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Posts posted by Hinatao

  1. "And I got where they lived." she said slowly, before looking up at the others. "Hey, look around for a farm about a mile or two to the north of here." she said, before she looked at someone else. "You, go up to the door and get every scent you can while she looks about." she said as she ruffled her hair. If the people who were robbing people lived here then she could just get rid of all threats right here and now. Then she wouldn’t have to worry about getting mugged all the way to her destination. All signs all led to the same vineyard, it would be plenty of evidence for probable cause. Why was she caring so much about that today?

    It wasn't long before someone called back that she had found the farm, and she returned shortly afterward. "All right, lets go." she said as they headed out according to that directions.

  2. The more she thought about it, the more frustrated she became. Her experience came in handy here, as it allowed her to look at the legality of her actions from the viewpoint of one. So, with that in mind, Hinata knew she didn't have enough evidence to acquire a meaningful reason behind breaking in, if they even gave them to her. She could go for probable cause, but she didn't feel she had enough evidence for that either

    Granted, she didn't know how long the guards would take and she was considering taking the risk when someone spoke up. "Hinata, weren't there two other groups that were hijacked and stolen from not too long ago." the girl asked. Hinata considered for a moment, then nodded. "Yes. I almost went for them instead, but I decided to take that case since I feel I had a better chance of solvin' it than most." she said in thought.

  3. Fortunately, between someone’s keen nose and her eyes, they would have no trouble finding some bad people, if they were indeed kept on the plantation.


    And it seemed they were, as the trail veered towards the plantation with, going straight up to the door of the house ahead of them. Hinata paused for a moment and wiped her eyes, then stepped out of sight of the vineyard windows. Wiping her eyes with her hands to try and clear the strange effect on her vision, Hinata thought for a moment. She was fairly certain the people after them were in there, and she had no moral inhibitions about breaking into the house and nailing every suspect to the wall with blinding fury. But she also had to consider the possible legal ramifications of her actions. She'd be trespassing, there was no doubt about that, but did she have legal reason to do so.

  4. As the world had significantly more danger than made sense, meaning their noses could be put on the trail at almost any time. Taking a puff on her pipe, Hinata’s partner considered the possibility that this criminal would be less prepared than the ones she was used to dealing with before shrugging the problem off. She would treat this particularly nasty task as if they were the most dangerous and well-prepared of criminals. If they turned out to be less than her expectations, she would enjoy the pleasant surprise. If they met her expectations, she would be prepared for it. The group continued on the trail and eventually Hinata signaled that there was a vineyard ahead of them. Hinata considered the ramifications of that as they continued on the trail. A vineyard would make an ideal place to hide an abduction victim, as there was plenty of room to hide whatever they were imprisoned in.

  5. The trail lasted for a long time, far longer than Hinata had expected it to last. With some partner at her side and birds up in the skies above, Hinata had expected to hear of any number of possible places that she could go next. Yet while Hinata had heard of many places, they passed them without the trail veering towards any of them. "Whoever is after us has a clear destination in mind." Hinata said as she let out a sigh. That fact alone had Hinata on edge, since it meant she was liable to run into more trouble than she initially thought. One did not take the job of hunting someone down unless one was prepared for possible trouble over it.

    As they walked, she mulled that over for a bit, her eyes never leaving the trail. In truth, it was possible that criminals within the world tended to be more prepared than those in other lands

  6. The man looked at Hinata’s partner or whatever she was with teary eyes and asked, “HOW CAN SHE SLAP?” only to get slapped again. This would continue for about a minute before the guy finally said, “there’s three of us. Jeeze just let me go!” In this dream they were travelling for some reason. They began their journey and they came across a trail that was all over the farm, and led to a city as well, but there was one trail that went off completely away from the city, and it was alone. "Did you ever take the path to the west?" someone asked her, who blinked in surprise and shook her head. "Then I have my trail. I will return as soon as I have proper word." she said, her tone gentle before she started off in the direction of the single trail. Who knew why dreams were what they were.

  7. Hinata’s day started by waking from a dream. She was interrogating someone. Was that really it? She only recalled so little in the vast strangeness of the dream. She was standing next to someone who she assumed to be on ‘her side’ and was staring at a man who was tied up. The person next to her asked, “how good are you at interrogations?” “Interrogation? Well let’s find out,” she said with a furrowed brow. She was not actually a mean person. She was kind and gentle at heart. If this had been a more adult setting she might have tried a little seduction or something of the like. But this was not the right time or place for anything like that. She walked up to the guy and smacked him on the cheek. “Yeah! Tell us how many others are after us.” “No!’ he shouted. “Then here, have a slap!” she shouted back as she slapped him again.

