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Posts posted by Tsurei

  1. A boar tusk, perfect. Rei picked it up in his hands, it was as small as he expected from a pup, it was still rather noticeable, it would make a good trinket if you ignored the fact it was just a boar tusk rather than a decoration. He dematerialised it into his inventory just as a boar snorted at him angrily from the tall grass, shooting from it from hiding, another boar fired itself at Rei.

    Leaning backwards he barely dodged the boar as it flew by, he scrambled to reassume battle positions, drawing his blade back for Rage Blow, he had the energy and he should aim to land one per Pup so he could then just fight normally without the arts.

    The boar turned on the ground and jumped off again at Rei leaving as little time to react as possible, but he was already ready, arcing his weapon downward with another crashing blow, it was slightly explosive in sound and a wave of air and force shot over them, a huge blue spike appeared in the impact, a critical hit. The boar immediately shattered into light, leaving nothing behind.

    No luck.

    ID# 132938
    BD: 10= Crit +2
    MD: 3 = Miss

    Damage Dealt= 2 + 2 = 4 x 2[Rage Blow] = 8

    Rei: HP: 140/140 | EN: 11 (-2+1)/14 | 2 DMG | 5 MIT | 0 EVA| 0 ACC

    Boar Pup: HP: 5/5 | 3 DMG

    LD: 2 = Fail

  2. The boar crashed against the grass, rolling and tumbling slightly before sliding to a stop, pushing itself up, it snorted, huffed a wave of hot air at the grass nearby as it kicked up with it’s rear legs, readying it’s next charge. Rei turned towards it and readied himself, raising his blade over his shoulder, gathering particles of blue light and energy in preparation for his sword art, he aimed to cut it down as it shot towards him, cutting it out of the air as an experiment.

    The boar kicked off, launching through the air like a bullet from where it stood, there was no need to gather speed or sprint at him, it simple launched from place, heading for his chest, when the right moment came, Rei brought his blade down with all his might as the sword art demanded, the blade felt noticeably heavier as well as it arced blue light through the air, striking the pup from the top with a devastating crash and impact, as befitting the phantom weight of the strike. Before the pup hit the ground it shattered into rainbow coloured glass and dropped a white object to the floor.

    ID# 132937
    BD: 9= Crit +1
    MD: 1 = Miss

    Damage Dealt= 2 + 1 = 3 x 2[Rage Blow] = 6

    Rei: HP: 140/140 | EN: 12 (-2+1)/14 | 2 DMG | 5 MIT | 0 EVA| 0 ACC

    Boar Pup: HP: 3/5 | 3 DMG

    LD: 19 = Success = 1 Boar Tusk obtained

  3. Rei soon found the next pup to fight, spurred on by his encounter with Inosuke and with his desire to move onwards to greater heights, he engaged in battle.

    Firing off first was an experimental strike, a test, side stepping the boar charge, his blade racked across it’s side delivering a small red gash across it’s body, causing the pup to whimper and whine in pain as it flew past Rei, missing it’s target.

    It’s HP went down a bit, it felt like every time he swung for an attack, the system would either pull his hit towards the target or push it away, a randomiser like that was not welcome, he could nearly groan and sigh at such a thing, but in the end, what he needed was a Accuracy Enhancement, not only did this reduce the push away effect, but it increased the pull effect, meaning more hits would find their mark.

    ID# 132936
    BD: 7 = Hit
    MD: 5 = Miss

    Damage Dealt= 2

    Rei: HP: 140/140 | EN: 13 (-1)/14 | 2 DMG | 5 MIT | 0 EVA| 0 ACC

    Boar Pup: HP: 3/5 | 3 DMG

  4. “Yeah! Definitely! … let’s see… You have Fell Crescent and Rage Blow right, Rei?” Yuta confirmed,

    “Yeah, that’s right,”

    “Fell Crescent seems really useless, it’s worse than my Side Bite… Rage Blow seems like the standard multiplied attack, that’s good at least,”

    “Yeah, but different weapons for different purposes I guess, it looks like 1 Handed Straight Swords are the best off the bat,”

    “Anyway, I’m going to fight some more pups, let’s wrap this up as soon as we can,”


    Rei stood back up and walked onto a hill, to try and see where the others were, it was a vast grassland with rocks, flower beds and the odd tree or so around, in the distance there was a large, forest, since it was winter, all trees have lost their leaves, making it seem haunted more so than usual, to the right path there seemed to be a lake. It seemed like it would make a good picnic site or scenic travel spot.


