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Posts posted by Aiko

  1. *I jump on the tree as if I where to climb it, yet she didn't grab it but flap, and grab it with her feet?* "HA Haine betcha can't do that!" The kept playing this game till eventually they got down the mountain. "THIS SNOW MAN IS FABULOUS OK?" We had made an cute fat-ish snowman and the last thing... Akio took of her pink and purple scarf (She had an extra) And put it on the snowman, put a sign next to him that said 'FABULOUSH DA SNOWMAN'. "OMG LOOK AT HIM!" They giggled.

  2. "I can handle myself pretty-boy!" She says in a stern voice acting as if she would kill him with her sword she pulled out. "The REAL one you should be looking out for its yourself." She said sternly as if it where to move the groups away. "And Haine, I can be alone, I have friends, like the fish in the pond!" She said as she flipped Haine's longer hair into a braid.

  3. *I ran after them all* "Hey guys wait up!" I said as if I where someone to bring along. "Eh, I don't think you want me here, another body to take care of, another food traumatizing take over." She said as she walked away not turning back, and getting back to the pond. *She lifted up her hood and looked a bit sad as the group left...*

  4. *I sit by the pond, outside the tree house as I see giggling... my hood was up, a pink one. some of my pink hair fell out of my hood, I was mysterious enough for Haine not to notice me. I cup my hands and take some of the water, into a bottle carefully. as I find the tree house, and realize, I should get some sleep at the Tree-village.*

    I go mysteriously down to the village when I hear a voice from the tree house a giggling... I decide to take a peek of what was up... I jump up into the tree and put my hood down, yet they only saw my shadow and they where probably gonna draw there sword, she knew that.* "hello." She had in a stern voice as I had shown myself.

  5. "Ok sword make sure to kill'em kay?" She said as she took a stance as to attack the wolf as she did she swept up her feet in a circle... and Hit em' and took him out as the wolf corpse dropped but her heard more than just... She saw a pack of wolves around herself, she sat in the middle! "Common Haine! You can kill 'em!" She says in a motivational voice ^ ^

    (BATTLE 4+ = HIT)

  6. *She had been stroked with proper care as she had settled down...*

    "sniff sniff!!" She had sniffed Haine's hand... of coarse shes her normal self... candy!

    She was surprised as she saw the candy... and went for it! *She had started eating the stash of magical rainbow-like candy... she was happily eating the candy when Haine had walked forward a few steps, her bag shook the bunny around as she was walking...

  7. *The fluffy bunny had gotten placed in Haine's pack carefully as they traveled... as She had been dropped into the bag she had dreamed about what she would be named... and so much more... she had been daydreaming for almost the entire things as she had heard about monsters she had wondered and had stuck her head out of the hole in the side of the packaging she was in....* "MEERRRF!" She had tried to say something as she had seen a dead wolf... probably what had been the man's doing.

  8. "Oh gosh, did you want me to stop... or something?" She had said as she dropped her axe down and hugged her friend. "I'm sorry Haine!" She had said as the wood had chopped down, she picked it up and placed it peacefully (hopefully correctly) into a place in the tree... "but this is really the only way to get the wood for our tree house!" She started to stay as she got rudely interrupted... by a wolf coming near them, surrounding them...

  9. *In fact she had thought that he had casted an spell on herself, as she had became a bunny, and had hopped on Haine's shoulder.* "He casted a spell on me!" She had whispered into her ear hopefully she heard it... she had thought. *She jumped down and had be given a carrot, which she ate immediately. She had been then, board as they talked about stuff she couldn't hear... She daydreamed in a patch of grass......* *Haine had been tricked into thinking She was a present from the man...


  10. *She makes a way point at some random place and places the wood there, her axe was gone after breaking the tree...* *She takes some more wood off the tree and on the floor of it as she puts it in the same place...* "Thank you tree!" She said as she got to work on the tree house for a while.. she ate some wolf from the hunt earlier as she kept working....

    She made the tree house a few days later...

    "Finally! It's done!!!" She hugged herself and felt well as she got attacked by a wolf as she pulled her sword out and yelled... "COME AT ME, BRO!" But it was too late... the wolf had grabbed hold of her foot, as she tried to stand up, and hit the level 2 wolf, she finally did... and dug her sword into it's heart as she praised naturally for his spirit.

    She took the supplies she gathered earlier to put in the tree house, as soon as she did grab all her stuff and put it in the tree house... another animal appierd at the bottom of the ladder, a boar to the looks of it... yet she couldn't see for sure. The shadow of it was very small and she couldn't see it correctly from the height she was at, it started to break her art of the wood, yet she went down from the tree and shook it off her, and started to fight... her foot still damaged.


  11. *I found Haine finally and shook her* "HAINE-CHAN!!" She squeaked at her friend. "Why do you always appear out of the blue?" She asked to her friend... curiously. "OH, COMMON LETS JUST GET OUTTA THIS BLIZZARD, YOU MUTE!" She screams at they run down the mountain together...

  12. She sat and rubbed her head as if she where thinking... "This is secret?" She said in curiosity as the man spoke about some secret... As she jumped around this 'secret' spot. "Why are you laughing?" She asked childishly wondering again... then she kept jumping in till one of them answered...

  13. *She traveled on and on as she killed multiple things: Monkies, wolves and, boars.* "COMMON NATURE CHALLENGE ME!" She yelled at an bush as she ran back to her way point to build something of use. *She took out her axe and began chopping trees.* "Common axe, hit the tree!" She yelled at the axe as she struck the tree, over and over in till it fell down and she could collect the wood. *She picks up some bark to make an House at some point.*

  14. *She steps in the middle of the forest wanting to embark on an new adventure...* "COMMON I WANNA KILL SOMETHING!!" She told herself as she rushed through the woods swinging her sword... as she heard an wolf howl near her she swung her sword at him...twisting the blade into her heart...* "HEHEHEHE TAKE THAT YOU DUMB DINOSAUR" She yelled to the spirit as the sword got thrown back in horror as she took the remains into her hands and put it in a spot and put a way point near the spot she knew this place would be her house later on. As she traveled on.

  15. (Idk just role with it) *She stood up at midnight and seen Haine has fallen fast asleep in a small patch of march...* *She slept next to her with her axe near her, safely. As she slowly fell asleep she felt as if she was being watched...* (sorry moved to my iPad mini I can't use the buttons at the top... So deal with it for now..)

  16. *She took some bark and tried to make an wood axe...* "Lets hope this works!" She already felt the sweat she breathed heavily. She began to work on crafting it, yet it took a while to even start, She might have it done my midnight...! she thought to herself.

    (CRAFTING: 5+ LOOTING: 2+)

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