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Posts posted by Gwydion

  1. An old man shook a red bottle. The contents swirled, a layer of foam mixing with the liquid. "One moment," he said, glancing at Gwydion, then pouring in glowing green from a vial he stoppered it fast. The solution bubbled like soda, building pressure. The man retrieved a strange root and, popping the cork, dropped it in; the reaction subsided as the root dissolved.

    The man wiped his brow and sat down. "Right, another adventurer. I'm Zackaria, but you can call me Zack."

    Gwydion examined the room. It had a low ceiling, and herbs grew right on the rafters. The walls were close, so there wasn't much space with the oak table in the middle. The air smelled faintly of sulfur and lavender.

    "Zackaria, I've come about your posting on the town board." Then he added, "You're a swift man for your age."

    Zackaria grinned. "Gotta be, or I'd blow my own head off. So you're new here? I'd teach you some things."

    Gwydion was surprised by the level of intelligence this AI showed. He seemed almost living. Perhaps Gwydion had been wrong in assuming them mindless? "Yes, please. I know little of alchemy."

    "No need to be so formal, kid. Now go get me some of this plant." He reached under the table, producing a silver flower with four petals, a rigid grey stem, and roots like the one before; they were stone colored, but yellow near the ends. "And whatever you do, don't snap the stems."

  2. Gwydion walked the city, finally confident in his stride. It'd taken time to acquaint with this body. He turned down a street and was met with an explosion of liveliness; though he smiled, he remembered that they were artificial. A shame. If only people had this passion.

    He avoided the merchants he could, but the crowd forced some interactions. He said each time: "Not today, good man, for I've work to do." In his absent mind he gave this to a few women, and even a fair-faced beggar.

    Gwydion entered an alleyway. It was cool here, in a white building's shade. He ran a finger over the stone, feeling its rough surface. NerveGear was wonderful. He lamented its use by cursed Akihiko, who made this beautiful world a death trap.

    Browsing the doors, he finally found one with chipped red paint. Engraved in the wood was 'Zackaria.' Gwydion checked his quest log, nodded, and pushed inside.


    Gwydion (Level 1) (20 HP) (2 EN)

    Equipped Items: Steel Arming Sword, Steel Plate Armor. Battle Ready Items: (5) Healing Potion. Skills: Heavy Armor I.

  3. Gwydion                                                                                                               

    Appearance: Gwydion's build and straight-backed posture lend power to his tall form. His brown hair falls over the shoulders and back like a cape. Within an oblong face rest tawny eyes; these would be focused, but in supposed seclusion, they'd dart about. Something about Gwydion's stance seems forced.


    Name: Gwydion        Real Name: Samuel Adams        Age: 24        Gender: Male        Height: 6 Feet


    Samuel Adams was the youngest. His home was full of family; he counted at least five brothers before giving up. Entering, you'd smell bacon and cigarette smoke, and you'd hear a bottle shatter as a man yells for the remote. Sam would give it to him, always trying to help but always receiving the brunt of anger.

    Sam made friends and went to their homes often. They'd play games; usually video, but gathering weekly for Dungeons and Dragons. Sam played an honorable knight, and something rubbed off. Eventually he mantled his character's values in the real world.

    He strove to be strong, kind, and respectful, in part to spite his siblings who'd not turn the same. This carried to adulthood, where even as a laborer he stood straight and spoke like a lord. But he could never fully escape his childhood; even now, things linger.

    Sword Art Online was an obvious purchase for Samuel. He liked video games, and this was their pinnacle. He'd walk this world as Gwydion, a hero.

    And then the sky turned red.


    Kindness. Gwydion knows the opposite. To be kind, he simply acts his father's inverse. His heart is soft, and he wants to help; although his desire for masculinity often conflicts with his warm soul.

    Stateliness. Gwydion opens doors for others, coughs in his sleeve, and stands straight. Though unpracticed, he puts effort to moving gracefully. His manner of speech is dignified and respectful, if lacking vocabulary.

    Drive. Gwydion doesn't easily give up, a common attribute among those with troubled pasts. This is doubly true with physical tasks; he embraces pain and sweat. Once he's a goal in mind, he's focused and determined, even if that goal is ultimately impossible to reach.


    Anxiety. Gwydion is uneasy and fearful of misfortune and making mistakes. He looks for danger in places it's not and takes too much care at times. Though he smothers these feelings, they're visible when overwhelming.

    Stubbornness. Gwydion always thinks he's right. He's slow to consider other ideas, though he politely acknowledges them in conversation. His beliefs are adamant, right or wrong, even in the face of proper logic and reasoning.

    Judgement. Gwydion is quick to judge, and it's hard to overcome his preconceived ideas. He relies on first impressions. And combined with his anxiety, the slightest hint that you're up to something will make him suspicious for long.

    Anger. Gwydion is easy to rouse. He suppresses this as best he can, and only alone does he allow it. Times of great stress might break his inner shield.


    [3/8 Skill Points]

    Heavy Armor I: +8 MIT


    2960 Col

    Steel Arming Sword [One-Handed Straight Sword] [Uncommon] [Enhancements (1/1): Damage I] A simple arming sword.

    Steel Plate Armor [Heavy Armor] [Uncommon] [Enhancements (1/1): Mitigation I] A simple set of plate armor.

    5x Healing Potion [Consumable] Heals 50 HP when used. A simple vial of clear red liquid. Light seems to catch inside it.

    5x Health Potion [Consumable] [Tier 1] Heals 40 HP when used. A simple vial of murky red liquid.

    1x Damage Potion [Consumable] [Tier 1] Improves damage by 1 when used. A simple vial of murky purple liquid.

    1x Overhealth Potion [Consumable] [Tier 1] Lends 50 temporary HP when used. A simple vial of murky orange liquid that sometimes cackles with yellow lightning bolts.

    x12 Tier 1 Material [Material] Simple crafting materials.

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