dragon Rose» and used his right hand to hold one of the «Dragon Petals» gently. He pulled on it, causing the «Dragon Rose» to be destroyed, showering his left hand with polygons, while he was able to successfully extract a «Dragon Petal».


    ID# 90986 results:

    LD: 16 (Success!)

    «Dragon Petals» collected 2/5.

    [HP] 80/80
    [DMG] 4
    [EN] 8/8

    «Facade» collected a «Dragon Petal».


  16. A sudden warmth hits Facade out of nowhere and he feels like he is at full strength again. He unsheathes his sword and gave it a couple of swings, before sheathing it back onto his belt. He watches the brush bursts into a thousand of polygons and tossed the «Dragon Petal» into the air. It vanishes into his inventory and he continued to venture deep into the forest. Facade stops in his track when he heard snapping in the distance. He could hear the sound of whipping, but he had no idea there were other monsters on the same floor. His eyes fixed on a giant plant-like creature and he stumbled backwards. ‘W-What in the world is that?’ He quickly stood up and sprinted back out towards the forest and swipe down for his menu. ‘That has to be in the monster list somewhere.’ He flips through the menu and finds the information on the the creature named «Nepent». ‘Y-You got to be kidding me.. I have to go through that?’


    ID# 90984 results:

    LD: 5 (Failure!)

    «Dragon Petals» collected 1/5.

    [HP] 80/80
    [DMG] 4
    [EN] 8/8  (+ 6 EN)

    «Facade» fully recovers his Energy. «Facade» fails to collect any «Dragon Petals».


  17. The «Dragon Roses» grew deep within the forest and Facade could not just wait around to see if they would spawn, so he began to investigate further into the forest. There were no signs of any monsters hiding among the forest, but there were no players around either. His eyes shift from left to right, but there was nothing around him. He stepped out from hiding and examined his surroundings, but there was nothing. The sound of chirping coming from the virtual birds above him could be heard, but they slowly fade away, as the fly away. Facade was able to find another brush that contained «Dragon Roses» and he knelled down and and gently held the «Dragon Rose» on his hand. He softly used his right hand to gently press his thumb and index finger against the petal. He took a deep breath and softly tug the petal and it came off. His quest log updates and the «Dragon Rose» shatters in his hand, but the «Dragon Petal» stayed in his hands.


    ID# 90983 results:

    LD: 17 (Success!)

    «Dragon Petals» collected 1/5.

    [HP] 80/80 (+ 2 HP)
    [DMG] 4
    [EN] 2/8  (+ 1 EN)

    «Facade» recovers 2 HP and 1 Energy. «Facade» collected a «Dragon Petal».


  18. Facade gets a ton of high fives from the party and they continued to go along with what they were previously doing before they were watching his fight. He proceeds to enter the forest where the «Dragon Petals» grew, but the last time he entered, there were a couple of «Frenzy Boars» guarding the area. He hid behind the tree trunk and took a deep breath and sighs, as he peeks out to see if there were any «Frenzy Boars». Luckily for him, there was no sign of them anywhere and he jumps over a boulder and sat down next to the brush that grew «Dragon Roses». He rolled up his sleeves and began to pick at one of the «Dragon Petals», but as soon as he touched the «Dragon Rose», it withered away. Bursting in front of his eyes, Facade quickly stood up and watched the brush in front of him bursts into polygons as well. ‘Now.. What a way to start off my first petal gathering. I need to move on. The longer I stay here, the longer I am wasting my time.’


    ID# 90982 results:

    LD: 1 (Failure!)

    «Dragon Petals» collected 0/5.

    [HP] 78/80 (+ 10 HP)
    [DMG] 4
    [EN] 1/8  (+ 1 EN)

    «Facade» recovers 10 HP and 1 Energy. «Facade» fails to collect any «Dragon Petals».


