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Posts posted by OmegaNeko

  1. Ryan didn't mind the venting all too much, but at least Stryder didn't have too much left on his mind since he had finally finished. "No problem, better than keeping all that bottled in you right?" Ryan said, giving a quick thumbs up and half smirk. After that Stryder asked if he wanted to get anything off his furry chest, which got a laugh from the cat. He opened his menu and took off his shirt, pointing one finger to his chest. "My chest isn't actually furry, but I get what you mean!" Ryan put it back on and then closed his menu. "But for real, I don't really have much to say. You've been through a lot more than I have, so not much this kitty can say nya!" Ryan did his paw motion again with a smile. He really didn't have much on his mind that bothered him since he had never got around to actually playing the game.

  2. Ryan crossed his arms and kept listening to Stryd pour out his thoughts and feelings, glad that he was opening up more about what was bothering him. They had only just met, but it was nice to least be someone for him to vent to. "Yeah, most people here have someone to return to. I kinda feel the same way that you do to where I don't really want to leave. Just that's unfair to my parents, so I can't hope for that. I'm glad you found someone to support each with early on despite what happened in the end. It seems you've come a long way in part thanks to her. But I don't know her, so I'll stop." Ryan said, keeping a smile the whole time he talked. It was nice to take the comforting role like this even for a stranger. "Anything else nya wanna get off your chest?"

  3. The proposal of a duel was a little concerning to hear, but it was shut down pretty quickly since most agreed that now wasn't really the time for this kind of thing. Ryan followed Ourian to the gates of the town, ready to head out as well still. "Pretty much what the others said, but yeah, don't try to duel just yet when we haven't made any sort of progress! So let's head out now, we don't have all day!" Ryan said, raising one fist into the air for a moment. He didn't want to waste too much more time out here, so suggesting a pointless spar was a little annoying just to test mechanics. "If you really wanna test out the combat, just wait until we actually start going against mobs." Ryan said now towards Zuekin, since he was the one who suggested the spar in the first place.

  4. Ryan put one hand to his chin when Stryder asked him if he would be sad to leave this world. It was kind of a tough question there. The first answer he thought of was 'yes', but was he really just gonna throw that out there? Stryder obviously wasn't just asking it for no reason, there was something more he wanted to hear probably. "Yeah, I would be pretty sad to leave here. I've already made more friends here than I have in the real world. People just seem to tolerate me here since I look cute! My family is about the only thing stopping me from wanting to stay here forever. They're probably worrying their heads off about me." Ryan said, rubbing the back of his head while his ears and tail drooped a bit in sadness. Then Stryder went and said how he had made a promise to help some people get out of here, to which the cat nodded, staying quiet briefly. "That person you made that promise to is the person that you came here to see isn't it? You feel that you have to do it for their sake. Very honorable, I'm sure they'd be proud if they could see you." Ryan said, trying to comfort him a bit.

  5. Ryan turned around looked over at the very muscular new arrival, giving a quick wave to him once he spoke up and asked if he could come along. Hearing Issa's little callout, the cat player walked closer and stood beside her as she waved to him. "Hiya kitty! You can come along with us if you want. The more help the better right?" Ryan invited him, letting Ourian take care of the rest of the introductions. Putting his hands behind his head now, Ryan just motioned towards the direction of the gate out of town, ready to go. "Oh yeah, just call me Riley, I'm the cutest cat you'll ever meet!" Ryan introduced himself, winking at the new face. Depending on what he was like, he seemed fun to have around the group as another member. Whatever he was, it probably wouldn't be anywhere as much of a handful as Issa would probably be.

  6. Spoiler

    ID: 129665 LD: 17

    4/5 Materials found

    Ryan now saw how Yukiro's face turned red once he winked at him, giggling for a moment before getting closer to him. He sat down close to him in the same patch, a small smirk on his face as he watched Yukiro show him the purple flower but not actually show his face. "Oh Yukiro, what's got you blushing? Cat got your tongue?" Ryan made a small laugh at his pun before thinking of what colors they needed. Before he finished thinking though, he plucked a yellow one from the ground and it finally didn't shatter, much to his surprise. "I just got yellow, so I think we need orange and black now. This patch seems to be a good one, so let's keep checking nya!" Ryan said, still staying fairly close as he searched, now just further teasing Yukiro to see how much further he would go. It was a bit funny seeing him get a little flustered.