    ID# 132946

    LD: 11 = Fail

  5. “How do people feel about the Sword Arts?” Rei asked,

    “I mean, the only one I got was a thrust attack, it’s a spear after all,” Takumi shrugged,

    “Pierce, it uses 2 energy and for a novice sword art, it’s about what you’d expect,” Rei added, “It does double damage, so there’s that,”

    “But if you miss you take a penalty of energy, right? That really sucks,” Takumi sighed,

    “And the rest of you?” Rei turned his question to the others,

    “I… Mines are really fast, it makes it hard to aim,” Kenji replied,

    “Snake Bite seems like a really good Art,” Yuta nodded, “You also have Rage Spike which is a good AOE off the bat, I mean, I have Round Accel which is just two quick attacks, nothing much, and there’s Side Bite, which costs way too much energy, it’s just not worth it!”

    “It stuns though,” Rei nodded, “To be fair, it’s only really useful on stronger enemies, it’d be a waste of energy on these pups,”


    ID# 132945

    LD: 17 = obtained 1 [T1] Material

  6. “hey… are you okay?” Yuta’s concerned voice came over the comms, it was full of puzzlement along with the hint of heavy breathing from reaching low energy,

    “Y-yeah,” Rei nodded and answered, startled, “Yeah, I’m fine, the boar pup’s are harder to hit than I thought,”

    “Y-yeah…They….Won’t stop….Jumping around…” Kenji panted heavily,

    “It’s not too bad, you just have to sidestep them and hit them,” Yuta shrugged, it was obvious yeah, but it felt like the system itself was making it harder for them somehow,

    “… Has anyone gotten a boar tusk yet?” Takumi sighed,

    “No, I’ve killed a few already,” Yuta sighed back, despondent, “It’s 50-50, right? Lies. Total lies.”

    “I really, just can’t bring myself to hit them, they’re so small and they hardly bother us,” Kenji breathed out,

    “It’s part of the quest,” Takumi stated, “We need to kill them until we get those tusks,”

    “It’s annoying that they explode and we don’t get the meat, the skin or anything,” Yuta complained.


    Idly waiting for his energy to fill up, he decided he might as well try to look for materials

    ID# 132944

    LD: 8 = fail

  7. “OW!” Rei cried out dramatically at the tingling feeling, he watched as Inosuke fell from the air and landed softly on the ground with a floomph on his back, it scurried to it’s feet, stumbling all the way as it moved to the position for the next joust.

    “Inosuke… you’re injured…” Rei pointed to it’s leg, indeed, it was limping, injured, it couldn’t display it’s true prowess,

    “Oink! Oink….  O-Oink, Oink!” It grunted at him, seemingly speaking to him,

    “You want a proper joust at last?”

    “Oink! Oink, oink… Oink!”

    “You think… I can do better, no, seriously, I was struggling to hit you there!”


    “No! it’s not because I pitied you! I was serious!”


    “What? You’ll die soon?”


    “You want me to be your last opponent?”


    “You’re… You’re proud to be my rival? Inosuke…”


    “Inosuke, wait!”

    There was no time to think, as Inosuke came at him with it’s last, desperate and brave attempt, Rei decided to fulfil it’s last wish, to die as a true, unrelenting warrior. He pulled back and stepped to the side, dragging his blade along Inosuke’s side, tearing him open with a red gash, as it crashed to the ground, the pup gave one last Oink before shattering.

    “Inosuke… I’ll never forget you…” Rei murmured softly as the wind blew past him.

    ID# 132894
    BD: 9 = Crit +1
    MD: 3 = Miss

    Damage Dealt= 2+1 = 3

    Rei: HP: 134/140 | EN:5 (+1-1) /14 | 2 DMG | 5 MIT | 0 EVA| 0 ACC

    Boar Pup: HP: 1/5 | 3 DMG

    LD: 6 = Fail

  8. “Coast clear, phew…”

    He wasn’t looking at the time, so when he saw a black shape move towards him from the corner of his vision, Rei instantly slashed out at with all the speeds of a coincidentally lightning fast reflex,

    “O-Oink!” he heard the pup give out a shocked, surprised whimper as it was cut down cleanly in mid air, it’s body nearly deforming as his blade slashed into the poor creature and smashed it several meters away like a baseball and a bat.