  8. Well it looked like her familiar had gotten all the combat experience that it needed. It’d attacked almost all day while she had observed it, gathered, and given it some attention. Hopefully this would be enough to appease the game system in order to make the game give her the familiar mastery fighter skill instead of the protector skill because honestly the protector one wasn’t doing her much good. But whatever. She headed on home following the old beaten trail. “If there is a trail to be found in any fashion, I will find it." she said, her tone gentle, but reassuring. She considered her own words, for a moment before nodding and following a turn in the path. This was good news, she thought. This meant that she wouldn’t be stuck taking the old beaten trail. She’d explore a bit before getting on home. God knew she needed a little change of pace.



    2 SP (1 thread 1 event)

    400 col



  9. "mY name is Hinata, area you selling any snacks? I’m tired and my familiar could use something.” She did’t know if she was talking to a player or NPC. It looked like an NPC really. The old lady looked at her and said “I'm looking for someone to help me with my trip today." she said, her tone gentle. The woman looked at her a moment, then scowled slightly. "We've had so many come up empty. I don't want to hope when there's no chance, not again. What could you do that they couldn't?" she asked, her tone harshened by grief and pain. Hinata smiled sympathetically at her and stepped aside, gesturing at herself. “Clearly there’s some misunderstanding,” she said and then she exited the small building to go back into the great outdoors. She didn’t want to accept any quests especially from a rude NPC like that old hag.

  10. She was right. Her eagle took advantage of the motion and swooped in, piercing the mob with its beak. That was quite some damage, she thought. She was happy that it was doing some damage because she had been planning on switching her weapon to a tier 2 one soon. She’d already refunded her dagger skill too. She was thinking a katana since those did a lot more damage for literally no downsides. Once she was ready, she walked up to the and knocked on the door of a shop that she thought sold food. There was a pause before the door opened, revealing a woman who clearly showed signs of distress. As the familiar swooped ont oHinata’s shoulder she looked at the woman’s disheveled clothes, obvious weight loss, bags under her eyes from lack of sleep, these all told of her sorry. "Yes?" she asked, her voice oddly empty.

  11. She kept walking along, letting her eagle aggro and fight whatever it wanted really. Somehow this was building its combat experience. She could tell because its meter just kept increasing. In the meantime she though about what was with it with bad guys in movies proclaiming their intentions like they were unstoppable and then they always ended up dying? She almost wanted to laugh out loud, but she remembered that things at hand were pretty serious. She watched her eagle’s current enemy form a bunch of flaming chains that went to try to wrap around the bird but he merely swerved to the side at the last moment. He then started diving at the enemy and, though she couldn’t tell from this distance what they were. The mob tried to redirect the chains but Hinata didn’t think they were fast enough. Hopefully his movment was now limited to traveling in one direction though.


    Walking along it wasn’t long until they found an enemy to fight. As she approached the point where people liked to meet up, Hinata put out her equipment and stowed in a pocket of her jacket before she paused to make sure her coat was hanging properly and she was otherwise presentable. Aside from her face she looked the very model of a respectable hunter, which of course she wasn’t exactly but she didn’t want that to be seen through. She just wanted to come by, do what she came here to do, and then get out of here. Well, that and get her familiar some good training, but that wasn't really a major issue at the moment, she figured. It didn’t take long for her familiar to aggro another mob and fight it to the death. It was amazing just how much it had improved in one short day. At the beginning it couldn’t even catch a fly and now it was taking down mobs!

  13. Afterwards she made her way out to another area for her eagle to do some training to round out her day. That was her goal. "I know there's not likely to be any use to training today, but I have to try." she said, gesturing in the direction of the grounds she meant with her finger before she took another big sigh. "Of course god knows that I should be training too. Maybe he saw me slacking off and wants me to get back to it." Her voice sounded in her minds as she kicked a rock down the road. "It just doesn't matter to him. If nothing else though, I can give a reason to keep me around, rather than leaving that in uncertainty." the she said before she caught another rock with her foot. "There's a isolated farming area about another half a hour or so ahead. Probably the one I’ll use." she said as she continued to walk lazily.

  14. “I think it’s time for your familiar to do some actual battle,” someone told her so she thought, “yes that’s a good idea.” She took her familiar out to go fight some enemies. She stayed out of aggro range and let her eagle go and attack some stuff. It was getting its butt kicked but for all she knew it couldn’t die so she just let it keep attacking and getting hurt. “Right you are.” Enter someone else. She jumped down from a hill and walked over to observe. She was here to establish her presence. Since she wasn’t technically going to gain anything by being here she might s well meet some people. She walked up to Hinata and said, “I take it your eagle is performing admirably,” to which the owner Hinata nodded. “Good, then for the record I, would like to sit and watch as your eagle keeps fighting. I am trying to train my own familiar soon.”



