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Posts posted by Asheall

  1. The Equipment and Items of the Best

    Equipped Items

    • Golden Light
      <<T1 Rare 1H Straight Sword | DMG/ACC>> [A good-sized sword with a stunning white blade and beautiful golden decorations.]
    • Shining Coat
      <<Vanity Armor>> [A jacket that glimmers with golden light in the sun.]

    Battle-Ready Inventory

    • (5) Starter Healing Potions
      Heals 50 HP


    • N/A


    Chose DPS Package:
    Weapon of Rare or Lower Quality
    Vanity Armor
    (5) Starter Healing Potions
    2500 col and (10) T1 Materials



    Username Asheall
    Real Name Storm Hunter
    Age 18
    Gender Male
    Height 6'1"
    Weight 178 lbs.

    Becoming the Pride of Aincrad

    Storm Hunter always hated his name. When he was really young everyone thought it was cool, but when you put your name down as 'Storm Hunter' on a job application? They tend to think it's a little less cool. So please, don't tease him about his name. 

    Storm had a relatively normal childhood. He got decent grades, nothing spectacular. He never really went without, nor did he have everything. He played games, but he spent enough time outside. Anybody looking in at a basic layout of him would pretty much only pause to laugh at his name before moving on to something, anything more interesting. 
    Of course, that was before he met Wake. 
    Wake was his first really close friend. They met simply because Storm happened to run into him in the hallway-- literally. But they became fast friends and Wake's personality started to rub off on Storm. Specifically, a massive competitive drive. 
    In a matter of months Storm went from cruising through life to furiously working to win at everything. He and Wake competed in everything; Video games, grades at school, who could finish eating first, who could eat more, who could fun farthest and fastest, everything. Their marks suddenly skyrocketed from barely passing to top of the school, they joined the soccer team and quickly became the best players on the team. In fact, sports was the thing they competed in the most; everything from swimming to karate to ping pong was on the table and they both wanted to take first place. 
    So when Sword Art Online was announced it immediately became a footrace to get their copy first. In fact they were so competitive that some people were actually scared off by their aggression. They each got a copy easily. 
    Thus, the day it launched the two were the first to log on and the first to leave town to start training, literally sprinting to get ahead of one another. 
    Finally, the friends discovered the duel function. There was no questions nor was there any hesitation, they immediately launched into a duel of their own. 
    Storm, now Asheall, was only barely about to strike the final blow when the two were summoned into town, which unknowingly saved Wake's life. 
    After the announcement the two came to a decision. They would split up and, to the shock of nobody, compete to see who beat the game first. 

    Thus started the journey of Asheall the Pride.



    His confidence knows no bounds. Asheall simply has no concept that he could lose to anybody other than Wake. Whether it's leveling up or fighting or helping a little old lady cross the street, Asheall knows he'll simply be doing it best. 


    Asheall might be reckless but he isn't stupid. In fact, one of the key reasons he can keep up with Wake is because he's very smart. His mind is brilliantly strategic and swift at calculating most problems. This means that while he might charge into the situation that might kill him, he's doing so with a plan in mind. 

    This guy has guts. Looking at his actions one could easily say it's like he has no fear. Asheall's confidence plays a part, but one of his newfound traits is a serious lack of hesitation when it comes to risky or dangerous situations. Whether it's facing down a boss he's seriously underleveled for or saying rude, arrogant things to someone who's both stronger than him and very ticked off, Asheall has a disregard for the dangers of doing as he pleases. 


    In case his title didn't give you a hint, Asheall's biggest weakness is obscene levels of pride. His hubris leads him to nearly idolize himself and simply assume he'll come out on top. This can make him reckless and unwary in what should be very dangerous situations. His pride can also get on other people's nerves very easily, as he looks down on almost everything. 

    The issue with having pride is when it's been broken. Asheall is not the kind to grow more humble or forgive someone for looking down on him. He's the kind of guy that gets very angry and holds a massive grudge against that person for doing it. Strangely enough, he's actually very good at forgiving most things. The thing he will not tolerate, ever, is being looked down upon. 

    Storm has grown a disregard for others. Unless something or someone has become important to him, people simply don't matter as much as he does; the word is a hierarchy, and he decides the order. If it weren't for a pride in being able to protect anyone should he so choose he would easily be the kind of person to simply leave someone to their fate as he heads off to slay the boss alone.


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