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Posts posted by jeremy12

  1. Jeremy led them to the wild plains which ended in the base of the mountains. Chilly Jerey put up his hood. Brrrr! Jeremy looked at the sky. It was getting late. Samantha we're going to have to find a place to stay for the night. Ok let me take the lead. Jeremy stopped and let Samantha lead the way. She led them to a path of roses where she finally came to a stop at a old farmhouse. Walking inside Jeremy asked where are we? In my old countryside house we can stay the night here. Okay where do you want me to sleep. On the couch in the living room. Jeremy grabbed a pillow and quickly fell asleep.

  2. I think it looks amazing too bad you can't bring it to life like Olaf. Jeremy made a face and said hi my name is Olaf and I like warm hugs! No that would be cool. If only he brought his snowboard oh wait! He did. He grabbed his snowboard and sled down the hill super fast than caught on a piece of ice flew backwards and did a double backflip than landed on another one and stopped himself. Jeremy grinned. How was that?!

  3. As the titan bubble cried out in pain from Jeremy's slash he came and attacked back. The titan had hit him for four damage! With one life remaining he attacked back for a total of 4 damage.

    Jeremy 1/8

    Titan 5/13

    All of a sudden the Titan screeched and exploded into crystals like monsters do after death. Jeremy did not understand until he seen the girl with the twin longswords. You were almost dead! what were you thinking a probably lv.1 boy fighting a whole league of beasts! Where were you heading anyway! The girl would not let him talk! I'm lv.2 and I alone am heading to the mountains to kill the mutt beast that lives there! You alone with not really any advantages at all! Okay lets start this over Jeremy said. I'm Jeremy and your name is? Samantha. Okay Samantha would you like to come with me? sure.

  4. Jeremy not done with his fort realized Alex was the enemy he remembered Alex sience he was little. He grabbed a sled and raced down the hill grabbing Usagi pulling her down with him. You're coming down with me! He only 12 was practically a little kid inside. So? he asked Usagi. Do you want to build a snowman or ride our bike up and down the halls! I don't see you anymore come out the door its like you've gone away. Jeremy left Usagi going down the mountain as he got off.

  5. Jeremy HP 8/8

    Bubble Titan HP 13/13

    The Titan wasn't that fast at attacking even with his ultra strength. He stabbed three times and missed Jeremy each time. He just jumped rolled or spinned out of the way. By the fourth Titan strike Jeremy rolled turned really fast and struck down on the spear with all his might causing the spear to break. The Titan was so mad he grabbed his end that he had in his hand and dealt 3 damage. With five HP Jeremy attack the Titan and swung his sword at him and dealing four damage. With Jeremy having 5/8 HP and the Titan having 9/13 Jeremy wasn't sure who would win. He just knew he could beat this water freak crying home to his wave mommy.

  6. Jeremy suddenly felt stronger than before. He was lv.2 now! Now with full life and HP of 8. He was better than ever. He grabbed Ghost Flame and looked to the battle. Then the last bubble warrior charged at him and Jeremy sidestepped and struck back with a critical strike of 6 damage.

    Bubble warriors 0/0

    Bubble leader 3/3

    Jeremy 8/8

    Jeremy charged the last bubble and brought a swipe straight down to its head but the leader steeped out of the way and hit him for 3 hit points. Jeremy now with only 5 HP swung at the bubble leader and hit directly for 4 hit points.

    Monsters HP 0/5

    Jeremy HP 5/8

    See ya! Jeremy continued on his journey celebrating his victory. About 15 min. Later than he fully healed a huge 9ft bubble was staring at him. So you defeated my crew have you. Well now you have to go through me! He grabbed a spear that was about 5ft long. Okay. Lets Dance!

  7. Jeremy trudged down and went north as the map told him to. When he go to the lake he was token by surprise by some kind of weak fish warriors. Is this the welcoming party? Jeremy asked them. All call you all bubbles!

    Jeremy HP 5/5

    Bubble warrior HP 1/1

    Bubble warrior HP 1/1

    Lead bubble HP 3/3

    Jeremy came at the first bubble warrior as fast as lightning and struck Ghoat Flame into its ribs with a side strike which dealt 2 damage.

    Bubble warrior HP 0/1

    The next one Jeremy charged and missed. The sand shifted under his feet making him lose his balance. The bubble warrior hit him for 2 damage

    Bubble warrior 1/1

    Lead Bubble 3/3

    Jeremy 3/5

  8. As it was morning Jeremy realized he'll need a sleeping bag. He jumped up and got one in his bag. He was sure he was still missing one thing but could not think of it. What did he need he did not know but he'll figure it out. He was going to eat breakfast before he goes. He fried up some bacon and had a lovely breakfast. Now one last step mark on the map where I'm going. He grabbed a sharpè and put a x on the mountain. He was all ready. He grabbed his things and headed to the north where the mountain. He was going to need some luck. He unsheathed Ghost Flame and swung it around. This is going to be fun as he always says.

