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Posts posted by Kendre

  1. Smiling softly at her attempt at a compliment, he sighed softly as her boar failed to drop a tusk as well. Carrying his scruffy little prize over to stand next to Mari with what may have been the most serious expression she had seen on him, despite the ridiculousness of him holding... and beginning to pet the boar?! Ken, now completely straight-faced, responded to her "Of course it's not a puppy, it's a boar, and his name is Kevin. Kevin Bacon. And what exactly do you mean wrong? Wrong for who? For what? We're trapped in a giant sandbox murder game designed by a psycho to kill innocent children, and you're worried if you're a bad person? Mari, I will admit, I'm generally pretty laid back, but you don't seem like the awful person you think you are, not to me. You call yourself a PKer, but you're helping a defenseless newb? You say it's wrong to be carefree, but how does that make sense? I don't know what you've been through, or what you've done, but I don't believe in morality if it means you can't be happy. That's just stupid, [censored] that. Let people think what they will. Don't be held down by chains you're putting on yourself, and I think you'll be a lot happier. We've traipsed through a field of flowers, played with small animals, and you got to watch me shake my moneymaker, and you act like you're bringing me down or something. I'd still be wandering near the wall figuring out what to do without you. So how about, instead of telling me how awful you are, you get over the fact that I think you're actually pretty alright, and come have fun with me?"

    Taking a deep breath, winded at his excessive explanation, he turned to glare at her, almost angrily, as he brandished the boar pup in front of her, still kicking and trying to escape. Far enough so it can't hit her, Ken shook it around a bit and said with incredible intensity, "And you hold CATS by their scruff, not dogs!" Tossing a wink at her to let her know he's not really mad, he pets Kevin reassuringly as it struggles, whispering "It's okay, Kevin, it's okay... Just let us kill your friends, and you'll be okay."



    Kendre LV 1  | HP 20/20 | ENERGY 2/2
    DAM:  1 | EVA 0  | MIT 9 | ACC 0 |

    (Regen activates for 5hp. Regen 1/3. Kendre did not attack. Boar missed.)

    ID# 135714 Battle: 7 MOB: 4

    BOAR PUP | HP: 5/5 | Drops Tusks on LD 11+ | Boar renamed 'Kevin Bacon'


  2. Rolling backwards with surprising dexterity, Ken managed to quickly return to his feet with a huff, driving the rambunctious boar pup like a professional golfer with an underhand swing of his hammer. Spinning through the air briefly, the pup let out a high-pitched squeal before shattering into crystalline fragments. Turning to Mari, he shrugged "No tusk, but I got one."

    Just as he finished speaking, another boar pup barreled at him from the pack he had approached, lunging upward and slamming into his chin, though it seemed to do little aside from surprise him, his gaze diverting from his victorious sparkles to his new nemesis. "You arrogant little..." he started, before hearing Mari's words. Leaning over, he picked up the feisty little boar pup by the scruff of its neck before eyeing Mari. "What's wrong with being a bitter bitch? And why can't you be carefree? You said you have nothing waiting for you outside, so why not enjoy the inside? Is it really so desolate?"



    Kendre LV 1  | HP 19/20 | ENERGY 2/2
    DAM:  1 | EVA 0  | MIT 9 | ACC 0 |

    (Regen activates for 5hp. Boar hit for 5hp, Mit'd to 1. Regen resets.)

    ID# 135571 Battle: 6 MOB: 9

    BOAR PUP | HP: 0/5 | Drops Tusks on LD 11+

    BOAR PUP | HP: 5/5 | Drops Tusks on LD 11+

  3. He turned to grin at Mari as she leisurely slaughtered the small, infantile beasts which stood helplessly before her, laughing quietly as she commented on his speed, Still chuckling, he responded "Well, to be fair, I think we both expected something along these lines, though." Just as he finished speaking, his little boar friend outmaneuvered him while he was distracted and rush forward with a jumping leap, slamming into Ken's breastplate with a soft thud. Recoiling for a second from surprise, Ken quickly snapped his free hand out in a quick punch in retaliation, accidentally overbalancing as he reacted and falling down next to the boar. 

