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Posts posted by Mars

  1. As he makes his way through the forest he observes in the distance the beginning of a wall of rock as he grins underneath the helmet that his armor gives him as he sees the beginning of the mountain. He moves over to it and starts walking along the area of the mountain waiting to eventually find a opening to enter the mountain in. The sound of metal against rock is heard for quite awhile as he is walking next to the mountain. He wonders what to do in preparation for the fight obviously drinking down the contents of the safeguard potion is priority for him so he can survive whatever first attack this boss has if the quest route gives players a prep time for what is most likely a powerful attack. Which would make sense if the first attack out of many does lots of damage which would destroy players who have low health,unlike him, if they only did the lessons quests first.

  2. Cassius walks among the trees of this little forest as he keeps his other sense of hearing mainly since he can't trust the others that much in trying to be observant of when a monster can be trying to sneak up on him like a wolf, or bear that could be on this floor. He continues walking along peacefully through the area as he enjoys the peace of this in comparison to what he had to deal with before even if it had been quite a bit ago since traveling on foot takes quite a bit especially since traveling around is a pain. He checks the time and sees that it has been about two hour of just walking towards this area with no breaks to stop his progress. He just continues as he hopes that the mountains will appear within his sight quite soon since their is a cave that is calling out to him for loot it for all it is worth.  Starting with that little crystal that Hannah, and then dealing with the crystal guardian that is within the cave. After that he will take his time to try and collect a treasure chest on his way back. After all that would be a rather nice bonus for him to receive on his way back from this quest.

  3. He continues cross the grassy fields that seem to stretch on forever as Cassius does his best to stay away from the mobs since he doesn't want to waste anymore energy then he had already dealing with what is now his unwanted rival. He just continues walking at a calm pace till he starts noticing trees in the distance, and a faint mountainous area just a bit mixed in this small forest area. Perfect that means that the cave will be nearby he would just need to find the opening within the rock of the mountain that will lead him to the crystal that is most likely beneath the ground a fair bit. Then their is the other side it can be on the surface near the entrance it would just depend on what kind of crystal he is looking for. From what he can remember it is not a diamond which means he won't have to go to far underneath the mountain then most likely. he nods his head at that conclusion as he continues making his way across the fields as he enters the treeline and starts walking through the forest.

  4. Finally he has left the town of beginning, and is rather glad he doesn't need to deal with idiots following for his quest as he crosses through the field towards the mountains in the distance. However, this event can be rather bothersome in the future if this Yata character continues to chase after him in terms of strength. At the very least it is good motivation to keep on his game of gaining strength or he would fall behind a player that is starting from scratch basically. If anything Cassius can only hope that the accuracy of his will hold now after that fight that he got out all of the flaws in his attacks in that town instead of whatever is waiting in that cave this Artisan has sent him off to. Since that player was weak and doesn't pose a threat to him. The worst that weakling did was make him waste his energy since he had hoped to end the fight right away, but instead ends up wasting all of his energy. To him that is rather frustrating since that just makes him wish to change his schedule of quests to try and get the gear he needs faster. Thankfully though the reward for this quest can be a accuracy buff which he would take which will allow him to wear all he has gotten so far. The armor from the beginner package, the accuracy buff, and the armor from Lyle. With these he will be fine since he is only using his fists for fighting, and doesn't have anything equipped to count as a weapon slot since his fists are part of his body, so in theory it shouldn't count towards the equipped items.

  5. Cassius makes his way through the crowd that pat his back and cheer him on for dealing with a bully, and managing to turn such person into a brave warrior. Cassius grins knowing that to be a good leader in the eyes means to be seen as a protector, and he had done just that in this moment. Gaining a decent amount of players on his side who believe so. There is two types of reputation the slow growth, and the public face that can rally people to his side. With how things like that are their is meant to be a face, and he is fine with being the face and leader of things since that means people trust him above all else. To trust a leader is foolish, and yet necessary for people since they put their lives in the hands of those who only care for themselves, or for money. That is why the world is how it is at this point. Because the ones in charge only care for themselves instead of the whole of humanity which is needed now more then ever.