  9. I wonder if this monster is as bad as they thought so what some girl was killed maybe the beast had the element of surprise jeremy thought as he grabbed some food for three days. His list included; bread, cheese, fruit, and some eggs in a carton. Now he had to grab his supplies of gear. He whipped out of the kitchen down the hall way and turned the corner to his room. First he needed something to start easy fires. He searched the room until he found a flint striker. Next he needed wood for emergencies if he ran out of wood. Also he needed water. Three sport bottles of water he filled up through the tap on his kitchen sink. As well he'll need what? Oh a map! He grabbed his old map out. Now one more thing. How is a starting sword going to help? Aha! He can use the one he bought a few days ago! I can't dual wield but I can still take both. He grabbed a chest sheath for his blade he named ghost flame because it had blue flames all over the blade also it gave more attack. Maybe he should bring Alex his life long friend into this. No! I can. Now I got it sorted out time to get it into a bag. He grabbed a big hiking bag out of the closet. He was ready after today. Boy it was already dusk. He threw the bag into a chair and opened the menu to appearance and changed into pajas and hopped into bed for a good nights sleep.

  10. As Jeremy was heading to breakfast to a place that was so better than subway than he was heading to someplace very good. Finally when he arrived he ordered a cheeseburger, a turkey same which and some scrambled eggs. He was starving. Then it was a whisper from two other players.

    Boy1: Did you hear about the girl who was takin into the mountain by a huge fanged beast.

    Boy2: I heard that it was a huge dog with drill teeth. And if a player is nearby it will attack then go away so it's a matter in time he'll be back.

    Boy1: I hope someone kills it.

    The boys leave.

    Jeremy grabbed his starting sword and wet to go grab some gear. I will keep Alex and the others out of this one it's my turn.

  11. As Jeremy got ready for his and Alex's duel, he bought a cheap short sword but it was still durable. Now he was almost out of money. He's going down Jeremy thought. I've known him forever and now i'ts time to see who's better. He grabbed his old rusty knife and his new sword. He put the knife in its sheath and swung his sword to the side. This was gonna be fun. Best friends fighting to see who's stronger.

    Jeremy was ready he and Alex had made up a agreement to fight in town by The beach. Jeremy trudged down the roads to the beach. When he had finally reached the sand and pebbles. He sat and waited for Alex on a rock listening to the blue waves hitting the shore, felt the wind against his face. The wind was strong enough to make his blond brown hair. His Green eyes were content on looking at this scene before his battle with Alex. Good luck Alex but you won't need as much as me

    Jeremy silently waited for Alex. I hope he is not too late!

    Wow! This is a beautiful sunset I told Him to meet me at sundown. Jeremy swung his sword around a little and stretched then watched the sun go down one of the most beautiful sights ever then right before the end he heard something nearing by. Alex?

  12. Jeremy was just walking along minding his own business when he seen two fighters ready to fight. It was Alex! He was not sure who the girl was but she looked determined. Come on Alex! I respect girls and all I've been beaten by a few but she's a girl come on! show her how fight like a man! Jeremy held his knife ready to jump out to save Alex if the girl maybe beat him and was ready for her last strike.

  13. «Name» Subtitle.



    » Username: Jeremy12

    » Real name: Jeremy Haverkamp

    » Age: 12

    » Gender: boy

    » Height: 5 ft

    » About: History/personality

    Born in Michigan where he was raised for his first 8 years of his life. Playing with his friends outside all day everyday. He is good in school but although he played video games quite often. Played soccer for 3 years straight. Mother left him when a week before 2 years. Then showed up for a year at 5 to 6. In years 0-8 lived with grandma and Grandpa with no care or chores really. Then at 8 years, grandma and Grandpa broke up and Jeremy and Grandma left to Kansas and Jeremy then lived with mom and step dad and learned who his father was at 9. Played Baseball from ages 9-12 The n at 9 watching Percy Jackson he became a booklover loving books.

    » Virtues:

    . Smart. Keeping A's and B's for his whole life. When it comes to riddles or anything that is truly he figures it out it is hard to fool him because his intelligence does not let it happen

    . Confident. Always trusts his idea even if everyone else does not agree.

    . Stratigic. Always has a stratagy for everything in a couple of minutes even if its not that good.

    . Determined. Never gives up.

    . Hard working. Always tries his best. He makes sure he gives all before giving in its what he does not give in




    » Flaws: Bigmouth for some reason jeremy can not just keep his mouth shut everyone tells him to shut up or be quiet he tries to stop but it is not in his nature making it hard to sneak he cannot keep himself quiet for his life. He is bad for company when the element of surprise is the only option.

    Impatient Jeremy can not wait for the world on anything he will attack first and ask questions later. If you tell him to wait he will not be able to hold himself under control. So if you tell him to wait before you go attack he will attack moments later keeping him down.

    Reference: http://www.darkworldrpg.com/lore/flaws.htm.




    Profession: blacksmith








    Weapon skills :






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    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress

    (no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)


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