    Laying crumpled on the ground next to a battered and enraged baby boar, Ken couldn't help but laugh as the little boar growled at him aggressively. Glancing at his health bar, he noted that he had only taken 1 damage due to his armor, and his chuckling intensified slightly as he realized that this boar physically could not kill him. Still chuckling from the ground, face partially-flushed from falling on his face, Ken remarked "Why not? I promise, it doesn't cost much. Kinda the point, actually."


    Kendre LV 1  | HP 19/20 | ENERGY 2/2
    DAM:  1 | EVA 0  | MIT 9 | ACC 0 |

    (Boar hit for 3hp, Mit'd to 1. Regen activates next turn.)

    ID# 135499 Battle: 1 MOB: 8

    BOAR PUP | HP: 1/5 | Drops Tusks on LD 11+


  4. "You're kinda annoying, you know that?" she said, causing him to chuckle a bit before responding with a joking grin, "Yeah, I've heard that before. Hasn't bothered me yet, though." before jumping nimbly over the little boar's attempt at a charge, landing gracefully before continuing, "As for being cavalier, they're tutorial mobs. I may not be the brawniest guy, but I've got a fair bit of gaming experience. I would wager that any build could handle these at level one, unless their first skill was something ridiculous, like searching or something. I mean, I've got virtually no dps, and this thing is over half dead."

    Gracefully sidestepping another adorable little charge, Ken casually bonked it on the head once again before leaning sideways to use his warhammer to lean on. If Mari were paying close attention, she may've noticed that Ken nearly always pivoted on his right leg, and kept the same leg in the forward position, making his right-handed attacks somewhat clumsy-looking, even if still surprisingly accurate. "Trust and believe, I'm not nearly so cavalier in an actually dangerous situation." he said, lifting his hammer to settle it over his shoulder before advancing to the gaze-averting woman and patting her gently on the shoulder as he walked toward the next batch of baby boars, saying as he passed, "I dunno, you've been bothering the boars, I guess. As for me, I think you made this a lot less boring. Plus, I got to show off my fabulous hips."

    Turning as he went, he flashed her a wink and a reassuring smile as he kept baiting the little baby boar along with him almost playfully, as he slowly meandered toward the next batch.



    Kendre LV 1  | HP 20/20 | ENERGY 2/2
    DAM:  1 | EVA 0  | MIT 9 | ACC 0 |

    ID# 135256 Battle: 7 MOB: 5

    BOAR PUP | HP: 1/5 | Drops Tusks on LD 11+


  5. Winking as Mari began a flustered defense, Ken burst out laughing as she called him a psycho, responding with an open-ended "Well, to be fair..." before turning an eye back to the boar pup engaging him. Another few deft steps and he had once again danced around the boar's attack before responding by casually allowing his arm to drop, the head of the hammer bouncing the boar's jaw off the ground upon impact, although the determined little thing remained alive. He called over to Mari, "Man, for a giant metal block on a stick, you'd think this would do more damage, if only on principle..."

    "Not exactly the fastest things around, eh?" he commented, observing the almost-docile boars wandering about; 2 engaged by them, and one still wandering freely, though surely others still lay in wait, their vile and villainous schemes being plotted. Or maybe they're just grazing?


    Kendre LV 1  | HP 20/20 | ENERGY 2/2
    DAM:  1 | EVA 0  | MIT 9 | ACC 0 |

    ID# 135156 Battle: 7

    BOAR PUP | HP: 2/5 | Drops Tusks on LD 11+

    Back at you, Le @Mari

  6. Laughing softly as she commented on the boars, "Hey, look, when a giant, floating, omnipotent digi-wizard traps me in a death game, I'm not trying to die when there's a perfectly good safe zone." Following Mari, he smirked softly at her reasoning, "Good to know I'm the best thing on your plate, then." Turning to watch as Mari stepped between him and the boar, he took a step back to ensure he could see clearly, even before she told him to watch, the he commented jokingly, "Hey, waving my hips around has done me well so far. I'm alive, and it clearly wasn't my personality that got you to help."