  6. Before the man could say anything more Cassius punches this man hard in the stomach as his health drops below the halfway point as the game declares him the victor of this match. It was a fun fight Yata, but please learn to try and be brave. Try to grow stronger and i'm sure you can become a great fighter at some point. Cassius says in a kind tone having to hold back his anger, and annoyance at this man who is glaring at him, but then strangely enough this person gains some kind of determination in his eyes. Just you wait Mars i will be able to beat you someday, and i will prove to you that i am the better fighter. This player yata says in a determined voice one that doesn't hold arrogance, and if Cassius is hearing right even kindness. He watches yata move his hand forward as Cassius takes his hand and shakes it as the crowed cheer. ' What a interesting turn of events. Seems i've made a friendly rival in this player. Hmm could be interesting if anything'.  Cassius thinks to himself before saying. Well i can't wait for that day Yata do get stronger please it would be disappointing to you to make a promise and not follow on it. Cassius says with a friendly laughter that is fake, but sounds real to everyone else.

    #91623  BD: 10 MD: 5  1+4+2+2=9

    Mars: 136/140  Energy: 1/14

    Yata: 4/20  Energy: 2/2


  7. Cassius quickly moves forward with another strike to this person however gets stopped by the axe he wields then then hits his side using the opening to attack. Cassius grins a bit glad to see this player can actually learn to fight, but he knows he feels fear able to see the man shaking a tiny bit from being this close to Cassius. Good hit Yata, but i will make sure to make my next attack land so we can all go our separate ways. After all we are taking up one of the main streets in this town it is being quite rude to do- He gets cut off by the man yelling. I don't care! I won't stop till you learn that you aren't all that you arrogant [censored]. Cassius looks down at this player having lost all amusement at this point from this making sure to have the next hit hurt hard when he can do so. Seems you han't learned your lesson. I can't wait till we meet again after this. Cassius says while staring down at this player who has crossed his line of tolerable stupidity.

    #91610  BD: 5 (heavy momentum activates)  MD:6   Damage: 1 (minimum)

    Mars: 136/140  Energy: 1/14

    Yata: 13/20  Energy: 2/2

  8. i've given you your chance to back out Yata however it seems it is time to begin teaching you your lesson. Cassius says in a apologetic tone before kicking off the ground and punching Yata in the chest hard enough to send him into the ground. Yata gasping for air, and holding his chest in pain not use to the fact that isn't real in this game. Come on Yata get up i know you're not dead, and we still have a match to complete. Cassius says before dodging out of the way of an attack aimed at his feet. A sneak attack how rude that is. I thought this was a duel yata i was genuinely concerned and you go to attack me. He says in a hurt turn looking hurt tone of voice as people start cheering for himself do to his actions during the duel as he can only think that he has rallied more support among these sheep. Oh how it is so easy to get support among them. He watched as Yata slowly gets up off the ground as he chuckles inwardly at the fake pain this man feels.

    #91609  BD: 7  MD: 4   Damage: 7

    Mars: 137/140  Energy: 2/14

    Yata: 13/20  Energy: 2/2

  9. Shut up! You must be cheating somehow! How are you not taking any damage! he screams loudly trying to get support to him as i just chuckle out loud and says. I thought it would be obvious i am prepared for this world so i have mitigation to protect me from damage, so come on Yata here is another one of the house. I am trying to be nice and give you a chance. Cassius says in a gentle tone of voice to this player trying to play the innocent card in all of this as Yata charges forward and smacks into his armor once more with his axe that i easily push off and once more try to hit him but instead hit the ground which says it is a immortal object stopping me from breaking it. I look towards the player with a glare that is unseen. Tired of playing mister nice war god. Time to go all out against this nuisance that is stopping him from actually progressing with the quest he began doing, and not dealing with a teenager who thinks he is some god for killing one boar or two.

    #91608  BD: 3 (heavy momentum prcot +2 DMG on next strike) MD: 8   Damage: 1 (minimum)   missed twins: -4 ENG

    Mars: 137/140  energy: 2/14

    Yata: 20/20 Energy: 2/2

  10. Yata gets back shakily to scared to speak words as he then quickly dashes towards Cassius. Seeing this Cassius allows the hit once more before trying once more for aggressive twins but Yata once more out of the way barely dodging the fast strike as i kick off the ground and throw punch after punch at him that he is just barely dodging practically stumbling across the field with each barely missed hit by using his 2Handed axe. I stop the assault and backs away as i look at him and says to him. Come now yata don't you see that i am only using my fists what does that say if you can't beat a person with a handicap of no weapons?He asks Yata with a grin knowing that none of these players would know about martial arts from being trapped within the town of beginning sine the beginning. He can hear the murmurs of players in his support thinking i am being merciful when i am just toying with the man to make it look like i am going all out to make this a fare fight without a weapon.

