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Posts posted by Leru

  1. "Ob absolutely. I feel slightly sad that you didn't know about it, the friend's list is the best assist for keeping people together here." Leru replied as he rolled his wrist, hopping up from the seat so that he could stretch, he wasn't going to let himself grow stiff from the level of inactivity. No thanks. As he did this, he would continue to listen to her before she suggested hunting. It was evening and the sky was no longer radiating with light, though her eyes were something to keep a note of. The one sweet and passionate gaze they gave him faded, something... Interesting, replaced it. She... Did take his joke as a joke, right?

    Fortunately, she did! It was simply to hunt, though it was weird that she wanted to do it in a part of the day that seemed... Dangerous. But if she got some thrill from that, he was going to match her, damn it! "Sounds like a plan. Fun fact about me though, I have to handle the game from the perspective of a new player. Illusions are fun to manipulate and whatnot, but the real numbers... Oh boy. I can still tank though if we handle these beasts quickly. As for damage... That's all you."

  2. Wait... Was this the first time she discovered the friend's list!? In a long while it seems. Wow... That was actually sort of depressing, even he felt a slight bit sad just hearing that. Perhaps she wasn't really the most social person despite how warm and welcoming she seemed. Unfortunate indeed. How many years has it been since she's seen her lover? Regardless, he chuckled lightly and sent her a request when she gave him permission to do that. The poor thing was buried deep in her little bubble, so he was going to get her out? Seems like it.

    "You've done nothing for me to break your trust. So I'll just stand and take all the hits until you're satisfied." He boldly declared as he took another bit of gin for himself, laughing lightly when she began to jest with him again. She talked in a somewhat flirty way despite coming off so sweet and kind, nearly two sides of a coin. "Only if it's you, my love~." A joke launched back in return before he turned himself over to see a check. Lovely. An X and an O, the O would deduct the col from his funds annnnd they're set.

    "There we go, love. Was that all you wanted for your meal?"

    [OOC: Ayyyyy, same person playing the actual character. I'll forfeit any rewards on my half if necessary.]

  3. 17c7921763276155f95bdc112208b1c4--fire-e



    Real Name - Leru Yukino

    Username - Leru

    Age - 20


    The older brother of the Yukino family, just as interested in ecomonics and business. Where the money goes, so does he. As a result of this, he was very interested in the VRMMORPG scene when it was declared, though he did not invest anything into it. Simply put, bad business to try and place your faith in a product with no reputation. So why did his little brother do it?

    Though he let his brother do it, Leru was concerned for him. Due to having the role of taking care of him, he decided to get one of his own. Though nothing was supposed to go wrong, Leru has an unfortunate feeling about what he was getting into. And how right he was to believe it. Though he had plenty of experience with video games and seemed to do well in the beginning, the disturbing reality hit. Welcome to the game, players. And no little brother in sight, causing Leru to panic and search frantically.

    He had no luck for over two years...

    Ironic, being a family of luck, one would expect him to find the other immediately. But both siblings were hopelessly trapped in this world, and Leru will be damned if he goes down without a fight. So... He will fight to survive long enough to see his brother again.

    Leru is driven by money, yes. But he is also driven for his sibling, wishing to keep him safe despite the state of the game. Being the older one, he typically looks to protect and help others who are in a lesser position than he is, but only to an extent. Being a man who uses words to swoon people, he has developed a tongue used for things like manipulation or just flirting. A calm player who cherishes his sibling, even above the money. Those who are dear to him will be protected. He'll be damned it he let them die.


    Collected - Despite being under pressure, he is able to keep a level-headed perspective in check, preventing him from doing anything bold or brash. As a result of this, he typically acts the way he should in a dangerous situation, knowing what specifically to do in order to avoid being nothing but pieces of data.

    Acceptance - Leru doesn't mind the game's limit. Simply put, the game was different, but it was the same concept as the real world. One life left to live, just with more power and potential to become a figure much higher than the others. An ambitious goal, but one that would take too much time for him to care. Regardless, the game's death simulation does not phase him.

    Tactical - One needs strategy in order to survive. Leru is capable of thinking a few steps ahead before acting, and he usually has some sort of plan that undermines him in the heat of the moment, but eventually works in his favor. A risky set of tactics, yes. However, he dedicated himself to being a tank, this was just a part of the job.

    Protective - Simply put, he protects those that he cares for, using his body as a shield. If one makes a decision that is lesser than one that he would make, he would take the fall for them with the belief that he will come out of it. It is very rare for him to do this since he must genuinely care about someone to do this, but when he does, he could throw himself into the frying pan.

    Uncaring - Typically, the public opinion of him doesn't matter if it does not benefit him. This does not mean he would randomly murder, but he is not so willing to stick to the same mentality of getting out of the game. Leru serves himself, simple as that. With that in mind, he does help whenever he feels it is convenient for him, so there is a hope of obtaining a seat for helping the game if such a thing is needed.

    Manipulative - Profit margins are best with unfair play. Scamming people to obtain his way is no obstacle, for he looks for himself at the end of the day. That doesn't mean he wouldn't care about others, but if there is a way to obtain something he desires, he'll do so. Fortunately, he doesn't wish to cause the death of others if they are mere innocents.




    -Beginner's Two-Handed Axe
    -Warrior's Heavy Armor [Rare, T1] (+2 MIT)
    -3 Starter Healing Potions (Heals 50 HP)
    -2,500 Col and (10) Tier 1 materials

    -Two-Handed Battleaxe [Rank One]

    Friend List/Relationships/Story So Far: ---

    Roleplays: ---

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