    Watching as she casually dismissed the first pup, Ken wasn't surprised in the least. Low-level mobs like this had always been essentially fodder, even for newbies, in most games. That said, he wasn't expecting it to look like assisted suicide for the boar; what kind of creature just walks face-first into a knife? Taking a step past the dagger-wielding miscreant he had found himself with, he swished his hips smoothly in a manner akin to a sashay as he approached the boar pups, calling back over his shoulder, "You seem pretty fascinated with my hips, Mama Mari. Guess you call me 'Bait' for wholly different reasons, eh?"

    Turning to regard the nearby pups, he readied his warhammer in a low position as he advanced casually, his stance wide-open and inviting. However, as soon as the first pup was within range, without a moment to spare, he used a bit of quick footwork to sidestep the boar smoothly as he spun using the weight of the hammer, resulting in an unimpressive but surprisingly smooth strike, hitting the boar on the side of the head firmly.


    Kendre LV 1  | HP 20/20 | ENERGY 2/2
    DAM:  1 | EVA 0  | MIT 9 | ACC 0 |

    ID# 135152 Battle: 9

    BOAR PUP | HP: 3/5 | Drops Tusks on LD 11+


  7. Ken strode up to Mari slowly with a resigned shrug, "Well, killing baby pigs wasn't exactly on my agenda, but if we must sacrifice to the Gaming Gods, then so be it." Checking his gear thoroughly, he stowed away his potions and other miscellany, as he didn't feel he would need them for the upcoming Battle of the Boars. Between a half-decent piece of starting armor and a large, blunt object, Ken felt reasonably assured of his impending victory, especially given that the mighty foe was essentially a pointy-faced piglet, ripe for the pokin'. Checking that his hammer was clear and ready to be drawn, he fastened his lab coat to obscure his armor and gaudy shirt before turning to Mari for direction. "So, happen to know where these pork cutlets are located?" he asked, genuinely uncertain as to where to find the beasties. Closing his UI, he tossed Mari a quick smile before saying, "Hey, by the way, I don't think I've mentioned it, but I appreciate the help... Even if I did suspect you were gonna stab me at first." His smile shifted to a joking grin at the last few words before he fell in behind her, ready to get going.


  8. "Thanks, Kendre! I could use your help on another matter, as well." said Lyle Tealeaf, a local blacksmith in the Town of Beginnings. Ken had found himself exploring outside of the Town when he ran across a strange young woman sitting atop a boulder by the name of Mari. Teaming up for the time being, Mari had helped show him a bit about completing quests and the like, leading him to help an Alchemist who then sent him on an errand to deliver a package to Lyle. Arriving in the smithy, he had completed his first quest when the smith had uttered those words. With a sigh, Kendre moved to accept the quest, fully expecting another fetch quest. That's how games go, right?

    "I seem to have run short on some of my more rare ingredients. Could you possibly go gather some Boar Pup Tusks for me?" the blacksmith said. Accepting the quest, Ken shrugged and turned to make his way back to where he had left Mari, outside the town. He was surprised and pleased that he wouldn't be running around the place picking up trash, like the last quest. He shuddered softly at his memory of the fish he had caught, and hurried on his way to meet up with @Mari, as if trying to escape the memory of the fish.


    Kendre LV 1  | HP 20 | ENERGY 2
    DAM:  1 | EVA 0  | MIT 9 | ACC 0 | 

    Warhammer | Breastplate +1 Regen, +1 Mitigation

    Rank 1 Warhammer


  9. Smiling back at her response, he had simply added in a quick comment over the shoulder, "If that's what makes you happy, then that's what you should go for. Whether your happiness is internal or external, lonely or accompanied, as far as I'm concerned, enjoyment is the only real reason to be alive. What's the point if you're not enjoying it, y'know?" However, as he stood here with some weird, NPC old dude, he ruminated on his words and their discussions as a whole. They had both, seemingly at least, been honest; however, he felt that maybe he was being a bit too forward. After all, they had only just met and he was just freely speaking his mind, which had not only not always gone right, but in most cases screwed things up. He didn't mind too much either way, but practically speaking, this was a situation where less enemies and more allies is always advisable. "Too little too late, I suppose. Let's just hope I didn't screw the pooch on this one..." he muttered quietly, slapping miscellaneous forest junk on the poor alchemist's counter.