    She looked down at the various NPCs as she walked through the area to make sure that nothing was amiss. She said, “oh, I don’t know, they just do this when I get excited,” she said to a passerby who thought she was looking suspicious. She continued after some time saying, “I should probably be a little less suspicious and it might help out. They don’t seem to mind me shopping around here or anything.” She then walked into Macradon’s store and submitted an order for a katana. “I’d like this made for me please,” she said to the person manning the desk.


    Name: Damaging Katana
    Your Profession: Blacksmith
    Your Rank: 10
    ID: [Leave Blank]
    Roll: [Leave Blank]
    Item Type: Weapon
    Tier: 2
    Quality: perfect
    Enhancements: Accuracy 3
    Description: A medium length katana that looks extraordinarily plain. It shimmers when light glistens off of it though
    Post Link: [Leave Blank]

  16. The eagle flew around, somehow victorious against the other bird in the sky. It looked proud of itself but Hinata largely ignored it. She was busy gathering while her familiar was busy getting hurt and dealing hurt. Instead Hinata turned to the side and asked, “you want to make a team and go train famliars gotehre?” The person said, “I don’t think we can be in a party since this is a solo mission, not officially anyways. I don’t mind if we go out together though. You will just have to inform me so I can swing by and show up.” With that she nodded to Hinata and made her leave. She was gone in an instant it seemed like and she ran after her as fast as she could. She waved back at her familiar as she left and then it swerved around to follow her. This quest was stale.

    1t2 mat

    3 total

    ID# 145253 results:

     Battle: 6

     Craft: 11

     Loot: 19

     MOB: 8

  17. Her familiar was actually winning the mock battle in midair. It let her focus on other things while they did combat. As she walked along looking for materials she failed to find any. Instead she stepped into some mud and got stuck. Being pulled out of the mud, she couldn’t help but feel like a fool. But it wasn’t like this was a high stakes environment. She realized that to most she probably seemed like a bit of a dolt. Someone had to be below average and that pretty much summed up who she was as a person.


    “Yes, let’s work together,” she said to someone else who was gathering nearby while grabbing his hand and stepped onto firm ground. She was immediately jerked one way and she relied on Hanabi’s support to make it further down the path. This one was going to be a difficult as she’d predicted. The sides of the mud were littered with people who had tried to walk here solo. There was no penalty or anything, it was just something the developer through in to add a little spice to gathering.


    no l00t

     ID# 145252 results:

     Battle: 4

     Craft: 12

     Loot: 8

     MOB: 9


    She asked the question and then she got told the sad tale of the person’s past as she continued looking around for mats. Oh here we go, another sob story she thought as he told her about his past. But in this world loss was just so commonplace that it made it incredibly lucky for her to never have experienced it. “No, it’s okay. It’s good to say these things or else one might forget.” Hinata would look up into the sky and see the flying figure and note that this was a humongous bird. Then she looked closer. “Hey, does that thing look like a… big humongous bird?” she pointed at the bird who was flying overhead. It wasn’t unheard of to see a bird but this one seemed to be randomly generated to the largest size possible. It was quite impressive so long as it left them alone. It attacked her own familiar and she cheered her famliar on as it fought. 


    no loot

     ID# 145251 results:

     Battle: 3

     Craft: 12

     Loot: 4

     MOB: 1

  19. Ah yes, she was just lounging around, chatting with friends. She didn’t know how she ended up giving up on the obstacle course so easily but at least she was in good company. The bird was "resting" and circling around above. She had it changing its speed and all that so that it got "exersize" but it was just a virtual bird so did it do anything? She got to her feet and walked around, gathering even more as she had little else to do but that. So why was she here to begin with? That was always a question that people liked to ask. And really she didn’t have a good answer, “just bored, wanted to gather some materials,” is the answer she gave today. Unlike most she didn’t seem to have any real convictions. “I am gathering for the money mostly. What about you?” As they walked there would be something looking like a bird up above. Would anyone notice at all? By her calculations she needed like a hundred more materials at least before she could consider investing in t2 crafts.


    training familiar 1/3

     ID# 146165 results:

     Battle: 1

     Craft: 8

     Loot: 1

     MOB: 9


  20. On her way walking around with no particular goal in mind she decided that she wanted to gather just a little bit more materials to round out her day while her familiar continued attacking random things that she pointed at. It's not like it did any damage but these simple commands counted as training as far as she knew. She made sure to gather up every last bit of it because she was going to have to give it to the person who hired her. She was sure she had enough, but she was always supposed to get more than necessary because some of it invariably got removed from her supply because she crushed it or it was too young to be used. Or at least, that’s what someone had told her way back when. Now she guessed that she could finally get enough to consider being done for now and then she wrapped up. She hummed a sweet tune as she tucked away all the stuff she found and then smiled at the sky for a couple minutes before getting on with whatever she was doing.  

    found 1 t2 mat

     ID# 145125 results:

