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Posts posted by Saruki

  1. The specific Items Saruki had to gather for the quest were rather common. 5 Budding Field Flowers should be easy enough to find, Saruki thought as he left Zechariah's workshop. But he had to dart back in to ask a question.

    "What is the quickest way to the center of town from here?"

    Saruki was more than a little glad that NPCs could give directions in SAO, as he probably would have taken much longer to find the center of town on foot.

    Following the directions he was given by Zackariah, Saruki made his way to the center of town rather quickly. There, he was reminded of the fear he felt when he discovered he was trapped in the game, though he also had to admit that he was glad that he didn't have to clean his room or wash the dishes. He would have to work on that unnecessary optimism.

    Saruki did not like reminders that he was trapped in SAO, so he wanted to gain some experience and leave this town as soon as possible, which for him meant he had to do more than a few quests first.

    Soon after, Saruki made his way to the nearest NPC shop to grab a bite to eat. The NPCs sold some good bread. Finally he made his way to the exit of town so that he could go and finish the quest.

  2. Saruki walked over to Zackariah's workstation, "Is there anything I can help you with?"

    The old man responded rather quickly, "Why yes, actually there is," the NPC began, "I am an alchemist, I make potions and other useful supplies, mostly from plants. I hope to aid the warriors of this land with more potions, but I have run out of the materials with which I make them, and I am too old to go and gather them in the field by myself, so if you would be so kind, I ask that you would gather those materials for me."

    After waiting for the NPC's somewhat long-winded request to end, Saruki responded with a simple, "I would be happy to help."

    Once he knew the specific materials, Saruki made sure the quest was accepted by checking the golden exclamation mark above the NPC's head, which had indeed changed into a question mark, meaning the quest was officially accepted.

  3. Saruki needed something to do, he'd heard of an NPC who gave an easy quest... somewhere around the general area he was now in.

    I'll just open some doors... that should work... hopefully...

    Saruki opened the nearest door, It was the same as all the other doors in the area, being made of the same type of wood and everything.

    Once again, I roll a one Saruki thought, comparing his luck to his favorite role-playing game when he found out that he'd opened an unclaimed player house, At least it's empty... He couldn't even imagine how awkward it would have been if some other player-owned the place, but he really needed a quest, so he tried the next door.

    It was the door he was needing which was pretty easy to tell from the small alchemist's workshop, and the NPC, an old man sitting at the workstation in the middle of the room. He had a golden exclamation mark over his head, indicating the quest Saruki was about to accept. The NPC, Zackariah, beckoned Saruki over to the workstation.




    Username: Saruki

    Real name: Sa Haruki

    Age: 17

    Gender: Male

    Height: 5’5” 

    Description: A somewhat childish though surprisingly intelligent teen, Saruki has somewhat dark orange-ish blonde hair and greenish-blue eyes.  He is pale, though not excessively so. He is often dressed in white, most often with blue accents. He always wears a pendant, it has an emerald set in it.






    About: History/personality

    Before everyone was trapped in the game, Saruki was just an average teen, if a little childish. He played pokemon, watched anime, and had a few friends. Video games were one of his favourite hobbies, which is why he was extremely excited to get the new game Sword Art Online. He was the only one of his friend group to log into SAO at the time of the disaster.  He wasn’t really worried about the logout situation at first, and, at least for now, he has accepted that the game is his life.

    Before SAO, his other favorite hobby was drawing, for which he used a pencil and paper. He has not found pencils in SAO, though he can still draw. He is working on perfecting a new ink-pen technique. 

    He is having trouble making friends due to his childishness. He remains kind despite this world’s almost constant frustrations (No pencils, No Pokemon games, difficult to make friends… etc.)

    Although somewhat naive, he is surprisingly intelligent. He enjoys fishing, cooking, reading and writing, as well as video games, particularly those with puzzles and dungeons, and many other activities.


    -CreativitySaruki often uses his imagination and original ideas, especially in the production of artistic works. Saruki has always been an imaginative person, ever since his childhood, he's loved to write books and create and solve puzzles, this is what helps him create unprecedented plans and strategies that work efficiently. He mostly shows it through art.