    "You're lucky you can't smell this, NPC dude. Uhhh...Zakariah, I guess? Ehhh, NPC dude is good enough for you." Ken joked, mostly to himself, as he began the, hopefully fast, process of crafting poiso... err, potions. Finishing the potion on his first try, Ken eyes the alchemist warily before handing it over, feeling like this is too easy for a death game. Taking the package NPC dude hands him, Ken promptly gets out of there, just in case the place explodes. Never trust an Alchemist, after all. Eyeing the miscellaneous package, he finds himself unable to determine the contents for certain, and instead focuses on high-tailing it to NPC Dude #2, aka Lyle Whatsisname or something.

    Feeling notably bored of fetch-questing already, Ken steps into Lyle's shop and dispenses with any form of pleasantries, eager to finish this tedium. Handing the package to Lyle, Ken is disappointed to hear Lyle say, "Thanks, Kendre! I could use your help on another matter, as well." Sighing heavily, Ken pulls up his UI again and finishes off this quest in lieu of the next.

     ID# 134674 Craft: 8

    1/1 Pots Crafted (Rare Success)

    0/0 Pots Obtained (cause NPC dude won't share)

    1/1 Packages Delivered


  10. Waving his hand dismissively at her comment on family, he remarked "People say that you don't pick your family; That's bull. Most of my family isn't related to me, and none of my family shares my irl surname. That includes blood relatives. Personally, I like to think of the people who stand by you, no matter what, as my real family. You don't choose your relatives, true, but you can certainly choose everything and everyone afterward. If I can figure out where they got off to, some of my not-family family are actually here. I'll introduce you sometime. As for prison, well... That sucks."

    Nodding his understanding at her instruction, he smirked at the remark on his ingredients, responding "Naaaah, I have friends for that. What they don't know has a chance to not hurt them, after all!" before examining Mari's HUD as she explained the next steps. Grinning softly at her closing comment, he swished his hips, bumping his hip against hers as he responded "If you insist..." before looking for the direction back to town. Assuming Mari would guide him back on track if he went the wrong way, as he often did, he pretended to confidently stride back the way he thought they had come.

    Eventually arriving back at the town, he smiled and waved at Mari before making his way back into the town. Having spent five years hiding here, he knew most of the streets and alleys, and so made his way to the Alchemist's shop with little issue. Ready to draw his hammer, purely for potion-brewing purposes, he made his way over to the Alchemist and waited to see how things would go. You never really knew with those Alchemist types; might make you a healing potion, might blow up their house. Ken was hoping for the former!

    10/10 Materials Obtained

    1/1 @Maris Lost

    1/1 Possible Crazy Alchemist Obtained


  11. Smiling softly at her laugh, he was rather surprised at the reaction as it was the first genuine merriment he had seen from the woman so far. Dragging the uglyfish back to shore carefully, still facing away, he chuckled softly at her Darwinism comment and retorted "Not such a bad thing. Never really liked the real world much, anyway. Only thing that really keeps me caring at all is family, books, and gaming. Although, I guess I can't really count gaming in that list, now that it's trying to kill me, too. Man, so much for escapism..."

    Shrugging as she asked about masks and whatnot, he commented "Well, I suppose to some degree, but at the same time, did you see all the idiots who went from girls to guys in the plaza? Too funny. And as for your appearance, though I might be biased toward redheads, but I think you're plenty attractive as you are. Plus, let's be real, but the most gorgeous people in the world can be some really ugly people, and vice versa. Personality goes a lot further, especially on the net, than looks."

    Tossing the fish over his shoulder onto the shore, he noticed an unshapely, lumpy turtle crawling into the water and scooped it up, too. "And there's ten of the weirdest potion ingredients ever. I'll totally give these to one of my friends. I ain't eatin' the uglyfish. So what now, off to this merchant guy? How are you supposed to turn in your half of the mats, if he's in town?"