  7. Spoiler

    ID: 129617 LD: 9

    3/5 Materials Found

    Ryan sighed as he got up and tried to find a different patch to look in. They were so close now, and they had just been finding one bad flower after another. In a big patch of yellow flowers, nothing seemed to be good once again as the first flower that the cat player picked up just shattered immediately. "Ugh, and materials are low too? That's a double bummer there. I would say to just fight some mobs, but that's luck based too isn't it? We just have to keep trying to find flowers." Ryan said, walking around to try and find another patch. There was always just hoping they'll get lucky, but that was it. "Mhmm! You really do seem like a nice guy, so I wouldn't mind being in a guild with nya!" Ryan gave him a wink and another paw motion before going back to searching.


  8. Ryan briefly chuckled when Stryder said that he didn't have to hold back then, looking over the monument briefly just trying to see if he recognized any of the usernames. He of course wasn't hoping for someone he knew to be up there, but it was better to check at least. Seeing Stryder put his hand on a name and whisper something made the cat player a bit more sorry for him, but he once again just stayed quiet and let him have his moment. Once he stood up and asked Ryan if he liked living here, it took a moment for the question to register. "Oh! Umm, I guess I prefer this world to the real world! I get to look like this and meet some cool people. I guess I've always wanted an escape from reality and this is it! Of course I miss my actual family, but this place isn't half bad, nya!" Ryan answered just as cheerfully as ever, patting Stryder's shoulder a couple of times.

  9. Ryan listened to Kazuma's explanation of what he meant by support and nodded, understanding it a bit better. It was just a strategist that the group needed. "Well thanks for clarifying. I was a bit confused there." Ryan rubbed the back of his head, chuckling for a moment. Once Issa teased the Kazumi and Zyran for their little bickering, the cat player couldn't help but laugh. "These two are always like this aren't they? Kinda reminds me of a few of my friends." Ryan said, remembering his old friend group.

    When Issa asked if Ryan still wanted to come along with them, it got him a bit confused for a moment when she said it was nice to have another girl. He was going ask what Issa meant, but then Ourian restated what Issa said that he was still welcome to come, just having to deal with the playfulness of her. "Ha, I really don't mind it too much, just as long as you aren't rough with my ears or my tail it's fine. Kinda like an actual cat, nya!" Ryan said, his ears twitching again for a moment. "So I'm ready to go, I'll follow wherever you guys head, so lead this cat!"

  10. Ryan looked over the group again as the roles of who's doing what seemed to be finalized. Although when Kazuma showed his concern that there was a lack of support, he turned and shook his finger, briefly chuckling. "Well support isn't exactly that neccessary in this game to begin with. That same turn that you would spend healing someone could easily just be replaced by whoever is hurt drinking a potion. It's good if we all get a basic healing skill, but a full on support player wouldn't be very helpful nya." Ryan explained, giving him a playful wink before looking back over at Ourian. He nodded at the suggestion to just get a feel for the system first, walking up next to him now since they would be heading north. "Sounds good! You're the leader after all, so just say the word!" Ryan did a little paw motion with his hands and winked at him as well, his tail waving back and forth a little quicker.

  11. Ryan still was a little upset he had no connection to any of the people on this monument, but he wouldn't complain about that since Stryder probably had a ton going on. He was visiting the monument, so there was definitely at least something going on that was none of his business right now. For a few minutes, Ryan just stayed quiet to let Stryder think, just in case. After that, the cat boy went back to his usual cheery self, nodding at Stryder's words. "Just keep strong players around huh? I'll try and keep that in mind then. And don't worry about not laughing, it'll just add to the fun. I can hardly contain myself when someone starts to confuse me honestly!" Ryan said, not seeing the forced grin as forced. It was better to not really think of it that way anyway since it would just makes things all the more awkward.

  12. Ryan stopped his own laughing after a little bit once Stryder admitted that he had him fooled. His cat ears drooped a bit for a moment once they looked at the monument. He didn't know anyone in the game prior to playing, which made him sad in his own sort of way. Sure it was a little less stressful since no one he knew was at stake, but at the same time it did make him feel more lonely. His thoughts were thankfully interupted once Stryder wished the cat good luck on not getting into any drama. "Yeah, I'd rather not make enemies in a world where I'm so weak. It'd be scary getting in that kind of trouble. But how could anyone not like me? I'm too cute! Maybe some guys could fight over me, nya! Mind not telling anyone else by the way? I kinda like messing with people with my appearance." Ryan asked, still just looking at the monument. Despite talking, it still kept his eyes.

    (All good, nya!)

  13. Spoiler

    ID: 129358 LD: 9

    3/5 Materials Found

    Ryan's search in this new patch of flowers was already starting off a bit fruitless as the first yellow flower that he plucked just shattered again, just causing a little more annoyance. They were almost done, but now they weren't able to get any more good ones it seemed. Once Yukiro finished talking, Ryan gave a thumbs up at the idea of being in the same guild as each other. "That'd be fun! I'd like to spend more time, just the two of us. You don't seem to have a lot going on in this world, so maybe you need someone like me to sprinkle in a little pizazz once in a while wouldn't you agree?" Ryan giggled, giving another wink to them as he moved a little closer. The patch of yellow and orange flowers seemed perfect for getting more colors, but it was just being more difficult it appeared. "Yeah, I hate gathering too. Tedious and sometimes reaaaaally not in your favor." 