    Crashing to the ground and sliding to a stop, the pup whimpered and whined as it struggled to stand up,

    “Inosuke!” Rei cried out, rushing to his side, “Are you okay!? Sorry, I didn’t mean to…”

    “Oink…” The pup weakly whined,

    “Huh? You have something to say to me?” Rei interpreted, he crouched lower and leaned his head closer,

    “OINK!” as vengeful as possibly, it fired off a launch from the ground to headbutt Rei.

    ID# 132893
    BD: 1 = Miss
    MD: 9= Crit +1

    Damage Received = 3+1-5 = 1

    Rei: HP: 134/140 | EN:5 (+1-1)/14 | 2 DMG | 5 MIT | 0 EVA| 0 ACC

    Boar Pup: HP: 1/5 | 3 DMG

  9. Thump!

    Another failure!

    Rei spat on the ground, “Tch!” He raised his blade with a glare at the smug and amazing boar pup, “Again!”


    Rei hurriedly looked around, was he being watched? He smiled when he realised when he couldn’t see Yuta, Takumi or Kenji, did they finish up and go to the next targets, damn! He forgot the mission objective, he had to hurry up and do his quest!

    If they come back and he’s still playing with Inosuke, he’ll be an embarrassment!

    As his gaze was elsewhere, Inosuke saw the opportunity, it knew that this was a hopeless fight it would never win in a million years, but it sure was fun since he was doing so damn well! His eyes sparkled like stars when he saw Rei look away, it was time!

    “oink!” With a loud battle cry, according to the pup at least, it bounded across the grassfield and leapt at Rei.

    ID# 132892
    BD: 6 = Hit
    MD: 5= Miss

    Damage Dealt = 2

    Rei: HP: 135/140 | EN:6 (+1-1)/14 | 2 DMG | 5 MIT | 0 EVA| 0 ACC

    Boar Pup: HP: 1/5 | 3 DMG

  10. “You [basbtbwrd]!” Rei slammed his hand onto the ground and pushed himself up, glaring at the boar pup who seemed to give him a smug grin, Rei grinned back in response, “I’ll give you that one, that was impressive!”

    Standing back up as the pup oinked in affirmation, it ran with it’s small little legs back into position, it was time for the next round.

    You know, for a moment now, Rei had let the realisation that if his HP reached 0 he would die. Right now, he was having too much fun laughing at his own stupidity and this emergent playfulness of the boar, was it just his imagination from going crazy at his own incompetence? Maybe, either way, it was decided.

    “I declare you Inosuke!” Rei cried out, pointing a finger at the boar dramatically, “Come! Give me your best shot if you dare!” he prepped his blade for the next attack.

    ID# 132891
    BD: 5 = miss
    MD: 9= Crit +1

    Damage Received: 3+1-5=1

    Rei: HP: 135/140 | EN:6 (+1-2)/14 | 2 DMG | 5 MIT | 0 EVA| 0 ACC

    Boar Pup: HP: 3/5 | 3 DMG

  11. As it shot forward towards Rei, he lunged forward as well the moment he sensed it within range, right foot forward and to the side, his blade from his waist short forward in a diagonal slash at the incoming target.

    It was perfect!

    His eyes narrowed and a smile spread on his lips, he finally landed a hit!

    But then the impressive happened.

    The boar curled itself mid air, letting only the lower half be hit, creating a red digital gash, but because it was a glancing blow, it wasn’t thrown away by the impact, flinging off the blade, it changed direction to head for Rei’s face.


    With a loud thud, which was really more of a soft floomph because of the boar’s thick fur and young small tusks, along with his mitigation stat and the pup’s low damage stat, it really didn’t hurt at all, still, it made Rei fall over to his back and the pup flew past him, landing on the ground.

    ID# 132890
    BD: 7 = Hit
    MD: 8= Hit

    Damage Dealth = 2

    Damage Received: 3-5=1

    Rei: HP: 136/140 | EN:7 (+1-1)/14 | 2 DMG | 5 MIT | 0 EVA| 0 ACC

    Boar Pup: HP: 3/5 | 3 DMG

  12. Rei gave a huge sigh as the boar dodged his swing like a demon, spinning mid air, it flowed like water, a true artist, curving around his blade, it kept it’s momentum, no, it got faster! It barrelled into his stomach like a cannonball, did it proc a crit? Because in true critical fashion, a blast of force exploded out from his back from the powerful tackle…

    Then the boar bopped back onto the floor like a plushie, oinking happily before turning around and resetting the position like some kind of joust.