    ID# 134451 Loot: 11

    10/10 Materials Obtained

    1/1 Dry @Maris Obtained

  12. Chuckling as his extremely poor verbal feint was somehow successful, he averted his eyes as she tried to dry off. "Perfectly fine, eh? Is that why I have a crazy strong lady drudging in the lake with me? It was the lab coat, right? Always knew it accentuated my curves." he joked, even cocking his hip to the side for the amusement factor. Wading slightly deeper to find some more stones, he said "I remember that fad. Bunch of lame dudes in the fantasy version of black trench coats, right? Looked like a bunch of shady drug-dealing kids. Of course, I was camped in the town at the time, so I'm assuming Darwinism did its work."

    Standing up as she commented on his frame, he turned back with a slight smirk, "Well, I was originally big and buff and manly-looking, but then that GM dude went and screwed it up. Real life, I'm not quite so physically vigorous as my characters. Still somehow found a few girlfriends over the years, though. That's mainly why I finally decided to leave the town is to get home to her sometime before we all die of old age. I'd rather survive, though, so I figured sticking with what I know and tanking is probably my best bet. Let the crazies run in without a shield, I'll be hiding behind mine as much as I can. Plus, I figure my screaming like a little girl might serve as a good distraction."

    However, as she mentioned moving to dry off, he had to ask "Uh... Go for a swim? Didn't you say there were some kinda monster fish in here? I don't think it'll be scared away by these broad shoulders, y'know." as he made his way a bit deeper nervously. He had never particularly liked open water such as lakes or oceans. Never knew what could be in there, especially in a game where things can spawn in the water. Not wanting to look the part of a coward, though, he did explore deeper into the water in spite of his trepidation, feeling around with both hands and feet as he studiously kept his back to the woman behind him, though he was surprised to feel some kind of fish swim right into his closing hand, like a gift from the lake. Pulling his hand out, he found what looked like a particularly ugly catfish as he commented, "Flowers, rocks, and an ugly fish that prolly tastes like the boot I found earlier. I don't envy whoever drinks this potion."


    ID# 134449 Loot: 20

    09/10 Materials Obtained

    1/1 Soggy @Maris Obtained

  13. Nodding his fervent agreement at her frustrated venting, he continued to sift through the silt beneath the water, he piped up as she finished her initial rant, "I know, right? Everyone thought it was OH SO FUNNY. Although, I guess you had different luck with the attracti... Err, well, not that I.... OH LOOK A ROCK!" before pretending fervently to be distracted before pulling an old boot out of the water, commenting "Err... Guess not..."

    Having sufficiently evaded his verbal misstep, he hoped, he glanced over at her and tried to imagine her in all pink, and couldn't help but remark "Wasn't all pink a bit gaudy, though?" as he continued to fish around. "As for kicking the addiction, it was never so much an addiction. I've quit a few times, mostly due to money, and it wasn't really difficult. Mostly, I smoke simply because I enjoy it." he said just before she began to topple forward. Stepping forward to catch her, he found himself a bit too slow and standing over a sodden ginger. Offering a hand to help her up, he remarked "I try. By the way, the name's Kendre, though you can call me Bait if you prefer. I'm aiming to be somewhat of a tank, anyway, so it'll be accurate. But hey, water aside, at least I didn't lead with 'Hey gorgeous'." with a soft grin, trying to keep his amusement under wraps. 


    ID# 134447 Loot: 2

    7/10 Materials Obtained

  14. Choosing, possibly wisely, to simply listen as she explained a bit about herself, he deigned not to interrupt, just appreciating the scenic vistas as he listened to her talk. Smirking as she commented on doing what she could, he glanced her way and finally remarked, "I'm sure you could leap buildings in a single bound if you got creative. Ever consider legos?"

    As they approached the lake, he looked down at his apparel briefly before realizing he hadn't planned for a wet adventure. Shrugging his misgivings away, he quickly unequipped his lab coat, breastplate, and shirt, leaving him in just jeans and boots before he glanced up to realize the jumper was gone, and he found himself staring a moment before glancing away, not wanting to be rude as he remarked, "Well, we seem to be of a similar state of affairs, then. I get much the same reaction from people, although they tend to just call me weird and go about their business. The red hair doesn't get us as far as folks would have us believe, am I right?"