    #91607  BD: 5  MD: 7    Damage: 1 (minimum)    missed twins. -4 ENG

    Mars: 138/140    Energy: 6/14

    Yata: 20/20  Energy: 2/2

  11. Cassius watches this man charge forward and then swing his blade into his armor as he just grins not feeling the pain, and sees his health didn't drop at all basically he can see the fear in this players eyes as he goes in fro the attack but the players falls on the ground when trying to back away making him miss his sword art. Having been a inch away from punching him with it and ending the match then and their. What's wrong Yata you seem frightened by something? Is it the fact that you realized that you shouldn't think yourself greater then others. You talked all that stuff before about being so great, but when it came into action you became to scared to do anything. It seems like you just realized that you don't have the right to bully others, and i will play my part to make sure nobody in this game will be harassed or bothered by anybody. For i am Mars the god of war, but also protector of the weak. I say loudly as i can hear cheers as i put on a show since that is how you draw support. Make yourself a larger then life character.

    #91604 BD: 5 MD: 8    Damage: 1(minimum)     missed aggressive twins: -4 ENG

    Mars: 139/140   Energy: 10/14

    Yata: 20/20  Energy: 2/2

  12. Once back onto the main streets he makes his way through the players them either making way for him, or hearing slight insults calling him a person who acts tough, but is nothing. He ignores such people seeing them as petty and not worth his time in anyway. However, he is proven the idiocy of men when his arm gets grabbed by a player as he turns to see it is just a player in basic starting gear as he chuckles a bit to himself. Not aloud to not show gratification in the act he is about to do. Who do you think you are ignoring me! This no name player says to me as i look at him taking note of players gathering and forming a circle as he grins which is unseen to the people around him do to his helmet that covers his face. His glowing red visor looks down at this player. I don't know what you mean. I'm just making my way to accomplish a quest. Now then could you please get out of my way i have places to be, and don't need someone stopping me for no reason. he says in a polite tone to this player. Making sure to speak loud enough for everyone to hear as the player looks back. Well i bet you're a nobody that is just trying to look cool, and i'll prove it. You are nothing before the great Yata slayer of monsters! He says loudly as he sends a half-life duel request that Cassius accepts. I'm only doing this since you won't leave me alone otherwise. I don't like violence, but will use it if necessary. Cassius says while inside he is laughing at such a claim. Knowing he is fine with violence if it can lead to his success. This fight just demonstrating his strength in public, and to lower leveled players he could see him as a source of strength. One who would fight evil, and bullies like this man.

    Mars: 140/140  Energy: 14/14

    Yata: 20/20  Eng: 2/2

  13. He makes his way through the parks and back through the side streets and alleyways towards the northern most exit of this town to be going in the right direction. Even though players can enjoy this world he would prefer them fighting to try and resist this world as much as possible. The players that do nothing are worthless, and are nothing more then just people to be forgotten. To not be remembered except as pawns in his scheme of things, and from what he has heard about another player has had the same idea as him. To get informants and support from the little shop keepers who make their stores. He doesn't have a name at this moment however, but when he manages to find it he will congratulate the man for putting his actions into place faster then himself, and possibly ask if he would be fine with a partner in these adventures that could be had. Even if in the end this war god will make sure to stab this trickster in his back before he can be let out. He will make sure only one comes out on top, and then just blame the whole thing on the now deceased player. Then to work on finding such grounds for his claims before that moment. Most likely through the use of a recorder crystal since that would be undeniable proof to his claims. Then their is the simple fact that anyone that has a similar goal, has similar idea and he doesn't want to deal with anyone on his rise to power.

  14. Cassius leaves the groves of tress and makes his way through the parks passing the same couples as he can hear the rustling of the leaves and chirping of small birds. As he is once more reminded how lifelike and easy it is to immerse oneself into the world, and to just forget about the real one that awaits us after the completion. He could see why some players would want that to not stop, but the majority are just to scared to face this world which is the issue of such things. To fear constantly is to be dead to him. If you're to frightened to face the reality of the situation around you then you're better off dead not wasting the precious air of those who are living for the now. If they were fine with leaving their inns and fighting the monsters they fear he would have less of a problem with them then he does currently. The ones who are relaxing in this park are less weaklings then the ones in the inns since they are willing to explore the city, and to enjoy the world this game provides the, and as far as he knows that is all they want since they might have disabilities back in the real world.