  14. Spoiler

    ID: 129326 LD: 10

    3/5 Materials Found

    Ryan just continued his search, plucking a bright yellow flower out of the ground this time. It shattered again and Ryan let out a deep sigh, getting a bit more annoyed, only slightly though. He stood up and looked around, walking over to a different patch so maybe he could find one that actually stayed in his inventory. That patch just seemed to be unlucky. So now the cat kneeled down in a patch of yellow and orange flowers, trying to decide which one to pick. At Yukiro saying to join one to be safe, Ryan thought on if he actually knew any guild leaders. "I'll just have to make my own guild probably, I don't know anyone else at the moment running a guild. I'd rather join a guild with people I know." Ryan said, finding that to be a safer choice when it came to what guild to go with.


  15. Spoiler

    ID: 129303 LD: 7

    3/5 materials found

    Ryan continued to look around for more flowers as Yukiro went over he was in a trading guild to help out his shop, although it didn't really work. "So not any guild for combat though? I see, I've been thinking of joining one just to try and level up more safely, but I think I'm too weak for anyone to actually have a use for me. Although I don't mind! Working on your own has it's benefits!" Ryan said still cheerfully as he crouched down near a small patch of yellow and green flowers. He plucked a green one too almost right after Yukiro did, but it shattered once he held it up so it didn't really matter. "Aww darn, we only need 2 more for each of us anyway, so it's fine!" Ryan said, smiling at Yukiro for a moment before going back to searching for a good one.


  16. Riley gave a quick wave of dismissal when Issa apologized, smiling since she had said that he was cute at least. "It's no problem really, and nice to meet all of you. So don't worry Ourian, I'm not gonna go thinking you guys are bad or anything like that, I'm a pretty reasonable guy I think." Ryan said, giving Ourian a thumbs up. It was a bit weird being with a four person friend group like this and knowing none of them. They were welcoming to him, so it would be fine for now.

    Once they were all done going over their roles, Ryan stepped forward and pulled up his stats too. "I'm just going to be going for DPS too if that's fine. Tanking was never my kind of thing to be honest. I'm just too cute to take hits nya see?" Ryan made a little paw motion with his hands and giggled, his tail and ears sticking up again.

  17. Ryan gave a wink to Stryder when he told him that he could fool a lot of people with his appearance, giving a thumbs up in response once he finished talking. "Thanks! You thought I was cute before I told you my name huh? I kinda like it honestly, it's funny sometimes the reactions I can get out of people!" Ryan laughed a bit more as they got closer to the building.

    Once Stryder explained how he had only done 2 raids so far and how he gotten in an argument, Ryan nodded, trying to get a full picture of it. "So after just two raids you already got caught up in that huh? Well if I ever get to that kind of level, I'm sure I can avoid those kinds of arguments. I'm too cute for that!" Ryan said, making another paw motion. He wanted to ask who Stryder wanted to visit on the monument, but he figured it was better not to ask that kind of thing.

  18. Ryan continued to pet Silver for a few moments longer until Stryder spoke again, to which he gave him his full attention. It got him very giddy inside that Stryder went along with the cat thing, making him let out a quick "Nya!" and another paw movement. He had walked to building with the monument plenty of times already, so this was another one of his walks basically. When Stryder explained that he expected a different name, that got a giggle from the cat boy, doing little finger guns. "Yup! Most people think I'm a girl, but that's just silly!" Ryan laughed, putting his hands behind his head and looking up at the building now that they were closer.

    After hearing Stryder's reasoning for why high level players didn't want to be treated differently, Ryan gave a shrug and a sigh, thinking it over. "Well wouldn't you say that the act of helping and being a light for everyone else is worthy of some respect. That's just how I see it. I'm not out there, so I don't know what all really goes on between you all. Ooooooh! I bet there's some drama between you cool cats up there isn't there?" Ryan got a small smirk on his face now, quickly picturing it in his head as everyone having rivalries and other little things between each other.

  19. Spoiler

    ID: 129182 LD: 20

    3/5 materials found

    Ryan continued to search until Yukiro had found another flower, this time a red one. He was trying to take note in his head now of each color they had found so far. "Red huh? That's good! Just keep looking for the other colors!" the cat boy said cheerfully, now moving a little bit away to keep searching. He eventually found a bright tall orange flower, plucking it out and looking it over. It didn't shatter, so it was a good one. "Just got orange, so now we can cross that color off the list! Try and find a yellow or green one now." Ryan said, starting to really get into this. Just trying to get each color made this task a little less tedious. "Oh yeah, are you a member of any kind of guild by the way?" he asked, now trying to get another conversation started to pass the time.