    Wading into the water a couple steps behind her, he caught the rock she had tossed him and briefly examined it before stowing it away and sifting around in the water for one of his own, listening as she spoke, dismissing her self-deprecation out of hand, "Hey, everyone's a hypocrite, didn't you know? Not that I like hypocrisy, but it's often an unavoidable circumstance of life, sadly. Why, I as a teen often criticized folks for smoking cigarettes, called 'em coffin nails. Now? Pack a day, or so."

    Fishing around in the water some more, he felt something brush against his palm and pulled up another shiny rock, tossing it to Mari. "You needed five materials, too, right? Have a soggy rock."


     ID# 134419 Loot: 14

    6/10 Materials Obtained


  15. Glancing around and grabbing one last flower delicately between a finger and a thumb, he stowed it in his inventory once again before regarding the girl quizzically, "Why wouldn't they like your company? You've got all the hallmarks of popularity. You sit on rocks brooding, hesitantly assist random passerby, and even have a knife on hand in case you need to cut bread... or people. What's not to like? Only kidding, I generally don't trust or like most people, but so far you seem to have been honest. And if you meant me harm, well... We know how that would've gone. Is there a reason I shouldn't enjoy your company?"

    Following the direction of her thumb, Ken looked past her to where the lay supposedly lay. While he couldn't see it quite yet, she hadn't given him any reason to believe she's being anything but honest. And, really, she had no reason not to be; she was clearly more experienced, and had survived at least one PvP encounter. He had little to teach, little to give, and little reward for a robber or a PKer. The only logical conclusion was that she genuinely wanted to help him, for whatever reason, and Ken had no intention of arguing the cute, but deadly, woman.

    Adjusting his lab coat to cover him a bit more comfortably, he tilted his head in the direction of the lake, "Care to take the lead, since you know where we're going?"


    ID# 134415 Loot: 12

    4/10 Materials Obtained

  16. Smirking at her hasty response, Ken rebutted "I mean, I don't have any medals yet, so I wouldn't mind..." before returning his gaze to the flowers. Shrugging at her halfhearted compliment, he plucked another flower like the last, depositing it into his inventory as he continued his previous thought, "... but I think the company is a better reward than a trinket. Well, unless it had some sort of enhancement, I guess, but you know what I mean."

    Tossing another smile the girl's way, recognizing that she's having social difficulties, he didn't want to alienate his first potential ally... especially one that could kill him! But, more than that, he had yet to regroup with his friends, and he could think of few better ways to spend his time than trying to help someone else. Returning his attention to the task at hand, he nodded his understanding to the girl, "I see, I suppose it makes sense that some mats would be a bit more challenging. Although, is it really not worth getting the gathering skills? What about crafting? Or do people just sell the mats, or something?"


    ID# 134413 Loot: 13

    3/10 Materials Obtained

  17. Ken raised each arm into a "v" shape, palms skyward, as he shook his head slowly, remarking, "Whaaaat? Just offering to do as you asked..." before turning to look back at her with a joking grin. Feeling kind of bad as the girl took on a notably embarrassed expression, he quickly added "Was only joking with ya, sorry if I made you uncomfortable."

    Taking the flower from her, he nodded his thanks before depositing it into his inventory for the moment. Sink to a knee in the flowers, he looked for a flower similar to the one she had grabbed; seeing a similar one, he reached out and plucked it delicately, pleased to have gotten one so quickly. Glancing over to Mari with a wide grin, he held up the flower and said, "I think I'm getting the hang of it. Not too difficult at all. Is gathering always this easy?"

    ID# 134411 Loot: 14

    2/10 Materials obtained

  18. Turning to regard her, "Offering? I don't remember offering. You're the one with the deadly weapons, so... I guess the price you set is kinda non-negotiable?" Ken replied with a joking smile, still moderately concerned about offending her and getting stabbed by said weapon. However, he figured his best chances of that unwanted scenario being avoided were to cooperate with the scary, yet cute, woman in front of him. It wasn't his first time ingratiating himself with dangerous folks in a game, just the first time where the danger was more real than losing some experience or money. And, in his experience, treating folks like normal people was usually key in keeping them complacent. Don't insult them, don't deride them, and when possible, compliment them until they either like you, you get away, or you end up with a sick case of Stockholm Syndrome.