  15. Oh so Lyle was able to pull through for me thank goodness. She says as she pulls out a golden band, and nothing else. Cassius looks at this curiously and looks around not spotting any jewels to go with that band. Thank you for handing this to me, but you see this is only the beginning to one of my projects. Their is a beautiful crystal within this cave towards north of where we are currently. However, it is so dark it is quite difficult to find it, and every time i try to do so i get quite turned around. Could you be wiling to help me sir? She asks Cassius who nods his head with the tell of that being the movement of his helmet. Knowing the woman is slightly tense and nervous from the design of his armor which is the correct response since it seems the Cardinal system has made sure to make every NPC lifelike in their interactions with people. I will retrieve the gem with ease ma'am nothing will be able to stop me in my success of doing so. Cassius says to the woman who smiles happily and nods her head. Thank you then mister, and do be safe their are lots of terrifying monsters out their. She says kindly to him with Cassius just nodding before leaving her to get to the location he needs to reach.

  16. Cassius makes his way through the trees towards the grove of trees that this girl is supposedly at. He looks through every little area passing by players who are relaxing, and the few players that managed to form into a couple who are either relaxing, having lunch, or some other activity to try and pass the time among each other. He continues to search for this artisan and after about half an hour he spots the NPC who is painting what looks like some reptilian creature from what he can tell at this distance. The girl looking rather ordinary  in his opinion as he walks over to her. Excuse me miss. Would you be the artisan known as Hannah? He asks in a polite tone to the woman who looks up from her painting looking startled for a second before nodding her head. Yes i am why do you ask? She asks back as Cassius hands her a parcel that he was given by Lyle. I was informed to hand this to you by Lyle Tealeaf the blacksmith. I tell her in a polite tone of voice.

  17. He makes his way down through the streets looking for this park that is in this town that will show the girl painting from what he had been told by Lyle, and what he had read in his information on this quest. He figures the location couldn't be a popular one since that is where people would relax, and to have a NPC their constantly would be distracting for some people certainly. That would mean it is most likely in one of the man alleyway areas that lead to her that happened to be the perfect blend of nature and industrial that created perfect lighting for what she would want to create. He makes his way through the streets and into the dark alleyways as his armor blends in with the shadows as he head towards the location that he had been told. The area being a rather large park so their is plenty of space to paint, and enjoy oneself without the interference of others for the most part.

  18. After having his armor on Cassius exited the shop that belonged to Lyle as he starts heading towards the park where he was told this Hannah would be at. He wonders what could be dangerous enough where you would need to send a armed warrior towards to get whatever a artisan would need. It is a rather peculiar thing if he was to be honest. However, a quest is a quest so their shouldn't be that much trouble in its regards especially since he had received this Safeguard potion from Lyle which was most likely made by Zachariah he could imagine in hopes of preparing whoever was going to take the quest for the enemy that this girl Hannah had made, or is going to have the player face.  Cassius makes his way through the crowds once more, but instead of having to push his way through people instead made room for him do to being intimidated by his armor he can only grin at that sine it allowed him to be able to get to one destination to another in faster time for certain. To bad he couldn't properly thank that Blacksmith since he isn't real.

  19. What he saw in the mirror could be fitting for a god of war of it being black armor that fits to his frame to prevent it from being to bulky. The area where he sees out from the armor being in perfect color spectrum, but for players they would just see a red visor that would betray no emotion to it.He looks at the rest of the armor and sees that it fits the roman color pretty well except for it being black and red instead of gold and red. Having a red piece of fabric over his right shoulder. With the armor definitely giving the feel of terror in it that he would enjoy if he preferred mind games with his opponents. While that can be a useful tactic Cassius knows that the greater instincts of fear is one that reflects the contrast of what people expect. if they see a kind face when that person acts aggressive and crazed they would feel true fear in that moment greater then anything else. Since the human mind becomes confused and terrified from the difference of what it expected to reality. I like it Lyle. Cassius says with a grin as Lyle nods his head. Good i'm glad you do, but i need you to do me a favor i got a friend named Hannha. She is a artisan that is in need of some help. Can you go out and help her with that new armor i gave you? He asks Cassius who just nods is head and hits the accept button, and after he does so Lyle gives him a potion with a serious look. You're going to need this trust me. What what Hannah said is true having this will be useful. He tells Cassius who just takes the potion. Thank you i will make sure to do just that.