    “You know…. I was planning on making a white wolf my familiar, but maybe a boar wouldn’t be so bad, huh?” Rei narrowed his eyes at the boar with a small smile of self ridicule. The boar pup snorted in defiance, kicking up it’s back legs as it prepared to charge, dust flew up and the boar shot towards him like a bullet.

    ID# 132889
    BD: 4 = Miss
    MD: 10= Crit +2

    Damage Received: 3+2-5=1

    Rei: HP: 137/140 | EN:7 (+1-2)/14 | 2 DMG | 5 MIT | 0 EVA| 0 ACC

    Boar Pup: HP: 5/5 | 3 DMG

  13. He’s been trying to swing and kill this boar pup for a while now, granted, he wasn’t taking things seriously, and he wasn’t using Sword Arts, since missing those as he was these normal attacks would be a horrible consumption of Energy, if his normal hits were being so majestically dodged by this beast of a boar pup, then his Sword Arts would do even worse and tire him out even more, then the pup would win by default. His eyes flitted over to Kenji who was keeled over, being constantly headbutted by this tiny boar pup as he panted for breath, yeah, he definitely didn’t want to end up like that.

    Come on, come on, just get hit already, please?

    Rei sighed as he looked at the boar pup with a tired smile.

    Ah… he hated small targets, they were so hard to hit. And larger targets would have more defense and his hits wouldn’t do anything to them.


    ID# 132888
    BD: 1 = Miss
    MD: 5= Miss

    Rei: HP: 138/140 | EN:8 (+1-2)/14 | 2 DMG | 5 MIT | 0 EVA| 0 ACC

    Boar Pup: HP: 5/5 | 3 DMG

  14. Looking back up at Kenji, he watched as stumbled back and forth against the boar pup, causing Rei to laugh slightly, despite being in heavy plate armour, a large sword in one hand and a large shield in the other, he was the image of a brave, valiant knight and yet Kenji’s face was full of panic at the Boar Pup that was dashing around at the speed of goddamn light or something, accosting him from all angles, it was almost bullying. He was swinging wildly, trying to land a hit on the critter to no avail.

    Rei’s face went serious when he saw that he was using Sword Arts, at the rate he was going, he was going to straight up run out of energy before he could do anything, that wasn’t good… Well, Rei was doing no better, he turned his attention back to the boar pup in front of him, the small things were quite slippery.


    ID# 132887
    BD: 4 = Miss
    MD: 1= Miss

    Rei: HP: 138/140 | EN:9 (+1-2)/14 | 2 DMG | 5 MIT | 0 EVA| 0 ACC

    Boar Pup: HP: 5/5 | 3 DMG

  15. Rei idly stepped to the side to avoid the pup’s charge as he turned his gaze over to Takumi, wielding a shield and spear in his hands, his stance was far more awkward, though not the worse, it wasn’t a good stance, one of beginners, but with his equipment, it was effective, he must have noticed that even when he blocked with the shield against the pup’s charge, he still took 1 point of damage, with a grunt, he pulled his spear back, charging up a vivid green energy around his spear head before stabbing it forward, it was a simple strike as it created a piercing green cone around the thrust, punching into the Boar Pup for a large red circular digital wound. It seemed to do a good amount of damage, but not enough to kill as usual.

    He began to look over at Kenji when the boar pup that Rei was facing suddenly tripped, rolled over and collided against his boots, it was rather cute, well, he’d have to kill it eventually.


    ID# 132886
    BD: 3 = Miss
    MD: 4= Miss

    Rei: HP: 138/140 | EN:10 (+1-2)/14 | 2 DMG | 5 MIT | 0 EVA| 0 ACC

    Boar Pup: HP: 5/5 | 3 DMG

  16. Idly letting the little pig scramble back for another running charge, Rei looked over at his friends fighting off the pups, none of them would have any kind of trouble with these level of monsters by now with their acquired Skills. He watched as Yuta flipped his grip of his dagger into reverse, crouching down low, he suddenly shot forward with great speed like an Olympic sprinter taking off, only difference here was that he was making movements more akin to lunges and jumping, flashing forward with grey light, he dashed to the side to dodge the pup’s charge before rushing forward, slashing as he went, he did the same movements again on the way back, striking the pup a total of two times before the light faded and the Art ended.

    It didn’t seem to kill but, the large digital red gashes on it’s body certainly made it clear that it was close.