    Nodding his head once again as he listened to her explanation, he was amused to find that which materials didn't really matter all that much. Turning to regard the field she mentioned, he felt his face turn a light shade of red as he turned to regard her, saying "I mean, if that's your price..." before winking quickly and wandering into the flowers to begin his search for miscellaneous plant-based materials.

    ID# 134396  Loot: 7

  19. Chuckling softly at her initial response, he cut in quickly "Actually, I wouldn't really say you're suspicious looking, overall. The floating icon is a pretty quick giveaway. I tend to be a bit suspicious of everyone, though, so it's not a big deal."

    Talking fast, to reassure his newfound, very dangerous guide, he mentally amused himself with the idea that he's basically about to be raised by a digital wolf; a predator, waiting patiently in the wild for who-knows-what. Fighting off a quiet laugh, he muttered to himself, "Should've named myself Romulus..." as he listened to her explanation. However, Mari likely noticed him stiffen quickly as she stepped closer, especially after the comment about the weapon.

    Nodding his agreement to most everything she was saying, he was well and truly surprised at how generous and welcoming this person was. Maybe she had just gotten into an altercation? He wasn't certain as to what had transpired to bring her to having that icon, so he would wait and see... Plus, at this point, he really had no chance of escape if it came to that, assuming she really was an orange player.

    Pulling up his own HUD, he mimicked her motions and read the name of the quest aloud, "The First Few Lessons are Free... That mean you're not charging for the info?" he finished with a joking grin.

    "You know what kind of materials the quest requires, I assume?"

  20. Fighting a slight laugh at how immediately she saw through his lie, though he listened to hear her out. Logically, as long as she didn't stab him to death, which she could've done already, there was no harm to having a much stronger player to help him out... Or at least give him some direction. Calling out to her after she began to walk away, "Hey, Mari, hold up. I do apologize for the rude introduction, but when an orange player is camped outside of the safe zone greeting low level players... Well, I think I'd have better chances walking around out here without gear than wantonly trusting orange players. That said, yeah, no, I was just trying to buy time to run if I need it. If you're willing to help, and not stab me, then it would be both rude and foolish to turn down assistance... Assuming that's still an option?"

    Reaching up to interlock his fingers behind his head as he awaited her response, he was merely satisfied with making it through yet another day. As much as he didn't want to return to his normal life and world, he still needed the frontlines to hurry up, even if that meant putting himself in the Frontlines. His girl was waiting at home, and had been this entire time. He trusted her to wait, but he also didn't want her to leave him for dead either, and if this dragged on much longer, he couldn't blame her for doing so.

  21. Ken looked askance at the cute girl across from him and his reclusive life experiences kicked in even before he saw the icon above her head glowing orange, causing him to immediately halt his gait. Turning to face her more directly, his lab coat button closed, only revealing his undershirt as he replied "And what if I said I had other people waiting and watching us right now while I bait folks away from the town, since I'm allowed there?"

    As the girl approached, he could feel his heart hammering,  knowing in his mind that he had virtually no option of escape unless this orange player either wasn't in the mood, or believed his lie. However, to reinforce his story, he gently used one finger to lower her prodding finger just a hair to feel the breastplate hidden underneath the lab coat before stepping away. "Not everything is out in the open, especially for a distraction. Something I can help you with, Miss?"


  22. Wandering the streets of the Town of Beginnings, Kendre had found himself uncertain as to where to go or what to do. Having found himself trapped in the game alongside everyone else, he had spent an inordinately long amount of time making certain he had a decent piece of armor. He had someone at home he had to get back to, so he couldn't take needless risks. Finally having both the armor and courage to get out of the safety of the first town, he realized he wasn't quite certain as to what to do.

    Coming to this realization, he decided to make his way outside the Town and see what he could find. Maybe he could glean an idea of where to start, or maybe even find a traveling companion until he could locate his other friends. And so, he made his way into the beyond the gates in search of guidance.



  23. Story Thus Far:

    Nothin' yet!




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