     Battle: 5

     Craft: 6

     Loot: 12+3

     MOB: 3

  21. She shook her head for the umpteenth time today. She just needed to do one more hit and finish the fox off for good. She was however certain that someone had advised her not to go alone in the middle of this place... At that moment, everything happened very quickly. From her combat form to sending out her attack. She seemed to transform in the heat of the final moments of battle to resume her usual calm and collected appearance. Having regained her composure over the dead fox’s body, she quickly returned to her normal demeanor, thus managing to propel herself back out of the area and off to safety. She felt like she almost floated into the air under her amazed feelings. She just wanted to soar away if only she could. But she would be firmly planted on the ground as she ran back to shelter. It was only fitting.

    x13] Eternal Cyclone (11 Energy)


    I deal: 117 damage

    Fox deals: 0 damage

    Fox: dead

    Me: 228/560 health 14/56 EN


     ID# 145107 results:

     Battle: 3 + 3 

     Craft: 2

     Loot: 5

     MOB: 10



    Looting Fox:

    5616 col (468*12 (4 for nature's treasure, 3 for prosperity, 4 for even CD/LD, 1 loot drop))

    1 t2 material from nature's treasure

    1 Rare Trinket  ID# 145110


     ID# 145110 results:

     Battle: 7

     Craft: 12

     Loot: 6

     MOB: 10


    Total claims for this thread:

    2 SP (1 thread, 1 event)

    13504 col  

    9 t2 materials

    1 Rare Consumable  ID# 145074
    1 Rare Weapon  ID# 145074

    1 Rare Trinket  ID# 145110


  22. She showed her determination in the form of a battle cry from which it was impossible to detect any delicacy. While she was feeling sorry for herself, her combat opponent given her a strategy before rushing into the fray. She remembered its movements when it was running at her last time. So she felt like she was already fighting against the assault while trying to dodge various slashes and such. She realized that she had to create distance to better isolate herself from further attacks. That or she could just finish the fox off. She needed to make a decision and quick. She decided to… go for it! She went in head first and then slashed with her blade at the last possible moment, sending the fox launching back without any chance of recovering. It was going to be hurting for the rest of its life even if it managed to escape.


    I miss: 0 damage

    Fox deals: 90 damage

    Fox: 117

    Me: 138/560 health 24/56 EN



     ID# 145105 results:

     Battle: 1

     Craft: 8

     Loot: 17

     MOB: 8

  23. No, she was not a coward she decided as she slashed away, this time striking the fox. She had fought until the last tear, until the last drop of blood, until the last breath. On this day, she promised herself. She would carry a certain ideal of peace within her until she in turn give this last breath. She would be the one to lift the world out of the vicious cycle of hate. For now, she had to make sure that she did not die in vain, that her honor was not tarnished by vulgar abominations mastered by a bawdy unable to fight with her own hands. She dried her tears with a fold of her outfit before getting up. The look of a distraught girl had given way to that of an unscrupulous warrior ready to do battle. She was going to rise to be the best one day, she could feel it. Or she could die trying.

     ID# 145104 results:

     Battle: 10

     Craft: 3

     Loot: 11

     MOB: 7


    [x13] Eternal Cyclone (11 Energy)


    I deal: 117 damage

    Fox deals: 90 damage

    Fox: 117

    Me: 228/560 health 24/56 EN



  24. She struck again, feeling the wind pass through her blade as she missed. It was all well and in good fun. She didn’t expect to ground pond this fox with every strike attempt. She had to miss sometimes or she would be a mary sue and that would be no fun at all. But she couldn’t help but get a sad feeling as she thought more to how much she had suffered in her time here. The feeling of cold flowed down her cheeks, associating with that which immobilized her there. She thought to the great people and heroes that made their mark already in this world. It was hard to think that she had a chance at standing up to them and that saddened her. Was it because she was just weak right now? Or maybe there was something else at play. About to leave. Not without her knowledge. 

    everyone misses


     ID# 145103 results:

     Battle: 2

     Craft: 5

     Loot: 7

     MOB: 1

  25. Not too long later her friend came out of the area too and would be greeted with this carnage. “I really hope this was the fox I was supposed to take down,” she said as she cut into the fox some more. She didn’t know if someone else had aggro’d it or not. She just knew that it was full of loot and she wanted it dead. Her friend had weapons on him which was really the only thing she had reacted to. Though now she realized she should have taken at least a little bit of time to discern whether or not this was actually the her mob before making her move. She was pretty sure that murdering other’s mobs was against one of the courtesy rules around here, even if she was allowed by the rules of the game to take said mobs. She certainly didn’t want her name to get muddied because of some stupid mishap like that.

    [x13] Eternal Cyclone (11 Energy)


    I deal: 117 damage

    Fox deals: 91 damage

    Fox: 234

    Me: 318/560 health 35/56 EN


     ID# 145102 results:

     Battle: 4+3

     Craft: 2

     Loot: 18

     MOB: 9

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