    ID# 132885
    BD: 3 = Miss
    MD: 8 = Hit

    Damage received = 3-5 = 1

    Rei: HP: 138/140 | EN:11 (+1-2) /14 | 2 DMG | 5 MIT | 0 EVA| 0 ACC

    Boar Pup: HP: 5/5 | 3 DMG

  17. Lyle waved kindly at them as they left the store, they gave each other a small glance, their objective was clear, it was time for their first battle that wasn’t entirely one-sided and required them to run for their lives.

    They left the city and spread out in the field, keeping their party chat on as usual in case of anything unusual, they can quickly inform the others, they each took the 4 nearest Boar Pups which earlier weren’t there, Rei would know.

    So they spawned just for this quest huh? In any case, it was time to fight, for Rei, this was uninteresting compared to his morning experiment, for Takumi and Kenji, it was a grimace-worthy task, Yuta had no problems with killing the boar pups however.

    Considering that these were just pups, Rei was rather surprised when their AI was practically no different from normal pups, hell, the visuals weren’t any different, it was just a Boar that was half the size than usual, meaning it could only reach his shins and it would tackle there, granted it would still be fairly painful, that, or annoying. With Rain’s mitigation, he didn’t feel much even though the Pup charged into his leg.


    ID# 132884
    BD: 2 = Miss
    MD: 7 = Hit

    Damage received = 3-5 = 1

    Rei: HP: 139/140 | EN:12 (-2) /14 | 2 DMG | 5 MIT | 0 EVA| 0 ACC

    Boar Pup: HP: 5/5 | 3 DMG

  18. “Special item?” Yuta asked curiously,

    “Indeed, I’ll keep it a secret for now, but rest assured, it’s something that may very well save your life in battle,” Lyle laughed heartily, “Will you do it?”

    “Of course, we’ll come back with it soon,” Kenji replied,

    “Very good, I’ll be waiting,”

    “First though, can we buy some simple weapons and armour?” Rei pointed, nearly forgetting, the same as the rest of the group, clearly.

    “Ah, of course, feel free to take a look,”

    None of them really had much of a preference, but Yuta settled on a neat looking dagger with a red grip and guard and a grey blade, as well as a dark leather armour like Rei’s. Takumi settled for a standard and simple looking spear, a wooden shaft with a steel diamond spear head at the end, a round wood and iron shield and some full body leather armour. Kenji went for a nice, thick broad straight sword, a metal kite shield and some plate armour.

  19. Lyle Tealeaf, certainly seemed like a wizened old man, he still stood tall, with broad shoulders and glistening muscles from working in the hot forge, he wore a rolled up tunic and a leather apron, with old papery skin and scruffy white beard, he wiped his hands on the apron and rubbed the sweat off his forehead with his arms,

    “Ah, hello there, what can I do for you lads?” He looked them over as each of them materialised the package they were sent to deliver, “Ah…. Of course, from Zackariah?”

    They nodded in affirmation,

    “Very good, this will come in handy, but not quite enough…” he takes the items and puts them in his imaginary back pocket where the items disintegrated out of sight. “Now then, if you lads have the time, I would ask a favour of you, of course, I’ll be willing to compensate you,”

    “Sure,” Rei nodded,

    “Very good, now, I’m sure you’ve seen those Boars hanging outside the town? I need the tusks from the pups, if you can get me three of them, I’d be willing to let you take any one weapon or armour form my store and another special item,”

  20. So, they made their way to the Sylveren Blacksmith, identifiable by the golden leaf and black and anvil sign as they walked around town in search of blacksmiths, when it got there, it seemed like another other stone and brick building, these buildings were quite close to each other, leaving only narrow gaps for short, narrow and dark alleyway, these were usually filled with despairing players huddled up with their knees to their chest, this place was no exception.

    Entering the blacksmith, they found it to be a simple storefront with weapons and heavy armour of all kinds displayed over the racks, behind the wooden counter was a open doorway into the smithery at the back where intense heat flooded out and red light spilled out, inside was the constant heavy sound of a hammer smashing onto steel, forging.

    Pressing the bell on the counter, the light sound rang out through the air and the constant, even fall of the hammer stopped, a beat missed. Then they could hear footsteps as the older man walked forward.

