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Aiden Royal

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Posts posted by Aiden Royal

  1. Aiden had been moving forward now for some time and off in the distance a blur of snow rushed past. The wind deaffing as it blew across his face. Aiden was finding it more and more difficult to move but soon the words seemed to echo as he looked around. Looking to see a female riding a beast he had only heard of. "Hello Miss," He replied to her as he looked to see she was rather comfortable talking to complete strangers.

    "I guess you can tell but I'm new to this whole adventuring deal." Not quite agreeing to her offer yet. He turned to face her and noticed another female come walking towards them. Aiden's face revealed a very mild grin as he let the two talk. "You see I'm not really equipped too well. A small incident back in town. I would be be glad to have your assistance. My name is Aiden. Yours?" Asking her in a polite manner.

  2. Taking the chance to move up in the world Aiden had decided to go out on a small adventure. Not sure as to how it made to this location was beyond him. Wearing a variation of his normal clothing, wearing a pair of cargo like pants that held additional pockets along rather tight fitting shirt to hold the heat. Wearing a pair of black boots to keep his feet dry and lastly a large fur coat to keep his body warm. The snow, was cool against exposed skin and soon found himself rather far into the mountain.

    For a beginner like himself he was at a disadvantage hoping that he could maybe find a friendly. Aiden would have to admit he was getting lost in this world and for a brief moment was finding fear slowly build up in him. Aiden had to be strong as he continued to progress further and further.

  3. «Aiden Royal» Subtitle.


    » Username: Aiden Royal

    » Real name: Aiden Royal

    » Age: 23

    » Gender: Male

    » Height: 6'3


    Aiden is a rather clean cut fellow, attempting to keep his appearance as professional as possible. Often seen wearing suit and tie style of clothing this being when he is out in public. He does however also have a more relaxed style of dress when he is by himself and friends. Tending to stick with more loose fit clothing and what could be considered 'commoner' style.

    » About: History/personality

    Aiden's personality is one of confusion, mystery and a small portion of normality. Aiden is one who is rather open with others about public matters though he knows discretion when needed. Knowing that giving a smile to a random stranger may actually have positive effects, he tends to smile or grin for no reason whatsoever. So with this in mind he is able to freely communicate with others, even if the others disapprove of his openness. But a portion of Aiden people don't see is his, hunger for growth. This doesn't mean making leaps and bounds in level or vast amounts of wealth. Growth for him means any step forward to progress himself and even others. If he can give someone a small loan, he knows he can probably get it back.

    But this brings up a new subject, money. Aiden has and probably always will try to acquire money. Being born from a business family has caused his mentality on money to change. You can buy the world for the right price, in Aiden's eyes. Though people don't get to see this in him often. Some call it a rather bad portion of him, but others consider it a blessing. Having the rich man on your team isn't always so bad. Now Aiden when he makes friends is like everybody else, willing to fight to the end for them, trying to protect those around him. He doesn't consider himself a martyr but he does like to feel like the good guy. But what makes a good guy, one who knows what is right and wrong.

    Knowing he shouldn't hold grudges, shouldn't feel hatred, jealously towards others. Aiden has learned a style of mediation passed to him from his grand father. Keeping himself calm and collective his 'cool' side in conversations. Aiden is one who more then likely will speak less, more of a listener and thinker. All in all Aiden is a unique person and even though his major traits in his personality are different then others, they are just outlines of his normal. If situations arise where he needs to change, though difficult as it is for him he will. Though what makes up Aiden, being open but reserved, being honest but discrete, being firm yet giving and caring but just. This is Aiden,


    Aiden was born like everyone else, with an equal chance to succeed at life. Though fate had other plans for him, his father was a wealthy business man while his mother was high up in the governmental food chain. Aiden never really saw much of his mother, but it was his father who decided to take him under his wing and teach him everything he needed to make a buck. Strict life style and even stricter schedule Aiden was pushed to the limits of what a young child could do. By the age of Ten he was able to read and map out business strategy. When he was Twelve years old he had already set up a foundation for a future business in trade. When he was Sixteen years old he had created a small franchise of trade plants. Sending and receiving cargo from across the world into the country.

    By the age of eighteen he was already a millionaire, his investments along with his father's assistance let him take the lead in life. Moving forward taking more and more risky business decisions he was capable of buying out the local competition, effectively creating a monopoly in the region. If a manufacturer wanted something shipped they went to "Aiden's Enterprise" none could compete with the program. But with fame and success comes equal amounts of stress, tension and mental break downs. Aiden was no exception. His father taught him many things, but never how to overcome 'success'.

    Aiden was Twenty when he started to go down hill, starting to buy luxuries and going on spending sprees. Hosting parties and hosting events that would lead to his down fall. It wasn't long after this the members of the board started to plot against him. Making him out to be a young defiant child incapable of leading a multimillion dollar company. Aiden didn't realize it himself, but his life was slowly going down the drain, as more and more of himself slowly began to disappear.

    When he was twenty three his life came to crashing down around him. Drunk all the time, his home being foreclosed on him, his own father had to take him back in to save his failing son. Calling it mental illness Aiden was slowly becoming more and more reclusive. Losing his business, Losing his grasp on life, and even losing his ability to even comprehend reality, his life was falling apart. Thoughts of suicide, thoughts of depression were constant, only when he played video games would they temporarily cease.

    How could Video games, be his savior when he had never even tried them. He didn't know, he needed a reason to fix himself. Going further and further into the electronic end going deep and deeper down the rabbit hole, till he found Sword Art Online...

    » Virtues:

    .Control: Able to keep calm in extreme scenarios, he keeps his cool and is able to think clearly. Able to keep his mind and body in check he is capable of enduring intense events without losing his sanity. Able to take in information and make a calculated guess with no compromise in judgement. He can be a pillar of support when needed to make decisions.

    . Cheerful: Aiden likes to consider himself the 'happy' guy even if it means saying nothing, he tries to boost moral of those around him. He doesn't always succeed but he attempts to keep people happy. For Aiden it is a challenge by having to come out of his shell but by pushing himself he is able to reach new limits.

    .Life: After seeing the darkness of his own heart he is able to say that living is the answer. That death doesn't need volunteers, and tries to help pull those that are walking to the darkness from it. Trying to brighten their day or even help change their life style.

    » Flaws:

    Reference: http://www.darkworldrpg.com/lore/flaws.html

    . Business Talk: Aiden always has a professional appearance about him. And from his experience he doesn't always understand or know why people feel a certain way. Unable to comprehend why people treasure broken things. Aiden doesn't quiet understand what ambition is, and why people try to always get better. Even though he himself is always trying to go forward in life. Often times leaving him scratching his head when he is asked.

    .Ruthless: Aiden has seen the worst in people for a large portion of his life. He has adopted some of that lifestyle to himself. Being Relentless in a deal to defeating an opponent. Why give mercy to those that hold blade against you style. Aiden doesn't expect people to show him mercy as he is always trying to get to the top himself and willing to use any method needed.

    .Growth: Aiden is always pushing forward, always trying to create a better life for him and his friends. Though this often times puts him in trouble, maybe fighting the thug was a bad idea, or pushing too hard in a business deal. Aiden doesn't know when to truly stop and it will get him in trouble.





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    » One Handed Curved Blade



    »One Handed Curved Blade


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    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress

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    viewtopic.php?f=7&t=1670&p=20874#p20874 - in progress

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