  20. Ryan didn't really have the same habits that Stryder did, much more naive than him about how players were. He just figured that being friendly was a common courtesy. He gave another nod when he said that there would be no need for the cat to leave, so he just stayed at his side. "Whatever you say sir! This cat will stick around then!" Ryan did a quick little pose making paws with his hands, giggling afterwards. Once he was assured that he didn't need to treat Stryder like anyone else in the game. "Oh okay then, just making sure to show the proper respect to a high level player! But what's wrong with my name Stryder? Usually I go by Riley, but for some reason people get confused by it." Ryan said, crossing his arms and looking at him until Silver walked over to the feline player. He reached down to pet him, just a little bit though since he wasn't entirely sure if Silver trusted him.

  21. Spoiler

    ID: 129120 LD: 13

    2/5 materials found

    Ryan gave a small shrug when Yukiro said he was glad that he enjoyed his company, trying to play it off a little. "Well how could I not enjoy it? You seem nice enough, so what's the downside?" Ryan asked while looking around for another flower. They already had a blue one and a pink one, so might as well just try and find all of the colors. It of course didn' take very long to find a white flower in this flower bed, so Ryan plucked it and held it out for Yukiro to see. "This one looks nice too huh? It's funny how that NPC can turn just about anything into a potion, like if we just brought him a bunch of rocks that'd probably work too." Ryan let out a small laugh thinking about giving the old man just a few boulders to make a potion. He skipped over closer to Yukiro now to look for the other colors, hoping to find a red or yellow first, his tail patting him again.


  22. Ryan listened more, glad that at least most of the frontliners haven't been losing people close to them. That would kill morale quickly if people were losing each other left and right. Although this player who had now introduced himself as Stryder was fine with Ryan going along with him, so the cat trap gave a nod and a big smile. "Sounds good! Just let me know if you need me to leave for anything!" Ryan said, still giving Stryder the option to still let him do his own thing. When he mentioned that he was the leader of his own guild, that got a small spark in Ryan's mind going, which made him bow before he thought of anything else. "Oh you run your own guild? Should I call you something else besides Stryder then? I go by Ryan, although call me whatever you want." Ryan said, introducing himself with his normal name instead of his usual prank name. His tail waving slowed a bit, just something about people like guild leaders got a lot of respect from him.

  23. Spoiler

    ID: 129092 LD: 13

    1/5 Materials found

    Ryan walked over to the same flower bed that Yukiro had went to, looking for a good flower to go with. Although after hearing what he said and seeing the first flower not shatter, Ryan felt confident now that this would be a cinch. He kneeled down and picked a nice big blue one, staying in tact just like Yukiro's. "That's already two out of the five we need, this is easier than I thought! Or maybe it's just the system giving the good ol' classic beginner's luck. Probably that." Ryan said, showing the flower to Yukiro for a moment. It was just a typical blue flower that was just bigger than most. "Thanks for coming out here with me by the way, it's nice having someone to do this with rather than doing it alone." Ryan thanked, giving a big smile to him with his tail waving happily behind him.


  24. Ryan was a bit confused at first when his familiar seemed afraid of him. But it wasn't growling or barking at him at least, so that was a halfway good sign. Hearing this player's reason for coming down here got a quick nod from Ryan, having heard that reason countless times. "That sounds about right, most of the higher level players just come here to pay their respects, which I can respect. You're all working hard out there, so of course you need the time for this too. Should I just go then? I'll let you have your private time if you wish." Ryan said, not fully knowing who or what this meant to this player. The importance of the visit varied from person to person, and the last thing Ryan wanted to do was ruin an important moment for someone. "Oh yeah, can I get your name by any chance?"

  25. Ryan was in the town square as well, sighing to himself briefly since he still had yet to even begin to work on himself statwise. It was frustrating a bit, but at least he was doing a good thing instead. Helping out the young kids at the orphanage was what he saw as at least a good excuse for not doing anything. Seeing a player with a familiar in the square though was a bit of a rare sight, since with all the events going on it wasn't too often they came down here. So Ryan just gave a wave to Stryder, a usual smile on his face. Since he was finallu going to start training though, making a few friends wouldn't be a bad idea! So he skipped on over to Stryder, walking at his side once he was close. "Hiya! What brings nya down here? Judging by your direction, it's the monument right?" he asked, trying to be as friendly as he could. Although due to his appearance and high pitched voice, most people confused him for a girl.

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