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Everything posted by Alana

  1. Alana


    Weapons Armor & Accessories Consumables **Chose Set C "Tank Package" -1 Vanity Weapon -1 Rare Armor -3 Starter Potions -2500 Col -10 T1 Materials
  2. Alana


    Learned ♥ First Aid: Rank 1 [5] Unlearned ♥ None
  3. Alana


    Vain. Alexandria loves the way that she looks despite the hate that she got whilst growing up. Alexandria cares very much about her appearance. She spends a lot of time making sure she approves of the way that she looks. (She likes to make people flushed by her appearance). Quiet. Alexandria is quiet. She doesn't talk as much as others, and when she does her voice comes out as soft. Due to this, Alexandria holds her secrets close. Fragile. Alexandria's own body is fragile. Due to being a support, she focuses on others rather than herself. Her emotions are fragile as well, meaning she takes
  4. Alana


    ♥ Backstory ♥ Alexandria Alana Mongous. The silver haired girl was born on a clear and starry night on November 17th. Unlike the rest of her family filled with brunettes, Alexandria was born with pure silver hair. Alexandria was the odd one out of every family gathering. The rest of her family found her strange. A child born with pure silver hair and two different eye colors? It was unheard of in their entire family. Let's just say that growing up for Alexandria was harder than most children. In Kindergarten she never made any friends due to her strange appearance. This went on until t
  5. Alana


    Real Name: Alexandria Alana Mongous Age: Twenty Gender: Female Nationality: American Birthday: November 17th Height: 5' 6" Username: Alana Profession: Cook Physical Description: Alana is a beautiful young woman of slender yet curvaceous figure with a bit of a bust and regular height. She has very pale skin, large eyes. The right eye is light blue in color while the left is a beautiful orange. Alana has long silver hair reaching her waist. Her bangs cover her right eye. Alana always wears a blue earring with the symbol of her family, compromising of the sun, the moon, and st
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