  19. With his energy replenished to three, Facade activated his «Snake Bite» one last time. ‘Now to finish this boar off.’ The blade of his sword began to glow, giving off a bright white shine. The crowd roaring behind him, as he dashes off towards the «Frenzy Boar». Facade positions himself in a way that it looks like he is putting his sword at the left side of his waist. ‘Die.’ He quickly strikes the «Frenzy Boar» with three brisk angled slashes. He slowly stood up and sheathes his sword back onto his belt. The «Frenzy Boar» bursts into polygons and the crowd behind him continued to cheer and a window appears in front of him. The window is labeled as ‘Bonus Items’ and Facade is rewarded with a hundred and twenty col with an addition to tier one materials he can use for crafting. He swipes away the window and the crowd rushes over to him and starts congratulating him. “You did an amazing job out there, kiddo! Keep up the good work!”


    ID# 90980 results:

    BD: 8 (Success!)
    MD: 5 (Fail!)

    ID# 90981 results:
    LD: 12 (Success!)
    CD: 1

    [HP] 68/80
    [DMG] 4
    [EN] 0/8 (- 3 EN)

    «Frenzy Boar»
    [HP] 0/40 (- 12 HP)
    [DMG] 12

    Battle Summary:
    «Facade» recovers 1 Energy. «Facade» uses «Snake Bite» on the «Frenzy Boar», dealing 12 damage to the «Frenzy Boar». «Frenzy Boar» dies.

    Reward Summary:
    » 120 Col
    » 3x T1 Materials


  20. Without any hesitation, Facade attempts to engage the «Frenzy Boar» once again, but it suddenly hops to the side and charged straight towards his direction. He chuffed and kicks off the ground, causing him to move back, evading the attack from the «Frenzy Boar». There were other players watching Facade fight with the «Frenzy Boar» and they were all cheering for him. “Come on, kiddo! That thing is useless against you! You can do it!” The crowd slowly grew, as he switch to a more offensive stance and the «Frenzy Boar» grunted back at him. ‘I never had such a rush of morale boosting. This feels amazing.’ A smirk grew on his face as he positions himself on higher ground. ‘I am out of energy at the moment, but if I recover a bit of energy, I can use my sword art one more time to kill this thing for good. After that I could see if the petal is ready for the picking.’ The crowd behind him continued to roar, boosting his morale.


    ID# 90979 results:

    BD: 4 (Fail!)
    MD: 3 (Fail!)

    [HP] 68/80
    [DMG] 4
    [EN] 2/8 (- 2 EN)

    «Frenzy Boar»
    [HP] 7/40
    [DMG] 12

    Battle Summary:
    «Facade» recovers 1 Energy. «Facade» attempts to attack «Frenzy Boar», but misses, losing 2 Energy. «Frenzy Boar» attempts to attack, but misses.


  21. The cold morning wind blows through the «Grasslands», causing the fern to wave against the current and blowing past the «Frenzy Boar» and Facade. He proceeds to engage his sword art, «Snake Bite» once again and dashes towards the «Frenzy Boar». Before he struck in front of the «Frenzy Boar», but this time he dashed behind it and quickly strikes once again with three brisk angled slashes. As he completes his sword art, the «Frenzy Boar» turns around and quickly charges straight at him. Facade attempted to block the attack from dealing too much damage, but he was not able to mitigate the damage. The force of the charge was sustained by his weapon, but he still took damage from the attack itself. He falls onto one of his knees and let out a smirk. ‘My very first combat and I am already winning the first match up. I guess I don’t have to worry about dying to these boars.’ He fixed his posture and flicked his right wrist, changing his stance once again.


    ID# 90978 results:

    BD: 10 (Critical!!)
    MD: 7 (Success!)

    [HP] 68/80 (- 12 HP)
    [DMG] 4
    [EN] 3/8 (- 3 EN)

    «Frenzy Boar»
    [HP] 7/40 (- 18 HP)
    [DMG] 12

    Battle Summary:
    «Facade» recovers 1 Energy. «Facade» uses «Snake Bite» on the «Frenzy Boar», dealing 18 damage to the «Frenzy Boar». «Frenzy Boar» charges at «Facade», dealing 12 damage.