    -Honor– Follows his own code of conduct, remotely similar to chivalry. Saruki was honest as a child and he is still honest now, he prefers not to lie. His basic code of honor does not change when he plays video games or deals with NPCs.

    -Puzzle Oriented Thinking (Indecisiveness)– Characterized by a lack of decision, especially under pressure. He is unable to make quick and practical decisions under pressure. This is due to the complete overthought of situations. This allows him to solve puzzles and create many methodical and well thought out plans and strategies, from something as big as a boss raid to something as small as fighting a boar (even for making a sandwich.) This is both a help and a hindrance to him as while a well thought out plan is good for a boss raid, it is only a waste of time to plan how you will eat a bowl of ramen. He does not actually strategize how to eat a bowl of ramen.


    -Indecisiveness (Puzzle Oriented Thinking) – Characterized by a lack of decision, especially under pressure. He is unable to make quick and practical decisions under pressure. This is due to the complete overthought of situations. This allows him to solve puzzles and create many methodical and well thought out plans and strategies, from something as big as a boss raid to something as small as fighting a boar (even for making a sandwich.) This is both a help and a hindrance to him as while a well thought out plan is good for a boss raid, it is only a waste of time to plan how you will eat a bowl of ramen. He does not actually strategize how to eat a bowl of ramen.

    -Naivety – Saruki does not quite understand the world, he may be simple, or lack sophistication or critical judgement in some scenarios. He was not a very social person before SAO, he only had a few friends, and he is not extremely social now, either. Due to his hobbies of gaming and fantasy reading and writing, he is immersed in various fantasy worlds and does not fully understand the real world or people. The lack of understanding of the real world is not as much of a problem in SAO, however, because he doesn't have to deal with the real world.

    -Hungry – Tends to feel hungry a lot. He has been called ravenous or wolfish. This is partially because he was poor, before the game, and for a period of time his family could only afford two meals a day. As a result, he feels the need to eat, as he feels he may not get his next meal.






    Level: 3

    HP: 60

    EN: 6

    DMG: 4





    Total SP: 7

    Used: (5)

    Remaining: (2)








    • [x1 AoE] Sonic Charge (1 Energy +2 per target hit) - A forward thrust which explodes energy at the end of the move.
    • [x2 Stun] Twin Thrust (5 Energy) - A pair of quick thrusts aimed at the user's knees to immobilize them.
    • [x2] Heft (2 Energy) - Lift the heavy end of the spear diagonally across your opponent from the ground, cutting their torso with the tip.


    Weapon skills:


    » 2H Assault Spear (Rnk 1)

    (+3 base dmg)





    »Set D "Support Package":


    • <<equipped>> Trightning (Tier 1, 2H Assault Spear, Rare quality, PRLZ/BLD)

    A long fishing trident, reforged into a weapon for battle. It's fishing nature makes it particularly good at stopping prey. 

    •  Iron Spear (Tier 1, 2H Assault Spear, Uncommon, rank 1 ACC)

    • Vanity Weapon of choice (Long-Spear of weak attacks, 2H assault spear)


    • <<Equipped>> Scale Mail (Tier 1, Heavy Armor, Rare quality, Thorns | Heavy Momentum)

    Made to be paired with Trightning, this bluish-green armor resembles fish scales. It increases damage output by a lot.

    • <<Equipped>> Vanity Armor of choice (Emerald Pendant)


    • (3) Starter Healing Potions (Heals 50 HP)

    • 2,400 Col and (25) Tier 1 materials

    • 5 Tier One Health Potions of Uncommon Quality (+40HP)

    • 1 Tier One Damage Potion. (+1 Damage)

    • 1 Tier One Over-Health Potion (+50 Temp. HP)

    • Glasswing butterfly (Vanity item, no effect)

    A butterfly with clear wings... releases butterfly when used... not big enough to be used as a distraction.






    Story Thus Far 

    <<To be Updated>>

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