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Issanalyn Maclaire

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Everything posted by Issanalyn Maclaire

  1. Stirring from her sleep, Issanalyn yawns and stretches her arms and legs. Moving to the edge of her bed, she gets up and pulls the makeshift curtain that her brother had made for her in their room to the side. Though she had protested the idea, Zyran had insisted that she had her privacy. It's not like we haven't lived together all our lives or anything... She thought bitterly as she felt like Zyran still tended to be overprotective of her, despite her repeatedly telling him that she would be okay. Putting that thought to the side for now, she checked her HUD and saw that it was still pr
  2. Issanalyn Maclaire Username: Issanalyn Maclaire Real Name: Sarah Varheist Gender: Female Age: 22 Height: 5' 5 "And our third winner is... Sarah Varheist!" shouted a voice over the school intercom as Sarah jumped up from her seat. "YES!!! YESYESYES!!!" She screamed as the rest of the class applauded her. "Both me AND my brother won!!!!" His was the second name called. "Please report to the main office to claim your copy of Sword Art Online!" Without waiting to be dismissed, she runs straight to the door and runs next door to the main office. I am so glad that
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