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Posts posted by Draterion

  1. Draterion so regretted using the potion at this time. Draterion ran away from the others and out into the floor 1 wilds. He eyed a easy boar with only two HP and ran up to it, screaming, I'm gonna kill you! Surprisingly, the boar actually ran away. Draterion turned to see what the people watching him had gone. They were almost all his guild, and one a newbie. "Hey Ymir!" Draterion got a little upset as to not seeing Azreth for a while.

    "Where could Azureth be?"

  2. Draterion thought up of a next question while looking into the air. "What kind of things can tailors and alchemists craft?"

    "I actually don't know," the NPC responded.

    it's giving me crap again......

    "Look it up in the guidebook!" He finished.

    Jees, so much help.

    "Fine!"Draterion pulled it out.


    Craft potions, cry tans, and other convictions

    Exampes-potion of frog face, switcharoo potion, health crystals and antidote potions.


    Craft out of leather

    Exampes-capes, hand wraps, gloves.


  3. Draterion wanted to ask some questions. But before he could ask them, the NPC told him to ask them. "As we are walking," it said, " feel free to ask me any questions about smithing."

    Draterion came right out with his first question. "What kind of equipment can smithy's craft? I mean besides from tbe normal sword shield and armor."

    "Well," he said," let's see here.... We can craft shields, swords, spears, hammers, axes, chest plates, gauntlets, boots, leg armor, helmets, and a tinsie bit more..... I forget a lot of the time."

    Draterion looked up. Right, cause a NPC forgets things.

  4. Draterion walked back into town but WS sent out again. "You were supposed to get me two mats, ding-dong! And you were right, I do have infinite mats. These ones...."

    Draterion had a surprised look on his face. "Wha---"

    Draterion was stopped by the NPC once more.

    "I'm just kidding with you. Always good to see a surprised face!" The NPC chuckeld a bit. "Follow me to my forge!" And they began to walk off towards the NPC smith tutorial place.

  5. Don't listen to orhlami, I believe he is a merchant! :p . what you need to do is...make tons of potions in your free time. Eventually, you'll have a lot in stock if no one comes. Then you put a sign by your shop that says HUGE SALE going on, people will come to you. And if your selling a antidote potion and healing potion combined, cheaper than buying both from a merchant, there bound to buy it. Hopefully! :)


    Or you could read my other post. :(

  6. Draterion did not drink the potion. But what if it's just wasting and later I find something else to do with it? Draterion picked up the potion, but he held it to tightly! The potion bursted into shards as his skin color began to turn green with little blue specks outlying him. He was like a frog! He stuck his tongue out. It wasn't any longer. OK, good. "Look at me Tom, I'm a frog!"

    [OOC: shouldn't have used it!]

  7. I'm more worried as I just started and I'm not overly rich at the moment... would you give discounts or offer fairer prices per potion than normal merchants/PC merchants?

    There is no NPC's shops, Newbie! :p

    I'm just kidding! Welcome to the site! If you would like to get trained to higher levels with some good old friends and get to the front lines eventually? Then join the guild Tempest Lost!

  8. Draterion thought for a moment.

    where to grab a quick bite?

    Draterion then remembered this one fancy restaurant that had a big buffet of all foods from all country's and some exotic foods. Draterion ran ahead of them to get to the restaurant.


    Draterion called back and waited for them. When they caught up, he quickly stated, "here we are!" And ran into the free amazing fancy buffet restaurant before they could catch up.

  9. Draterion eyed the potions very carefully.

    <<Potion of hair color changer>>(forgot official name)

    Changes player hair color for one day.

    <<Potion of Frog Face>>

    Changes players skin color green for a day.

    Draterion liked the frog face one better, but them together he could pretend to be a green zombie monster in front of his guild! What to do, what to do, what to do, what to do, he couldn't decide. Draterion had spent only 100 col on it, but it would be good to save them.

  10. ID:3473

    CD:4(no heal)

    BD:9(Draterin deals 7 damage)

    MD:1(Flame Bandit Misses)

    LD:17(+1, detection skill)


    Draterion thrust his sword right into it's heart, finishing it off with a critical hit!




    125 col

    1 material



    Draterion cheered happily when it died and saw that he had recieved 125 col and a mat. "YES!"

  11. Draterion prepared for the next hit, parrying it once more, sending it flying backward. it soon came charging back at him. Draterion dodged the strikes then prepared his favorite move, which he called "BLINDING LIGHT!" he screamed as he charged at the bandit quickly as it came, taking about one step every ten feet(exaggeration) as he charged up, striking left then right then left then right, not allowing it to get away, then went for a final strike to finish off his signature move.



    CD:6(no heal)

    BD:10(Draterion deals 8 damage)

    MD:7(Bandit deals 2 damage)





    Draterion slammed the bandit into the volcanic ash pile nearby. It was almost dead!

    Draterion closed in for the final shot on the flame bandit, noticing it had not time to strike back at him.



    CD:11(Draterion heals 1 hit point)

    MD:10(Flame Bandit deals four damage)

    BD:2( Draterion misses!)





    Draterion thrust his big sword forward but failed to hit the enemy as the bandit slammed it's flaming sword at him once more, damaging him even more. "OW!" that one did officialy hurt. But Draterion dove forward.

  12. Don't listen to orhlami, I believe he is a merchant! :p . what you need to do is...make tons of potions in your free time. Eventually, you'll have a lot in stock if no one comes. Then you put a sign by your shop that says HUGE SALE going on, people will come to you. And if your selling a antidote potion and healing potion combined, cheaper than buying both from a merchant, there bound to buy it. Hopefully! :)


  13. The Flame Bandit stood up, infuriated. It's sword began to form into a giant form of a war hammer and itself got bigger, most likely for one turn only. It charged forward at a quick pace.

    MD:8(added three)
    BD:8(added three)
    CD:8(added 3)

    Draterion ran up and slashed at it's leg, but not before it could hurry and smash him into the volcano lime ground. Draterion quickly got up with his sword ready to block the next attack after the for shrunk.


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