  22. The «Frenzy Boar» grunts at Facade and he slowly backs away from the «Frenzy Boar». ‘I will not be able to take on them at the same time, so I am going to have to fight them one on one.’ He shifts his stance to defensive and quickly leaps a few meters away from the «Frenzy Boar». Facade takes a deep breath and suddenly his blade begins to glow, showing that he is starting to use his sword art, «Snake Bite». He lets out a sigh and quickly dashes towards the «Frenzy Boar». He quickly strikes the «Frenzy Boar» with three brisk angled slashes, before leaping back to safety. The «Frenzy Boar» attempted to retaliate and attack back, but he was able to evade the attack by rolling out of the charge. He shifts into a defensive stance, as he glances around the area to see if there were any more «Frenzy Boars» heading towards his direction. He gripped the hilt of his blade and slid his hand across the blade with a smirk on his face.


    ID# 90977 results:

    BD: 9 (Critical!)
    MD: 4 (Miss!)

    [HP] 80/80
    [DMG] 4
    [EN] 5/8 (- 3 EN)

    «Frenzy Boar»
    [HP] 25/40 (- 15 HP)
    [DMG] 12

    Battle Summary:
    «Facade» uses «Snake Bite» on the «Frenzy Boar», dealing 15 damage to the «Frenzy Boar». «Frenzy Boar» fails to retaliate.


  23. Facade exits the workshop and begins to follow the path towards the «Grasslands». It was still bright early in the morning and players were still leaving the inn, looking half asleep. ‘I should probably get this quest done as soon as possible, before my body starts to give up on me. The last quest almost knocked me out, but this one should be easier. What could go wrong?’ He arrives at the gate and there were a few guards, watching the gate to keep out the monsters and player killers. He takes a deep breath and sighs, extending his right arm out to his side. His weapon begins to materialize onto his hand and his eyes adjusted to the «Dragon Petals» that were pinpointed on his HUD. There were players around the fields grinding their tail off and Facade took the safer route and made his way towards his first «Dragon Petal». He stopped in his track as there were several «Frenzy Boars» guarding the «Dragon Petals».

  24. “I will need you to gather me five materials. Prove to me that you are ready to be an Alchemist.” The Alchemist put his hands down and with a snap of his finger, a scroll appeared in front of Facade. Before Facade could say anything, the Alchemist retreats back upstairs and he is only left with the scroll. ‘W-What the hell? Why are all these NPCs creepy?’ He shook his head and unravels the scroll and began reading the content of the scroll. The scroll states that the player who is willing to undergo the training of an Alchemist, they must retrieve five «Dragon Petals». ‘W-What the..? Where am I supposed to find petals?’ He tosses the scroll up in the air and it vanishes into his inventory. He swipes down for his menu and taps on the map and expands it by using both his index and middle fingers and drag the corners out. He flicks his right hand out and the scroll appears in his hand and he taps on the «Dragon Petals» and dots begin to appear on the map. ‘I guess I have to head back to the grasslands. This is great.’ He takes a deep breath and sighs.

  25. As Facade slowly approaches the front door of the alchemy workshop, the feeling of warmth goes through him and he stopped in his tracks. ‘W-What was that? Forget it.. If I need to start this quest as soon as possible, so I can move onto the next quest.’ He wraps his hand around the handle of the door and pulls the door outward. The workshop is lit up by the candles set up in different corners of the workshop and some were melted onto the supporting pillars. Facade slowly stepped deeper into the workshop and heard footsteps coming from upstairs, his eyes instantly glued onto the staircase and a young man slowly made his way down the stairs and over to the back of the counter. “Hello there, adventurer. How may I help you today?” His eyes were as green as emerald and Facade broke eye contact and stared down at the counter. “I am here to train as an Alchemist.” The alchemist said nothing and just continued to stare at Facade and in awkward silence, he repeated himself. “I am here to tra-” He raised his hand towards Facade’s mouth.

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