  21. “You want to be a tank? Are you sure?” Rei raised a brow quizzically,

    “Yeah,” he nodded back,

    “Alright then, with a shield you won’t be able to dodge anything, so you want high mitigation then,” Rei nodded to himself before looking over at Takumi,

    “1-handed spear, shield and light armour,” he stated over,

    “Interesting choice, light armour usually favours evasion, but shield makes it so you can’t dodge things as well,” Rei noted, “But a spear is a great choice for a beginner,”

    “What did you get?” Yuta asked, looking over a Rei’s equipment,

    “Curved sword and light armour, saving up for the katana later down the line,”

    “I thought so,” Yuta nodded knowingly, he’s play various games with Rei so he knew his playstyle and preference, likewise, it was no real surprise to Rei what everyone had chosen.

    “Alright, let’s get that quest and practice out some Sword Arts, let’s stay away from the forest and close to the town in case anything unexpected happens, we can bail out easier,”

  22. “Alright, did everyone choose their Skills?” Rei asked as they ate up their breakfast of sausage, eggs, bacon, beans and toast, this was a game so hell yes, they eagerly wolfed that down.

    “I went with dagger and light armour, I need to go for martial arts later,” Yuta declared,

    “Nice, I think we need to do a quest somewhere to unlock that,” Rei nodded,

    “Breaking the unbreakable on floor 2 unlocks it I believe,” Takumi groaned,

    “I see…” Yuta nodded, storing that piece of info in his mind,

    “What did you get?” Rei looked over at Kenji,

    “Heavy armour, 1-hand straight sword and shield,” he replied nervously, keeping eye contact fearing that he would be laughed at by his choices due to how out of character the choices seemed, he knew that he was more like a support character because of how lanky he was, but his favourite characters in games were always the large, slow, strong hitters.

  23. “Hey, I’ll go get Takumi,” Rei nodded with a smile at their reaction, their eyes fell to his weapon and armour,

    “Where did you go?” Yuta asked anyway, even if he could make a conclusion based on that alone,

    “I bought the vanity equipment and tried out combat with the Arts and so on,” Rei replied, “I’ll talk about it later, let’s get ready to head to that blacksmith.”

    Getting Takumi wake up was a matter of brute force and persistence, in his case, he simply kicked at the door roughly for a few minutes until Takumi was forced to answer,

    “What!?” Takumi shouted, throwing the door open,

    “Time to go,” Rei grinned,

    “It’s too early.” Takumi stated flatly,

    “Come on,” Rei grabbed him and started to drag him away, “Let’s go finish off that quest,”

    Takumi tried to put up some resistance, but it was truly too early in the morning for him, try as he might, he was really just flailing around weakly.

  24. He watched as the logs popped up, displaying the exp and col that he gained with a disappointed sigh, he closed the window and began to look around him, plenty more boar to hunt, but his energy was starting to run low, at least, he could fight them with basic sword swings, but that might take a while.

    However, he still had so much time to kill, he might as well, keep going…


    After spending a near couple hours out in the field, wiping the sweat off his brow, he looked over at the sky and found the sun well in the air, looks like it was time, sheathing his blade at his side, he made his way back to the inn and sure enough found Yuta and Kenji already there,

    “Rei!” Kenji cried out in surprise, indeed, he was puzzled why Rei wasn’t up in the morning today as well, since he usually woke up early. More over, he fully expected him to come down the stairs and not through the front door.

  25. Fourth time coming, the Boar charged at him, a simply, pure, reckless charge devoid of intelligence, fights like this were no fun, could he challenge other players to a duel he wondered, should he even try something like that? In any case, focus on the battle right in front of you.

    He glanced at boar and stepped to the side, slipping on the slight traces of wet mud on the ground from the melted snow from last night, he managed to get away just barely, but the Boar still managed to clip his knee, it was only a small tingle of pain and his HP dropped by 1 to 139.

    Yeah, these things weren’t a threat to him, such was the power of higher numbers, he supposed. He brought his blade down on the Boar, leaving another digital red mark on it’s body, by this point, it seemed littered with gashes over it’s small stout brown body, he almost felt sorry for it as the Boar collapsed to the ground and shattered into a myriad of glass pieces.

    ID# 132875
    BD: 9 = Crit +1
    MD: 6 = Success

    Damage Dealt = 2+1 = 3
    Damage Received = 3-5 = 1 

    Rei: HP: 139/140 | EN: 7 (+1-1)/14 | 2 DMG | 5 MIT | 0 EVA| 0 ACC

    Boar: HP: 0/10 | 3 DMG

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