    Mars: 400 COL, 3 SP, War god's armor (+1 mitigation=-7 damage) , potion of safeguard, +2 T1 materials

  20. Lyle nods his head and heads into the back to forge him the armor he had requested knowing it will have mitigation on it from the fact his informants had told him this long ago. With Cassius always looking over the information he had been able to gather before going on each quest to be better prepared for taking on whatever will be waiting for him. Since if a player is not prepared they will be dead otherwise from thinking themselves better then they actually are, and such fools who think that are better off being left behind in the dust of the people who actually know what they are doing. With the players who prepare ahead of time in knowing how a enemy will react, and how things will be handled from then on. As he waits he can hear the clang of metal and eventually the hiss of steam coming from heated armor from water being put onto the object. After about an hour the blacksmith comes out with a full body armor except for the gauntlets since he already owns that. Cassius just nods his head and takes the armor and equips it as he then looks into the mirror and grins at the product of Lyle's work.

  21. He makes his way into the shop and walks up towards the NPC that is Lyle and hands him the materials he had asked for. Here you go sir the three boar tusks that you had requested for me to gather for you. Cassius says in a polite tone as Lyle nods his head and pats him on the back. Good job Mars now then i can't let you go without giving you a little something for the help give me a bit and i'll have something whipped up for you in just a little bit. Just tell me would you want some armor, or a weapon? Lyle asks me curiously as he look at Lyle. I would only want the weapon if it would help with martial arts if you can't provide that i would prefer the armor sir. Cassius says with a nod of his head speaking in a neutral tone holding back the boredom of this knowing that the armor will help for certain, but it will not interest him that much in the end when he goes to replace it for light armor.

  22. Cassius walks his way through the streets making his way down the paths he had long since memorized from going to quests and away from them so he would never have his sense of direction messed with if for some reason he got spun around in all which ways. He would be able to have things he recognized even if it is just the direction because of the sun on where to go and how. Cassius grins as he spots the place he is looking for. He can see  the blacksmith shop over the heads of all these different players as he slowly makes his way over towards the bumping into many people in the process of doing so. Having to be apologetic and saying sorry and excuse me when he couldn't care less if he knocked them over onto the ground, or shoved them into another person. However, he has to be kind and gain support here so it can transfer into the real world. To use these people as the pawns they are that can be traded and never seen again if it will help him reach his goals.

  23. Cassius continues to walk along the field as he head towards the town as he enters through the exit as he is met with the sound and loud bragging of players once more as it is noon so players are out and about being an annoyance once more, but unlike last time he doesn't have a route to go to avoid this. Because of this he is forced to smile and say hello's and how are yous to players that recognize him do to his reputation in the inns of being a player who is actually fighting, and being useful in this game unlike themselves. He may have also added to the stories here and their to make him sound better then eh was considering he was only level one at that time, but that is not a fact that they or any players needy privy to. Only those he will party up with will get to know his actual strength in terms of levels, and those that can earn his trust will learn what he is truly after. The world needs to wake up and realize not everything is perfect, and they need to learn that lesson that nobody cares for their rights and are working to strip them of that. What better way to do that then show them what the government is doing under false kindness, and then show them the after effect of the supposedly good will of the governments. By showing them that not even their oh so kind governments care he can then work to have them learn to trust him, and then slowly work to put him into a place of power. That being his only goal in all of this to become in a seat of power to rise above his station after  the war that will be the people's uprising against the governments.

  24. Cassius grins at this success of finding the people he needs now their is only the matter of finishing this quest up. He looks towards the time and sees it is about time he starts making his way back towards the town of beginning and more specifically Lyle.  However, before he is willing to go he does one last look around the field and spots what he wanted another material that he happily picks up and adds to his collection of materials. With that he begins his way back towards the town walking through the fields feeling fully energized once more to fight off any annoying boar pups that could come against him in attempts to slow down his progress. However, it seemed the seven or eight he had killed was enough of a message to the rest to stay away from this dangerous human in their eyes. He can only chuckle glad to have put fear in the hearts of these programs oh how many references could be made from that most likely.

    #91596  LD: 16 +1

    Total+2 materials

    3/3 quest materials

  25. As he is thinking on the familiar business he grins as he receives a message from one of his informants. He opens up the message and grins even more as this one tells him the location of the Scout Paladin Itzal's shop. He messages back for them to message the rest that the target is found, and to refocus efforts on finding the player known as Aereth so he can start getting his weapons, and armor from him. During this conversation Cassius is walking through the field and spots what he needs he picks the item up and adds it to his inventory as he gains a material to use in his shop. During that he gets a message telling him that the task will be completed as he finishes the conversation by typing that he thanks him and the others efforts. He chuckles a bit knowing he doesn't care if they would die out in the field, but it is important to seem like a good boss, and friend to them to get what he needs.

    #91595  LD: 19

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